Driver for 4D Systems LCD screen with Picaso processor. Ported from 4D Systems Picaso Serial Linux Library

Dependencies:   MODSERIAL

Dependents:   uLCD_4D_24PTU Drawing Program RoommateTracker_ScreenAndPhone ece4180_roommate_tracker_final



File content as of revision 6:70c65c7c4337:

/** @file Picaso_enums.h
 * This file contains various constants for use with the Picaso serial commands.
 * This is a port of the 4D systems Picaso Serial Linux Library
 * Copyright (c) 2014 4D Systems PTY Ltd, Sydney, Australia
 * From, retrieved March 5, 2015
 * All software in this library is provided without warranty; use at your own risk.


/** @namespace Picaso
 * Namespace to contain all of the constants that the user may need for the Picaso processor.
namespace Picaso {
    /** @enum
     * Generic constants
    enum {
        ENABLE = 1,
        DISABLE = 0,
        HI = 1,
        LO = 0,
        INPUT = 1,
        OUTPUT = 0,
        ON = 1,
        OFF = 0,
        ALL = 0xFFFF /** argument for img_xxx functions to update all images */
    /** @enum BaudRate
     * Allowed serial interface baud rates.
    enum BaudRate {
        BAUD_110 = 0, BAUD_300, BAUD_600, BAUD_1200, BAUD_2400, BAUD_4800, BAUD_9600, BAUD_14400,
        BAUD_19200, BAUD_31250, BAUD_38400, BAUD_56000, BAUD_57600, BAUD_115200, BAUD_128000,
        BAUD_256000, BAUD_300000, BAUD_375000, BAUD_500000, BAUD_600000
     * @enum Color
     * 16 bit RGB (565) Colour Chart
     * Original work by 4D Forum Member: skadoo
    enum Color {
        ALICEBLUE = 0xF7DF,
        ANTIQUEWHITE = 0xFF5A,
        AQUA = 0x07FF,
        AQUAMARINE = 0x7FFA,
        AZURE = 0xF7FF,
        BEIGE = 0xF7BB,
        BISQUE = 0xFF38,
        BLACK = 0x0000,
        BLANCHEDALMOND = 0xFF59,
        BLUE = 0x001F,
        BLUEVIOLET = 0x895C,
        BROWN = 0xA145,
        BURLYWOOD = 0xDDD0,
        CADETBLUE = 0x5CF4,
        CHARTREUSE = 0x7FE0,
        CHOCOLATE = 0xD343,
        CORAL = 0xFBEA,
        CORNFLOWERBLUE = 0x64BD,
        CORNSILK = 0xFFDB,
        CRIMSON = 0xD8A7,
        CYAN = 0x07FF,
        DARKBLUE = 0x0011,
        DARKCYAN = 0x0451,
        DARKGOLDENROD = 0xBC21,
        DARKGRAY = 0xAD55,
        DARKGREEN = 0x0320,
        DARKKHAKI = 0xBDAD,
        DARKMAGENTA = 0x8811,
        DARKOLIVEGREEN = 0x5345,
        DARKORANGE = 0xFC60,
        DARKORCHID = 0x9999,
        DARKRED = 0x8800,
        DARKSALMON = 0xECAF,
        DARKSEAGREEN = 0x8DF1,
        DARKSLATEBLUE = 0x49F1,
        DARKSLATEGRAY = 0x2A69,
        DARKTURQUOISE = 0x067A,
        DARKVIOLET = 0x901A,
        DEEPPINK = 0xF8B2,
        DEEPSKYBLUE = 0x05FF,
        DIMGRAY = 0x6B4D,
        DODGERBLUE = 0x1C9F,
        FIREBRICK = 0xB104,
        FORESTGREEN = 0x2444,
        FUCHSIA = 0xF81F,
        GAINSBORO = 0xDEFB,
        GHOSTWHITE = 0xFFDF,
        GOLD = 0xFEA0,
        GOLDENROD = 0xDD24,
        GRAY = 0x8410,
        GREEN = 0x0400,
        GREENYELLOW = 0xAFE5,
        HONEYDEW = 0xF7FE,
        HOTPINK = 0xFB56,
        INDIANRED = 0xCAEB,
        INDIGO = 0x4810,
        IVORY = 0xFFFE,
        KHAKI = 0xF731,
        LAVENDER = 0xE73F,
        LAWNGREEN = 0x7FE0,
        LEMONCHIFFON = 0xFFD9,
        LIGHTBLUE = 0xAEDC,
        LIGHTCORAL = 0xF410,
        LIGHTCYAN = 0xE7FF,
        LIGHTGOLD = 0xFFDA,
        LIGHTGREEN = 0x9772,
        LIGHTGREY = 0xD69A,
        LIGHTPINK = 0xFDB8,
        LIGHTSALMON = 0xFD0F,
        LIGHTSEAGREEN = 0x2595,
        LIGHTSKYBLUE = 0x867F,
        LIGHTSLATEGRAY = 0x7453,
        LIGHTSTEELBLUE = 0xB63B,
        LIME = 0x07E0,
        LIMEGREEN = 0x3666,
        LINEN = 0xFF9C,
        MAGENTA = 0xF81F,
        MAROON = 0x8000,
        MEDIUMAQUAMARINE = 0x6675,
        MEDIUMBLUE = 0x0019,
        MEDIUMPURPLE = 0x939B,
        MEDIUMSEAGREEN = 0x3D8E,
        MEDIUMTURQUOISE = 0x4E99,
        MIDNIGHTBLUE = 0x18CE,
        MINTCREAM = 0xF7FF,
        MISTYROSE = 0xFF3C,
        MOCCASIN = 0xFF36,
        NAVAJOWHITE = 0xFEF5,
        NAVY = 0x0010,
        OLDLACE = 0xFFBC,
        OLIVE = 0x8400,
        OLIVEDRAB = 0x6C64,
        ORANGE = 0xFD20,
        ORANGERED = 0xFA20,
        ORCHID = 0xDB9A,
        PALEGOLDENROD = 0xEF55,
        PALEGREEN = 0x9FD3,
        PALEVIOLETRED = 0xDB92,
        PAPAYAWHIP = 0xFF7A,
        PEACHPUFF = 0xFED7,
        PERU = 0xCC27,
        PINK = 0xFE19,
        PLUM = 0xDD1B,
        POWDERBLUE = 0xB71C,
        PURPLE = 0x8010,
        RED = 0xF800,
        ROSYBROWN = 0xBC71,
        ROYALBLUE = 0x435C,
        SADDLEBROWN = 0x8A22,
        SALMON = 0xFC0E,
        SANDYBROWN = 0xF52C,
        SEAGREEN = 0x2C4A,
        SEASHELL = 0xFFBD,
        SIENNA = 0xA285,
        SILVER = 0xC618,
        SKYBLUE = 0x867D,
        SLATEBLUE = 0x6AD9,
        SLATEGRAY = 0x7412,
        SNOW = 0xFFDF,
        SPRINGGREEN = 0x07EF,
        STEELBLUE = 0x4416,
        TAN = 0xD5B1,
        TEAL = 0x0410,
        THISTLE = 0xDDFB,
        TOMATO = 0xFB08,
        TURQUOISE = 0x471A,
        VIOLET = 0xEC1D,
        WHEAT = 0xF6F6,
        WHITE = 0xFFFF,
        WHITESMOKE = 0xF7BE,
        YELLOW = 0xFFE0,
        YELLOWGREEN = 0x9E66
    /** @enum Pin
     * Constants for referencing I/O pins.
    enum Pin {
        IO1_PIN = 1, // pin 2 J1
        IO2_PIN = 2, // pin 1 J1
        IO3_PIN = 3, // pin 3 J1
        IO4_PIN = 4, // pin 5 J1 (also used for BUS_RD)
        IO5_PIN = 5, // pin 9 J2 (also used for BUS_WR)
        BUS_RD_PIN = 4, // pin 5 J1 (alias IO4_PIN)
        BUS_WR_PIN = 5, // pin 9 J2 (alias IO5_PIN)
        BACKLITE = 6, // backlite control pin
        AUDIO_ENABLE = 7, // amplifier chip control pin
        BUS_0 = 8, // pin 27 of J1
        BUS_1 = 9, // pin 25 of J1
        BUS_2 = 10, // pin 23 of J1
        BUS_3 = 11, // pin 21 of J1
        BUS_4 = 12, // pin 19 of J1
        BUS_5 = 13, // pin 17 of J1
        BUS_6 = 14, // pin 13 of J2
        BUS_7 = 15 // pin 11 of J2

    /** @enum GFXSetFunc
     *  Constants for referencing various parameters with gfx_Set and peekW/pokeW.
    enum GFXSetFunc {
        PEN_SIZE = 16,              // not necessary to use (legacy mode)
        OBJECT_COLOUR = 18,         // line / circle / rectangle generic colour
        CLIPPING = 19,              // clipping ON / OFF
        TRANSPARENT_COLOUR = 20,    // (only on displays with specific hware feature)
        TRANSPARENCY = 21,          // 0 = OFF, 1 = ON (only on displays with specific hware feature)
        FRAME_DELAY = 22,           // legacy mode, see pokeB(IMAGE_DELAY, n);
        OUTLINE_COLOUR = 24,        // if not BLACK (0) , used for outline around circles,rectangles and filled polygons
        CONTRAST = 25,              // for OLED, change contrast, for LCD on or off only
        LINE_PATTERN = 26,          // used for patterned lines, 16bit value (0 = no pattern, '1's = pattern)
        COLOUR_MODE = 27,           // select 8 or 16 bit colour mode
        BEVEL_WIDTH = 28,           // button bevel width
        BEVEL_SHADOW = 29,          // button bevel shadow depth
        X_ORIGIN = 30,              // display position X offset
        Y_ORIGIN = 31               // display position X offset
    /** @enum GFXGetMode
     *  Constants to pass to gfx_Get.
    enum GFXGetMode {
        X_MAX = 0,          // current orientations screen maximum X co-ordinate
        Y_MAX = 1,          // current orientations screen maximum Y co-ordinate
        LEFT_POS = 2,       // last objects left co-ord
        TOP_POS = 3,        // last objects top co-ord
        RIGHT_POS = 4,      // last objects right co-ord
        BOTTOM_POS = 5,     // last objects bottom co-ord
        X_ORG = 6,          // display position X offset
        Y_ORG = 7           // display position X offset
    /** @enum FileError
     * File I/O error codes.
    enum FileError {
        FE_OK = 0,                  // IDE function succeeded
        FE_IDE_ERROR = 1,           // IDE command execution error
        FE_NOT_PRESENT = 2,         // CARD not present
        FE_PARTITION_TYPE = 3,      // WRONG partition type, not FAT16
        FE_INVALID_MBR = 4,         // MBR sector invalid signature
        FE_INVALID_BR = 5,          // Boot Record invalid signature
        FE_DISK_NOT_MNTD = 6,       // Media not mounted
        FE_FILE_NOT_FOUND = 7,      // File not found in open for read
        FE_INVALID_FILE = 8,        // File not open
        FE_FAT_EOF = 9,             // Fat attempt to read beyond EOF
        FE_EOF = 10,                // Reached the end of file
        FE_INVALID_CLUSTER = 11,    // Invalid cluster value > maxcls
        FE_DIR_FULL = 12,           // All root dir entry are taken
        FE_DISK_FULL = 13,          // All clusters in partition are taken
        FE_FILE_OVERWRITE = 14,     // A file with same name exist already
        FE_CANNOT_INIT = 15,        // Cannot init the CARD
        FE_CANNOT_READ_MBR = 16,    // Cannot read the MBR
        FE_MALLOC_FAILED = 17,      // Malloc could not allocate the FILE struct
        FE_INVALID_MODE = 18,       // Mode was not r.w.
        FE_FIND_ERROR = 19,         // Failure during FILE search
        FE_INVALID_FNAME = 20,      // bad filename
        FE_INVALID_MEDIA = 21,      // bad media
        FE_SECTOR_READ_FAIL = 22,   // sector read failed
        FE_SECTOR_WRITE_FAIL = 23   // sector write failed
    /** @enum ScreenMode
     *  Constants to pass to the gfx_ScreenMode command.
    enum ScreenMode {
        LANDSCAPE = 0, // SCREEN_MODE (north)
        LANDSCAPE_R = 1, // SCREEN_MODE (south)
        PORTRAIT = 2, // SCREEN_MODE (west)
        PORTRAIT_R = 3 // SCREEN_MODE (east)
    /** @enum ButtonState
     *  Constants to pass to gfx_Button for setting button appearance.
    enum ButtonState {
        BUTTON_RAISED = 1
    /** @enum SliderState
     *  Constants to pass to gfx_Slider for setting slider appearance.
    enum SliderState {
        SLIDER_SUNKEN = 0,
        SLIDER_RAISED = 1,
        SLIDER_HIDDEN = 2
    /** @enum PanelState
     *  Constants to pass to gfx_Panel for setting panel appearance.
    enum PanelState {
        PANEL_SUNKEN = 0,
        PANEL_RAISED = 1,
        PANEL_HIDDEN = 2
    //txt_Set() related constants
    /** @enum TextSetFunc
     *  Constants for referencing text parameters for use in the txt_Set, peekW, and peekM commands.
    enum TextSetFunc {
        TEXT_COLOUR = 0,        ///< text foreground colr
        TEXT_BACKGROUND = 1,    ///< text background colr
        TEXT_HIGHLIGHT = 1,     ///< text background colr
        FONT_ID = 2,            ///< default 0, else points to data statement font
        FONT_SIZE = 2,          ///< compatibility
        TEXT_WIDTH = 3,         ///< text width multiplier
        TEXT_HEIGHT = 4,        ///< text height multiplier
        TEXT_XGAP = 5,          ///< horizontal text gap (default 1)
        TEXT_YGAP = 6,          ///< vertical text gap (default 1)
        TEXT_PRINTDELAY = 7,    ///< for 'teletype' like effect when printing
        TEXT_OPACITY = 8,       ///< text mode flag, TRANSPARENT or OPAQUE
        TEXT_BOLD = 9,          ///< embolden text (auto reset)
        TEXT_ITALIC = 10,       ///< italicize text (auto reset)
        TEXT_INVERSE = 11,      ///< invert text (auto reset)
        TEXT_UNDERLINED = 12,   ///< underline text (auto reset)
        TEXT_ATTRIBUTES = 13,   ///< controls BOLD/ITALIC/INVERSE/UNDERLINE simultaneously
        TEXT_WRAP = 14          ///< Sets the pixel position where text wrap will occur at RHS
    /** @enum Font
     *  Picaso Font IDs.
    enum Font {
        FONT1 = 0,          ///< System font
        FONT2 = 1,
        FONT3 = 2           ///< Default font
    enum TextOpacity {
        TRANSPARENT = 0,    ///< TEXT_OPACITY  transparent  text
        OPAQUE = 1          ///< TEXT_OPACITY  opaque text
    enum TextAttribute {
        BOLD = 16,          ///< TEXT_ATTRIBUTES bold text
        ITALIC = 32,        ///< TEXT_ATTRIBUTES italic text
        INVERSE = 64,       ///< TEXT_ATTRIBUTES inverse text
        UNDERLINED = 128    ///< TEXT_ATTRIBUTES underlined
    /** @enum Touch
     *  Constants to pass to the touch_Set and touch_Get commands.
    enum Touch {
        TOUCH_ENABLE = 0,
        TOUCH_DISABLE = 1,
        TOUCH_STATUS = 0,
        TOUCH_GETX = 1,
        TOUCH_GETY = 2,
        NOTOUCH = 0,
        TOUCH_PRESSED = 1,
        TOUCH_RELEASED = 2,
        TOUCH_MOVING = 3
    /** @enum ImageAttribute
     *  Flags for image attributes to be passed to the img_SetAttributes and img_ClearAttributes commands.
    enum ImageAttribute {
        I_ENABLED = 0x8000,         ///< bit 15,  set for image enabled
        I_DARKEN = 0x4000,          ///< bit 14,  display dimmed
        I_LIGHTEN = 0x2000,         ///< bit 13,  display bright
        I_TOUCHED = 0x1000,         ///< bit 12,  touch test result
        I_Y_LOCK = 0x0800,          ///< bit 11,  stop Y movement
        I_X_LOCK = 0x0400,          ///< bit 10,  stop X movement
        I_TOPMOST = 0x0200,         ///< bit 9,   draw on top of other images next update (auto reset)
        I_STAYONTOP = 0x0100,       ///< bit 8,   draw on top of other images always
        I_MOVIE = 0x0080,           ///< bit 7,   image is a movie
        I_NOGROUP = 0x0040,         ///< bit 6,   set to exclude image refresh when using img_Show(hndl, ALL);
        I_TOUCH_DISABLE = 0x0020,   ///< bit 5,   set to disable touch for this image, default=1 for movie, 0 for image
        I_COLOUR16 = 0x0010         ///< bit 4,   indicates 16 bit colour mode
                                    ///< bits 0-3 reserved
    // image control entry offsets
    enum ImageControlOffset {
        IMAGE_LOWORD = 0,       ///< WORD image address LO
        IMAGE_HIWORD = 1,       ///< WORD image address HI
        IMAGE_XPOS = 2,         ///< WORD image location X
        IMAGE_YPOS = 3,         ///< WORD image location Y
        IMAGE_WIDTH = 4,        ///< WORD image width
        IMAGE_HEIGHT = 5,       ///< WORD image height
        IMAGE_FLAGS = 6,        ///< WORD image flags
        IMAGE_DELAY = 7,        ///< WORD inter frame delay
        IMAGE_FRAMES = 8,       ///< WORD number of frames
        IMAGE_INDEX = 9,        ///< WORD current frame
        IMAGE_CLUSTER = 10,     ///< WORD image start cluster  pos (for FAT16 only)
        IMAGE_SECTOR = 11,      ///< WORD image start sector in cluster pos (for FAT16 only)
        IMAGE_TAG = 12,         ///< WORD user variable #1
        IMAGE_TAG2 = 13         ///< WORD user variable #2
    /** @enum MemOffsets
     *  Various memory offsets.
    enum MemOffsets {
        // DISK struct offsets
        DISK_FIRST_SECT_LO     = 0, ///< DWORD address of the first sector of the FAT partition (LO word)
        DISK_FIRST_SECT_HI     = 1, ///<       address of the first sector of the FAT partition (HI word)
        DISK_FAT_LO            = 2, ///< DWORD address of FAT (LO word)
        DISK_FAT_HI            = 3, ///<       address of FAT (HI word)
        DISK_ROOT_LO           = 4, ///< DWORD address of root directory (LO word)
        DISK_ROOT_HI           = 5, ///<       address of root directory (HI word)
        DISK_DATA_LO           = 6, ///< DWORD address of data area (LO word)
        DISK_DATA_HI           = 7, ///<       address of data area (HI word)
        DISK_MAXCLUS_LO        = 8, ///< DWORD max number of clusters in partition (LO word)
        DISK_MAXCLUS_HI        = 9, ///<       max number of clusters in partition (HI word)
        DISK_MAXROOT           = 10, ///< WORD  max entries in root directory
        DISK_FATSIZE           = 11, ///< WORD  number of sectors in FAT
        DISK_FATCOPIES         = 12, ///< WORD  number of fat copies
        DISK_SECT_PER_CLUS     = 13, ///< WORD  number of sectors per cluster
        DISK_TYPE              = 14, ///< WORD  type of fat
        DISK_BUF               = 15, ///< WORD  pointer to 512 byte info buffer
        // FILE struct offsets
        FILE_FIRST_CLUSTER     = 0, ///< WORD  first cluster
        FILE_CURR_CLUSTER      = 1, ///< WORD  current cluster in file
        FILE_CURR_SECTOR       = 2, ///< WORD  sector in current cluster
        FILE_CURR_SECTOR_POS   = 3, ///< WORD  position in current sector
        FILE_CURR_SECTOR_TOP   = 4, ///< WORD  number bytes in current sector buffer
        FILE_SEEK_POS_LO       = 5, ///< DWORD position in the file (LO word)
        FILE_SEEK_POS_HI       = 6, ///<       position in the file (HI word)
        FILE_SIZE_LO           = 7, ///< DWORD file size (LO word)
        FILE_SIZE_HI           = 8, ///<       file size (HI word)
        FILE_TIME              = 9, ///< WORD  last update time
        FILE_DATE              = 10, ///< WORD  last update date
        FILE_NAME              = 11, ///< WORD  12 byte buffer for filename
        FILE_MODE              = 17, ///< WORD  file mode 'r', 'w', 'a'
        FILE_ATTRIBUTES        = 18, ///< WORD  files attributes
        FILE_PAGEFLAG          = 19, ///< WORD  cache check flag
        FILE_ENTRY             = 20, ///< WORD  entry position in cur directory
        FILE_DISK              = 21, ///< WORD* pointer to DISK mount media structure
        FILE_BUFFER            = 22 ///< WORD*  sector buffer
    /** @enum MemAddresses
     *  Various memory addresses for use with the peekM and pokeM commands.
     *  Note that the txt_Set variables (0-15) and gfx_set variables (16-31)
     *  can also be accessed with peekW and pokeW
    enum MemAddresses {        
        RANDOM_LO              = 32, ///< random number generator LO word
        RANDOM_HI              = 33, ///< random number generator LO word
        SYSTEM_TIMER_LO        = 34, ///< 1msec 32 bit free running timer LO word
        SYSTEM_TIMER_HI        = 35, ///< 1msec 32 bit free running timer HI word
        TMR0                   = 36, ///< user timer0
        TMR1                   = 37, ///< user timer1
        TMR2                   = 38, ///< user timer2
        TMR3                   = 39, ///< user timer3 (10msec resolution)
        TMR4                   = 40, ///< user timer0
        TMR5                   = 41, ///< user timer1
        TMR6                   = 42, ///< user timer2
        TMR7                   = 43, ///< user timer3 (10msec resolution)
        SYS_X_MAX              = 44, ///< display hardware X res-1
        SYS_Y_MAX              = 45, ///< display hardware Y res-1
        GFX_XMAX               = 46, ///< current display width-1 determined by portrait / landscape swapping
        GFX_YMAX               = 47, ///< current display width-1 determined by portrait / landscape swapping
        GFX_LEFT               = 48, ///< virtual left point for most recent object
        GFX_TOP                = 49, ///< virtual top point for most recent object
        GFX_RIGHT              = 50, ///< virtual right point for most recent object
        GFX_BOTTOM             = 51, ///< virtual bottom point for most recent object
        GFX_X1                 = 52, ///< clipped left point for current object
        GFX_Y1                 = 53, ///< clipped top point for current object
        GFX_X2                 = 54, ///< clipped right point for current object
        GFX_Y2                 = 55, ///< clipped bottom point for current object
        GFX_X_ORG              = 56, ///< current X origin
        GFX_Y_ORG              = 57, ///< current Y origin
        GFX_HILITE_LINE        = 58, ///< current multi line button hilite line
        GFX_LINE_COUNT         = 59, ///< count of lines in multiline button
        GFX_LAST_SELECTION     = 60, ///< last selected line
        GFX_HILIGHT_BACKGROUND = 61, ///< multi button hilite background colour
        GFX_HILIGHT_FOREGROUND = 62, ///< multi button hilite background colour
        GFX_BUTTON_FOREGROUND  = 63, ///< store default text colour for hilite line tracker
        GFX_BUTTON_BACKGROUND  = 64, ///< store default button colour for hilite line tracker
        GFX_BUTTON_MODE        = 65, ///< store current buttons mode
        GFX_TOOLBAR_HEIGHT     = 66, ///< height above
        GFX_STATUSBAR_HEIGHT   = 67, ///< height below
        GFX_LEFT_GUTTER_WIDTH  = 68, ///< width to left
        GFX_RIGHT_GUTTER_WIDTH = 69, ///< width to right
        GFX_PIXEL_SHIFT        = 70, ///< pixel shift for button depress illusion (default 1)
        GFX_RECT_X1            = 71, ///< gp rect, used by multiline button to hilite required line
        GFX_RECT_Y1            = 72,
        GFX_RECT_X2            = 73,
        GFX_RECT_Y2            = 74,
        GFX_THUMB_PERCENT      = 75, ///< size of slider thumb as percentage
        GFX_THUMB_BORDER_DARK  = 76, ///< darker shadow of thumb
        GFX_THUMB_BORDER_LIGHT = 77, ///< lighter shadow of thumb
        TOUCH_XMINCAL          = 78, ///< touch calibration value
        TOUCH_YMINCAL          = 79, ///< touch calibration value
        TOUCH_XMAXCAL          = 80, ///< touch calibration value
        TOUCH_YMAXCAL          = 81, ///< touch calibration value
        IMG_WIDTH              = 82, ///< width of currently loaded image
        IMG_HEIGHT             = 83, ///< height of currently loaded image
        IMG_FRAME_DELAY        = 84, ///< 0 if image, else inter frame delay for movie
        IMG_FLAGS              = 85, ///< bit 4 determines colour mode, other bits reserved
        IMG_FRAME_COUNT        = 86, ///< count of frames in a movie
        IMG_PIXEL_COUNT_LO     = 87, ///< count of pixels in the current frame
        IMG_PIXEL_COUNT_HI     = 88, ///< count of pixels in the current frame
        IMG_CURRENT_FRAME      = 89, ///< last frame shown
        MEDIA_ADDRESS_LO       = 90, ///< uSD byte address LO
        MEDIA_ADDRESS_HI       = 91, ///< uSD byte address HI
        MEDIA_SECTOR_LO        = 92, ///< uSD sector address LO
        MEDIA_SECTOR_HI        = 93, ///< uSD sector address HI
        MEDIA_SECTOR_COUNT     = 94, ///< uSD number of bytes remaining in sector
        TEXT_XPOS              = 95, ///< text current x pixel position
        TEXT_YPOS              = 96, ///< text current y pixel position
        TEXT_MARGIN            = 97, ///< text left pixel pos for carriage return
        TXT_FONT_ID            = 98, ///< font type, 0 = system font, else pointer to user font
        TXT_FONT_MAX           = 99, ///< max number of chars in font
        TXT_FONT_OFFSET        = 100, ///< starting offset (normally 0x20)
        TXT_FONT_WIDTH         = 101, ///< current font width
        TXT_FONT_HEIGHT        = 102, ///< current font height
        GFX_TOUCH_REGION_X1    = 103, ///< touch capture region
        GFX_TOUCH_REGION_Y1    = 104,
        GFX_TOUCH_REGION_X2    = 105,
        GFX_TOUCH_REGION_Y2    = 106,
        GFX_CLIP_LEFT_VAL      = 107, ///< left clipping point (set with gfx_ClipWindow(...)
        GFX_CLIP_TOP_VAL       = 108, ///< top clipping point (set with gfx_ClipWindow(...)
        GFX_CLIP_RIGHT_VAL     = 109, ///< right clipping point (set with gfx_ClipWindow(...)
        GFX_CLIP_BOTTOM_VAL    = 110, ///< bottom clipping point (set with gfx_ClipWindow(...)
        GFX_CLIP_LEFT          = 111, ///< current clip value (reads full size if clipping turned off)
        GFX_CLIP_TOP           = 112, ///< current clip value (reads full size if clipping turned off)
        GFX_CLIP_RIGHT         = 113, ///< current clip value (reads full size if clipping turned off)
        GFX_CLIP_BOTTOM        = 114, ///< current clip value (reads full size if clipping turned off)
        GRAM_PIXEL_COUNT_LO    = 115, ///< LO word of count of pixels in the set GRAM area
        GRAM_PIXEL_COUNT_HI    = 116, ///< HI word of count of pixels in the set GRAM area
        TOUCH_RAW_X            = 117, ///< 12 bit raw A2D X value from touch screen
        TOUCH_RAW_Y            = 118, ///< 12 bit raw A2D Y value from touch screen
        GFX_LAST_CHAR_WIDTH    = 119, ///< calculated char width from last call to charWidth function
        GFX_LAST_CHAR_HEIGHT   = 120, ///< calculated height from last call to charHeight function
        GFX_LAST_STR_WIDTH     = 121, ///< calculated width from last call to strWidth function
        GFX_LAST_STR_HEIGHT    = 122 ///< calculated height from last call to strHeight function
