Hal Drivers for L4

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FMC Low Layer Peripheral Control functions

FMC Low Layer Peripheral Control functions
[FMC InterruptFMC Low Layer NAND Exported Functions]

management functions More...


HAL_StatusTypeDef FMC_NAND_ECC_Enable (FMC_NAND_TypeDef *Device, uint32_t Bank)
 Enables dynamically FMC_NAND ECC feature.
HAL_StatusTypeDef FMC_NAND_ECC_Disable (FMC_NAND_TypeDef *Device, uint32_t Bank)
 Disables dynamically FMC_NAND ECC feature.
HAL_StatusTypeDef FMC_NAND_GetECC (FMC_NAND_TypeDef *Device, uint32_t *ECCval, uint32_t Bank, uint32_t Timeout)
 Disables dynamically FMC_NAND ECC feature.

Detailed Description

management functions

                       ##### FMC_NAND Control functions #####
    This subsection provides a set of functions allowing to control dynamically
    the FMC NAND interface.

Function Documentation

HAL_StatusTypeDef FMC_NAND_ECC_Disable ( FMC_NAND_TypeDef *  Device,
uint32_t  Bank 

Disables dynamically FMC_NAND ECC feature.

Device,:Pointer to NAND device instance
Bank,:NAND bank number
Return values:

Definition at line 674 of file stm32l4xx_ll_fmc.c.

HAL_StatusTypeDef FMC_NAND_ECC_Enable ( FMC_NAND_TypeDef *  Device,
uint32_t  Bank 

Enables dynamically FMC_NAND ECC feature.

Device,:Pointer to NAND device instance
Bank,:NAND bank number
Return values:

Definition at line 655 of file stm32l4xx_ll_fmc.c.

HAL_StatusTypeDef FMC_NAND_GetECC ( FMC_NAND_TypeDef *  Device,
uint32_t *  ECCval,
uint32_t  Bank,
uint32_t  Timeout 

Disables dynamically FMC_NAND ECC feature.

Device,:Pointer to NAND device instance
ECCval,:Pointer to ECC value
Bank,:NAND bank number
Timeout,:Timeout wait value
Return values:

Definition at line 694 of file stm32l4xx_ll_fmc.c.