Driver to control the EM027BS013 board from Embedded Artists

Dependencies:   EM027BS013

EM027BS013 Simple Driver

This library provides an easy way to write data to the EM027BS013 display, by providing interfaces to common C functions and methods. The library was originally written by Peter Drescher, who created the "EaEpaper" library for the EM027AS012 display (available here, but adapted to use the newer display type and driver (available here), as the existing display is now discontinued.

Big thanks go to the team from Pervasive Displays and Electronic Artists for producing such a nice display, and to Peter for providing the initial interface used in this driver.



File content as of revision 0:e36f1973a674:

#include "EaEpaper.h"

#define EA_IMG_BUF_SZ (5808) // 264 x 176 / 8 = 5808

#define LM75A_ADDRESS (0x92) // 0x49 << 1
#define LM75A_CMD_TEMP 0x00

static uint8_t _image[EA_IMG_BUF_SZ];

EaEpaper::EaEpaper(PinName sec03_SpiSCK,
               PinName sec04_SpiMOSI,
               PinName sec05_SpiMISO,
               PinName sec06_EpdCS,
               PinName sec07_EpdBusy,
               PinName sec08_EpdBorder,
               PinName sec09_I2cSCL,
               PinName sec10_I2cSDA,
               PinName sec11_FlashCS,
               PinName sec12_EpdReset,
               PinName sec13_EpdPanelOn,
               PinName sec14_EpdDischarge,
               const char* name) :
    draw_mode = NORMAL;
    memset(_image, 255, EA_IMG_BUF_SZ);
int EaEpaper::width()
    return 264;

int EaEpaper::height()
    return 176;

// erase pixel after power up
void EaEpaper::clear()
    memset(_image, 255, EA_IMG_BUF_SZ);

// update screen
void EaEpaper::write_disp(void)

// set one pixel in buffer _image

void EaEpaper::pixel(int x, int y, int color)
    // first check parameter
    if(x > 263 || y > 175 || x < 0 || y < 0) return;

    if(draw_mode == NORMAL) {
        if(color == 0)
            _image[(x / 8) + ((y-1) * 33)] &= ~(1 << (x%8));  // erase pixel
            //_image[(x / 8) + ((y-1) * 33)] = (1 << (x%8));
            _image[(x / 8) + ((y-1) * 33)] |= (1 << (x%8));   // set pixel
            //_image[(x / 8) + ((y-1) * 33)] = 0;
    } else { // XOR mode
        if(color == 1)
            _image[(x / 8) + ((y-1) * 33)] ^= (1 << (x%8));   // xor pixel
            //_image[(x / 8) + ((y-1) * 33)] ^= 0;

// clear screen
void EaEpaper::cls(void)
    memset(_image, 255, EA_IMG_BUF_SZ);  // clear display buffer

// print line
void EaEpaper::line(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int color)
    int   dx = 0, dy = 0;
    int   dx_sym = 0, dy_sym = 0;
    int   dx_x2 = 0, dy_x2 = 0;
    int   di = 0;

    dx = x1-x0;
    dy = y1-y0;

    if (dx > 0) {
        dx_sym = 1;
    } else {
        dx_sym = -1;

    if (dy > 0) {
        dy_sym = 1;
    } else {
        dy_sym = -1;

    dx = dx_sym*dx;
    dy = dy_sym*dy;

    dx_x2 = dx*2;
    dy_x2 = dy*2;

    if (dx >= dy) {
        di = dy_x2 - dx;
        while (x0 != x1) {

            pixel(x0, y0, color);
            x0 += dx_sym;
            if (di<0) {
                di += dy_x2;
            } else {
                di += dy_x2 - dx_x2;
                y0 += dy_sym;
        pixel(x0, y0, color);
    } else {
        di = dx_x2 - dy;
        while (y0 != y1) {
            pixel(x0, y0, color);
            y0 += dy_sym;
            if (di < 0) {
                di += dx_x2;
            } else {
                di += dx_x2 - dy_x2;
                x0 += dx_sym;
        pixel(x0, y0, color);

// print filled rect
void EaEpaper::fillrect(int x0, int y0, int x1, int y1, int color)
    int l,c,i;
    if(x0 > x1) {
        i = x0;
        x0 = x1;
        x1 = i;

    if(y0 > y1) {
        i = y0;
        y0 = y1;
        y1 = i;

    for(l = x0; l<= x1; l ++) {
        for(c = y0; c<= y1; c++) {

// print circle
void EaEpaper::circle(int x0, int y0, int r, int color)
    int x = -r, y = 0, err = 2-2*r, e2;
    do {
        pixel(x0-x, y0+y,color);
        pixel(x0+x, y0+y,color);
        pixel(x0+x, y0-y,color);
        pixel(x0-x, y0-y,color);
        e2 = err;
        if (e2 <= y) {
            err += ++y*2+1;
            if (-x == y && e2 <= x) e2 = 0;
        if (e2 > x) err += ++x*2+1;
    } while (x <= 0);


// print filled circle
void EaEpaper::fillcircle(int x0, int y0, int r, int color)
    int x = -r, y = 0, err = 2-2*r, e2;
    do {
        line(x0-x, y0-y, x0-x, y0+y, color);
        line(x0+x, y0-y, x0+x, y0+y, color);
        e2 = err;
        if (e2 <= y) {
            err += ++y*2+1;
            if (-x == y && e2 <= x) e2 = 0;
        if (e2 > x) err += ++x*2+1;
    } while (x <= 0);

// set drawing mode
void EaEpaper::setmode(int mode)
    draw_mode = mode;

// set cursor position
void EaEpaper::locate(int x, int y)
    char_x = x;
    char_y = y;

// calc char columns
int EaEpaper::columns()
    return width() / font[1];

// calc char rows
int EaEpaper::rows()
    return height() / font[2];

// print char
int EaEpaper::_putc(int value)
    if (value == '\n') {    // new line
        char_x = 0;
        char_y = char_y + font[2];
        if (char_y >= height() - font[2]) {
            char_y = 0;
    } else {
        character(char_x, char_y, value);
    return value;

// paint char out of font
void EaEpaper::character(int x, int y, int c)
    unsigned int hor,vert,offset,bpl,j,i,b;
    unsigned char* zeichen;
    unsigned char z,w;

    if ((c < 31) || (c > 127)) return;   // test char range

    // read font parameter from start of array
    offset = font[0];                    // bytes / char
    hor = font[1];                       // get hor size of font
    vert = font[2];                      // get vert size of font
    bpl = font[3];                       // bytes per line

    if (char_x + hor > width()) {
        char_x = 0;
        char_y = char_y + vert;
        if (char_y >= height() - font[2]) {
            char_y = 0;

    zeichen = &font[((c -32) * offset) + 4]; // start of char bitmap
    w = zeichen[0];                          // width of actual char
    // construct the char into the buffer
    for (j=0; j<vert; j++) {  //  vert line
        for (i=0; i<hor; i++) {   //  horz line
            z =  zeichen[bpl * i + ((j & 0xF8) >> 3)+1];
            b = 1 << (j & 0x07);
            if (( z & b ) == 0x00) {
            } else {


    char_x += w;

// set actual font
void EaEpaper::set_font(unsigned char* f)
    font = f;

void EaEpaper::print_bm(Bitmap bm, int x, int y)
    int h,v,b;
    char d;

    for(v=0; v < bm.ySize; v++) {   // lines
        for(h=0; h < bm.xSize; h++) { // pixel
            if(h + x > width()) break;
            if(v + y > height()) break;
            d =[bm.Byte_in_Line * v + ((h & 0xF8) >> 3)];
            b = 0x80 >> (h & 0x07);
            if((d & b) == 0) {
            } else {


void EaEpaper::drawImage(uint8_t* img)