This program consists of the software developed for the ELEC5870M Individual Project. It runs on the mbed LPC1768. It uses the mbed RTOS to perform the following tasks: - Implements intuitive GUI with buttons, LCD TFT Display and LEDs. - Serial Communication with the RPi - I2C communication with INA219 voltage current sensors - Power control at the USB ports

Dependencies:   Adafruit_GFX Adafruit_ST7735 INA219 MODSERIAL MbedJSONValue mbed-rtos mbed



File content as of revision 6:196a63a3378d:

#include "MbedJSONValue.h"
#include "MODSERIAL.h"
#include <string>
MODSERIAL raspi(p28, p27); // tx, rx
DigitalOut piPin(p7);

// this function determines wherther serial is active or inactive

// this function manages communication between raspberry pi and mbed

void raspiSerial()
    //determines whether serial data should started/stopped
    bool serialStatus;

    // data to track the status of the pi
    bool piStatus = false;              // determines the current serial connection
    bool cameraStatus = false;         // determines whether the camera is active
    bool cloudStatus = false;         // detemines when the pi is connected to the cloud
    bool detectionStatus =false;     // determines whether the object detection system is functional

    // define variables to store sensor data
    float b1Voltage = 0.0;
    float b1Current = 0.0;
    float b2Voltage = 0.0;
    float b2Current = 0.0;
    float sVoltage = 0.0;
    float sCurrent = 0.0;
    float oVoltage = 0.0;
    float oCurrent = 0.0;

    // define string to store rounded off sensor data
    char b1VoltageString[5];
    char b1CurrentString[5];
    char b2VoltageString[5];
    char b2CurrentString[5];
    char sVoltageString[5];
    char sCurrentString[5];
    char oVoltageString[5];
    char oCurrentString[5];

    // get access to the sensor suite
    SensorSuite suite;

    // power up the raspberry pi
    piPin = 1;

    // give the pi some time to boot
    // wait for character x
    int counter = 180;  // count down to 3 minutes
    char x = NULL;
    while(counter > 0 && x != 'x') {
        x = raspi.getc();

    if (x == 'x') {
        myled = 1;
        piStatus = true;
        // send message that connection was made
        serial_ui_letter *letter2 = serial_ui_mail.alloc();
        letter2->piStat = piStatus;
        letter2->camStat = cameraStatus;
        letter2->cloudStat = cloudStatus;
        letter2->detectionStat = detectionStatus;

    // open the serial port

    // start with an infinite loop
    while(true) {

        /////////////////// Check for any new messages /////////////////////////

        osEvent evt = ui_serial_mail.get(0);
        if(evt.status == osEventMail) {
            ui_serial_letter *letter = (ui_serial_letter*)evt.value.p;
            // update the serial status
            serialStatus = letter->activateSerial;
            // delete the message

            break;          // means that the user requested the rpi to be turned off


        ///////////////// read data from the sensor suite //////////////////////

        // create model to get battery data
        BatteryModel bModel = suite.getBatteryData();
        // read battery data
        b1Voltage = bModel.batteryOneVoltage;
        b1Current = bModel.batteryOneCurrent;
        b2Voltage = bModel.batteryTwoVoltage;
        b2Current = bModel.batteryTwoCurrent;

        // create model to get solar data
        SolarModel sModel = suite.getSolarData();
        // read solar panel data
        sVoltage = sModel.solarVoltage;
        sCurrent = sModel.solarCurrent;
        // create model to get consumption data
        ConsumptionModel oModel = suite.getConsumptionData();
        // read the consumption data
        oVoltage = oModel.consumptionVoltage;
        oCurrent = oModel.consumptionCurrent;


        /////////////////////// package data into json string //////////////////

        // create JSON object
        MbedJSONValue holder;
        // create string to store data
        std::string jsonString;

        // round off sensor data to 2 decimal places

        // construct json data
        holder["b1V"] = b1VoltageString;
        holder["b1C"] = b1CurrentString;
        holder["b2V"] = b2VoltageString;
        holder["b2C"] = b2CurrentString;
        holder["sV"]  = sVoltageString;
        holder["sC"]  = sCurrentString;
        holder["oV"]  = oVoltageString;
        holder["oC"]  = oCurrentString;

        // convert json data to string
        jsonString = holder.serialize();

        //////////////////////// send data to raspberry pi /////////////////////

        // write data onto the serial port
        raspi.printf("%s\n", jsonString.c_str());

        ////////// receive confirmation from the raspberry pi///////////////////

        // create json object
        MbedJSONValue demo;

        // variables to read data
        int i = 0;
        bool completed = false;
        char rxString[80]; // buffer that stores received string

        // read the first character
        char receivedChar = raspi.getc();
        while (!completed) {
            // Check if it's a new line character
            if (receivedChar != '\n') {
                // if not store in buffer
                rxString[i] = receivedChar;
                // read the next character
                receivedChar = raspi.getc();
            } else {
                // the character was a newline character
                completed = true;

        //convert the buffer data into a json string
        const char *json = rxString;

        // parse the json string
        parse(demo, json);

        // retrieve the desired data
        cameraStatus = demo["pS"].get<bool>();
        cloudStatus = demo["caS"].get<bool>();
        detectionStatus = demo["clS"].get<bool>();

        // empty the buffer here


        /////////////////// send the data to the ui thread //////////////////////

        serial_ui_letter *letter2 = serial_ui_mail.alloc();
        letter2->piStat = piStatus;
        letter2->camStat = cameraStatus;
        letter2->cloudStat = cloudStatus;
        letter2->detectionStat = detectionStatus;


        /////////// wait a certain amount of time before proceeding/////////////

        //**** remember  to convert floats to characters to save space on buffer***
        Thread::wait(2000); // one second

    ////////////////// sequence that shuts down the raspberry pi ///////////////
    raspi.rxBufferFlush();  // empty the receive buffer

    counter = 120; // reset the counter to 2 minutes
    char p = NULL;
    raspi.putc('\n'); // new line character
    while(p != 'x'&& counter != 0) {
        raspi.putc('\n'); // new line character
        p = raspi.getc();
    if (p == 'x') {
        Thread::wait(1000*12);// wait 12 seconds
        piPin = 0;
        myled = 0;
        piStatus = false;
        // send message that connection was made
        serial_ui_letter *letter2 = serial_ui_mail.alloc();
        letter2->piStat = piStatus;
        letter2->camStat = cameraStatus;
        letter2->cloudStat = cloudStatus;
        letter2->detectionStat = detectionStatus;

    // remember to give the pi some time to shut down

