M0 communication to configurable-Web-Server (MQTT) Version 0.1

Dependencies:   LM75B mbed

Siehe auch FTKL-Tagung 2016

diff -r b9fd13f34c2d -r 63135b94c898 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Sun Nov 06 15:36:07 2016 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Jan 14 19:49:08 2018 +0000
@@ -1,48 +1,217 @@
-#include <mbed.h>
-//#include <config.h>   // Bertl
-#include <LM75B.h>
+#include "mbed.h"
+#include <stdio.h>
+#include <string>
+//using namespace std; 
 DigitalOut  LedD1(LED1);
 DigitalOut  LedD2(LED2);
 DigitalOut  LedD3(LED3);
 DigitalOut  LedD4(LED4);
+AnalogIn poti1(p19);
+AnalogIn poti2(p20);
 //Serial wifi(P1_0, P0_20); // Bertl
 Serial wifi(p9, p10);       // M0
 Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
-LM75B sensor(p28, p27);
+char recChar=0;
+bool recFlag=false;
-char str[30];
+//string fromEsp8266 = "Arduino_SD041";
+string fromEsp8266 = "";
+string toEsp8266 = "";
+string periodicMsg="";
+long lastMsg = 0;
+int url_decode(char *encoded_str, char *decoded_str);
-int main()
-    wifi.printf("Hello M3 MQTT\n");
+ string getPoti(char potiNo) {
+    char pValStr[20] = "ME-01";
+    int n=-1;
+    // pc.printf("Poti %c selected\r\n", potiNo);
+    if (potiNo == '1')    
+        n = sprintf(pValStr, "%d", poti1.read_u16()); 
+    else if (potiNo == '2')
+        n = sprintf(pValStr, "%d", poti2.read_u16()); 
+    if (n<=0)
+        sprintf(pValStr, "ME01"); 
+    pc.printf("Wert von Poti %c: %s\r\n", potiNo, pValStr);
+    //mcu.printf("_P%c:%s\r", potiNo, pValStr);
+    return pValStr;
-    while (1) {
-        wifi.scanf("%s", str);
-        //wifi.printf("str: %s\n", str);
-        if(str[0] == 'H' && str[1] == 'L')  // 1. GET--> Serving Requests part in http-server
-            wifi.printf( "HL Msg: %s\n", str);
-        if(str[0] == 'M' && str[1] == 'V')  // 1. GET--> Serving Requests part in http-server
-            ;//Move();                         //    ?reqest=MV
-        else if(str[0] == 'T') {
-            if (str[1] == 'L')
-                ;//TurnLeft();
-            else if (str[1] == 'R')
-                ;//TurnRight();
-        } else {                            // 3. GET--> Serving M0 Board part in http-server
-            if(str[7] == '1')  {             //    ?M0=SD&chan=04&state=1 --> M0_SD_04_1
-                LedD1 = (str[9] -'0');
-                wifi.printf( "LedD1\n");
-            }
-            if(str[7] == '2')
-                LedD2 = (str[9] -'0');
-            if(str[7] == '3')
-                LedD3 = (str[9] -'0');
-            if(str[7] == '4')
-                LedD4 = (str[9] -'0');
-            if(str[3] == 'G')
-                wifi.printf( "Temp: %f\n", sensor.read());
+// Process Requests from ESP8266
+void ReadAndProcessRequests() {
+    int chan,state,button;
+    float Ain;
+    char szAin[20],szT[200];
+    string poti;
+//    while(1) {
+        //char inChar = 'A';            // get the new byte
+        //if (inChar != '\n') {
+        //    fromEsp8266 += inChar;                         // add it to receive string
+        //}
+        //else 
+   // while(wifi.readable()) {
+    //    char inChar = (char)wifi.getc();            // get the new byte
+    //    if (inChar != '\n') {
+    //        fromEsp8266 += inChar;                         // add it to receive string
+    //    }
+                                      // process string if end of line
+             if(fromEsp8266.substr(0,8)=="Arduino_") {   // Valid command from ESP8266?
+                if(fromEsp8266.substr(8,2) == "SM") {  // Set Digital if true
+                    // --- Build Reply String -----------------------------------------------
+                    toEsp8266 = "Echoing your message: ";
+                    toEsp8266 += fromEsp8266.substr(10,50); 
+                    wifi.printf("%s\n", toEsp8266); 
+                    // ---- Set Periodic Message String -------------------------------------
+                    url_decode((char *)toEsp8266.c_str(), (char *)szT );
+                    periodicMsg = szT;
+                }
+                else if(fromEsp8266.substr(8,2) == "SD") {  // Set Digital if true
+                    // --- Build Reply String -----------------------------------------------
+                    toEsp8266 = "Digital Channel ";
+                    toEsp8266 += fromEsp8266.substr(10,2); //Digital Channel
+                    toEsp8266 += " is ";
+                    toEsp8266 += (fromEsp8266.substr(12,1)=="0") ? "LO" : "HI";
+                    // ---- Send Reply String -----------------------------------------------
+                    //toEspprintf(toEsp8266);        // Send Reply String to ESP8266 
+                    //pc.printf("%s\n", toEsp8266);             // Send Reply String to Console
+                    wifi.printf("%s\n", toEsp8266);             // Send Reply String to Console
+//                    if(wifi.writeable()) {
+//                        wifi.printf("%s\n", toEsp8266);  
+//                    }
+                    // --- Set Digital Channel State ----------------------------------------
+                    chan = atoi(fromEsp8266.substr(10,2).c_str()); 
+                    state = atoi(fromEsp8266.substr(12,1).c_str()); 
+                    //digitalWrite(chan, state);             // Set Digital Output per request
+                    //pc.printf("\nSTATE= ");
+                    //pc.printf("%d", state);
+                    LedD4 = state;
+                }
+                else if(fromEsp8266.substr(8,2) == "GD") {  // Get Digital if true
+                    // --- Get Digital Channel State ----------------------------------------
+                    chan = atoi(fromEsp8266.substr(10,2).c_str()); 
+                    state = LedD4.read();             // Set Digital Output per request
+                    // --- Build Reply String -----------------------------------------------
+                    toEsp8266 = "Digital Channel ";
+                    toEsp8266 += fromEsp8266.substr(10,2); //Digital Channel
+                    toEsp8266 += " is ";
+                    toEsp8266 += (state==0) ? "LO" : "HI";
+                    // ---- Send Reply String -----------------------------------------------
+                    //toEspprintf(toEsp8266);        // Send Reply String to ESP8266 
+                    wifi.printf("%s\n",toEsp8266);             // Send Reply String to ESP
+                }
+                else if(fromEsp8266.substr(8,2) == "GA") {  // Get Analog if true
+                    // --- Get Analog Channel Reading ---------------------------------------
+                    chan = atoi(fromEsp8266.substr(10,2).c_str()); 
+                    //Ain = 0.0048828 * (float) analogRead(chan);        // Read analog input
+                    //ftoa(Ain,szAin, 2);
+                    poti = getPoti('1');
+                    // --- Build Reply String -----------------------------------------------
+                    //toEsp8266 = "Analog Channel ";
+                    toEsp8266 = "Poti 1 ";
+                    // toEsp8266 += fromEsp8266.substr(10,2); //Analog Channel
+                    toEsp8266 += " is ";
+                    toEsp8266 += poti; //string(szAin);
+                    // ---- Send Reply String -----------------------------------------------
+                    //toEspprintf(toEsp8266);        // Send Reply String to ESP8266 
+                    wifi.printf("%s\n",toEsp8266);             // Send Reply String to Console
+                }
+                else {
+                    // ---- Send Reply String -----------------------------------------------
+                    toEsp8266 = "Arduino does not recognize request.";
+                    //toEspprintf(toEsp8266);        // Send Reply String to ESP8266 
+                    //pc.printf("%s\n", toEsp8266);             // Send Reply String to Console
+                    wifi.printf("%s\n", toEsp8266);             // Send Reply String to Console
+                }
+             }
+            fromEsp8266 = "";
+            //toEspSerial.flush();
+//        }
+//    }
+ *  URL Message Decoder
+ ********************************************************/
+int url_decode(char *encoded_str, char *decoded_str) {
+    // While we're not at the end of the string (current character not NULL)
+    while (*encoded_str) {
+        // Check to see if the current character is a %
+        if (*encoded_str == '%') {
+            // Grab the next two characters and move encoded_str forwards
+            encoded_str++;
+            char high = *encoded_str;
+            encoded_str++;
+            char low = *encoded_str;
+            // Convert ASCII 0-9A-F to a value 0-15
+            if (high > 0x39) high -= 7;
+            high &= 0x0f;
+            // Same again for the low byte:
+            if (low > 0x39) low -= 7;
+            low &= 0x0f;
+            // Combine the two into a single byte and store in decoded_str:
+            *decoded_str = (high << 4) | low;
+        } else {
+            // All other characters copy verbatim
+            *decoded_str = *encoded_str;
-    }                                       // 2. GET-->Serving Web Pages for config and reset
\ No newline at end of file
+        // Move both pointers to the next character:
+        encoded_str++;
+        decoded_str++;
+    }
+    // Terminate the new string with a NULL character to trim it off
+    *decoded_str = 0;
+    return 0;
+void flushSerialBuffer() { 
+    while (wifi.readable()) { 
+        wifi.getc(); 
+    } 
+bool semi = false;
+bool blank = false;  
+void readData() {
+    recChar = wifi.getc();
+    if (recChar != '\n') {
+        if(recChar != ':') semi = true;
+        if(semi && (recChar != ' ')) blank = true;
+        if(semi && blank)
+            fromEsp8266 += recChar;                         // add it to receive string
+    }
+    else {
+        recFlag = true;  
+        semi = false; blank = false;
+        flushSerialBuffer();
+    }
+int main() {
+    pc.baud(115200);
+    wifi.baud(115200);
+    pc.printf("\f\n\r-------------ESP8266 Arduino -------------\n\r");
+    wifi.attach(&readData);
+    //wifi.printf("Hello WIFI\n");
+    while(1) {
+        if(recFlag) {
+            pc.printf("readData: %s\n", fromEsp8266);  
+            //fromEsp8266 = "Arduino_SD041";
+            ReadAndProcessRequests();
+            recFlag=false;
+        }
+        LedD1 = 1;
+        wait(0.2);
+        LedD1 = 0;
+        wait(0.2);
+    }