This program prompts the user for the current date and time and sets the Nucleo real time clock (RTC) accordingly. It demonstrates the use of C data and time functions (defined in time.h, which appears to be included by mbed). It also demonstrates reading keyboard input with echo and extracting numeric values from strings.

Fork of time_HelloWorld by mbed_example



File content as of revision 6:ac560c8872cd:

  Project: time_SetTime
  File: main.cpp
  Modified by: Dr. C. S. Tritt
  Last modified: 10/31/17 (v. 1.1)

  This program prompts the user for the current date and time and sets the
  Nucleo real time clock (RTC) accordingly. It demonstrates the use of C data
  and time functions (defined in time.h, which appears to be included by mbed).
  It also demonstrates reading keyboard input with echo and extracting numeric 
  values from strings.
  1.1 - Fixed pass 0 error in time interval loop (switched from while to do 
  Notes & Limitations
  Entered date and time values are not validated.
  Nucleo LF newline behavior is assumed.
  Actual update interval is longer than wait time due to output times.

 * Based on mbed Example Program - timeHelloWorld
 * Copyright (c) 2006-2014 ARM Limited
 * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
 * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
 * You may obtain a copy of the License at
 * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
 * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
 * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
 * limitations under the License.
#include "mbed.h"

// Construct a serial object connected to PC.
Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX); // Speed will be 9600 Baud and format 8-N-1.

int main()
    time_t userTime_tt; // Current time as a time type (time_t) variable.
    struct tm userTime_tm; // Current time as a time structure (tm) variable.

    // Get current date from user...
    char cdString[9]; // Current date string. Allow room for LF/null.
    pc.printf("Enter current date (MM-DD-YY format):\n");
    int i = 0; // Array (character location) index. Reused below.
    while (i < 9) {
        if (pc.readable()) { // A charactr is waiting...
            cdString[i] = (char) pc.getc(); // Read a character.
            pc.putc(cdString[i]); // Echo the character, including LF.
            i++; // Increment i as each character is read.
    cdString[8] = (char) 0; // Manually insert null character over LF.
    pc.printf("cdString: %s\n", cdString); // Display string.
    int month, day, year; // Ints to hold month, day and year.
    sscanf(cdString, "%2d-%2d-%2d", &month, &day, &year);
    year = year + 2000; // Convert year to correct style.
    pc.printf("Month: %d, Day: %d, Year: %d\n", month, day, year);

    // Get current time from user...
    char tString[9]; // Current time string. Allow room for LF/null.
    pc.printf("Enter current 24-hour time (hh:mm:ss format):\n");
    i = 0; // Reuse index.
    while (i < 9) {
        if (pc.readable()) { // // A charactr is waiting...
            tString[i] = (char) pc.getc(); // Read a character.
            pc.putc(tString[i]); // Echo the character.
            i++; // Increment i as each character is read.
    tString[8] = (char) 0; // Manually insert null character over LF.
    pc.printf("tString: %s\n", tString); // Display string.
    int hour, min, sec; // Ints to hold hours, minutes and seconds.
    sscanf(tString, "%2d:%2d:%2d", &hour, &min, &sec);
    pc.printf("Hours: %d, Minutes: %d, Seconds: %d\n", hour, min, sec);
    // Get wait between screen updates interval in seconds...
    // Allow for short (1 and 2 character entries).
    char wString[4] = {"   "}; // Wait interval string.
    i = 0; // Reuse index.
    pc.printf("Enter update interval in seconds (999 max.):\n");
    do { // Read 3 chars or to LF.
        if (pc.readable()) { // // A charactr is waiting...
            wString[i] = (char) pc.getc(); // Read a character.
            pc.putc(wString[i]); // Echo the character.
            i++; // Increment i as each character is read.
    } while (i < 4 && wString[i-1] != (char) 10);
    // The following line works regardless of # of digits entered!
    wString[i - 1] = (char) 0; // Manually insert null character over LF.
    pc.printf("wString: %s\n", wString); // Display string.
    int waitTime; // Time to wait between screen updates.
    sscanf(wString, "%d", &waitTime);
    pc.printf("Wait interval: %d\n", waitTime);
    // Fill standard library tm structure, hours, minutes & seconds required!
    userTime_tm.tm_year = year - 1900; // Convert to expected basis.
    userTime_tm.tm_mon = month - 1; // Convert to expected basis.
    userTime_tm.tm_mday = day;
    userTime_tm.tm_hour = hour;
    userTime_tm.tm_min = min;
    userTime_tm.tm_sec = sec;

    userTime_tt = mktime (&userTime_tm); // call mktime to create time_t type.

    set_time(userTime_tt);  // Set RTC time to entered time.

    while (true) { // Loop forever.
        time_t curTime_tt = time(NULL); // Get the current time as a time type.

        // Send output to PC...
        pc.printf("Time as seconds since January 1, 1970 = %d\n", curTime_tt);
        pc.printf("Current time in...\n");
        // The ctime string ends with a newline.
        pc.printf("...basic string format = %s", ctime(&curTime_tt));
        char tBuffer[32];
        strftime(tBuffer, 32, "%I:%M %p", localtime(&curTime_tt));
        pc.printf("...custom string format = %s\n\n", tBuffer);

        wait(waitTime); // Wait between updates.