Mbed 4dGenie class

Dependents:   Genie_Test 039847382-S3_DS1621_and_LCD_V1

This is a work in progress.

4dGenie class to use with 4dLCD screens that are using the genie environment.

There are still some rare occasions where the 4dLCD might crash, for now i have no solution to this except doing a reset of the 4dLCD.

Please make sure to have the most up to date PmmC loaded on the screen.

usage example :

Mbed4dGenie test program

#include "mbed.h"
#include "mbed_genie.h"

DigitalOut myled(LED1);
    The Mbed4dGenie class requires 3 parameters
    1 - Tx pin
    2 - Rx pin
    3 - Reset pin
Mbed4dGenie lcd4d(PTE0,PTE1,PTB9);

int main() {
    int temp = 0;
printf("Mbed Genie demo \n\r");

 for example, in this loop we increment the thermometer0 object from 0 to 100
    while(1) {
        if(temp >= 100)
            temp = -1;


        myled = 1;
        myled = 0;



File content as of revision 11:9196f72fc325:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "mbed_genie.h"

Mbed4dGenie::Mbed4dGenie(PinName TxPin,PinName RxPin, PinName resetpin) : _screen(TxPin,RxPin) , _reset(resetpin)
    //reset the 4d screen
    _reset = 0;
    _genieUserHandler = NULL;
    RxStateTimeoutErrors = 0;
Mbed4dGenie::Mbed4dGenie(PinName TxPin,PinName RxPin, PinName resetpin,uint32_t baud) : _screen(TxPin,RxPin) , _reset(resetpin)
     //reset the 4d screen
    _reset = 0;
    _genieUserHandler = NULL;
    RxStateTimeoutErrors = 0;
void Mbed4dGenie::Start()
    _reset = 1;
    wait(3.0);  //4D datasheet says that the screen can take up to 3000 ms before
                //becomming responsive to serial commands.        

////////////////////// genieGetEventData ////////////////////////
// Returns the LSB and MSB of the event's data combined into
// a single uint16
// The data is transmitted from the display in big-endian format 
// and stored the same so the user can't just access it as an int 
// directly from the structure. 
uint16_t Mbed4dGenie::genieGetEventData (genieFrame * e) {
        return  (e->reportObject.data_msb << 8) + e->reportObject.data_lsb;

void Mbed4dGenie::RxIrqHandler(void)
    char c;
    //Loop to read all byte present in UART FIFO
        c = _screen.getc();
            check if we are in reception mode and if we timeout
        if(_receptionTimer.read_ms() >= RxMaxTimeout && state == CommInProgress)
                if we get here, it means something bad has happened and 
                we need to reet communication status

void Mbed4dGenie::ManageReceiveData(char data)
        case CommIdle: 
            if(data == GENIE_ACK || data == GENIE_NAK)
                LastResponse = data;
            else if(data == GENIE_REPORT_OBJ || data == GENIE_REPORT_EVENT)
                //re-initialise the reception timer
                RxMaxTimeout = _receptionTimer.read_ms() + RESYNC_PERIOD;
                checksum = data;
                rx_data[rxframe_count++] = data;
                state = CommInProgress;              
        case CommInProgress: 
            checksum = checksum ^ data;
            rx_data[rxframe_count++] = data;
            if(rxframe_count >= GENIE_FRAME_SIZE)
                if (checksum == 0) {
                        if(_genieUserHandler != NULL)
                state = CommIdle;
                rxframe_count = 0;
                LastResponse = NO_RESPONSE;
            state = CommIdle;
            rxframe_count = 0;
            LastResponse = NO_RESPONSE;

///////////////////////// genieWriteObject //////////////////////
// Write data to an object on the display
int8_t Mbed4dGenie::genieWriteObject (uint16_t object, uint16_t index, uint16_t data)
    uint16_t msb, lsb ;
    uint8_t checksum ;
    //wait for interface to be ready before sending stuff
        return ERROR_RESYNC;

    lsb = data&0xFF;
    msb = (data>>8) & 0xFF;
    _screen.putc(GENIE_WRITE_OBJ) ; 
    checksum  = GENIE_WRITE_OBJ ;
    _screen.putc(object) ;          
    checksum ^= object ;
    _screen.putc(index) ;           
    checksum ^= index ;
    _screen.putc(msb) ;             
    checksum ^= msb;
    _screen.putc(lsb) ;             
    checksum ^= lsb;
    _screen.putc(checksum) ;
     return Mbed4dGenie::WaitForAnswer();    
int8_t Mbed4dGenie::genieWriteStr (uint16_t index, char *string)
        char *p ;
        unsigned int checksum ;
        int len = strlen (string) ;

        if (len > 255)
        return -1 ;

        //wait for interface to be ready before sending stuff
            return ERROR_RESYNC;

        _screen.putc(GENIE_WRITE_STR) ;               checksum  = GENIE_WRITE_STR ;
        _screen.putc(index) ;              checksum ^= index ;
        _screen.putc((unsigned char)len) ; checksum ^= len ;
        for (p = string ; *p ; ++p)        {
                _screen.putc (*p) ;
                checksum ^= *p ;
        _screen.putc(checksum) ;

        return  Mbed4dGenie::WaitForAnswer();
int8_t  Mbed4dGenie::genieReadObj (uint16_t object, uint16_t index)
    //wait for interface to be ready before sending stuff
        return ERROR_RESYNC;
    unsigned int checksum ;
    _screen.putc(GENIE_READ_OBJ) ;     checksum  = GENIE_READ_OBJ ;
    _screen.putc(object) ;             checksum ^= object ;   
    _screen.putc(index) ;              checksum ^= index ; 
    _screen.putc(checksum) ;
    //Here we dont wiat for a typical answer
    //The screen will respond with an NACK if the command was not understood, otherwise it will send a report object frame    
    return  0;//WaitForReadAnswer();
void Mbed4dGenie::writec(char data)
bool Mbed4dGenie::WaitForIdle()
        If the communication is still in progress
        lets wait for it to finish or check/wait for timeout
    if(state != CommIdle)
        long timeout = _receptionTimer.read_ms() + TIMEOUT_PERIOD;
        long timerReading = 0;
        if(_receptionTimer.read_ms() >= RxMaxTimeout)
        while(timerReading < timeout && state != CommIdle)
            timerReading = _receptionTimer.read_ms();
        LastResponse = 0;
        return (timerReading >= timeout);
    return false;    

    Not used for now, since the screen will answer with either a report event or NAK
    Since those two answers are so different, there is no efficient means to receive
    both in interrupt. No wait to NAK will be done. DONT USE THIS FUNCTION ... YET
int8_t Mbed4dGenie::WaitForReadAnswer()
    long timeout = _waitTimer.read_ms() + TIMEOUT_PERIOD;
    long timerReading = 0;
    while(state == CommIdle && LastResponse != ERROR_NAK && timerReading < timeout)
        timerReading = _waitTimer.read_ms();
    if(LastResponse == ERROR_NAK)//check if the screen returned a NACK
        LastResponse = NO_RESPONSE;
        return ERROR_NAK;
    else if(_waitTimer.read_ms() >= timeout) //check if we timed out while waiting for response
        LastResponse = NO_RESPONSE;
        return ERROR_TIMEOUT;
    //if we get here it means we didnt timeout and the screen did accept the command
    LastResponse = NO_RESPONSE;
    return ERROR_NONE;

int8_t Mbed4dGenie::WaitForAnswer()
    long timeout = _waitTimer.read_ms() + TIMEOUT_PERIOD;
    long timerReading = 0;
    while(LastResponse != GENIE_ACK && LastResponse != ERROR_NAK && timerReading < timeout)
        timerReading = _waitTimer.read_ms();
    if(LastResponse == ERROR_NAK)
        LastResponse = NO_RESPONSE;
        return ERROR_NAK;
    else if(_waitTimer.read_ms() >= timeout)
        printf("Current timer:%d ; timeout:%d\n\r",_waitTimer.read_ms(),timeout);
        LastResponse = NO_RESPONSE;
        return ERROR_TIMEOUT;
    LastResponse = NO_RESPONSE;
    return ERROR_NONE;

void Mbed4dGenie::Reset(void)
    LastResponse = NO_RESPONSE;
    state = CommIdle;

////////////////////// _genieFlushEventQueue ////////////////////
// Reset all the event queue variables and start from scratch.
void Mbed4dGenie::_genieFlushEventQueue(void) {
        _genieEventQueue.rd_index = 0;
        _genieEventQueue.wr_index = 0;
        _genieEventQueue.n_events = 0;

////////////////////// _genieEnqueueEvent ///////////////////
// Copy the bytes from a buffer supplied by the caller 
// to the input queue 
// Parms:        uint8_t * data, a pointer to the user's data
// Returns:        TRUE if there was an empty location in the queue
//                                to copy the data into
//                        FALSE if not
// Sets:        ERROR_REPLY_OVR if there was no room in the queue
bool Mbed4dGenie::_genieEnqueueEvent (uint8_t * data) {

        if (_genieEventQueue.n_events < MAX_GENIE_EVENTS-2) {
                memcpy (&_genieEventQueue.frames[_genieEventQueue.wr_index], data, 
                _genieEventQueue.wr_index &= MAX_GENIE_EVENTS -1;
                return TRUE;
        } else {
                return FALSE;
////////////////////// genieDequeueEvent ///////////////////
// Copy the bytes from a queued input event to a buffer supplied 
// by the caller.
// Parms:        genieFrame * buff, a pointer to the user's buffer
// Returns:        TRUE if there was an event to copy
//                        FALSE if not
bool Mbed4dGenie::genieDequeueEvent(genieFrame * buff) {

        if (_genieEventQueue.n_events > 0) {
                memcpy (buff, &_genieEventQueue.frames[_genieEventQueue.rd_index], 
                _genieEventQueue.rd_index &= MAX_GENIE_EVENTS -1;
                return TRUE;
        return FALSE;
void Mbed4dGenie::genieAttachEventHandler(genieUserEventHandlerPtr handler)
    _genieUserHandler = handler;
bool Mbed4dGenie::PendingFrames(void)
    return (_genieEventQueue.n_events>0);