Uses accompanying Basket, Objects and Fruit libraries to create Fruit Basket game. If an object is caught, points are added; if an object in missed, a 'life' is lost.

Dependents:   Game_Controller_Project


RevisionDateWhoCommit message
18:99ccfa1bb2ca 2017-05-04 Nathanj94 (none) default tip
17:20abf995c040 2017-05-04 Nathanj94 Doxygen updated
16:dae98691cc0e 2017-05-04 Nathanj94 (none)
15:1a0bd800f1f1 2017-04-28 Nathanj94 Added an extra function called final_score that displays the game over screen with the correct score to fix an issue where the final score displayed would be incorrect or '0000'
14:6764bb61d413 2017-04-27 Nathanj94 All documentation added
13:ae2dac4ab786 2017-04-22 Nathanj94 Redundancy removed and files organised ready for notes to be written
12:f7d6003e5c6b 2017-04-20 Nathanj94 Variable for Objects::move(int speed) changed
11:68e7c942f67b 2017-04-19 Nathanj94 improved update function by changing Objects::move
10:6605cd9d374b 2017-04-18 Nathanj94 changes based on changes in Objects
9:902b67101cdc 2017-04-15 Nathanj94 Started x button function where the object will slow down until it is caught, so far keeps freezing the game
8:db24c475f64f 2017-04-14 Nathanj94 Time delays for button presses working, now only one action can be used every 10s. An indicator at the top of the screen shows if this is available (tick/cross). New button function adds an extra live to add longevity to a game. Started trying tones.
7:ec6dc66ee196 2017-04-12 Nathanj94 added to check_abxy function, now an action will be carried out on a button press but it has to be written into check_abxy; it won't call the same commands from a different library. Trying to use a timeout to delay the next use of the function
6:61bcf98e0a88 2017-04-04 Nathanj94 Added to check_catch and check_miss functions, if antifruit is caught it reduces lives by 1, if it misses it just calls init w/out changing lives or score
5:7db3e43e5aca 2017-03-31 Nathanj94 New method called add_score which uses the variable set in Objects to call the correct method from Basket
4:84e29254b988 2017-03-23 Nathanj94 Created HUD element using four functions: get_score, print_score, get_lives and print_lives; moved these functions from check_catch to draw and now they stay solid on screen and update accordingly
3:fc9133faec7a 2017-03-21 Nathanj94 collision functions added to check for catch or miss, new objects fall at the end of each function and score is updated if the object is caught. Score is printed on the screen but it flickers so needs to be moved to a different function
2:8410e09b77aa 2017-03-18 Nathanj94 functions added to check if the object is caught in the basket or not, unfinished
1:43fbcc3584d6 2017-03-17 Nathanj94 One objects now "falls" from the top of the screen to the bottom; Next step is for either multiple objects to fall or for the objects to interact with the basket
0:8d02400f792a 2017-03-14 Nathanj94 Catch_Model.h incomplete