Morse Code Encoder and Transmitter


This project consists of 2 Mbeds on the same server. One will serve as Client, to send inputted Morse Code, that has gone through an encryption, to the other Mbed, the server. On the main screen, the user chooses to either transmit or receive the data. If the user chooses to send, they input their morse code using the joystick or push buttons. Up is a dot, and down is a dash. Use right to move to the next Step. Then the user chooses an encryption, Caesar Cipher, Polybius Square or No encryption. In the case of Caesar Cipher, the user must also choose a value for the shift.

/media/uploads/doubster/12242693_10205503044962211_1637015122_o.jpg Figure 1. Wiring of BreadBoards


The components that were used (as can be seen in figure 1) were

  • 1 mbed
  • 1 uLCD
  • 3 pushbuttons
  • 1 Ethernet RJ45


Below we have some diagrams of the pinouts of the components above.



Ethernet Jack


Push Button


How it Works

In the following video, we go through all the ciphers. First the Caesar Cipher, the Polybius Square and lastly, the no cipher option.

In the following video, we reverse the client and the server. And it works the same.

Source Code

The Code uses the following libraries

The code is the following

Import programMorseCodeEncoder

Final Project for ECE 4180. Morse Code Encoder and Transmission

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