Microsoft Azure IoTHub client HTTP transport

Dependents:   iothub_client_sample_http simplesample_http temp_sensor_anomaly

This library implements the HTTP transport for Microsoft Azure IoTHub client. The code is replicated from

--- a/iothubtransporthttp.c	Fri Jun 17 17:02:21 2016 -0700
+++ b/iothubtransporthttp.c	Fri Jul 01 10:42:14 2016 -0700
@@ -15,7 +15,7 @@
 #include "azure_c_shared_utility/httpapiexsas.h"
 #include "azure_c_shared_utility/urlencode.h"
-#include "azure_c_shared_utility/iot_logging.h"
+#include "azure_c_shared_utility/xlogging.h"
 #include "azure_c_shared_utility/httpapiex.h"
 #include "azure_c_shared_utility/httpapiexsas.h"
 #include "azure_c_shared_utility/strings.h"
@@ -46,360 +46,360 @@
-	bool doBatchedTransfers;
-	unsigned int getMinimumPollingTime;
-	VECTOR_HANDLE perDeviceList;
+    STRING_HANDLE hostName;
+    HTTPAPIEX_HANDLE httpApiExHandle;
+    bool doBatchedTransfers;
+    unsigned int getMinimumPollingTime;
+    VECTOR_HANDLE perDeviceList;
+    HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* transportHandle;
-	STRING_HANDLE deviceKey;
-	STRING_HANDLE deviceSasToken;
-	STRING_HANDLE eventHTTPrelativePath;
-	STRING_HANDLE messageHTTPrelativePath;
-	HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE eventHTTPrequestHeaders;
-	HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE messageHTTPrequestHeaders;
-	STRING_HANDLE abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin;
-	bool DoWork_PullMessage;
-	time_t lastPollTime;
-	bool isFirstPoll;
+    STRING_HANDLE deviceId;
+    STRING_HANDLE deviceKey;
+    STRING_HANDLE deviceSasToken;
+    STRING_HANDLE eventHTTPrelativePath;
+    STRING_HANDLE messageHTTPrelativePath;
+    HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE eventHTTPrequestHeaders;
+    HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE messageHTTPrequestHeaders;
+    STRING_HANDLE abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin;
+    bool DoWork_PullMessage;
+    time_t lastPollTime;
+    bool isFirstPoll;
-	PDLIST_ENTRY waitingToSend;
-	DLIST_ENTRY eventConfirmations; /*holds items for event confirmations*/
+    IOTHUB_CLIENT_LL_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle;
+    PDLIST_ENTRY waitingToSend;
+    DLIST_ENTRY eventConfirmations; /*holds items for event confirmations*/
 static void destroy_eventHTTPrelativePath(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData)
-	STRING_delete(handleData->eventHTTPrelativePath);
-	handleData->eventHTTPrelativePath = NULL;
+    STRING_delete(handleData->eventHTTPrelativePath);
+    handleData->eventHTTPrelativePath = NULL;
 static bool create_eventHTTPrelativePath(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData, const char * deviceId)
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_017: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall create an immutable string (further called "event HTTP relative path") from the following pieces: "/devices/" + URL_ENCODED(deviceId) + "/messages/events" + APIVERSION. ]*/
-	bool result;
-	STRING_HANDLE urlEncodedDeviceId;
-	handleData->eventHTTPrelativePath = STRING_construct("/devices/");
-	if (handleData->eventHTTPrelativePath == NULL)
-	{
-		LogError("STRING_construct failed.");
-		result = false;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if (!(
-			((urlEncodedDeviceId = URL_EncodeString(deviceId)) != NULL) &&
-			(STRING_concat_with_STRING(handleData->eventHTTPrelativePath, urlEncodedDeviceId) == 0) &&
-			(STRING_concat(handleData->eventHTTPrelativePath, EVENT_ENDPOINT API_VERSION) == 0)
-			))
-		{
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_018: [ If creating the string fail for any reason then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL. ]*/
-			destroy_eventHTTPrelativePath(handleData);
-			LogError("Creating HTTP event relative path failed.");
-			result = false;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			result = true;
-		}
-		STRING_delete(urlEncodedDeviceId);
-	}
-	return result;
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_017: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall create an immutable string (further called "event HTTP relative path") from the following pieces: "/devices/" + URL_ENCODED(deviceId) + "/messages/events" + APIVERSION. ]*/
+    bool result;
+    STRING_HANDLE urlEncodedDeviceId;
+    handleData->eventHTTPrelativePath = STRING_construct("/devices/");
+    if (handleData->eventHTTPrelativePath == NULL)
+    {
+        LogError("STRING_construct failed.");
+        result = false;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (!(
+            ((urlEncodedDeviceId = URL_EncodeString(deviceId)) != NULL) &&
+            (STRING_concat_with_STRING(handleData->eventHTTPrelativePath, urlEncodedDeviceId) == 0) &&
+            (STRING_concat(handleData->eventHTTPrelativePath, EVENT_ENDPOINT API_VERSION) == 0)
+            ))
+        {
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_018: [ If creating the string fail for any reason then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL. ]*/
+            destroy_eventHTTPrelativePath(handleData);
+            LogError("Creating HTTP event relative path failed.");
+            result = false;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            result = true;
+        }
+        STRING_delete(urlEncodedDeviceId);
+    }
+    return result;
 static void destroy_messageHTTPrelativePath(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData)
-	STRING_delete(handleData->messageHTTPrelativePath);
-	handleData->messageHTTPrelativePath = NULL;
+    STRING_delete(handleData->messageHTTPrelativePath);
+    handleData->messageHTTPrelativePath = NULL;
 static bool create_messageHTTPrelativePath(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData, const char * deviceId)
-	bool result;
-	handleData->messageHTTPrelativePath = STRING_construct("/devices/");
-	if (handleData->messageHTTPrelativePath == NULL)
-	{
-		LogError("STRING_construct failed.");
-		result = false;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		STRING_HANDLE urlEncodedDeviceId;
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_019: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall create an immutable string (further called "message HTTP relative path") from the following pieces: "/devices/" + URL_ENCODED(deviceId) + "/messages/devicebound" + APIVERSION. ]*/
-		if (!(
-			((urlEncodedDeviceId = URL_EncodeString(deviceId)) != NULL) &&
-			(STRING_concat_with_STRING(handleData->messageHTTPrelativePath, urlEncodedDeviceId) == 0) &&
-			(STRING_concat(handleData->messageHTTPrelativePath, MESSAGE_ENDPOINT_HTTP API_VERSION) == 0)
-			))
-		{
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_020: [ If creating the message HTTP relative path fails, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL. ]*/
-			LogError("Creating HTTP message relative path failed.");
-			result = false;
-			destroy_messageHTTPrelativePath(handleData);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			result = true;
-		}
-		STRING_delete(urlEncodedDeviceId);
-	}
+    bool result;
+    handleData->messageHTTPrelativePath = STRING_construct("/devices/");
+    if (handleData->messageHTTPrelativePath == NULL)
+    {
+        LogError("STRING_construct failed.");
+        result = false;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        STRING_HANDLE urlEncodedDeviceId;
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_019: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall create an immutable string (further called "message HTTP relative path") from the following pieces: "/devices/" + URL_ENCODED(deviceId) + "/messages/devicebound" + APIVERSION. ]*/
+        if (!(
+            ((urlEncodedDeviceId = URL_EncodeString(deviceId)) != NULL) &&
+            (STRING_concat_with_STRING(handleData->messageHTTPrelativePath, urlEncodedDeviceId) == 0) &&
+            (STRING_concat(handleData->messageHTTPrelativePath, MESSAGE_ENDPOINT_HTTP API_VERSION) == 0)
+            ))
+        {
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_020: [ If creating the message HTTP relative path fails, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL. ]*/
+            LogError("Creating HTTP message relative path failed.");
+            result = false;
+            destroy_messageHTTPrelativePath(handleData);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            result = true;
+        }
+        STRING_delete(urlEncodedDeviceId);
+    }
-	return result;
+    return result;
 static void destroy_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData)
-	HTTPHeaders_Free(handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders);
-	handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders = NULL;
+    HTTPHeaders_Free(handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders);
+    handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders = NULL;
 static bool create_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData, const char * deviceId)
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_021: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall create a set of HTTP headers (further called "event HTTP request headers") consisting of the following fixed field names and values: "iothub-to":"/devices/" + URL_ENCODED(deviceId) + "/messages/events"; "Authorization":""
-	"Accept":"application/json"
-	"Connection":"Keep-Alive" ]*/
-	bool result;
-	handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders = HTTPHeaders_Alloc();
-	if (handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders == NULL)
-	{
-		LogError("HTTPHeaders_Alloc failed.");
-		result = false;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		STRING_HANDLE temp = STRING_construct("/devices/");
-		if (temp == NULL)
-		{
-			LogError("STRING_construct failed.");
-			result = false;
-			destroy_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(handleData);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			STRING_HANDLE urlEncodedDeviceId;
-			if (!(
-				((urlEncodedDeviceId = URL_EncodeString(deviceId)) != NULL) &&
-				(STRING_concat_with_STRING(temp, urlEncodedDeviceId) == 0) &&
-				(STRING_concat(temp, EVENT_ENDPOINT) == 0)
-				))
-			{
-				LogError("deviceId construction failed.");
-				result = false;
-				destroy_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(handleData);
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				if (!(
-					(HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders, "iothub-to", STRING_c_str(temp)) == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) &&
-					(HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders, "Authorization", " ") == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) &&
-					(HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders, "Accept", "application/json") == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) &&
-					(HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders, "Connection", "Keep-Alive") == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) &&
-					(HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders, "User-Agent", CLIENT_DEVICE_TYPE_PREFIX CLIENT_DEVICE_BACKSLASH IOTHUB_SDK_VERSION) == HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
-					))
-				{
-					/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_022: [ If creating the event HTTP request headers fails, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL.] */
-					LogError("adding header properties failed.");
-					result = false;
-					destroy_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(handleData);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					result = true;
-				}
-			}
-			STRING_delete(urlEncodedDeviceId);
-			STRING_delete(temp);
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_021: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall create a set of HTTP headers (further called "event HTTP request headers") consisting of the following fixed field names and values: "iothub-to":"/devices/" + URL_ENCODED(deviceId) + "/messages/events"; "Authorization":""
+    "Accept":"application/json"
+    "Connection":"Keep-Alive" ]*/
+    bool result;
+    handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders = HTTPHeaders_Alloc();
+    if (handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders == NULL)
+    {
+        LogError("HTTPHeaders_Alloc failed.");
+        result = false;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        STRING_HANDLE temp = STRING_construct("/devices/");
+        if (temp == NULL)
+        {
+            LogError("STRING_construct failed.");
+            result = false;
+            destroy_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(handleData);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            STRING_HANDLE urlEncodedDeviceId;
+            if (!(
+                ((urlEncodedDeviceId = URL_EncodeString(deviceId)) != NULL) &&
+                (STRING_concat_with_STRING(temp, urlEncodedDeviceId) == 0) &&
+                (STRING_concat(temp, EVENT_ENDPOINT) == 0)
+                ))
+            {
+                LogError("deviceId construction failed.");
+                result = false;
+                destroy_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(handleData);
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (!(
+                    (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders, "iothub-to", STRING_c_str(temp)) == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) &&
+                    (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders, "Authorization", " ") == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) &&
+                    (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders, "Accept", "application/json") == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) &&
+                    (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders, "Connection", "Keep-Alive") == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) &&
+                    (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(handleData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders, "User-Agent", CLIENT_DEVICE_TYPE_PREFIX CLIENT_DEVICE_BACKSLASH IOTHUB_SDK_VERSION) == HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
+                    ))
+                {
+                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_022: [ If creating the event HTTP request headers fails, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL.] */
+                    LogError("adding header properties failed.");
+                    result = false;
+                    destroy_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(handleData);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    result = true;
+                }
+            }
+            STRING_delete(urlEncodedDeviceId);
+            STRING_delete(temp);
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
 static void destroy_messageHTTPrequestHeaders(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData)
-	HTTPHeaders_Free(handleData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders);
-	handleData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders = NULL;
+    HTTPHeaders_Free(handleData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders);
+    handleData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders = NULL;
 static bool create_messageHTTPrequestHeaders(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData)
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_132: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall create a set of HTTP headers (further called "message HTTP request headers") consisting of the following fixed field names and values:
-	"Authorization": "" ]*/
-	bool result;
-	handleData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders = HTTPHeaders_Alloc();
-	if (handleData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders == NULL)
-	{
-		LogError("HTTPHeaders_Alloc failed.");
-		result = false;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if (!(
-			(HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(handleData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders, "User-Agent", CLIENT_DEVICE_TYPE_PREFIX CLIENT_DEVICE_BACKSLASH IOTHUB_SDK_VERSION) == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) &&
-			(HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(handleData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders, "Authorization", " ") == HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
-			))
-		{
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_023: [ If creating message HTTP request headers then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL. ]*/
-			destroy_messageHTTPrequestHeaders(handleData);
-			LogError("adding header properties failed.");
-			result = false;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			result = true;
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_132: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall create a set of HTTP headers (further called "message HTTP request headers") consisting of the following fixed field names and values:
+    "Authorization": "" ]*/
+    bool result;
+    handleData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders = HTTPHeaders_Alloc();
+    if (handleData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders == NULL)
+    {
+        LogError("HTTPHeaders_Alloc failed.");
+        result = false;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if (!(
+            (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(handleData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders, "User-Agent", CLIENT_DEVICE_TYPE_PREFIX CLIENT_DEVICE_BACKSLASH IOTHUB_SDK_VERSION) == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) &&
+            (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(handleData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders, "Authorization", " ") == HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
+            ))
+        {
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_023: [ If creating message HTTP request headers then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL. ]*/
+            destroy_messageHTTPrequestHeaders(handleData);
+            LogError("adding header properties failed.");
+            result = false;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            result = true;
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
 static void destroy_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData)
-	STRING_delete(handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin);
-	handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin = NULL;
+    STRING_delete(handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin);
+    handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin = NULL;
 static bool create_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData, const char * deviceId)
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_024: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall create a STRING containing: "/devices/" + URL_ENCODED(device id) +"/messages/deviceBound/" called abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin. ]*/
-	bool result;
-	handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin = STRING_construct("/devices/");
-	if (handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin == NULL)
-	{
-		result = false;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		STRING_HANDLE urlEncodedDeviceId;
-		if (!(
-			((urlEncodedDeviceId = URL_EncodeString(deviceId)) != NULL) &&
-			(STRING_concat_with_STRING(handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin, urlEncodedDeviceId) == 0) &&
-			(STRING_concat(handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin, MESSAGE_ENDPOINT_HTTP_ETAG) == 0)
-			))
-		{
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_025: [ If creating the abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL. ]*/
-			LogError("unable to create abandon path string.");
-			STRING_delete(handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin);
-			result = false;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			result = true;
-		}
-		STRING_delete(urlEncodedDeviceId);
-	}
-	return result;
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_024: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall create a STRING containing: "/devices/" + URL_ENCODED(device id) +"/messages/deviceBound/" called abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin. ]*/
+    bool result;
+    handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin = STRING_construct("/devices/");
+    if (handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin == NULL)
+    {
+        result = false;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        STRING_HANDLE urlEncodedDeviceId;
+        if (!(
+            ((urlEncodedDeviceId = URL_EncodeString(deviceId)) != NULL) &&
+            (STRING_concat_with_STRING(handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin, urlEncodedDeviceId) == 0) &&
+            (STRING_concat(handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin, MESSAGE_ENDPOINT_HTTP_ETAG) == 0)
+            ))
+        {
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_025: [ If creating the abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL. ]*/
+            LogError("unable to create abandon path string.");
+            STRING_delete(handleData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin);
+            result = false;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            result = true;
+        }
+        STRING_delete(urlEncodedDeviceId);
+    }
+    return result;
 static void destroy_SASObject(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData)
-	HTTPAPIEX_SAS_Destroy(handleData->sasObject);
-	handleData->sasObject = NULL;
+    HTTPAPIEX_SAS_Destroy(handleData->sasObject);
+    handleData->sasObject = NULL;
 static bool create_deviceSASObject(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData, STRING_HANDLE hostName, const char * deviceId, const char * deviceKey)
-	bool result;
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_026: [IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall invoke URL_EncodeString with an argument of device id.]*/
-	keyName = URL_EncodeString(deviceId);
-	if (keyName == NULL)
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_027: [If the encode fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL.]*/
-		LogError("URL_EncodeString keyname failed");
-		result = false;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		STRING_HANDLE uriResource;
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_028: [IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall invoke STRING_clone using the previously created hostname.]*/
-		uriResource = STRING_clone(hostName);
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_029: [If the clone fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL.]*/
-		if (uriResource != NULL)
-		{
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_030: [IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall invoke STRING_concat with arguments uriResource and the string "/devices/".]*/
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_141: [If the concat fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL.]*/
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_031: [IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall invoke STRING_concat_with_STRING with arguments uriResource and keyName.]*/
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_032: [If the STRING_concat_with_STRING fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL.]*/
-			if ((STRING_concat(uriResource, "/devices/") == 0) &&
-				(STRING_concat_with_STRING(uriResource, keyName) == 0))
-			{
-				/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_033: [IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall invoke STRING_construct with an argument of config->upperConfig->deviceKey.]*/
-				/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_034: [If the STRING_construct fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL.]*/
-				STRING_HANDLE key = STRING_construct(deviceKey);
-				if (key != NULL)
-				{
-					/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_035: [The keyName is shortened to zero length, if that fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL.]*/
-					if (STRING_empty(keyName) != 0)
-					{
-						LogError("Unable to form the device key name for the SAS");
-						result = false;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_036: [IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall invoke HTTPAPIEX_SAS_Create with arguments key, uriResource, and zero length keyName.]*/
-						/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_037: [If the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_Create fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL.]*/
-						handleData->sasObject = HTTPAPIEX_SAS_Create(key, uriResource, keyName);
-						result = (handleData->sasObject != NULL) ? (true) : (false);
-					}
-					STRING_delete(key);
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					LogError("STRING_construct Key failed");
-					result = false;
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				LogError("STRING_concat uri resource failed");
-				result = false;
-			}
-			STRING_delete(uriResource);
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			LogError("STRING_staticclone uri resource failed");
-			result = false;
-		}
-		STRING_delete(keyName);
-	}
-	return result;
+    STRING_HANDLE keyName;
+    bool result;
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_026: [IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall invoke URL_EncodeString with an argument of device id.]*/
+    keyName = URL_EncodeString(deviceId);
+    if (keyName == NULL)
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_027: [If the encode fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL.]*/
+        LogError("URL_EncodeString keyname failed");
+        result = false;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        STRING_HANDLE uriResource;
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_028: [IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall invoke STRING_clone using the previously created hostname.]*/
+        uriResource = STRING_clone(hostName);
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_029: [If the clone fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL.]*/
+        if (uriResource != NULL)
+        {
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_030: [IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall invoke STRING_concat with arguments uriResource and the string "/devices/".]*/
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_141: [If the concat fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL.]*/
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_031: [IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall invoke STRING_concat_with_STRING with arguments uriResource and keyName.]*/
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_032: [If the STRING_concat_with_STRING fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL.]*/
+            if ((STRING_concat(uriResource, "/devices/") == 0) &&
+                (STRING_concat_with_STRING(uriResource, keyName) == 0))
+            {
+                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_033: [IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall invoke STRING_construct with an argument of config->upperConfig->deviceKey.]*/
+                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_034: [If the STRING_construct fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL.]*/
+                STRING_HANDLE key = STRING_construct(deviceKey);
+                if (key != NULL)
+                {
+                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_035: [The keyName is shortened to zero length, if that fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL.]*/
+                    if (STRING_empty(keyName) != 0)
+                    {
+                        LogError("Unable to form the device key name for the SAS");
+                        result = false;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_036: [IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall invoke HTTPAPIEX_SAS_Create with arguments key, uriResource, and zero length keyName.]*/
+                        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_037: [If the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_Create fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL.]*/
+                        handleData->sasObject = HTTPAPIEX_SAS_Create(key, uriResource, keyName);
+                        result = (handleData->sasObject != NULL) ? (true) : (false);
+                    }
+                    STRING_delete(key);
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    LogError("STRING_construct Key failed");
+                    result = false;
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                LogError("STRING_concat uri resource failed");
+                result = false;
+            }
+            STRING_delete(uriResource);
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            LogError("STRING_staticclone uri resource failed");
+            result = false;
+        }
+        STRING_delete(keyName);
+    }
+    return result;
 static void destroy_deviceId(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData)
-	STRING_delete(handleData->deviceId);
-	handleData->deviceId = NULL;
+    STRING_delete(handleData->deviceId);
+    handleData->deviceId = NULL;
 static bool create_deviceId(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData, const char * deviceId)
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_133: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall create an immutable string (further called "deviceId") from config->deviceConfig->deviceId. ]*/
-	bool result;
-	handleData->deviceId = STRING_construct(deviceId);
-	if (handleData->deviceId == NULL)
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_134: [ If deviceId is not created, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL. */
-		LogError("STRING_construct deviceId failed");
-		result = false;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		result = true;
-	}
-	return result;
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_133: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall create an immutable string (further called "deviceId") from config->deviceConfig->deviceId. ]*/
+    bool result;
+    handleData->deviceId = STRING_construct(deviceId);
+    if (handleData->deviceId == NULL)
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_134: [ If deviceId is not created, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL. */
+        LogError("STRING_construct deviceId failed");
+        result = false;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        result = true;
+    }
+    return result;
 static void destroy_deviceKey(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData)
-	STRING_delete(handleData->deviceKey);
-	handleData->deviceKey = NULL;
+    STRING_delete(handleData->deviceKey);
+    handleData->deviceKey = NULL;
 static void destroy_deviceSas(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData)
@@ -410,44 +410,44 @@
 static bool create_deviceKey(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData, const char * deviceKey)
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_135: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall create an immutable string (further called "deviceKey") from deviceKey. ]*/
-	bool result;
-	handleData->deviceKey = STRING_construct(deviceKey);
-	if (handleData->deviceKey == NULL)
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_136: [ If deviceKey is not created, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL. ]*/
-		LogError("STRING_construct deviceKey failed");
-		result = false;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		result = true;
-	}
-	return result;
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_135: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall create an immutable string (further called "deviceKey") from deviceKey. ]*/
+    bool result;
+    handleData->deviceKey = STRING_construct(deviceKey);
+    if (handleData->deviceKey == NULL)
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_136: [ If deviceKey is not created, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL. ]*/
+        LogError("STRING_construct deviceKey failed");
+        result = false;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        result = true;
+    }
+    return result;
 static void destroy_deviceSasToken(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData)
-	STRING_delete(handleData->deviceSasToken);
-	handleData->deviceSasToken = NULL;
+    STRING_delete(handleData->deviceSasToken);
+    handleData->deviceSasToken = NULL;
 static bool create_deviceSasToken(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* handleData, const char * deviceSasToken)
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_135: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall create an immutable string (further called "deviceSasToken") from deviceSasToken. ]*/
-	bool result;
-	handleData->deviceSasToken = STRING_construct(deviceSasToken);
-	if (handleData->deviceSasToken == NULL)
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_136: [ If deviceSasToken is not created, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL. ]*/
-		LogError("STRING_construct deviceSasToken failed");
-		result = false;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		result = true;
-	}
-	return result;
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_135: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall create an immutable string (further called "deviceSasToken") from deviceSasToken. ]*/
+    bool result;
+    handleData->deviceSasToken = STRING_construct(deviceSasToken);
+    if (handleData->deviceSasToken == NULL)
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_136: [ If deviceSasToken is not created, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL. ]*/
+        LogError("STRING_construct deviceSasToken failed");
+        result = false;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        result = true;
+    }
+    return result;
@@ -457,657 +457,657 @@
 /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_137: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall search the devices list for any device matching name deviceId. If deviceId is found it shall return NULL. ]*/
 static bool findDeviceHandle(const void* element, const void* value)
-	bool result;
-	/* data stored at element is device handle */
-	const IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE * guess = (const IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE *)element;
-	result = (*guess == match) ? true : false;
-	return result;
+    bool result;
+    /* data stored at element is device handle */
+    const IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE * guess = (const IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE *)element;
+    const IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE match = (const IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE)value;
+    result = (*guess == match) ? true : false;
+    return result;
 static bool findDeviceById(const void* element, const void* value)
-	bool result;
-	const char* deviceId = (const char *)value;
+    bool result;
+    const char* deviceId = (const char *)value;
+    const HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA * perDeviceElement = *(const HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA **)element;
-	result = (strcmp(STRING_c_str(perDeviceElement->deviceId), deviceId) == 0);
+    result = (strcmp(STRING_c_str(perDeviceElement->deviceId), deviceId) == 0);
-	return result;
+    return result;
 static IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE IoTHubTransportHttp_Register(TRANSPORT_LL_HANDLE handle, const IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONFIG* device, IOTHUB_CLIENT_LL_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle, PDLIST_ENTRY waitingToSend)
-	if (handle == NULL || device == NULL)
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_142: [ If handle is NULL or device is NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall return NULL. ]*/
-		LogError("Transport handle is NULL");
-		result = NULL;
-	}
-	else if (device->deviceId == NULL || ((device->deviceKey == NULL) && (device->deviceSasToken == NULL)) || waitingToSend == NULL || iotHubClientHandle == NULL)
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_015: [ If IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONFIG fields deviceKey and deviceSasToken are NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall return NULL. ]*/
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_014: [ If IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONFIG field deviceId is NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall return NULL. ]*/
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_016: [ If parameter waitingToSend is NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall return NULL. ]*/
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_143: [ If parameter iotHubClientHandle is NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall return NULL. ]*/
-		LogError("Some parameters expected to be non-NULL");
-		result = NULL;
-	}
-	else if ( (device->deviceKey != NULL) && (device->deviceSasToken != NULL) )
-	{
-		/* Codess_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_015: [If IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONFIG fields deviceKey and deviceSasToken are both NOT NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall return NULL.]*/
-		LogError("deviceKey & deviceSasToken cannot be both defined.");
-		result = NULL;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_137: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall search the devices list for any device matching name deviceId. If deviceId is found it shall return NULL. ]*/
-		void* listItem = VECTOR_find_if(handleData->perDeviceList, findDeviceById, device->deviceId);
-		if (listItem != NULL)
-		{
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_137: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall search the devices list for any device matching name deviceId. If deviceId is found it shall return NULL. ]*/
-			LogError("Transport already has device registered by id: [%s]", device->deviceId);
-			result = NULL;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			bool was_create_deviceKey_ok = false;
-			bool was_create_deviceSasToken_ok = false;
-			bool was_sasObject_ok = false;
+    if (handle == NULL || device == NULL)
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_142: [ If handle is NULL or device is NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall return NULL. ]*/
+        LogError("Transport handle is NULL");
+        result = NULL;
+    }
+    else if (device->deviceId == NULL || ((device->deviceKey == NULL) && (device->deviceSasToken == NULL)) || waitingToSend == NULL || iotHubClientHandle == NULL)
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_015: [ If IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONFIG fields deviceKey and deviceSasToken are NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall return NULL. ]*/
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_014: [ If IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONFIG field deviceId is NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall return NULL. ]*/
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_016: [ If parameter waitingToSend is NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall return NULL. ]*/
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_143: [ If parameter iotHubClientHandle is NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall return NULL. ]*/
+        LogError("Some parameters expected to be non-NULL");
+        result = NULL;
+    }
+    else if ( (device->deviceKey != NULL) && (device->deviceSasToken != NULL) )
+    {
+        /* Codess_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_015: [If IOTHUB_DEVICE_CONFIG fields deviceKey and deviceSasToken are both NOT NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall return NULL.]*/
+        LogError("deviceKey & deviceSasToken cannot be both defined.");
+        result = NULL;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_137: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall search the devices list for any device matching name deviceId. If deviceId is found it shall return NULL. ]*/
+        void* listItem = VECTOR_find_if(handleData->perDeviceList, findDeviceById, device->deviceId);
+        if (listItem != NULL)
+        {
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_137: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall search the devices list for any device matching name deviceId. If deviceId is found it shall return NULL. ]*/
+            LogError("Transport already has device registered by id: [%s]", device->deviceId);
+            result = NULL;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            bool was_create_deviceKey_ok = false;
+            bool was_create_deviceSasToken_ok = false;
+            bool was_sasObject_ok = false;
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_038: [ Otherwise, IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall allocate the IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE structure. ]*/
-			bool was_resultCreated_ok = ((result = malloc(sizeof(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA))) != NULL);
-			bool was_create_deviceId_ok = was_resultCreated_ok && create_deviceId(result, device->deviceId);
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_038: [ Otherwise, IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall allocate the IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE structure. ]*/
+            bool was_resultCreated_ok = ((result = malloc(sizeof(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA))) != NULL);
+            bool was_create_deviceId_ok = was_resultCreated_ok && create_deviceId(result, device->deviceId);
-			if (was_create_deviceId_ok && (device->deviceSasToken != NULL))
-			{
-				was_create_deviceSasToken_ok = create_deviceSasToken(result, device->deviceSasToken);
-				result->deviceKey = NULL;
+            if (was_create_deviceId_ok && (device->deviceSasToken != NULL))
+            {
+                was_create_deviceSasToken_ok = create_deviceSasToken(result, device->deviceSasToken);
+                result->deviceKey = NULL;
                 result->sasObject = NULL;
-			}
-			if (was_create_deviceId_ok && (device->deviceKey != NULL))
-			{
-				was_create_deviceKey_ok = create_deviceKey(result, device->deviceKey);
-				result->deviceSasToken = NULL;
-			}
+            }
+            if (was_create_deviceId_ok && (device->deviceKey != NULL))
+            {
+                was_create_deviceKey_ok = create_deviceKey(result, device->deviceKey);
+                result->deviceSasToken = NULL;
+            }
-			bool was_eventHTTPrelativePath_ok = (was_create_deviceKey_ok || was_create_deviceSasToken_ok) && create_eventHTTPrelativePath(result, device->deviceId);
-			bool was_messageHTTPrelativePath_ok = was_eventHTTPrelativePath_ok && create_messageHTTPrelativePath(result, device->deviceId);
-			bool was_eventHTTPrequestHeaders_ok = was_messageHTTPrelativePath_ok && create_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(result, device->deviceId);
-			bool was_messageHTTPrequestHeaders_ok = was_eventHTTPrequestHeaders_ok && create_messageHTTPrequestHeaders(result);
-			bool was_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin_ok = was_messageHTTPrequestHeaders_ok && create_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin(result, device->deviceId);
+            bool was_eventHTTPrelativePath_ok = (was_create_deviceKey_ok || was_create_deviceSasToken_ok) && create_eventHTTPrelativePath(result, device->deviceId);
+            bool was_messageHTTPrelativePath_ok = was_eventHTTPrelativePath_ok && create_messageHTTPrelativePath(result, device->deviceId);
+            bool was_eventHTTPrequestHeaders_ok = was_messageHTTPrelativePath_ok && create_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(result, device->deviceId);
+            bool was_messageHTTPrequestHeaders_ok = was_eventHTTPrequestHeaders_ok && create_messageHTTPrequestHeaders(result);
+            bool was_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin_ok = was_messageHTTPrequestHeaders_ok && create_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin(result, device->deviceId);
-			if (!was_create_deviceSasToken_ok)
-			{
-				was_sasObject_ok = was_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin_ok && create_deviceSASObject(result, handleData->hostName, device->deviceId, device->deviceKey);
-			}
+            if (!was_create_deviceSasToken_ok)
+            {
+                was_sasObject_ok = was_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin_ok && create_deviceSASObject(result, handleData->hostName, device->deviceId, device->deviceKey);
+            }
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_041: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall call VECTOR_push_back to store the new device information. ]*/
-			bool was_list_add_ok = (was_sasObject_ok || was_create_deviceSasToken_ok) && (VECTOR_push_back(handleData->perDeviceList, &result, 1) == 0);
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_041: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall call VECTOR_push_back to store the new device information. ]*/
+            bool was_list_add_ok = (was_sasObject_ok || was_create_deviceSasToken_ok) && (VECTOR_push_back(handleData->perDeviceList, &result, 1) == 0);
-			if (was_list_add_ok)
-			{
-				/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_043: [ Upon success, IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall store the transport handle, iotHubClientHandle, and the waitingToSend queue in the device handle return a non-NULL value. ]*/
-				/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_040: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall put event HTTP relative path, message HTTP relative path, event HTTP request headers, message HTTP request headers, abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin, HTTPAPIEX_SAS_HANDLE, and the device handle into a device structure. ]*/
-				/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_128: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall mark this device as unsubscribed. ]*/
-				result->DoWork_PullMessage = false;
-				result->isFirstPoll = true;
-				result->iotHubClientHandle = iotHubClientHandle;
-				result->waitingToSend = waitingToSend;
-				DList_InitializeListHead(&(result->eventConfirmations));
-				result->transportHandle = handle;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_042: [ If the list_add fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL. ]*/
-				if (was_sasObject_ok) destroy_SASObject(result);
-				if (was_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin_ok) destroy_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin(result);
-				if (was_messageHTTPrelativePath_ok) destroy_messageHTTPrelativePath(result);
-				if (was_eventHTTPrequestHeaders_ok) destroy_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(result);
-				if (was_messageHTTPrequestHeaders_ok) destroy_messageHTTPrequestHeaders(result);
-				if (was_eventHTTPrelativePath_ok) destroy_eventHTTPrelativePath(result);
-				if (was_create_deviceId_ok) destroy_deviceId(result);
-				if (was_create_deviceKey_ok) destroy_deviceKey(result);
-				if (was_create_deviceSasToken_ok) destroy_deviceSasToken(result);
-				/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_039: [ If the allocating the device handle fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL. ] */
-				if (was_resultCreated_ok) free(result);
-				result = NULL;
-			}
-		}
+            if (was_list_add_ok)
+            {
+                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_043: [ Upon success, IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall store the transport handle, iotHubClientHandle, and the waitingToSend queue in the device handle return a non-NULL value. ]*/
+                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_040: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall put event HTTP relative path, message HTTP relative path, event HTTP request headers, message HTTP request headers, abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin, HTTPAPIEX_SAS_HANDLE, and the device handle into a device structure. ]*/
+                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_128: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall mark this device as unsubscribed. ]*/
+                result->DoWork_PullMessage = false;
+                result->isFirstPoll = true;
+                result->iotHubClientHandle = iotHubClientHandle;
+                result->waitingToSend = waitingToSend;
+                DList_InitializeListHead(&(result->eventConfirmations));
+                result->transportHandle = handle;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_042: [ If the list_add fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL. ]*/
+                if (was_sasObject_ok) destroy_SASObject(result);
+                if (was_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin_ok) destroy_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin(result);
+                if (was_messageHTTPrelativePath_ok) destroy_messageHTTPrelativePath(result);
+                if (was_eventHTTPrequestHeaders_ok) destroy_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(result);
+                if (was_messageHTTPrequestHeaders_ok) destroy_messageHTTPrequestHeaders(result);
+                if (was_eventHTTPrelativePath_ok) destroy_eventHTTPrelativePath(result);
+                if (was_create_deviceId_ok) destroy_deviceId(result);
+                if (was_create_deviceKey_ok) destroy_deviceKey(result);
+                if (was_create_deviceSasToken_ok) destroy_deviceSasToken(result);
+                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_039: [ If the allocating the device handle fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Register shall fail and return NULL. ] */
+                if (was_resultCreated_ok) free(result);
+                result = NULL;
+            }
+        }
-	}
-	return (IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE)result;
+    }
+    return (IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE)result;
 static void destroy_perDeviceData(HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA * perDeviceItem)
-	destroy_deviceId(perDeviceItem);
-	destroy_deviceKey(perDeviceItem);
+    destroy_deviceId(perDeviceItem);
+    destroy_deviceKey(perDeviceItem);
-	destroy_eventHTTPrelativePath(perDeviceItem);
-	destroy_messageHTTPrelativePath(perDeviceItem);
-	destroy_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(perDeviceItem);
-	destroy_messageHTTPrequestHeaders(perDeviceItem);
-	destroy_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin(perDeviceItem);
-	destroy_SASObject(perDeviceItem);
+    destroy_eventHTTPrelativePath(perDeviceItem);
+    destroy_messageHTTPrelativePath(perDeviceItem);
+    destroy_eventHTTPrequestHeaders(perDeviceItem);
+    destroy_messageHTTPrequestHeaders(perDeviceItem);
+    destroy_abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin(perDeviceItem);
+    destroy_SASObject(perDeviceItem);
 static IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE* get_perDeviceDataItem(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE deviceHandle)
-	HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData = deviceHandleData->transportHandle;
+    HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData = deviceHandleData->transportHandle;
-	listItem = VECTOR_find_if(handleData->perDeviceList, findDeviceHandle, deviceHandle);
-	if (listItem == NULL)
-	{
-		LogError("device handle not found in transport device list");
-		listItem = NULL;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		/* sucessfully found device in list. */
-	}
+    listItem = VECTOR_find_if(handleData->perDeviceList, findDeviceHandle, deviceHandle);
+    if (listItem == NULL)
+    {
+        LogError("device handle not found in transport device list");
+        listItem = NULL;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /* sucessfully found device in list. */
+    }
-	return listItem;
+    return listItem;
 static void IoTHubTransportHttp_Unregister(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE deviceHandle)
-	if (deviceHandle == NULL)
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_044: [ If deviceHandle is NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Unregister shall do nothing. ]*/
-		LogError("Unregister a NULL device handle");
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData = deviceHandleData->transportHandle;
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_045: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Unregister shall locate deviceHandle in the transport device list by calling list_find_if. ]*/
-		IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE* listItem = get_perDeviceDataItem(deviceHandle);
-		if (listItem == NULL)
-		{
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_046: [ If the device structure is not found, then this function shall fail and do nothing. ]*/
-			LogError("Device Handle [%p] not found in transport", deviceHandle);
-		}
-		else
-		{
+    if (deviceHandle == NULL)
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_044: [ If deviceHandle is NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Unregister shall do nothing. ]*/
+        LogError("Unregister a NULL device handle");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData = deviceHandleData->transportHandle;
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_045: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Unregister shall locate deviceHandle in the transport device list by calling list_find_if. ]*/
+        IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE* listItem = get_perDeviceDataItem(deviceHandle);
+        if (listItem == NULL)
+        {
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_046: [ If the device structure is not found, then this function shall fail and do nothing. ]*/
+            LogError("Device Handle [%p] not found in transport", deviceHandle);
+        }
+        else
+        {
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_047: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Unregister shall free all the resources used in the device structure. ]*/
-			destroy_perDeviceData(perDeviceItem);
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_048: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Unregister shall call list_remove to remove device from devices list. ]*/
-			VECTOR_erase(handleData->perDeviceList, listItem, 1);
-			free(deviceHandleData);
-		}
-	}
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_047: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Unregister shall free all the resources used in the device structure. ]*/
+            destroy_perDeviceData(perDeviceItem);
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_048: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Unregister shall call list_remove to remove device from devices list. ]*/
+            VECTOR_erase(handleData->perDeviceList, listItem, 1);
+            free(deviceHandleData);
+        }
+    }
-	return;
+    return;
 /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_005: [Otherwise, IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall create an immutable string (further called hostname) containing config->upperConfig->iotHubName + config->upperConfig->iotHubSuffix.]*/
 static void destroy_hostName(HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData)
-	STRING_delete(handleData->hostName);
-	handleData->hostName = NULL;
+    STRING_delete(handleData->hostName);
+    handleData->hostName = NULL;
 /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_005: [Otherwise, IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall create an immutable string (further called hostname) containing config->upperConfig->iotHubName + config->upperConfig->iotHubSuffix.]*/
 static bool create_hostName(HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData, const IOTHUBTRANSPORT_CONFIG* config)
-	bool result;
-	handleData->hostName = STRING_construct(config->upperConfig->iotHubName);
-	if (handleData->hostName == NULL)
-	{
-		result = false;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		if ((STRING_concat(handleData->hostName, ".") != 0) ||
-			(STRING_concat(handleData->hostName, config->upperConfig->iotHubSuffix) != 0))
-		{
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_006: [ If creating the hostname fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL. ] */
-			destroy_hostName(handleData);
-			result = false;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			result = true;
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
+    bool result;
+    handleData->hostName = STRING_construct(config->upperConfig->iotHubName);
+    if (handleData->hostName == NULL)
+    {
+        result = false;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        if ((STRING_concat(handleData->hostName, ".") != 0) ||
+            (STRING_concat(handleData->hostName, config->upperConfig->iotHubSuffix) != 0))
+        {
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_006: [ If creating the hostname fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL. ] */
+            destroy_hostName(handleData);
+            result = false;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            result = true;
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
 /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_007: [Otherwise, IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall create a HTTPAPIEX_HANDLE by a call to HTTPAPIEX_Create passing for hostName the hostname so far constructed by IoTHubTransportHttp_Create.]*/
 static void destroy_httpApiExHandle(HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData)
-	HTTPAPIEX_Destroy(handleData->httpApiExHandle);
-	handleData->httpApiExHandle = NULL;
+    HTTPAPIEX_Destroy(handleData->httpApiExHandle);
+    handleData->httpApiExHandle = NULL;
 /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_007: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall create a HTTPAPIEX_HANDLE by a call to HTTPAPIEX_Create passing for hostName the hostname so far constructed by IoTHubTransportHttp_Create. ]*/
 static bool create_httpApiExHandle(HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData, const IOTHUBTRANSPORT_CONFIG* config)
-	bool result;
-	(void)config;
-	handleData->httpApiExHandle = HTTPAPIEX_Create(STRING_c_str(handleData->hostName));
-	if (handleData->httpApiExHandle == NULL)
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_008: [ If creating the HTTPAPIEX_HANDLE fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL. ] */
-		result = false;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		result = true;
-	}
-	return result;
+    bool result;
+    (void)config;
+    handleData->httpApiExHandle = HTTPAPIEX_Create(STRING_c_str(handleData->hostName));
+    if (handleData->httpApiExHandle == NULL)
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_008: [ If creating the HTTPAPIEX_HANDLE fails then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL. ] */
+        result = false;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        result = true;
+    }
+    return result;
 static void destroy_perDeviceList(HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData)
-	VECTOR_destroy(handleData->perDeviceList);
-	handleData->perDeviceList = NULL;
+    VECTOR_destroy(handleData->perDeviceList);
+    handleData->perDeviceList = NULL;
 /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_009: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall call list_create to create a list of registered devices. ]*/
 static bool create_perDeviceList(HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData)
-	bool result;
-	handleData->perDeviceList = VECTOR_create(sizeof(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE));
-	if (handleData == NULL || handleData->perDeviceList == NULL)
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_010: [ If creating the list fails, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL. ]*/
-		result = false;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		result = true;
-	}
-	return result;
+    bool result;
+    handleData->perDeviceList = VECTOR_create(sizeof(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE));
+    if (handleData == NULL || handleData->perDeviceList == NULL)
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_010: [ If creating the list fails, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL. ]*/
+        result = false;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        result = true;
+    }
+    return result;
 static TRANSPORT_LL_HANDLE IoTHubTransportHttp_Create(const IOTHUBTRANSPORT_CONFIG* config)
-	if (config == NULL)
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_001: [If parameter config is NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall return NULL.]*/
-		LogError("invalid arg (configuration is missing)");
-		result = NULL;
-	}
-	else if (config->upperConfig == NULL)
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_002: [ If field transportConfig is NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall return NULL. ]*/
-		LogError("invalid arg (upperConfig is NULL)");
-		result = NULL;
-	}
-	else if (config->upperConfig->protocol == NULL)
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_003: [ If fields protocol, iotHubName or iotHubSuffix in transportConfig are NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall return NULL. ]*/
-		LogError("invalid arg (protocol is NULL)");
-		result = NULL;
-	}
-	else if (config->upperConfig->iotHubName == NULL)
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_003: [ If fields protocol, iotHubName or iotHubSuffix in transportConfig are NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall return NULL. ]*/
-		LogError("invalid arg (iotHubName is NULL)");
-		result = NULL;
-	}
-	else if (config->upperConfig->iotHubSuffix == NULL)
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_003: [ If fields protocol, iotHubName or iotHubSuffix in transportConfig are NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall return NULL. ]*/
-		LogError("invalid arg (iotHubSuffix is NULL)");
-		result = NULL;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_130: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall allocate memory for the handle. ]*/
-		if (result == NULL)
-		{
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_131: [ If allocation fails, IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL. ]*/
-			LogError("unable to malloc");
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			bool was_hostName_ok = create_hostName(result, config);
-			bool was_httpApiExHandle_ok = was_hostName_ok && create_httpApiExHandle(result, config);
-			bool was_perDeviceList_ok = was_httpApiExHandle_ok && create_perDeviceList(result);
+    if (config == NULL)
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_001: [If parameter config is NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall return NULL.]*/
+        LogError("invalid arg (configuration is missing)");
+        result = NULL;
+    }
+    else if (config->upperConfig == NULL)
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_002: [ If field transportConfig is NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall return NULL. ]*/
+        LogError("invalid arg (upperConfig is NULL)");
+        result = NULL;
+    }
+    else if (config->upperConfig->protocol == NULL)
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_003: [ If fields protocol, iotHubName or iotHubSuffix in transportConfig are NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall return NULL. ]*/
+        LogError("invalid arg (protocol is NULL)");
+        result = NULL;
+    }
+    else if (config->upperConfig->iotHubName == NULL)
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_003: [ If fields protocol, iotHubName or iotHubSuffix in transportConfig are NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall return NULL. ]*/
+        LogError("invalid arg (iotHubName is NULL)");
+        result = NULL;
+    }
+    else if (config->upperConfig->iotHubSuffix == NULL)
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_003: [ If fields protocol, iotHubName or iotHubSuffix in transportConfig are NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall return NULL. ]*/
+        LogError("invalid arg (iotHubSuffix is NULL)");
+        result = NULL;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_130: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall allocate memory for the handle. ]*/
+        if (result == NULL)
+        {
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_131: [ If allocation fails, IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall fail and return NULL. ]*/
+            LogError("unable to malloc");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            bool was_hostName_ok = create_hostName(result, config);
+            bool was_httpApiExHandle_ok = was_hostName_ok && create_httpApiExHandle(result, config);
+            bool was_perDeviceList_ok = was_httpApiExHandle_ok && create_perDeviceList(result);
-			if (was_perDeviceList_ok)
-			{
-				/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_011: [ Otherwise, IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall succeed and return a non-NULL value. ]*/
-				result->doBatchedTransfers = false;
-				result->getMinimumPollingTime = DEFAULT_GETMINIMUMPOLLINGTIME;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				if (was_httpApiExHandle_ok) destroy_httpApiExHandle(result);
-				if (was_hostName_ok) destroy_hostName(result);
+            if (was_perDeviceList_ok)
+            {
+                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_011: [ Otherwise, IoTHubTransportHttp_Create shall succeed and return a non-NULL value. ]*/
+                result->doBatchedTransfers = false;
+                result->getMinimumPollingTime = DEFAULT_GETMINIMUMPOLLINGTIME;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                if (was_httpApiExHandle_ok) destroy_httpApiExHandle(result);
+                if (was_hostName_ok) destroy_hostName(result);
-				free(result);
-				result = NULL;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
+                free(result);
+                result = NULL;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
 static void IoTHubTransportHttp_Destroy(TRANSPORT_LL_HANDLE handle)
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_012: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Destroy shall do nothing is handle is NULL. ]*/
-	if (handle != NULL)
-	{
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_012: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Destroy shall do nothing is handle is NULL. ]*/
+    if (handle != NULL)
+    {
+        IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE* listItem;
-		size_t deviceListSize = VECTOR_size(handleData->perDeviceList);
+        size_t deviceListSize = VECTOR_size(handleData->perDeviceList);
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_013: [ Otherwise, IoTHubTransportHttp_Destroy shall free all the resources currently in use. ]*/
-		for (size_t i = 0; i < deviceListSize; i++)
-		{
-			listItem = VECTOR_element(handleData->perDeviceList, i);
-			destroy_perDeviceData(perDeviceItem);
-			free(perDeviceItem);
-		}
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_013: [ Otherwise, IoTHubTransportHttp_Destroy shall free all the resources currently in use. ]*/
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < deviceListSize; i++)
+        {
+            listItem = VECTOR_element(handleData->perDeviceList, i);
+            destroy_perDeviceData(perDeviceItem);
+            free(perDeviceItem);
+        }
-		destroy_hostName(handle);
-		destroy_httpApiExHandle(handle);
-		destroy_perDeviceList(handle);
-		free(handle);
-	}
+        destroy_hostName(handle);
+        destroy_httpApiExHandle(handle);
+        destroy_perDeviceList(handle);
+        free(handle);
+    }
 static int IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE handle)
-	int result;
-	if (handle == NULL)
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_103: [ If parameter deviceHandle is NULL then IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/
-		LogError("invalid arg passed to IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe");
-		result = __LINE__;
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_104: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe shall locate deviceHandle in the transport device list by calling list_find_if. ]*/
-		IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE* listItem = get_perDeviceDataItem(handle);
+    int result;
+    if (handle == NULL)
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_103: [ If parameter deviceHandle is NULL then IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/
+        LogError("invalid arg passed to IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe");
+        result = __LINE__;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_104: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe shall locate deviceHandle in the transport device list by calling list_find_if. ]*/
+        IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE* listItem = get_perDeviceDataItem(handle);
-		if (listItem == NULL)
-		{
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_105: [ If the device structure is not found, then this function shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/
-			LogError("did not find device in transport handle");
-			result = __LINE__;
-		}
-		else
-		{
+        if (listItem == NULL)
+        {
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_105: [ If the device structure is not found, then this function shall fail and return a non-zero value. ]*/
+            LogError("did not find device in transport handle");
+            result = __LINE__;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA * perDeviceItem;
-			perDeviceItem = (HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA *)(*listItem);
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_106: [ Otherwise, IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe shall set the device so that subsequent calls to DoWork should execute HTTP requests. ]*/
-			perDeviceItem->DoWork_PullMessage = true;
-		}
-		result = 0;
-	}
-	return result;
+            perDeviceItem = (HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA *)(*listItem);
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_106: [ Otherwise, IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe shall set the device so that subsequent calls to DoWork should execute HTTP requests. ]*/
+            perDeviceItem->DoWork_PullMessage = true;
+        }
+        result = 0;
+    }
+    return result;
 static void IoTHubTransportHttp_Unsubscribe(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE handle)
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_107: [ If parameter deviceHandle is NULL then IoTHubTransportHttp_Unsubscribe shall fail do nothing. ]*/
-	if (handle != NULL)
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_108: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Unsubscribe shall locate deviceHandle in the transport device list by calling list_find_if. ]*/
-		IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE* listItem = get_perDeviceDataItem(handle);
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_109: [ If the device structure is not found, then this function shall fail and do nothing. ]*/
-		if (listItem != NULL)
-		{
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_110: [ Otherwise, IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe shall set the device so that subsequent calls to DoWork shall not execute HTTP requests. ]*/
-			perDeviceItem->DoWork_PullMessage = false;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			LogError("Device not found to unsuscribe.");
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		LogError("Null handle passed to Unsuscribe.");
-	}
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_107: [ If parameter deviceHandle is NULL then IoTHubTransportHttp_Unsubscribe shall fail do nothing. ]*/
+    if (handle != NULL)
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_108: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_Unsubscribe shall locate deviceHandle in the transport device list by calling list_find_if. ]*/
+        IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE* listItem = get_perDeviceDataItem(handle);
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_109: [ If the device structure is not found, then this function shall fail and do nothing. ]*/
+        if (listItem != NULL)
+        {
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_110: [ Otherwise, IoTHubTransportHttp_Subscribe shall set the device so that subsequent calls to DoWork shall not execute HTTP requests. ]*/
+            perDeviceItem->DoWork_PullMessage = false;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            LogError("Device not found to unsuscribe.");
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        LogError("Null handle passed to Unsuscribe.");
+    }
 /*produces a representation of the properties, if they exist*/
 /*if they do not exist, produces ""*/
 static int concat_Properties(STRING_HANDLE existing, MAP_HANDLE map, size_t* propertiesMessageSizeContribution)
-	int result;
-	const char*const* keys;
-	const char*const* values;
-	size_t count;
-	if (Map_GetInternals(map, &keys, &values, &count) != MAP_OK)
-	{
-		result = __LINE__;
-		LogError("error while Map_GetInternals");
-	}
-	else
-	{
+    int result;
+    const char*const* keys;
+    const char*const* values;
+    size_t count;
+    if (Map_GetInternals(map, &keys, &values, &count) != MAP_OK)
+    {
+        result = __LINE__;
+        LogError("error while Map_GetInternals");
+    }
+    else
+    {
-		if (count == 0)
-		{
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_064: [If IoTHubMessage does not have properties, then "properties":{...} shall be missing from the payload*/
-			/*no properties - do nothing with existing*/
-			result = 0;
-			*propertiesMessageSizeContribution = 0;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_058: [If IoTHubMessage has properties, then they shall be serialized at the same level as "body" using the following pattern: "properties":{"iothub-app-name1":"value1","iothub-app-name2":"value2*/
-			if (STRING_concat(existing, ",\"properties\":") != 0)
-			{
-				/*go ahead and return it*/
-				result = __LINE__;
-				LogError("failed STRING_concat");
-			}
-			else if (appendMapToJSON(existing, keys, values, count) != 0)
-			{
-				result = __LINE__;
-				LogError("unable to append the properties");
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				/*all is fine*/
-				size_t i;
-				*propertiesMessageSizeContribution = 0;
-				for (i = 0;i < count;i++)
-				{
-					/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_063: [Every property name shall add to the message size the length of the property name + the length of the property value + 16 bytes.] */
-					*propertiesMessageSizeContribution += (strlen(keys[i]) + strlen(values[i]) + MAXIMUM_PROPERTY_OVERHEAD);
-				}
-				result = 0;
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
+        if (count == 0)
+        {
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_064: [If IoTHubMessage does not have properties, then "properties":{...} shall be missing from the payload*/
+            /*no properties - do nothing with existing*/
+            result = 0;
+            *propertiesMessageSizeContribution = 0;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_058: [If IoTHubMessage has properties, then they shall be serialized at the same level as "body" using the following pattern: "properties":{"iothub-app-name1":"value1","iothub-app-name2":"value2*/
+            if (STRING_concat(existing, ",\"properties\":") != 0)
+            {
+                /*go ahead and return it*/
+                result = __LINE__;
+                LogError("failed STRING_concat");
+            }
+            else if (appendMapToJSON(existing, keys, values, count) != 0)
+            {
+                result = __LINE__;
+                LogError("unable to append the properties");
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /*all is fine*/
+                size_t i;
+                *propertiesMessageSizeContribution = 0;
+                for (i = 0;i < count;i++)
+                {
+                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_063: [Every property name shall add to the message size the length of the property name + the length of the property value + 16 bytes.] */
+                    *propertiesMessageSizeContribution += (strlen(keys[i]) + strlen(values[i]) + MAXIMUM_PROPERTY_OVERHEAD);
+                }
+                result = 0;
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
 /*produces a JSON representation of the map : {"a": "value_of_a","b":"value_of_b"}*/
 static int appendMapToJSON(STRING_HANDLE existing, const char* const* keys, const char* const* values, size_t count) /*under consideration: move to MAP module when it has more than 1 user*/
-	int result;
-	if (STRING_concat(existing, "{") != 0)
-	{
-		/*go on and return it*/
-		result = __LINE__;
-		LogError("STRING_construct failed");
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		size_t i;
-		for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
-		{
-			if (!(
-				(STRING_concat(existing, (i == 0) ? "\"" IOTHUB_APP_PREFIX : ",\"" IOTHUB_APP_PREFIX) == 0) &&
-				(STRING_concat(existing, keys[i]) == 0) &&
-				(STRING_concat(existing, "\":\"") == 0) &&
-				(STRING_concat(existing, values[i]) == 0) &&
-				(STRING_concat(existing, "\"") == 0)
-				))
-			{
-				LogError("unable to STRING_concat");
-				break;
-			}
-		}
+    int result;
+    if (STRING_concat(existing, "{") != 0)
+    {
+        /*go on and return it*/
+        result = __LINE__;
+        LogError("STRING_construct failed");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        size_t i;
+        for (i = 0; i < count; i++)
+        {
+            if (!(
+                (STRING_concat(existing, (i == 0) ? "\"" IOTHUB_APP_PREFIX : ",\"" IOTHUB_APP_PREFIX) == 0) &&
+                (STRING_concat(existing, keys[i]) == 0) &&
+                (STRING_concat(existing, "\":\"") == 0) &&
+                (STRING_concat(existing, values[i]) == 0) &&
+                (STRING_concat(existing, "\"") == 0)
+                ))
+            {
+                LogError("unable to STRING_concat");
+                break;
+            }
+        }
-		if (i < count)
-		{
-			result = __LINE__;
-			/*error, let it go through*/
-		}
-		else if (STRING_concat(existing, "}") != 0)
-		{
-			result = __LINE__;
-			LogError("unable to STRING_concat");
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			/*all is fine*/
-			result = 0;
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
+        if (i < count)
+        {
+            result = __LINE__;
+            /*error, let it go through*/
+        }
+        else if (STRING_concat(existing, "}") != 0)
+        {
+            result = __LINE__;
+            LogError("unable to STRING_concat");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /*all is fine*/
+            result = 0;
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
 /*makes the following string:{"body":"base64 encoding of the message content"[,"properties":{"a":"valueOfA"}]}*/
 /*return NULL if there was a failure, or a non-NULL STRING_HANDLE that contains the intended data*/
 static STRING_HANDLE make1EventJSONitem(PDLIST_ENTRY item, size_t *messageSizeContribution)
-	STRING_HANDLE result; /*temp wants to contain :{"body":"base64 encoding of the message content"[,"properties":{"a":"valueOfA"}]}*/
-	IOTHUB_MESSAGE_LIST* message = containingRecord(item, IOTHUB_MESSAGE_LIST, entry);
-	IOTHUBMESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE contentType = IoTHubMessage_GetContentType(message->messageHandle);
+    STRING_HANDLE result; /*temp wants to contain :{"body":"base64 encoding of the message content"[,"properties":{"a":"valueOfA"}]}*/
+    IOTHUB_MESSAGE_LIST* message = containingRecord(item, IOTHUB_MESSAGE_LIST, entry);
+    IOTHUBMESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE contentType = IoTHubMessage_GetContentType(message->messageHandle);
-	switch (contentType)
-	{
-	{
-		result = STRING_construct("{\"body\":\"");
-		if (result == NULL)
-		{
-			LogError("unable to STRING_construct");
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			const unsigned char* source;
-			size_t size;
+    switch (contentType)
+    {
+    {
+        result = STRING_construct("{\"body\":\"");
+        if (result == NULL)
+        {
+            LogError("unable to STRING_construct");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            const unsigned char* source;
+            size_t size;
-			if (IoTHubMessage_GetByteArray(message->messageHandle, &source, &size) != IOTHUB_MESSAGE_OK)
-			{
-				LogError("unable to get the data for the message.");
-				STRING_delete(result);
-				result = NULL;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				STRING_HANDLE encoded = Base64_Encode_Bytes(source, size);
-				if (encoded == NULL)
-				{
-					LogError("unable to Base64_Encode_Bytes.");
-					STRING_delete(result);
-					result = NULL;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					size_t propertiesSize;
-					if (!(
-						(STRING_concat_with_STRING(result, encoded) == 0) &&
-						(STRING_concat(result, "\"") == 0) && /*\" because closing value*/
-						(concat_Properties(result, IoTHubMessage_Properties(message->messageHandle), &propertiesSize) == 0) &&
-						(STRING_concat(result, "},") == 0) /*the last comma shall be replaced by a ']' by DaCr's suggestion (which is awesome enough to receive credits in the source code)*/
-						))
-					{
-						STRING_delete(result);
-						result = NULL;
-						LogError("unable to STRING_concat_with_STRING.");
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						/*all is fine... */
-						/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_062: [The message size is computed from the length of the payload + 384.] */
-						*messageSizeContribution = size + MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_OVERHEAD + propertiesSize;
-					}
-					STRING_delete(encoded);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_057: [If a messages to be send has type IOTHUBMESSAGE_STRING, then its serialization shall be {"body":"JSON encoding of the string", "base64Encoded":false}] */
-	{
-		result = STRING_construct("{\"body\":");
-		if (result == NULL)
-		{
-			LogError("unable to STRING_construct");
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			const char* source = IoTHubMessage_GetString(message->messageHandle);
-			if (source == NULL)
-			{
-				LogError("unable to IoTHubMessage_GetString");
-				STRING_delete(result);
-				result = NULL;
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				STRING_HANDLE asJson = STRING_new_JSON(source);
-				if (asJson == NULL)
-				{
-					LogError("unable to STRING_new_JSON");
-					STRING_delete(result);
-					result = NULL;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					size_t propertiesSize;
-					if (!(
-						(STRING_concat_with_STRING(result, asJson) == 0) &&
-						(STRING_concat(result, ",\"base64Encoded\":false") == 0) &&
-						(concat_Properties(result, IoTHubMessage_Properties(message->messageHandle), &propertiesSize) == 0) &&
-						(STRING_concat(result, "},") == 0) /*the last comma shall be replaced by a ']' by DaCr's suggestion (which is awesome enough to receive credits in the source code)*/
-						))
-					{
-						LogError("unable to STRING_concat_with_STRING");
-						STRING_delete(result);
-						result = NULL;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						/*result has the intended content*/
-						/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_062: [The message size is computed from the length of the payload + 384.] */
-						*messageSizeContribution = strlen(source) + MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_OVERHEAD + propertiesSize;
-					}
-					STRING_delete(asJson);
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		break;
-	}
-	default:
-	{
-		LogError("an unknown message type was encountered (%d)", contentType);
-		result = NULL; /*unknown message type*/
-		break;
-	}
-	}
-	return result;
+            if (IoTHubMessage_GetByteArray(message->messageHandle, &source, &size) != IOTHUB_MESSAGE_OK)
+            {
+                LogError("unable to get the data for the message.");
+                STRING_delete(result);
+                result = NULL;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                STRING_HANDLE encoded = Base64_Encode_Bytes(source, size);
+                if (encoded == NULL)
+                {
+                    LogError("unable to Base64_Encode_Bytes.");
+                    STRING_delete(result);
+                    result = NULL;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    size_t propertiesSize;
+                    if (!(
+                        (STRING_concat_with_STRING(result, encoded) == 0) &&
+                        (STRING_concat(result, "\"") == 0) && /*\" because closing value*/
+                        (concat_Properties(result, IoTHubMessage_Properties(message->messageHandle), &propertiesSize) == 0) &&
+                        (STRING_concat(result, "},") == 0) /*the last comma shall be replaced by a ']' by DaCr's suggestion (which is awesome enough to receive credits in the source code)*/
+                        ))
+                    {
+                        STRING_delete(result);
+                        result = NULL;
+                        LogError("unable to STRING_concat_with_STRING.");
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        /*all is fine... */
+                        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_062: [The message size is computed from the length of the payload + 384.] */
+                        *messageSizeContribution = size + MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_OVERHEAD + propertiesSize;
+                    }
+                    STRING_delete(encoded);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_057: [If a messages to be send has type IOTHUBMESSAGE_STRING, then its serialization shall be {"body":"JSON encoding of the string", "base64Encoded":false}] */
+    {
+        result = STRING_construct("{\"body\":");
+        if (result == NULL)
+        {
+            LogError("unable to STRING_construct");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            const char* source = IoTHubMessage_GetString(message->messageHandle);
+            if (source == NULL)
+            {
+                LogError("unable to IoTHubMessage_GetString");
+                STRING_delete(result);
+                result = NULL;
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                STRING_HANDLE asJson = STRING_new_JSON(source);
+                if (asJson == NULL)
+                {
+                    LogError("unable to STRING_new_JSON");
+                    STRING_delete(result);
+                    result = NULL;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    size_t propertiesSize;
+                    if (!(
+                        (STRING_concat_with_STRING(result, asJson) == 0) &&
+                        (STRING_concat(result, ",\"base64Encoded\":false") == 0) &&
+                        (concat_Properties(result, IoTHubMessage_Properties(message->messageHandle), &propertiesSize) == 0) &&
+                        (STRING_concat(result, "},") == 0) /*the last comma shall be replaced by a ']' by DaCr's suggestion (which is awesome enough to receive credits in the source code)*/
+                        ))
+                    {
+                        LogError("unable to STRING_concat_with_STRING");
+                        STRING_delete(result);
+                        result = NULL;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        /*result has the intended content*/
+                        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_062: [The message size is computed from the length of the payload + 384.] */
+                        *messageSizeContribution = strlen(source) + MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_OVERHEAD + propertiesSize;
+                    }
+                    STRING_delete(asJson);
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        break;
+    }
+    default:
+    {
+        LogError("an unknown message type was encountered (%d)", contentType);
+        result = NULL; /*unknown message type*/
+        break;
+    }
+    }
+    return result;
@@ -1122,464 +1122,464 @@
 /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_056: [IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall build the following string:[{"body":"base64 encoding of the message1 content"},{"body":"base64 encoding of the message2 content"}...]]*/
-	size_t allMessagesSize = 0;
-	*payload = STRING_construct("[");
-	if (*payload == NULL)
-	{
-		LogError("unable to STRING_construct");
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		bool isFirst = true;
-		PDLIST_ENTRY actual;
-		bool keepGoing = true; /*keepGoing gets sometimes to false from within the loop*/
-							   /*either all the items enter the list or only some*/
-		result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_OK; /*optimistically initializing it*/
-		while (keepGoing && ((actual = deviceData->waitingToSend->Flink) != deviceData->waitingToSend))
-		{
-			size_t messageSize;
-			STRING_HANDLE temp = make1EventJSONitem(actual, &messageSize);
-			if (isFirst)
-			{
-				isFirst = false;
-				/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_067: [If there is no valid payload, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall advance to the next activity.]*/
-				if (temp == NULL) /*first item failed to create, nothing to send*/
-				{
-					result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_ERROR;
-					STRING_delete(*payload);
-					*payload = NULL;
-					keepGoing = false;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_065: [If the oldest message in waitingToSend causes the message size to exceed the message size limit then it shall be removed from waitingToSend, and IoTHubClient_LL_SendComplete shall be called. Parameter PDLIST_ENTRY completed shall point to a list containing only the oldest item, and parameter IOTHUB_BATCHSTATE result shall be set to IOTHUB_BATCHSTATE_FAILED.]*/
-					/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_061: [The message size shall be limited to 255KB - 1 byte.]*/
-					if (messageSize > MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE)
-					{
-						PDLIST_ENTRY head = DList_RemoveHeadList(deviceData->waitingToSend); /*actually this is the same as "actual", but now it is removed*/
-						DList_InsertTailList(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), head);
-						STRING_delete(*payload);
-						*payload = NULL;
-						keepGoing = false;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						if (STRING_concat_with_STRING(*payload, temp) != 0)
-						{
-							/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_067: [If there is no valid payload, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall advance to the next activity.]*/
-							result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_ERROR;
-							STRING_delete(*payload);
-							*payload = NULL;
-							keepGoing = false;
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							/*first item was put nicely in the payload*/
-							PDLIST_ENTRY head = DList_RemoveHeadList(deviceData->waitingToSend); /*actually this is the same as "actual", but now it is removed*/
-							DList_InsertTailList(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), head);
-							allMessagesSize += messageSize;
-						}
-					}
-					STRING_delete(temp);
-				}
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				/*there is at least 1 item already in the payload*/
-				if (temp == NULL)
-				{
-					/*there are multiple payloads encoded, the last one had an internal error, just go with those - closing the payload happens "after the loop"*/
-					/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_066: [If at any point during construction of the string there are errors, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall use the so far constructed string as payload.]*/
-					result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_OK;
-					keepGoing = false;
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					if (allMessagesSize + messageSize > MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE)
-					{
-						/*this item doesn't make it to the payload, but the payload is valid so far*/
-						/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_066: [If at any point during construction of the string there are errors, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall use the so far constructed string as payload.]*/
-						result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_OK;
-						keepGoing = false;
-					}
-					else if (STRING_concat_with_STRING(*payload, temp) != 0)
-					{
-						/*should still send what there is so far...*/
-						/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_066: [If at any point during construction of the string there are errors, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall use the so far constructed string as payload.]*/
-						result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_OK;
-						keepGoing = false;
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						/*cool, the payload made it there, let's continue... */
-						PDLIST_ENTRY head = DList_RemoveHeadList(deviceData->waitingToSend); /*actually this is the same as "actual", but now it is removed*/
-						DList_InsertTailList(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), head);
-						allMessagesSize += messageSize;
-					}
-					STRING_delete(temp);
-				}
-			}
-		}
+    size_t allMessagesSize = 0;
+    *payload = STRING_construct("[");
+    if (*payload == NULL)
+    {
+        LogError("unable to STRING_construct");
+        result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_ERROR;
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        bool isFirst = true;
+        PDLIST_ENTRY actual;
+        bool keepGoing = true; /*keepGoing gets sometimes to false from within the loop*/
+                               /*either all the items enter the list or only some*/
+        result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_OK; /*optimistically initializing it*/
+        while (keepGoing && ((actual = deviceData->waitingToSend->Flink) != deviceData->waitingToSend))
+        {
+            size_t messageSize;
+            STRING_HANDLE temp = make1EventJSONitem(actual, &messageSize);
+            if (isFirst)
+            {
+                isFirst = false;
+                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_067: [If there is no valid payload, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall advance to the next activity.]*/
+                if (temp == NULL) /*first item failed to create, nothing to send*/
+                {
+                    result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_ERROR;
+                    STRING_delete(*payload);
+                    *payload = NULL;
+                    keepGoing = false;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_065: [If the oldest message in waitingToSend causes the message size to exceed the message size limit then it shall be removed from waitingToSend, and IoTHubClient_LL_SendComplete shall be called. Parameter PDLIST_ENTRY completed shall point to a list containing only the oldest item, and parameter IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_RESULT result shall be set to IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_BATCHSTATE_FAILED.]*/
+                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_061: [The message size shall be limited to 255KB - 1 byte.]*/
+                    if (messageSize > MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE)
+                    {
+                        PDLIST_ENTRY head = DList_RemoveHeadList(deviceData->waitingToSend); /*actually this is the same as "actual", but now it is removed*/
+                        DList_InsertTailList(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), head);
+                        result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_FIRST_ITEM_DOES_NOT_FIT;
+                        STRING_delete(*payload);
+                        *payload = NULL;
+                        keepGoing = false;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        if (STRING_concat_with_STRING(*payload, temp) != 0)
+                        {
+                            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_067: [If there is no valid payload, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall advance to the next activity.]*/
+                            result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_ERROR;
+                            STRING_delete(*payload);
+                            *payload = NULL;
+                            keepGoing = false;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            /*first item was put nicely in the payload*/
+                            PDLIST_ENTRY head = DList_RemoveHeadList(deviceData->waitingToSend); /*actually this is the same as "actual", but now it is removed*/
+                            DList_InsertTailList(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), head);
+                            allMessagesSize += messageSize;
+                        }
+                    }
+                    STRING_delete(temp);
+                }
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /*there is at least 1 item already in the payload*/
+                if (temp == NULL)
+                {
+                    /*there are multiple payloads encoded, the last one had an internal error, just go with those - closing the payload happens "after the loop"*/
+                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_066: [If at any point during construction of the string there are errors, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall use the so far constructed string as payload.]*/
+                    result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_OK;
+                    keepGoing = false;
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    if (allMessagesSize + messageSize > MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE)
+                    {
+                        /*this item doesn't make it to the payload, but the payload is valid so far*/
+                        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_066: [If at any point during construction of the string there are errors, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall use the so far constructed string as payload.]*/
+                        result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_OK;
+                        keepGoing = false;
+                    }
+                    else if (STRING_concat_with_STRING(*payload, temp) != 0)
+                    {
+                        /*should still send what there is so far...*/
+                        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_066: [If at any point during construction of the string there are errors, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall use the so far constructed string as payload.]*/
+                        result = MAKE_PAYLOAD_OK;
+                        keepGoing = false;
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        /*cool, the payload made it there, let's continue... */
+                        PDLIST_ENTRY head = DList_RemoveHeadList(deviceData->waitingToSend); /*actually this is the same as "actual", but now it is removed*/
+                        DList_InsertTailList(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), head);
+                        allMessagesSize += messageSize;
+                    }
+                    STRING_delete(temp);
+                }
+            }
+        }
-		/*closing the payload*/
-		if (result == MAKE_PAYLOAD_OK)
-		{
-			((char*)STRING_c_str(*payload))[STRING_length(*payload) - 1] = ']'; /*TODO - do this in STRING_HANDLE*/
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			/*no need to close anything*/
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
+        /*closing the payload*/
+        if (result == MAKE_PAYLOAD_OK)
+        {
+            ((char*)STRING_c_str(*payload))[STRING_length(*payload) - 1] = ']'; /*TODO - do this in STRING_HANDLE*/
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /*no need to close anything*/
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
 static void reversePutListBackIn(PDLIST_ENTRY source, PDLIST_ENTRY destination)
-	/*this function takes a list, and inserts it in another list. When done in the context of this file, it reverses the effects of a not-able-to-send situation*/
-	DList_AppendTailList(destination->Flink, source);
-	DList_RemoveEntryList(source);
-	DList_InitializeListHead(source);
+    /*this function takes a list, and inserts it in another list. When done in the context of this file, it reverses the effects of a not-able-to-send situation*/
+    DList_AppendTailList(destination->Flink, source);
+    DList_RemoveEntryList(source);
+    DList_InitializeListHead(source);
-	if (DList_IsListEmpty(deviceData->waitingToSend))
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_060: [If the list is empty then IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall proceed to the following action.] */
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_053: [If option SetBatching is true then _Dowork shall send batched event message as specced below.] */
-		if (handleData->doBatchedTransfers)
-		{
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_054: [Request HTTP headers shall have the value of "Content-Type" created or updated to "application/" by a call to HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair.] */
-			if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(deviceData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders, CONTENT_TYPE, APPLICATION_VND_MICROSOFT_IOTHUB_JSON) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
-			{
-				/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_055: [If updating Content-Type fails for any reason, then _DoWork shall advance to the next action.] */
-				LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair");
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_059: [It shall inspect the "waitingToSend" DLIST passed in config structure.] */
-				STRING_HANDLE payload;
-				switch (makePayload(deviceData, &payload))
-				{
-				case MAKE_PAYLOAD_OK:
-				{
-					/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_068: [Once a final payload has been obtained, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall call HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest passing the following parameters:] */
-					BUFFER_HANDLE temp = BUFFER_new();
-					if (temp == NULL)
-					{
-						LogError("unable to BUFFER_new");
-						/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_067: [If there is no valid payload, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall advance to the next activity.]*/
-						reversePutListBackIn(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), deviceData->waitingToSend);
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						if (BUFFER_build(temp, (const unsigned char*)STRING_c_str(payload), STRING_length(payload)) != 0)
-						{
-							LogError("unable to BUFFER_build");
-							//items go back to waitingToSend
-							/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_067: [If there is no valid payload, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall advance to the next activity.]*/
-							reversePutListBackIn(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), deviceData->waitingToSend);
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							unsigned int statusCode;
-							if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest(
-								deviceData->sasObject,
-								handleData->httpApiExHandle,
-								STRING_c_str(deviceData->eventHTTPrelativePath),
-								deviceData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders,
-								temp,
-								&statusCode,
-								NULL,
-								NULL
-								)) != HTTPAPIEX_OK)
-							{
-								LogError("unable to HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest");
-								//items go back to waitingToSend
-								/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_069: [if HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest fails or the http status code >=300 then IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall not do any other action (it is assumed at the next _DoWork it shall be retried).] */
-								reversePutListBackIn(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), deviceData->waitingToSend);
-							}
-							else
-							{
-								if (statusCode < 300)
-								{
-									/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_070: [If HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest does not fail and http status code <300 then IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall call IoTHubClient_LL_SendComplete. Parameter PDLIST_ENTRY completed shall point to a list containing all the items batched, and parameter IOTHUB_BATCHSTATE result shall be set to IOTHUB_BATCHSTATE_SUCESS. The batched items shall be removed from waitingToSend.] */
-									IoTHubClient_LL_SendComplete(iotHubClientHandle, &(deviceData->eventConfirmations), IOTHUB_BATCHSTATE_SUCCESS);
-								}
-								else
-								{
-									//items go back to waitingToSend
-									/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_069: [if HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest fails or the http status code >=300 then IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall not do any other action (it is assumed at the next _DoWork it shall be retried).] */
-									LogError("unexpected HTTP status code (%u)", statusCode);
-									reversePutListBackIn(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), deviceData->waitingToSend);
-								}
-							}
-						}
-						BUFFER_delete(temp);
-					}
-					STRING_delete(payload);
-					break;
-				}
-				{
-					IoTHubClient_LL_SendComplete(iotHubClientHandle, &(deviceData->eventConfirmations), IOTHUB_BATCHSTATE_FAILED); /*takes care of emptying the list too*/
-					break;
-				}
-				{
-					LogError("unrecoverable errors while building a batch message");
-					break;
-				}
-				{
-					/*do nothing*/
-					break;
-				}
-				default:
-				{
-					LogError("internal error: switch's default branch reached when never intended");
-					break;
-				}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			const unsigned char* messageContent=NULL;
-			size_t messageSize=0;
-			size_t originalMessageSize=0;
-			IOTHUB_MESSAGE_LIST* message = containingRecord(deviceData->waitingToSend->Flink, IOTHUB_MESSAGE_LIST, entry);
-			IOTHUBMESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE contentType = IoTHubMessage_GetContentType(message->messageHandle);
+    if (DList_IsListEmpty(deviceData->waitingToSend))
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_060: [If the list is empty then IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall proceed to the following action.] */
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_053: [If option SetBatching is true then _Dowork shall send batched event message as specced below.] */
+        if (handleData->doBatchedTransfers)
+        {
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_054: [Request HTTP headers shall have the value of "Content-Type" created or updated to "application/" by a call to HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair.] */
+            if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(deviceData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders, CONTENT_TYPE, APPLICATION_VND_MICROSOFT_IOTHUB_JSON) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
+            {
+                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_055: [If updating Content-Type fails for any reason, then _DoWork shall advance to the next action.] */
+                LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair");
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_059: [It shall inspect the "waitingToSend" DLIST passed in config structure.] */
+                STRING_HANDLE payload;
+                switch (makePayload(deviceData, &payload))
+                {
+                case MAKE_PAYLOAD_OK:
+                {
+                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_068: [Once a final payload has been obtained, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall call HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest passing the following parameters:] */
+                    BUFFER_HANDLE temp = BUFFER_new();
+                    if (temp == NULL)
+                    {
+                        LogError("unable to BUFFER_new");
+                        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_067: [If there is no valid payload, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall advance to the next activity.]*/
+                        reversePutListBackIn(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), deviceData->waitingToSend);
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        if (BUFFER_build(temp, (const unsigned char*)STRING_c_str(payload), STRING_length(payload)) != 0)
+                        {
+                            LogError("unable to BUFFER_build");
+                            //items go back to waitingToSend
+                            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_067: [If there is no valid payload, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall advance to the next activity.]*/
+                            reversePutListBackIn(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), deviceData->waitingToSend);
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            unsigned int statusCode;
+                            HTTPAPIEX_RESULT r;
+                            if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest(
+                                deviceData->sasObject,
+                                handleData->httpApiExHandle,
+                                HTTPAPI_REQUEST_POST,
+                                STRING_c_str(deviceData->eventHTTPrelativePath),
+                                deviceData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders,
+                                temp,
+                                &statusCode,
+                                NULL,
+                                NULL
+                                )) != HTTPAPIEX_OK)
+                            {
+                                LogError("unable to HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest");
+                                //items go back to waitingToSend
+                                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_069: [if HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest fails or the http status code >=300 then IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall not do any other action (it is assumed at the next _DoWork it shall be retried).] */
+                                reversePutListBackIn(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), deviceData->waitingToSend);
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                if (statusCode < 300)
+                                {
+                                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_070: [If HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest does not fail and http status code <300 then IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall call IoTHubClient_LL_SendComplete. Parameter PDLIST_ENTRY completed shall point to a list containing all the items batched, and parameter IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_RESULT result shall be set to IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_OK. The batched items shall be removed from waitingToSend.] */
+                                    IoTHubClient_LL_SendComplete(iotHubClientHandle, &(deviceData->eventConfirmations), IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_OK);
+                                }
+                                else
+                                {
+                                    //items go back to waitingToSend
+                                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_069: [if HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest fails or the http status code >=300 then IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall not do any other action (it is assumed at the next _DoWork it shall be retried).] */
+                                    LogError("unexpected HTTP status code (%u)", statusCode);
+                                    reversePutListBackIn(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), deviceData->waitingToSend);
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        BUFFER_delete(temp);
+                    }
+                    STRING_delete(payload);
+                    break;
+                }
+                {
+                    IoTHubClient_LL_SendComplete(iotHubClientHandle, &(deviceData->eventConfirmations), IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_ERROR); /*takes care of emptying the list too*/
+                    break;
+                }
+                case MAKE_PAYLOAD_ERROR:
+                {
+                    LogError("unrecoverable errors while building a batch message");
+                    break;
+                }
+                case MAKE_PAYLOAD_NO_ITEMS:
+                {
+                    /*do nothing*/
+                    break;
+                }
+                default:
+                {
+                    LogError("internal error: switch's default branch reached when never intended");
+                    break;
+                }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            const unsigned char* messageContent=NULL;
+            size_t messageSize=0;
+            size_t originalMessageSize=0;
+            IOTHUB_MESSAGE_LIST* message = containingRecord(deviceData->waitingToSend->Flink, IOTHUB_MESSAGE_LIST, entry);
+            IOTHUBMESSAGE_CONTENT_TYPE contentType = IoTHubMessage_GetContentType(message->messageHandle);
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_073: [The message size is computed from the length of the payload + 384.]*/
-			if (!(
-				(((contentType == IOTHUBMESSAGE_BYTEARRAY) &&
-					(IoTHubMessage_GetByteArray(message->messageHandle, &messageContent, &originalMessageSize)==IOTHUB_MESSAGE_OK)) ? (messageSize= originalMessageSize + MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_OVERHEAD, 1): 0)
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_073: [The message size is computed from the length of the payload + 384.]*/
+            if (!(
+                (((contentType == IOTHUBMESSAGE_BYTEARRAY) &&
+                    (IoTHubMessage_GetByteArray(message->messageHandle, &messageContent, &originalMessageSize)==IOTHUB_MESSAGE_OK)) ? (messageSize= originalMessageSize + MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_OVERHEAD, 1): 0)
-				||
+                ||
-				((contentType == IOTHUBMESSAGE_STRING) && (
-					messageContent = (const unsigned char*)IoTHubMessage_GetString(message->messageHandle),
-					(messageSize = MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_OVERHEAD + (originalMessageSize = ((messageContent == NULL)?0:strlen((const char*)messageContent)))),
-					messageContent!=NULL)
-					)
-				))
-			{
-				LogError("unable to get the message content");
-				/*go on...*/
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_075: [If the oldest message in waitingToSend causes the message to exceed the message size limit then it shall be removed from waitingToSend, and IoTHubClient_LL_SendComplete shall be called. Parameter PDLIST_ENTRY completed shall point to a list containing only the oldest item, and parameter IOTHUB_BATCHSTATE result shall be set to IOTHUB_BATCHSTATE_FAILED.]*/
-				/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_072: [The message size shall be limited to 255KB -1 bytes.] */
-				if (messageSize > MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE)
-				{
-					PDLIST_ENTRY head = DList_RemoveHeadList(deviceData->waitingToSend); /*actually this is the same as "actual", but now it is removed*/
-					DList_InsertTailList(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), head);
-					IoTHubClient_LL_SendComplete(iotHubClientHandle, &(deviceData->eventConfirmations), IOTHUB_BATCHSTATE_FAILED); /*takes care of emptying the list too*/
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_071: [If option SetBatching is false then _Dowork shall send individual event message as specced below.] */
-					/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_076: [A clone of the event HTTP request headers shall be created.]*/
-					HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders = HTTPHeaders_Clone(deviceData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders);
-					if (clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders == NULL)
-					{
-						/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_079: [If any HTTP header operation fails, _DoWork shall advance to the next action.] */
-						LogError("HTTPHeaders_Clone failed");
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_077: [The cloned HTTP headers shall have the HTTP header "Content-Type" set to "application/octet-stream".] */
-						if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders, CONTENT_TYPE, APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
-						{
-							/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_079: [If any HTTP header operation fails, _DoWork shall advance to the next action.] */
-							LogError("HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair failed");
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_078: [Every message property "property":"value" shall be added to the HTTP headers as an individual header "iothub-app-property":"value".] */
-							MAP_HANDLE map = IoTHubMessage_Properties(message->messageHandle);
-							const char*const* keys;
-							const char*const* values;
-							size_t count;
-							if (Map_GetInternals(map, &keys, &values, &count) != MAP_OK)
-							{
-								/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_078: [If any HTTP header operation fails, _DoWork shall advance to the next action.] */
-								LogError("unable to Map_GetInternals");
-							}
-							else
-							{
-								size_t i;
-								bool goOn = true;
-								const char* msgId;
-								const char* corrId;
+                ((contentType == IOTHUBMESSAGE_STRING) && (
+                    messageContent = (const unsigned char*)IoTHubMessage_GetString(message->messageHandle),
+                    (messageSize = MAXIMUM_PAYLOAD_OVERHEAD + (originalMessageSize = ((messageContent == NULL)?0:strlen((const char*)messageContent)))),
+                    messageContent!=NULL)
+                    )
+                ))
+            {
+                LogError("unable to get the message content");
+                /*go on...*/
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_075: [If the oldest message in waitingToSend causes the message to exceed the message size limit then it shall be removed from waitingToSend, and IoTHubClient_LL_SendComplete shall be called. Parameter PDLIST_ENTRY completed shall point to a list containing only the oldest item, and parameter IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_RESULT result shall be set to IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_BATCHSTATE_FAILED.]*/
+                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_072: [The message size shall be limited to 255KB -1 bytes.] */
+                if (messageSize > MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE)
+                {
+                    PDLIST_ENTRY head = DList_RemoveHeadList(deviceData->waitingToSend); /*actually this is the same as "actual", but now it is removed*/
+                    DList_InsertTailList(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), head);
+                    IoTHubClient_LL_SendComplete(iotHubClientHandle, &(deviceData->eventConfirmations), IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_ERROR); /*takes care of emptying the list too*/
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_071: [If option SetBatching is false then _Dowork shall send individual event message as specced below.] */
+                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_076: [A clone of the event HTTP request headers shall be created.]*/
+                    HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders = HTTPHeaders_Clone(deviceData->eventHTTPrequestHeaders);
+                    if (clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders == NULL)
+                    {
+                        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_079: [If any HTTP header operation fails, _DoWork shall advance to the next action.] */
+                        LogError("HTTPHeaders_Clone failed");
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_077: [The cloned HTTP headers shall have the HTTP header "Content-Type" set to "application/octet-stream".] */
+                        if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders, CONTENT_TYPE, APPLICATION_OCTET_STREAM) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
+                        {
+                            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_079: [If any HTTP header operation fails, _DoWork shall advance to the next action.] */
+                            LogError("HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair failed");
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_078: [Every message property "property":"value" shall be added to the HTTP headers as an individual header "iothub-app-property":"value".] */
+                            MAP_HANDLE map = IoTHubMessage_Properties(message->messageHandle);
+                            const char*const* keys;
+                            const char*const* values;
+                            size_t count;
+                            if (Map_GetInternals(map, &keys, &values, &count) != MAP_OK)
+                            {
+                                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_078: [If any HTTP header operation fails, _DoWork shall advance to the next action.] */
+                                LogError("unable to Map_GetInternals");
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                size_t i;
+                                bool goOn = true;
+                                const char* msgId;
+                                const char* corrId;
-								for (i = 0; (i < count) && goOn; i++)
-								{
-									/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_074: [Every property name shall add  to the message size the length of the property name + the length of the property value + 16 bytes.] */
-									messageSize += (strlen(values[i]) + strlen(keys[i]) + MAXIMUM_PROPERTY_OVERHEAD);
-									if (messageSize > MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE)
-									{
-										/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_072: [The message size shall be limited to 255KB -1 bytes.] */
-										PDLIST_ENTRY head = DList_RemoveHeadList(deviceData->waitingToSend); /*actually this is the same as "actual", but now it is removed*/
-										DList_InsertTailList(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), head);
-										IoTHubClient_LL_SendComplete(iotHubClientHandle, &(deviceData->eventConfirmations), IOTHUB_BATCHSTATE_FAILED); /*takes care of emptying the list too*/
-										goOn = false;
-									}
-									else
-									{
-										STRING_HANDLE temp = STRING_construct(IOTHUB_APP_PREFIX);
-										if (temp == NULL)
-										{
-											/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_079: [If any HTTP header operation fails, _DoWork shall advance to the next action.] */
-											LogError("unable to STRING_construct");
-											goOn = false;
-										}
-										else
-										{
-											if (STRING_concat(temp, keys[i]) != 0)
-											{
-												/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_079: [If any HTTP header operation fails, _DoWork shall advance to the next action.] */
-												LogError("unable to STRING_concat");
-												goOn = false;
-											}
-											else
-											{
-												if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders, STRING_c_str(temp), values[i]) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
-												{
-													/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_079: [If any HTTP header operation fails, _DoWork shall advance to the next action.] */
-													LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair");
-													goOn = false;
-												}
-											}
-											STRING_delete(temp);
-										}
-									}
-								}
+                                for (i = 0; (i < count) && goOn; i++)
+                                {
+                                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_074: [Every property name shall add  to the message size the length of the property name + the length of the property value + 16 bytes.] */
+                                    messageSize += (strlen(values[i]) + strlen(keys[i]) + MAXIMUM_PROPERTY_OVERHEAD);
+                                    if (messageSize > MAXIMUM_MESSAGE_SIZE)
+                                    {
+                                        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_072: [The message size shall be limited to 255KB -1 bytes.] */
+                                        PDLIST_ENTRY head = DList_RemoveHeadList(deviceData->waitingToSend); /*actually this is the same as "actual", but now it is removed*/
+                                        DList_InsertTailList(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), head);
+                                        IoTHubClient_LL_SendComplete(iotHubClientHandle, &(deviceData->eventConfirmations), IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_ERROR); /*takes care of emptying the list too*/
+                                        goOn = false;
+                                    }
+                                    else
+                                    {
+                                        STRING_HANDLE temp = STRING_construct(IOTHUB_APP_PREFIX);
+                                        if (temp == NULL)
+                                        {
+                                            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_079: [If any HTTP header operation fails, _DoWork shall advance to the next action.] */
+                                            LogError("unable to STRING_construct");
+                                            goOn = false;
+                                        }
+                                        else
+                                        {
+                                            if (STRING_concat(temp, keys[i]) != 0)
+                                            {
+                                                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_079: [If any HTTP header operation fails, _DoWork shall advance to the next action.] */
+                                                LogError("unable to STRING_concat");
+                                                goOn = false;
+                                            }
+                                            else
+                                            {
+                                                if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders, STRING_c_str(temp), values[i]) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
+                                                {
+                                                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_079: [If any HTTP header operation fails, _DoWork shall advance to the next action.] */
+                                                    LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair");
+                                                    goOn = false;
+                                                }
+                                            }
+                                            STRING_delete(temp);
+                                        }
+                                    }
+                                }
-								// Add the Message Id and the Correlation Id
-								msgId = IoTHubMessage_GetMessageId(message->messageHandle);
-								if (goOn && msgId != NULL)
-								{
-									if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders, IOTHUB_MESSAGE_ID, msgId) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
-									{
-										LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair");
-										goOn = false;
-									}
-								}
+                                // Add the Message Id and the Correlation Id
+                                msgId = IoTHubMessage_GetMessageId(message->messageHandle);
+                                if (goOn && msgId != NULL)
+                                {
+                                    if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders, IOTHUB_MESSAGE_ID, msgId) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
+                                    {
+                                        LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair");
+                                        goOn = false;
+                                    }
+                                }
-								corrId = IoTHubMessage_GetCorrelationId(message->messageHandle);
-								if (goOn && corrId != NULL)
-								{
-									if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders, IOTHUB_CORRELATION_ID, corrId) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
-									{
-										LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair");
-										goOn = false;
-									}
-								}
+                                corrId = IoTHubMessage_GetCorrelationId(message->messageHandle);
+                                if (goOn && corrId != NULL)
+                                {
+                                    if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders, IOTHUB_CORRELATION_ID, corrId) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
+                                    {
+                                        LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair");
+                                        goOn = false;
+                                    }
+                                }
-								if (!goOn)
-								{
-									/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_079: [If any HTTP header operation fails, _DoWork shall advance to the next action.] */
-								}
-								else
-								{
-									BUFFER_HANDLE toBeSend = BUFFER_new();
-									if (toBeSend == NULL)
-									{
-										LogError("unable to BUFFER_new");
-									}
-									else
-									{
-										if (BUFFER_build(toBeSend, messageContent, originalMessageSize) != 0)
-										{
-											LogError("unable to BUFFER_build");
-										}
-										else
-										{
-											unsigned int statusCode;
-											HTTPAPIEX_RESULT r;
-											if (deviceData->deviceSasToken != NULL)
-											{
-												/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_001: [if a deviceSasToken exists, HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair shall be invoked with "Authorization" as its second argument and STRING_c_str (deviceSasToken) as its third argument.]*/
-												if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders, "Authorization", STRING_c_str(deviceData->deviceSasToken)) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
-												{
-													r = HTTPAPIEX_ERROR;
-													/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_002: [If the result of the invocation of HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair is NOT HTTP_HEADERS_OK then fallthrough.]*/
-													LogError("Unable to replace the old SAS Token.");
-												}
+                                if (!goOn)
+                                {
+                                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_079: [If any HTTP header operation fails, _DoWork shall advance to the next action.] */
+                                }
+                                else
+                                {
+                                    BUFFER_HANDLE toBeSend = BUFFER_new();
+                                    if (toBeSend == NULL)
+                                    {
+                                        LogError("unable to BUFFER_new");
+                                    }
+                                    else
+                                    {
+                                        if (BUFFER_build(toBeSend, messageContent, originalMessageSize) != 0)
+                                        {
+                                            LogError("unable to BUFFER_build");
+                                        }
+                                        else
+                                        {
+                                            unsigned int statusCode;
+                                            HTTPAPIEX_RESULT r;
+                                            if (deviceData->deviceSasToken != NULL)
+                                            {
+                                                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_001: [if a deviceSasToken exists, HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair shall be invoked with "Authorization" as its second argument and STRING_c_str (deviceSasToken) as its third argument.]*/
+                                                if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders, "Authorization", STRING_c_str(deviceData->deviceSasToken)) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
+                                                {
+                                                    r = HTTPAPIEX_ERROR;
+                                                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_002: [If the result of the invocation of HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair is NOT HTTP_HEADERS_OK then fallthrough.]*/
+                                                    LogError("Unable to replace the old SAS Token.");
+                                                }
-												/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_003: [If a deviceSasToken exists, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall call HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest passing the following parameters] */
-												else if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest(
-													handleData->httpApiExHandle,
-													STRING_c_str(deviceData->eventHTTPrelativePath),
-													clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders,
-													toBeSend,
-													&statusCode,
-													NULL,
-													NULL
-													)) != HTTPAPIEX_OK)
-												{
-													LogError("Unable to HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest.");
-												}
-											}
-											else
-											{
-												/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_080: [If a deviceSasToken does not exist, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall call HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest passing the following parameters] */
-												if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest(
-													deviceData->sasObject,
-													handleData->httpApiExHandle,
-													STRING_c_str(deviceData->eventHTTPrelativePath),
-													clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders,
-													toBeSend,
-													&statusCode,
-													NULL,
-													NULL
-													)) != HTTPAPIEX_OK)
-												{
-													LogError("unable to HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest");
-												}
-											}
-											if (r == HTTPAPIEX_OK)
-											{
-												if (statusCode < 300)
-												{
-													/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_082: [If HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest does not fail and http status code <300 then IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall call IoTHubClient_LL_SendComplete. Parameter PDLIST_ENTRY completed shall point to a list the item send, and parameter IOTHUB_BATCHSTATE result shall be set to IOTHUB_BATCHSTATE_SUCCESS. The item shall be removed from waitingToSend.] */
-													PDLIST_ENTRY justSent = DList_RemoveHeadList(deviceData->waitingToSend); /*actually this is the same as "actual", but now it is removed*/
-													DList_InsertTailList(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), justSent);
-													IoTHubClient_LL_SendComplete(iotHubClientHandle, &(deviceData->eventConfirmations), IOTHUB_BATCHSTATE_SUCCESS); /*takes care of emptying the list too*/
-												}
-												else
-												{
-													/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_081: [If HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest fails or the http status code >=300 then IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall not do any other action (it is assumed at the next _DoWork it shall be retried).] */
-													LogError("unexpected HTTP status code (%u)", statusCode);
-												}
-											}
-										}
-										BUFFER_delete(toBeSend);
-									}
-								}
-							}
-						}
-						HTTPHeaders_Free(clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders);
-					}
-				}
-			}
-		}
-	}
+                                                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_003: [If a deviceSasToken exists, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall call HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest passing the following parameters] */
+                                                else if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest(
+                                                    handleData->httpApiExHandle,
+                                                    HTTPAPI_REQUEST_POST,
+                                                    STRING_c_str(deviceData->eventHTTPrelativePath),
+                                                    clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders,
+                                                    toBeSend,
+                                                    &statusCode,
+                                                    NULL,
+                                                    NULL
+                                                    )) != HTTPAPIEX_OK)
+                                                {
+                                                    LogError("Unable to HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest.");
+                                                }
+                                            }
+                                            else
+                                            {
+                                                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_080: [If a deviceSasToken does not exist, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall call HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest passing the following parameters] */
+                                                if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest(
+                                                    deviceData->sasObject,
+                                                    handleData->httpApiExHandle,
+                                                    HTTPAPI_REQUEST_POST,
+                                                    STRING_c_str(deviceData->eventHTTPrelativePath),
+                                                    clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders,
+                                                    toBeSend,
+                                                    &statusCode,
+                                                    NULL,
+                                                    NULL
+                                                    )) != HTTPAPIEX_OK)
+                                                {
+                                                    LogError("unable to HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest");
+                                                }
+                                            }
+                                            if (r == HTTPAPIEX_OK)
+                                            {
+                                                if (statusCode < 300)
+                                                {
+                                                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_082: [If HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest does not fail and http status code <300 then IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall call IoTHubClient_LL_SendComplete. Parameter PDLIST_ENTRY completed shall point to a list the item send, and parameter IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_RESULT result shall be set to IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_OK. The item shall be removed from waitingToSend.] */
+                                                    PDLIST_ENTRY justSent = DList_RemoveHeadList(deviceData->waitingToSend); /*actually this is the same as "actual", but now it is removed*/
+                                                    DList_InsertTailList(&(deviceData->eventConfirmations), justSent);
+                                                    IoTHubClient_LL_SendComplete(iotHubClientHandle, &(deviceData->eventConfirmations), IOTHUB_CLIENT_CONFIRMATION_OK); /*takes care of emptying the list too*/
+                                                }
+                                                else
+                                                {
+                                                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_081: [If HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest fails or the http status code >=300 then IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall not do any other action (it is assumed at the next _DoWork it shall be retried).] */
+                                                    LogError("unexpected HTTP status code (%u)", statusCode);
+                                                }
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                        BUFFER_delete(toBeSend);
+                                    }
+                                }
+                            }
+                        }
+                        HTTPHeaders_Free(clonedEventHTTPrequestHeaders);
+                    }
+                }
+            }
+        }
+    }
 #define ACTION_VALUES \
@@ -1590,540 +1590,540 @@
 static void abandonOrAcceptMessage(HTTPTRANSPORT_HANDLE_DATA* handleData, HTTPTRANSPORT_PERDEVICE_DATA* deviceData, const char* ETag, ACTION action)
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_097: [_DoWork shall call HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest with the following parameters:
-	-requestType: POST
-	-relativePath: abandon relative path begin (as created by _Create) + value of ETag + "/abandon?api-version=2016-02-03"
-	- requestHttpHeadersHandle: an HTTP headers instance containing the following
-	Authorization: " "
-	If-Match: value of ETag
-	- requestContent: NULL
-	- statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which might be examined for logging
-	- responseHeadearsHandle: NULL
-	- responseContent: NULL]*/
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_099: [_DoWork shall call HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest with the following parameters:
-	-requestType: DELETE
-	-relativePath: abandon relative path begin + value of ETag + "?api-version=2016-02-03"
-	- requestHttpHeadersHandle: an HTTP headers instance containing the following
-	Authorization: " "
-	If-Match: value of ETag
-	- requestContent: NULL
-	- statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which might be used by logging
-	- responseHeadearsHandle: NULL
-	- responseContent: NULL]*/
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_101: [_DoWork shall call HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest with the following parameters:
-	-requestType: DELETE
-	-relativePath: abandon relative path begin + value of ETag +"?api-version=2016-02-03" + "&reject"
-	- requestHttpHeadersHandle: an HTTP headers instance containing the following
-	Authorization: " "
-	If-Match: value of ETag
-	- requestContent: NULL
-	- statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which might be used by logging
-	- responseHeadearsHandle: NULL
-	- responseContent: NULL]*/
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_097: [_DoWork shall call HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest with the following parameters:
+    -requestType: POST
+    -relativePath: abandon relative path begin (as created by _Create) + value of ETag + "/abandon?api-version=2016-02-03"
+    - requestHttpHeadersHandle: an HTTP headers instance containing the following
+    Authorization: " "
+    If-Match: value of ETag
+    - requestContent: NULL
+    - statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which might be examined for logging
+    - responseHeadearsHandle: NULL
+    - responseContent: NULL]*/
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_099: [_DoWork shall call HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest with the following parameters:
+    -requestType: DELETE
+    -relativePath: abandon relative path begin + value of ETag + "?api-version=2016-02-03"
+    - requestHttpHeadersHandle: an HTTP headers instance containing the following
+    Authorization: " "
+    If-Match: value of ETag
+    - requestContent: NULL
+    - statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which might be used by logging
+    - responseHeadearsHandle: NULL
+    - responseContent: NULL]*/
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_101: [_DoWork shall call HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest with the following parameters:
+    -requestType: DELETE
+    -relativePath: abandon relative path begin + value of ETag +"?api-version=2016-02-03" + "&reject"
+    - requestHttpHeadersHandle: an HTTP headers instance containing the following
+    Authorization: " "
+    If-Match: value of ETag
+    - requestContent: NULL
+    - statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which might be used by logging
+    - responseHeadearsHandle: NULL
+    - responseContent: NULL]*/
-	STRING_HANDLE fullAbandonRelativePath = STRING_clone(deviceData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin);
-	if (fullAbandonRelativePath == NULL)
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_098: [Abandoning the message is considered successful if the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest doesn't fail and the statusCode is 204.]*/
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_100: [Accepting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_102: [Rejecting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
-		LogError("unable to STRING_clone");
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		STRING_HANDLE ETagUnquoted = STRING_construct_n(ETag + 1, strlen(ETag) - 2); /*skip first character which is '"' and the last one (which is also '"')*/
-		if (ETagUnquoted == NULL)
-		{
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_098: [Abandoning the message is considered successful if the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest doesn't fail and the statusCode is 204.]*/
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_100: [Accepting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_102: [Rejecting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
-			LogError("unable to STRING_construct_n");
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			if (!(
-				(STRING_concat_with_STRING(fullAbandonRelativePath, ETagUnquoted) == 0) &&
-				(STRING_concat(fullAbandonRelativePath, (action == ABANDON) ? "/abandon" API_VERSION : ((action == REJECT) ? API_VERSION "&reject" : API_VERSION)) == 0)
-				))
-			{
-				/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_098: [Abandoning the message is considered successful if the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest doesn't fail and the statusCode is 204.]*/
-				/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_100: [Accepting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
-				/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_102: [Rejecting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
-				LogError("unable to STRING_concat");
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE abandonRequestHttpHeaders = HTTPHeaders_Alloc();
-				if (abandonRequestHttpHeaders == NULL)
-				{
-					/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_098: [Abandoning the message is considered successful if the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest doesn't fail and the statusCode is 204.]*/
-					/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_100: [Accepting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
-					/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_102: [Rejecting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
-					LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_Alloc");
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					if (!(
-						(HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(abandonRequestHttpHeaders, "User-Agent", CLIENT_DEVICE_TYPE_PREFIX CLIENT_DEVICE_BACKSLASH IOTHUB_SDK_VERSION) == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) &&
-						(HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(abandonRequestHttpHeaders, "Authorization", " ") == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) &&
-						(HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(abandonRequestHttpHeaders, "If-Match", ETag) == HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
-						))
-					{
-						/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_098: [Abandoning the message is considered successful if the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest doesn't fail and the statusCode is 204.]*/
-						/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_100: [Accepting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
-						/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_102: [Rejecting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
-						LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair");
-					}
-					else
-					{
-						unsigned int statusCode;
-						if (deviceData->deviceSasToken != NULL)
-						{
-							/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_001: [if a deviceSasToken exists, HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair shall be invoked with "Authorization" as its second argument and STRING_c_str (deviceSasToken) as its third argument.]*/
-							if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(abandonRequestHttpHeaders, "Authorization", STRING_c_str(deviceData->deviceSasToken)) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
-							{
-								r = HTTPAPIEX_ERROR;
-								/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_002: [If the result of the invocation of HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair is NOT HTTP_HEADERS_OK then fallthrough.]*/
-								LogError("Unable to replace the old SAS Token.");
-							}
-							else if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest(
-								handleData->httpApiExHandle,
-								(action == ABANDON) ? HTTPAPI_REQUEST_POST : HTTPAPI_REQUEST_DELETE,                               /*-requestType: POST                                                                                                       */
-								STRING_c_str(fullAbandonRelativePath),              /*-relativePath: abandon relative path begin (as created by _Create) + value of ETag + "/abandon?api-version=2016-02-03"   */
-								abandonRequestHttpHeaders,                          /*- requestHttpHeadersHandle: an HTTP headers instance containing the following                                            */
-								NULL,                                               /*- requestContent: NULL                                                                                                   */
-								&statusCode,                                         /*- statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which might be examined for logging                                              */
-								NULL,                                               /*- responseHeadearsHandle: NULL                                                                                           */
-								NULL                                                /*- responseContent: NULL]                                                                                                 */
-								)) != HTTPAPIEX_OK)
-							{
-								/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_098: [Abandoning the message is considered successful if the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest doesn't fail and the statusCode is 204.]*/
-								/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_100: [Accepting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
-								/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_102: [Rejecting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
-								LogError("Unable to HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest.");
-							}
-						}
-						else if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest(
-							deviceData->sasObject,
-							handleData->httpApiExHandle,
-							(action == ABANDON) ? HTTPAPI_REQUEST_POST : HTTPAPI_REQUEST_DELETE,                               /*-requestType: POST                                                                                                       */
-							STRING_c_str(fullAbandonRelativePath),              /*-relativePath: abandon relative path begin (as created by _Create) + value of ETag + "/abandon?api-version=2016-02-03"   */
-							abandonRequestHttpHeaders,                          /*- requestHttpHeadersHandle: an HTTP headers instance containing the following                                            */
-							NULL,                                               /*- requestContent: NULL                                                                                                   */
-							&statusCode,                                         /*- statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which might be examined for logging                                              */
-							NULL,                                               /*- responseHeadearsHandle: NULL                                                                                           */
-							NULL                                                /*- responseContent: NULL]                                                                                                 */
-							)) != HTTPAPIEX_OK)
-						{
-							/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_098: [Abandoning the message is considered successful if the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest doesn't fail and the statusCode is 204.]*/
-							/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_100: [Accepting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
-							/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_102: [Rejecting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
-							LogError("unable to HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest");
-						}
-						if (r == HTTPAPIEX_OK)
-						{
-							if (statusCode != 204)
-							{
-								/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_098: [Abandoning the message is considered successful if the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest doesn't fail and the statusCode is 204.]*/
-								/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_100: [Accepting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
-								/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_102: [Rejecting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
-								LogError("unexpected status code returned %u (was expecting 204)", statusCode);
-							}
-							else
-							{
-								/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_098: [Abandoning the message is considered successful if the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest doesn't fail and the statusCode is 204.]*/
-								/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_100: [Accepting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
-								/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_102: [Rejecting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
-								/*all is fine*/
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					HTTPHeaders_Free(abandonRequestHttpHeaders);
-				}
-			}
-			STRING_delete(ETagUnquoted);
-		}
-		STRING_delete(fullAbandonRelativePath);
-	}
+    STRING_HANDLE fullAbandonRelativePath = STRING_clone(deviceData->abandonHTTPrelativePathBegin);
+    if (fullAbandonRelativePath == NULL)
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_098: [Abandoning the message is considered successful if the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest doesn't fail and the statusCode is 204.]*/
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_100: [Accepting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_102: [Rejecting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
+        LogError("unable to STRING_clone");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        STRING_HANDLE ETagUnquoted = STRING_construct_n(ETag + 1, strlen(ETag) - 2); /*skip first character which is '"' and the last one (which is also '"')*/
+        if (ETagUnquoted == NULL)
+        {
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_098: [Abandoning the message is considered successful if the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest doesn't fail and the statusCode is 204.]*/
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_100: [Accepting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_102: [Rejecting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
+            LogError("unable to STRING_construct_n");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            if (!(
+                (STRING_concat_with_STRING(fullAbandonRelativePath, ETagUnquoted) == 0) &&
+                (STRING_concat(fullAbandonRelativePath, (action == ABANDON) ? "/abandon" API_VERSION : ((action == REJECT) ? API_VERSION "&reject" : API_VERSION)) == 0)
+                ))
+            {
+                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_098: [Abandoning the message is considered successful if the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest doesn't fail and the statusCode is 204.]*/
+                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_100: [Accepting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
+                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_102: [Rejecting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
+                LogError("unable to STRING_concat");
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE abandonRequestHttpHeaders = HTTPHeaders_Alloc();
+                if (abandonRequestHttpHeaders == NULL)
+                {
+                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_098: [Abandoning the message is considered successful if the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest doesn't fail and the statusCode is 204.]*/
+                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_100: [Accepting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
+                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_102: [Rejecting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
+                    LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_Alloc");
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    if (!(
+                        (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(abandonRequestHttpHeaders, "User-Agent", CLIENT_DEVICE_TYPE_PREFIX CLIENT_DEVICE_BACKSLASH IOTHUB_SDK_VERSION) == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) &&
+                        (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(abandonRequestHttpHeaders, "Authorization", " ") == HTTP_HEADERS_OK) &&
+                        (HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair(abandonRequestHttpHeaders, "If-Match", ETag) == HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
+                        ))
+                    {
+                        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_098: [Abandoning the message is considered successful if the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest doesn't fail and the statusCode is 204.]*/
+                        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_100: [Accepting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
+                        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_102: [Rejecting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
+                        LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_AddHeaderNameValuePair");
+                    }
+                    else
+                    {
+                        unsigned int statusCode;
+                        HTTPAPIEX_RESULT r;
+                        if (deviceData->deviceSasToken != NULL)
+                        {
+                            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_001: [if a deviceSasToken exists, HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair shall be invoked with "Authorization" as its second argument and STRING_c_str (deviceSasToken) as its third argument.]*/
+                            if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(abandonRequestHttpHeaders, "Authorization", STRING_c_str(deviceData->deviceSasToken)) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
+                            {
+                                r = HTTPAPIEX_ERROR;
+                                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_002: [If the result of the invocation of HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair is NOT HTTP_HEADERS_OK then fallthrough.]*/
+                                LogError("Unable to replace the old SAS Token.");
+                            }
+                            else if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest(
+                                handleData->httpApiExHandle,
+                                (action == ABANDON) ? HTTPAPI_REQUEST_POST : HTTPAPI_REQUEST_DELETE,                               /*-requestType: POST                                                                                                       */
+                                STRING_c_str(fullAbandonRelativePath),              /*-relativePath: abandon relative path begin (as created by _Create) + value of ETag + "/abandon?api-version=2016-02-03"   */
+                                abandonRequestHttpHeaders,                          /*- requestHttpHeadersHandle: an HTTP headers instance containing the following                                            */
+                                NULL,                                               /*- requestContent: NULL                                                                                                   */
+                                &statusCode,                                         /*- statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which might be examined for logging                                              */
+                                NULL,                                               /*- responseHeadearsHandle: NULL                                                                                           */
+                                NULL                                                /*- responseContent: NULL]                                                                                                 */
+                                )) != HTTPAPIEX_OK)
+                            {
+                                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_098: [Abandoning the message is considered successful if the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest doesn't fail and the statusCode is 204.]*/
+                                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_100: [Accepting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
+                                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_102: [Rejecting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
+                                LogError("Unable to HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest.");
+                            }
+                        }
+                        else if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest(
+                            deviceData->sasObject,
+                            handleData->httpApiExHandle,
+                            (action == ABANDON) ? HTTPAPI_REQUEST_POST : HTTPAPI_REQUEST_DELETE,                               /*-requestType: POST                                                                                                       */
+                            STRING_c_str(fullAbandonRelativePath),              /*-relativePath: abandon relative path begin (as created by _Create) + value of ETag + "/abandon?api-version=2016-02-03"   */
+                            abandonRequestHttpHeaders,                          /*- requestHttpHeadersHandle: an HTTP headers instance containing the following                                            */
+                            NULL,                                               /*- requestContent: NULL                                                                                                   */
+                            &statusCode,                                         /*- statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which might be examined for logging                                              */
+                            NULL,                                               /*- responseHeadearsHandle: NULL                                                                                           */
+                            NULL                                                /*- responseContent: NULL]                                                                                                 */
+                            )) != HTTPAPIEX_OK)
+                        {
+                            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_098: [Abandoning the message is considered successful if the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest doesn't fail and the statusCode is 204.]*/
+                            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_100: [Accepting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
+                            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_102: [Rejecting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
+                            LogError("unable to HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest");
+                        }
+                        if (r == HTTPAPIEX_OK)
+                        {
+                            if (statusCode != 204)
+                            {
+                                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_098: [Abandoning the message is considered successful if the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest doesn't fail and the statusCode is 204.]*/
+                                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_100: [Accepting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
+                                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_102: [Rejecting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
+                                LogError("unexpected status code returned %u (was expecting 204)", statusCode);
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_098: [Abandoning the message is considered successful if the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest doesn't fail and the statusCode is 204.]*/
+                                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_100: [Accepting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
+                                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_102: [Rejecting a message is successful when HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest completes successfully and the status code is 204.] */
+                                /*all is fine*/
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    HTTPHeaders_Free(abandonRequestHttpHeaders);
+                }
+            }
+            STRING_delete(ETagUnquoted);
+        }
+        STRING_delete(fullAbandonRelativePath);
+    }
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_083: [ If device is not subscribed then _DoWork shall advance to the next action. ] */
-	if (deviceData->DoWork_PullMessage)
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_123: [After client creation, the first GET shall be allowed no matter what the value of GetMinimumPollingTime.] */
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_124: [If time is not available then all calls shall be treated as if they are the first one.] */
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_122: [A GET request that happens earlier than GetMinimumPollingTime shall be ignored.] */
-		time_t timeNow = get_time(NULL);
-		bool isPollingAllowed = deviceData->isFirstPoll || (timeNow == (time_t)(-1)) || (get_difftime(timeNow, deviceData->lastPollTime) > handleData->getMinimumPollingTime);
-		if (isPollingAllowed)
-		{
-			HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE responseHTTPHeaders = HTTPHeaders_Alloc();
-			if (responseHTTPHeaders == NULL)
-			{
-				/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_085: [If the call to HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest did not executed successfully or building any part of the prerequisites of the call fails, then _DoWork shall advance to the next action in this description.] */
-				LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_Alloc");
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				BUFFER_HANDLE responseContent = BUFFER_new();
-				if (responseContent == NULL)
-				{
-					/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_085: [If the call to HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest did not executed successfully or building any part of the prerequisites of the call fails, then _DoWork shall advance to the next action in this description.] */
-					LogError("unable to BUFFER_new");
-				}
-				else
-				{
-					unsigned int statusCode;
-					if (deviceData->deviceSasToken != NULL)
-					{
-						/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_001: [if a deviceSasToken exists, HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair shall be invoked with "Authorization" as its second argument and STRING_c_str (deviceSasToken) as its third argument.]*/
-						if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(deviceData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders, "Authorization", STRING_c_str(deviceData->deviceSasToken)) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
-						{
-							r = HTTPAPIEX_ERROR;
-							/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_002: [If the result of the invocation of HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair is NOT HTTP_HEADERS_OK then fallthrough.]*/
-							LogError("Unable to replace the old SAS Token.");
-						}
-						else if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest(
-							handleData->httpApiExHandle,
-							HTTPAPI_REQUEST_GET,                                            /*requestType: GET*/
-							STRING_c_str(deviceData->messageHTTPrelativePath),         /*relativePath: the message HTTP relative path*/
-							deviceData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders,                     /*requestHttpHeadersHandle: message HTTP request headers created by _Create*/
-							NULL,                                                           /*requestContent: NULL*/
-							&statusCode,                                                    /*statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which shall be later examined*/
-							responseHTTPHeaders,                                            /*responseHeadearsHandle: a new instance of HTTP headers*/
-							responseContent                                                 /*responseContent: a new instance of buffer*/
-							)) != HTTPAPIEX_OK)
-						{
-							/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_085: [If the call to HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest did not executed successfully or building any part of the prerequisites of the call fails, then _DoWork shall advance to the next action in this description.] */
-							LogError("Unable to HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest.");
-						}
-					}
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_083: [ If device is not subscribed then _DoWork shall advance to the next action. ] */
+    if (deviceData->DoWork_PullMessage)
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_123: [After client creation, the first GET shall be allowed no matter what the value of GetMinimumPollingTime.] */
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_124: [If time is not available then all calls shall be treated as if they are the first one.] */
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_122: [A GET request that happens earlier than GetMinimumPollingTime shall be ignored.] */
+        time_t timeNow = get_time(NULL);
+        bool isPollingAllowed = deviceData->isFirstPoll || (timeNow == (time_t)(-1)) || (get_difftime(timeNow, deviceData->lastPollTime) > handleData->getMinimumPollingTime);
+        if (isPollingAllowed)
+        {
+            HTTP_HEADERS_HANDLE responseHTTPHeaders = HTTPHeaders_Alloc();
+            if (responseHTTPHeaders == NULL)
+            {
+                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_085: [If the call to HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest did not executed successfully or building any part of the prerequisites of the call fails, then _DoWork shall advance to the next action in this description.] */
+                LogError("unable to HTTPHeaders_Alloc");
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                BUFFER_HANDLE responseContent = BUFFER_new();
+                if (responseContent == NULL)
+                {
+                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_085: [If the call to HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest did not executed successfully or building any part of the prerequisites of the call fails, then _DoWork shall advance to the next action in this description.] */
+                    LogError("unable to BUFFER_new");
+                }
+                else
+                {
+                    unsigned int statusCode;
+                    HTTPAPIEX_RESULT r;
+                    if (deviceData->deviceSasToken != NULL)
+                    {
+                        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_001: [if a deviceSasToken exists, HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair shall be invoked with "Authorization" as its second argument and STRING_c_str (deviceSasToken) as its third argument.]*/
+                        if (HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair(deviceData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders, "Authorization", STRING_c_str(deviceData->deviceSasToken)) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
+                        {
+                            r = HTTPAPIEX_ERROR;
+                            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_03_002: [If the result of the invocation of HTTPHeaders_ReplaceHeaderNameValuePair is NOT HTTP_HEADERS_OK then fallthrough.]*/
+                            LogError("Unable to replace the old SAS Token.");
+                        }
+                        else if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest(
+                            handleData->httpApiExHandle,
+                            HTTPAPI_REQUEST_GET,                                            /*requestType: GET*/
+                            STRING_c_str(deviceData->messageHTTPrelativePath),         /*relativePath: the message HTTP relative path*/
+                            deviceData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders,                     /*requestHttpHeadersHandle: message HTTP request headers created by _Create*/
+                            NULL,                                                           /*requestContent: NULL*/
+                            &statusCode,                                                    /*statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which shall be later examined*/
+                            responseHTTPHeaders,                                            /*responseHeadearsHandle: a new instance of HTTP headers*/
+                            responseContent                                                 /*responseContent: a new instance of buffer*/
+                            )) != HTTPAPIEX_OK)
+                        {
+                            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_085: [If the call to HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest did not executed successfully or building any part of the prerequisites of the call fails, then _DoWork shall advance to the next action in this description.] */
+                            LogError("Unable to HTTPAPIEX_ExecuteRequest.");
+                        }
+                    }
-					/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_084: [Otherwise, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall call HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest passing the following parameters
-					requestType: GET
-					relativePath: the message HTTP relative path
-					requestHttpHeadersHandle: message HTTP request headers created by _Create
-					requestContent: NULL
-					statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which shall be later examined
-					responseHeadearsHandle: a new instance of HTTP headers
-					responseContent: a new instance of buffer]
-					*/
-					else if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest(
-						deviceData->sasObject,
-						handleData->httpApiExHandle,
-						HTTPAPI_REQUEST_GET,                                            /*requestType: GET*/
-						STRING_c_str(deviceData->messageHTTPrelativePath),         /*relativePath: the message HTTP relative path*/
-						deviceData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders,                     /*requestHttpHeadersHandle: message HTTP request headers created by _Create*/
-						NULL,                                                           /*requestContent: NULL*/
-						&statusCode,                                                    /*statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which shall be later examined*/
-						responseHTTPHeaders,                                            /*responseHeadearsHandle: a new instance of HTTP headers*/
-						responseContent                                                 /*responseContent: a new instance of buffer*/
-						)) != HTTPAPIEX_OK)
-					{
-						/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_085: [If the call to HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest did not executed successfully or building any part of the prerequisites of the call fails, then _DoWork shall advance to the next action in this description.] */
-						LogError("unable to HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest");
-					}
-					if (r == HTTPAPIEX_OK)
-					{
-						/*HTTP dialogue was succesfull*/
-						if (timeNow == (time_t)(-1))
-						{
-							deviceData->isFirstPoll = true;
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							deviceData->isFirstPoll = false;
-							deviceData->lastPollTime = timeNow;
-						}
-						if (statusCode == 204)
-						{
-							/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_086: [If the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest executed successfully then status code shall be examined. Any status code different than 200 causes _DoWork to advance to the next action.] */
-							/*this is an expected status code, means "no commands", but logging that creates panic*/
+                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_084: [Otherwise, IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall call HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest passing the following parameters
+                    requestType: GET
+                    relativePath: the message HTTP relative path
+                    requestHttpHeadersHandle: message HTTP request headers created by _Create
+                    requestContent: NULL
+                    statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which shall be later examined
+                    responseHeadearsHandle: a new instance of HTTP headers
+                    responseContent: a new instance of buffer]
+                    */
+                    else if ((r = HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest(
+                        deviceData->sasObject,
+                        handleData->httpApiExHandle,
+                        HTTPAPI_REQUEST_GET,                                            /*requestType: GET*/
+                        STRING_c_str(deviceData->messageHTTPrelativePath),         /*relativePath: the message HTTP relative path*/
+                        deviceData->messageHTTPrequestHeaders,                     /*requestHttpHeadersHandle: message HTTP request headers created by _Create*/
+                        NULL,                                                           /*requestContent: NULL*/
+                        &statusCode,                                                    /*statusCode: a pointer to unsigned int which shall be later examined*/
+                        responseHTTPHeaders,                                            /*responseHeadearsHandle: a new instance of HTTP headers*/
+                        responseContent                                                 /*responseContent: a new instance of buffer*/
+                        )) != HTTPAPIEX_OK)
+                    {
+                        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_085: [If the call to HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest did not executed successfully or building any part of the prerequisites of the call fails, then _DoWork shall advance to the next action in this description.] */
+                        LogError("unable to HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest");
+                    }
+                    if (r == HTTPAPIEX_OK)
+                    {
+                        /*HTTP dialogue was succesfull*/
+                        if (timeNow == (time_t)(-1))
+                        {
+                            deviceData->isFirstPoll = true;
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            deviceData->isFirstPoll = false;
+                            deviceData->lastPollTime = timeNow;
+                        }
+                        if (statusCode == 204)
+                        {
+                            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_086: [If the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest executed successfully then status code shall be examined. Any status code different than 200 causes _DoWork to advance to the next action.] */
+                            /*this is an expected status code, means "no commands", but logging that creates panic*/
-							/*do nothing, advance to next action*/
-						}
-						else if (statusCode != 200)
-						{
-							/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_086: [If the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest executed successfully then status code shall be examined. Any status code different than 200 causes _DoWork to advance to the next action.] */
-							LogError("expected status code was 200, but actually was received %u... moving on", statusCode);
-						}
-						else
-						{
-							/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_087: [If status code is 200, then _DoWork shall make a copy of the value of the "ETag" http header.]*/
-							const char* etagValue = HTTPHeaders_FindHeaderValue(responseHTTPHeaders, "ETag");
-							if (etagValue == NULL)
-							{
-								LogError("unable to find a received header called \"E-Tag\"");
-							}
-							else
-							{
-								/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_088: [If no such header is found or is invalid, then _DoWork shall advance to the next action.]*/
-								size_t etagsize = strlen(etagValue);
-								if (
-									(etagsize < 2) ||
-									(etagValue[0] != '"') ||
-									(etagValue[etagsize - 1] != '"')
-									)
-								{
-									LogError("ETag is not a valid quoted string");
-								}
-								else
-								{
-									/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_089: [_DoWork shall assemble an IOTHUBMESSAGE_HANDLE from the received HTTP content (using the responseContent buffer).] */
-									IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE receivedMessage = IoTHubMessage_CreateFromByteArray(BUFFER_u_char(responseContent), BUFFER_length(responseContent));
-									if (receivedMessage == NULL)
-									{
-										/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_092: [If assembling the message fails in any way, then _DoWork shall "abandon" the message.]*/
-										LogError("unable to IoTHubMessage_CreateFromByteArray, trying to abandon the message... ");
-										abandonOrAcceptMessage(handleData, deviceData, etagValue, ABANDON);
-									}
-									else
-									{
-										/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_090: [All the HTTP headers of the form iothub-app-name:somecontent shall be transformed in message properties {name, somecontent}.]*/
-										/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_091: [The HTTP header of iothub-messageid shall be set in the MessageId.]*/
-										size_t nHeaders;
-										if (HTTPHeaders_GetHeaderCount(responseHTTPHeaders, &nHeaders) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
-										{
-											LogError("unable to get the count of HTTP headers");
-											abandonOrAcceptMessage(handleData, deviceData, etagValue, ABANDON);
-										}
-										else
-										{
-											size_t i;
-											MAP_HANDLE properties = (nHeaders > 0) ? IoTHubMessage_Properties(receivedMessage) : NULL;
-											for (i = 0; i < nHeaders; i++)
-											{
-												char* completeHeader;
-												if (HTTPHeaders_GetHeader(responseHTTPHeaders, i, &completeHeader) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
-												{
-													break;
-												}
-												else
-												{
-													if (strncmp(IOTHUB_APP_PREFIX, completeHeader, strlen(IOTHUB_APP_PREFIX)) == 0)
-													{
-														/*looks like a property headers*/
-														/*there's a guaranteed ':' in the completeHeader, by HTTP_HEADERS module*/
-														char* whereIsColon = strchr(completeHeader, ':');
-														if (whereIsColon != NULL)
-														{
-															*whereIsColon = '\0'; /*cut it down*/
-															if (Map_AddOrUpdate(properties, completeHeader + strlen(IOTHUB_APP_PREFIX), whereIsColon + 2) != MAP_OK) /*whereIsColon+1 is a space because HTTPEHADERS outputs a ": " between name and value*/
-															{
-																free(completeHeader);
-																break;
-															}
-														}
-													}
-													else if (strncmp(IOTHUB_MESSAGE_ID, completeHeader, strlen(IOTHUB_MESSAGE_ID)) == 0)
-													{
-														char* whereIsColon = strchr(completeHeader, ':');
-														if (whereIsColon != NULL)
-														{
-															*whereIsColon = '\0'; /*cut it down*/
-															if (IoTHubMessage_SetMessageId(receivedMessage, whereIsColon + 2) != IOTHUB_MESSAGE_OK)
-															{
-																free(completeHeader);
-																break;
-															}
-														}
-													}
-													else if (strncmp(IOTHUB_CORRELATION_ID, completeHeader, strlen(IOTHUB_CORRELATION_ID)) == 0)
-													{
-														char* whereIsColon = strchr(completeHeader, ':');
-														if (whereIsColon != NULL)
-														{
-															*whereIsColon = '\0'; /*cut it down*/
-															if (IoTHubMessage_SetCorrelationId(receivedMessage, whereIsColon + 2) != IOTHUB_MESSAGE_OK)
-															{
-																free(completeHeader);
-																break;
-															}
-														}
-													}
-													free(completeHeader);
-												}
-											}
+                            /*do nothing, advance to next action*/
+                        }
+                        else if (statusCode != 200)
+                        {
+                            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_086: [If the HTTPAPIEX_SAS_ExecuteRequest executed successfully then status code shall be examined. Any status code different than 200 causes _DoWork to advance to the next action.] */
+                            LogError("expected status code was 200, but actually was received %u... moving on", statusCode);
+                        }
+                        else
+                        {
+                            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_087: [If status code is 200, then _DoWork shall make a copy of the value of the "ETag" http header.]*/
+                            const char* etagValue = HTTPHeaders_FindHeaderValue(responseHTTPHeaders, "ETag");
+                            if (etagValue == NULL)
+                            {
+                                LogError("unable to find a received header called \"E-Tag\"");
+                            }
+                            else
+                            {
+                                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_088: [If no such header is found or is invalid, then _DoWork shall advance to the next action.]*/
+                                size_t etagsize = strlen(etagValue);
+                                if (
+                                    (etagsize < 2) ||
+                                    (etagValue[0] != '"') ||
+                                    (etagValue[etagsize - 1] != '"')
+                                    )
+                                {
+                                    LogError("ETag is not a valid quoted string");
+                                }
+                                else
+                                {
+                                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_089: [_DoWork shall assemble an IOTHUBMESSAGE_HANDLE from the received HTTP content (using the responseContent buffer).] */
+                                    IOTHUB_MESSAGE_HANDLE receivedMessage = IoTHubMessage_CreateFromByteArray(BUFFER_u_char(responseContent), BUFFER_length(responseContent));
+                                    if (receivedMessage == NULL)
+                                    {
+                                        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_092: [If assembling the message fails in any way, then _DoWork shall "abandon" the message.]*/
+                                        LogError("unable to IoTHubMessage_CreateFromByteArray, trying to abandon the message... ");
+                                        abandonOrAcceptMessage(handleData, deviceData, etagValue, ABANDON);
+                                    }
+                                    else
+                                    {
+                                        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_090: [All the HTTP headers of the form iothub-app-name:somecontent shall be transformed in message properties {name, somecontent}.]*/
+                                        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_091: [The HTTP header of iothub-messageid shall be set in the MessageId.]*/
+                                        size_t nHeaders;
+                                        if (HTTPHeaders_GetHeaderCount(responseHTTPHeaders, &nHeaders) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
+                                        {
+                                            LogError("unable to get the count of HTTP headers");
+                                            abandonOrAcceptMessage(handleData, deviceData, etagValue, ABANDON);
+                                        }
+                                        else
+                                        {
+                                            size_t i;
+                                            MAP_HANDLE properties = (nHeaders > 0) ? IoTHubMessage_Properties(receivedMessage) : NULL;
+                                            for (i = 0; i < nHeaders; i++)
+                                            {
+                                                char* completeHeader;
+                                                if (HTTPHeaders_GetHeader(responseHTTPHeaders, i, &completeHeader) != HTTP_HEADERS_OK)
+                                                {
+                                                    break;
+                                                }
+                                                else
+                                                {
+                                                    if (strncmp(IOTHUB_APP_PREFIX, completeHeader, strlen(IOTHUB_APP_PREFIX)) == 0)
+                                                    {
+                                                        /*looks like a property headers*/
+                                                        /*there's a guaranteed ':' in the completeHeader, by HTTP_HEADERS module*/
+                                                        char* whereIsColon = strchr(completeHeader, ':');
+                                                        if (whereIsColon != NULL)
+                                                        {
+                                                            *whereIsColon = '\0'; /*cut it down*/
+                                                            if (Map_AddOrUpdate(properties, completeHeader + strlen(IOTHUB_APP_PREFIX), whereIsColon + 2) != MAP_OK) /*whereIsColon+1 is a space because HTTPEHADERS outputs a ": " between name and value*/
+                                                            {
+                                                                free(completeHeader);
+                                                                break;
+                                                            }
+                                                        }
+                                                    }
+                                                    else if (strncmp(IOTHUB_MESSAGE_ID, completeHeader, strlen(IOTHUB_MESSAGE_ID)) == 0)
+                                                    {
+                                                        char* whereIsColon = strchr(completeHeader, ':');
+                                                        if (whereIsColon != NULL)
+                                                        {
+                                                            *whereIsColon = '\0'; /*cut it down*/
+                                                            if (IoTHubMessage_SetMessageId(receivedMessage, whereIsColon + 2) != IOTHUB_MESSAGE_OK)
+                                                            {
+                                                                free(completeHeader);
+                                                                break;
+                                                            }
+                                                        }
+                                                    }
+                                                    else if (strncmp(IOTHUB_CORRELATION_ID, completeHeader, strlen(IOTHUB_CORRELATION_ID)) == 0)
+                                                    {
+                                                        char* whereIsColon = strchr(completeHeader, ':');
+                                                        if (whereIsColon != NULL)
+                                                        {
+                                                            *whereIsColon = '\0'; /*cut it down*/
+                                                            if (IoTHubMessage_SetCorrelationId(receivedMessage, whereIsColon + 2) != IOTHUB_MESSAGE_OK)
+                                                            {
+                                                                free(completeHeader);
+                                                                break;
+                                                            }
+                                                        }
+                                                    }
+                                                    free(completeHeader);
+                                                }
+                                            }
-											if (i < nHeaders)
-											{
-												abandonOrAcceptMessage(handleData, deviceData, etagValue, ABANDON);
-											}
-											else
-											{
-												/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_093: [Otherwise, _DoWork shall call IoTHubClient_LL_MessageCallback with parameters handle = iotHubClientHandle and message = newly created message.]*/
-												IOTHUBMESSAGE_DISPOSITION_RESULT messageResult = IoTHubClient_LL_MessageCallback(iotHubClientHandle, receivedMessage);
-												if (messageResult == IOTHUBMESSAGE_ACCEPTED)
-												{
-													/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_094: [If IoTHubClient_LL_MessageCallback returns IOTHUBMESSAGE_ACCEPTED then _DoWork shall "accept" the message.]*/
-													abandonOrAcceptMessage(handleData, deviceData, etagValue, ACCEPT);
-												}
-												else if (messageResult == IOTHUBMESSAGE_REJECTED)
-												{
-													/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_095: [If IoTHubClient_LL_MessageCallback returns IOTHUBMESSAGE_REJECTED then _DoWork shall "reject" the message.]*/
-													abandonOrAcceptMessage(handleData, deviceData, etagValue, REJECT);
-												}
-												else
-												{
-													/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_096: [If IoTHubClient_LL_MessageCallback returns IOTHUBMESSAGE_ABANDONED then _DoWork shall "abandon" the message.] */
-													abandonOrAcceptMessage(handleData, deviceData, etagValue, ABANDON);
-												}
-											}
-										}
-										IoTHubMessage_Destroy(receivedMessage);
-									}
-								}
+                                            if (i < nHeaders)
+                                            {
+                                                abandonOrAcceptMessage(handleData, deviceData, etagValue, ABANDON);
+                                            }
+                                            else
+                                            {
+                                                /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_093: [Otherwise, _DoWork shall call IoTHubClient_LL_MessageCallback with parameters handle = iotHubClientHandle and message = newly created message.]*/
+                                                IOTHUBMESSAGE_DISPOSITION_RESULT messageResult = IoTHubClient_LL_MessageCallback(iotHubClientHandle, receivedMessage);
+                                                if (messageResult == IOTHUBMESSAGE_ACCEPTED)
+                                                {
+                                                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_094: [If IoTHubClient_LL_MessageCallback returns IOTHUBMESSAGE_ACCEPTED then _DoWork shall "accept" the message.]*/
+                                                    abandonOrAcceptMessage(handleData, deviceData, etagValue, ACCEPT);
+                                                }
+                                                else if (messageResult == IOTHUBMESSAGE_REJECTED)
+                                                {
+                                                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_095: [If IoTHubClient_LL_MessageCallback returns IOTHUBMESSAGE_REJECTED then _DoWork shall "reject" the message.]*/
+                                                    abandonOrAcceptMessage(handleData, deviceData, etagValue, REJECT);
+                                                }
+                                                else
+                                                {
+                                                    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_096: [If IoTHubClient_LL_MessageCallback returns IOTHUBMESSAGE_ABANDONED then _DoWork shall "abandon" the message.] */
+                                                    abandonOrAcceptMessage(handleData, deviceData, etagValue, ABANDON);
+                                                }
+                                            }
+                                        }
+                                        IoTHubMessage_Destroy(receivedMessage);
+                                    }
+                                }
-							}
-						}
-					}
-					BUFFER_delete(responseContent);
-				}
-				HTTPHeaders_Free(responseHTTPHeaders);
-			}
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			/*isPollingAllowed is false... */
-			/*do nothing "shall be ignored*/
-		}
-	}
+                            }
+                        }
+                    }
+                    BUFFER_delete(responseContent);
+                }
+                HTTPHeaders_Free(responseHTTPHeaders);
+            }
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /*isPollingAllowed is false... */
+            /*do nothing "shall be ignored*/
+        }
+    }
 static void IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork(TRANSPORT_LL_HANDLE handle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_LL_HANDLE iotHubClientHandle)
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_049: [ If handle is NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall do nothing. ]*/
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_140: [ If iotHubClientHandle is NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall do nothing. ]*/
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_049: [ If handle is NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall do nothing. ]*/
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_140: [ If iotHubClientHandle is NULL, then IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall do nothing. ]*/
-	(void)iotHubClientHandle; // use the perDevice handle.
-	if (handle != NULL)
-	{
-		size_t deviceListSize = VECTOR_size(handleData->perDeviceList);
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_052: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall perform a round-robin loop through every deviceHandle in the transport device list, using the iotHubClientHandle field saved in the IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE. ]*/
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_050: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall call loop through the device list. ] */
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_051: [ IF the list is empty, then IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall do nothing. ]*/
-		for (size_t i = 0; i < deviceListSize; i++)
-		{
-			listItem = VECTOR_element(handleData->perDeviceList, i);
-			DoEvent(handleData, perDeviceItem, perDeviceItem->iotHubClientHandle);
-			DoMessages(handleData, perDeviceItem, perDeviceItem->iotHubClientHandle);
+    (void)iotHubClientHandle; // use the perDevice handle.
+    if (handle != NULL)
+    {
+        IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE* listItem;
+        size_t deviceListSize = VECTOR_size(handleData->perDeviceList);
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_052: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall perform a round-robin loop through every deviceHandle in the transport device list, using the iotHubClientHandle field saved in the IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE. ]*/
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_050: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall call loop through the device list. ] */
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_051: [ IF the list is empty, then IoTHubTransportHttp_DoWork shall do nothing. ]*/
+        for (size_t i = 0; i < deviceListSize; i++)
+        {
+            listItem = VECTOR_element(handleData->perDeviceList, i);
+            DoEvent(handleData, perDeviceItem, perDeviceItem->iotHubClientHandle);
+            DoMessages(handleData, perDeviceItem, perDeviceItem->iotHubClientHandle);
-		}
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		LogError("Invalid Argument NULL call on DoWork.");
-	}
+        }
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        LogError("Invalid Argument NULL call on DoWork.");
+    }
 static IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubTransportHttp_GetSendStatus(IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE handle, IOTHUB_CLIENT_STATUS *iotHubClientStatus)
-	if (handle == NULL)
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_111: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_GetSendStatus shall return IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG if called with NULL parameter. ]*/
-		LogError("Invalid handle to IoTHubClient HTTP transport instance.");
-	}
-	else if (iotHubClientStatus == NULL)
-	{
-		LogError("Invalid pointer to output parameter IOTHUB_CLIENT_STATUS.");
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_138: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_GetSendStatus shall locate deviceHandle in the transport device list by calling list_find_if. ]*/
-		IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE* listItem = get_perDeviceDataItem(handle);
-		if (listItem == NULL)
-		{
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_139: [ If the device structure is not found, then this function shall fail and return with IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG. ]*/
-			LogError("Device not found in transport list.");
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			/* Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_113: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_GetSendStatus shall return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK and status IOTHUB_CLIENT_SEND_STATUS_BUSY if there are currently event items to be sent or being sent. ] */
-			if (!DList_IsListEmpty(deviceData->waitingToSend))
-			{
-				*iotHubClientStatus = IOTHUB_CLIENT_SEND_STATUS_BUSY;
-			}
-			/* Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_112: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_GetSendStatus shall return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK and status IOTHUB_CLIENT_SEND_STATUS_IDLE if there are currently no event items to be sent or being sent. ] */
-			else
-			{
-				*iotHubClientStatus = IOTHUB_CLIENT_SEND_STATUS_IDLE;
-			}
-			result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK;
-		}
-	}
+    if (handle == NULL)
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_111: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_GetSendStatus shall return IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG if called with NULL parameter. ]*/
+        result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG;
+        LogError("Invalid handle to IoTHubClient HTTP transport instance.");
+    }
+    else if (iotHubClientStatus == NULL)
+    {
+        result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG;
+        LogError("Invalid pointer to output parameter IOTHUB_CLIENT_STATUS.");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_138: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_GetSendStatus shall locate deviceHandle in the transport device list by calling list_find_if. ]*/
+        IOTHUB_DEVICE_HANDLE* listItem = get_perDeviceDataItem(handle);
+        if (listItem == NULL)
+        {
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_139: [ If the device structure is not found, then this function shall fail and return with IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG. ]*/
+            result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG;
+            LogError("Device not found in transport list.");
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /* Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_113: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_GetSendStatus shall return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK and status IOTHUB_CLIENT_SEND_STATUS_BUSY if there are currently event items to be sent or being sent. ] */
+            if (!DList_IsListEmpty(deviceData->waitingToSend))
+            {
+                *iotHubClientStatus = IOTHUB_CLIENT_SEND_STATUS_BUSY;
+            }
+            /* Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_112: [ IoTHubTransportHttp_GetSendStatus shall return IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK and status IOTHUB_CLIENT_SEND_STATUS_IDLE if there are currently no event items to be sent or being sent. ] */
+            else
+            {
+                *iotHubClientStatus = IOTHUB_CLIENT_SEND_STATUS_IDLE;
+            }
+            result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK;
+        }
+    }
-	return result;
+    return result;
 static IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT IoTHubTransportHttp_SetOption(TRANSPORT_LL_HANDLE handle, const char* option, const void* value)
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_114: [If handle parameter is NULL then IoTHubTransportHttp_SetOption shall return IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG.] */
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_115: [If option parameter is NULL then IoTHubTransportHttp_SetOption shall return IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG.] */
-	/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_116: [If value parameter is NULL then IoTHubTransportHttp_SetOption shall return IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG.] */
-	if (
-		(handle == NULL) ||
-		(option == NULL) ||
-		(value == NULL)
-		)
-	{
-		LogError("invalid parameter (NULL) passed to IoTHubTransportHttp_SetOption");
-	}
-	else
-	{
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_120: ["Batching"] */
-		if (strcmp("Batching", option) == 0)
-		{
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_117: [If optionName is an option handled by IoTHubTransportHttp then it shall be set.] */
-			handleData->doBatchedTransfers = *(bool*)value;
-			result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK;
-		}
-		/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_121: ["MinimumPollingTime"] */
-		else if (strcmp("MinimumPollingTime", option) == 0)
-		{
-			handleData->getMinimumPollingTime = *(unsigned int*)value;
-			result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK;
-		}
-		else
-		{
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_126: [ "TrustedCerts"] */
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_127: [ NULL shall be allowed. ]*/
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_129: [ This option shall passed down to the lower layer by calling HTTPAPIEX_SetOption. ]*/
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_118: [Otherwise, IoTHubTransport_Http shall call HTTPAPIEX_SetOption with the same parameters and return the translated code.] */
-			HTTPAPIEX_RESULT HTTPAPIEX_result = HTTPAPIEX_SetOption(handleData->httpApiExHandle, option, value);
-			/*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_119: [The following table translates HTTPAPIEX return codes to IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT return codes:] */
-			if (HTTPAPIEX_result == HTTPAPIEX_OK)
-			{
-				result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK;
-			}
-			{
-				LogError("HTTPAPIEX_SetOption failed");
-			}
-			else
-			{
-				result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_ERROR;
-				LogError("HTTPAPIEX_SetOption failed");
-			}
-		}
-	}
-	return result;
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_114: [If handle parameter is NULL then IoTHubTransportHttp_SetOption shall return IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG.] */
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_115: [If option parameter is NULL then IoTHubTransportHttp_SetOption shall return IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG.] */
+    /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_116: [If value parameter is NULL then IoTHubTransportHttp_SetOption shall return IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG.] */
+    if (
+        (handle == NULL) ||
+        (option == NULL) ||
+        (value == NULL)
+        )
+    {
+        result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG;
+        LogError("invalid parameter (NULL) passed to IoTHubTransportHttp_SetOption");
+    }
+    else
+    {
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_120: ["Batching"] */
+        if (strcmp("Batching", option) == 0)
+        {
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_117: [If optionName is an option handled by IoTHubTransportHttp then it shall be set.] */
+            handleData->doBatchedTransfers = *(bool*)value;
+            result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK;
+        }
+        /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_121: ["MinimumPollingTime"] */
+        else if (strcmp("MinimumPollingTime", option) == 0)
+        {
+            handleData->getMinimumPollingTime = *(unsigned int*)value;
+            result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK;
+        }
+        else
+        {
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_126: [ "TrustedCerts"] */
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_127: [ NULL shall be allowed. ]*/
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_129: [ This option shall passed down to the lower layer by calling HTTPAPIEX_SetOption. ]*/
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_118: [Otherwise, IoTHubTransport_Http shall call HTTPAPIEX_SetOption with the same parameters and return the translated code.] */
+            HTTPAPIEX_RESULT HTTPAPIEX_result = HTTPAPIEX_SetOption(handleData->httpApiExHandle, option, value);
+            /*Codes_SRS_TRANSPORTMULTITHTTP_17_119: [The following table translates HTTPAPIEX return codes to IOTHUB_CLIENT_RESULT return codes:] */
+            if (HTTPAPIEX_result == HTTPAPIEX_OK)
+            {
+                result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_OK;
+            }
+            else if (HTTPAPIEX_result == HTTPAPIEX_INVALID_ARG)
+            {
+                result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_INVALID_ARG;
+                LogError("HTTPAPIEX_SetOption failed");
+            }
+            else
+            {
+                result = IOTHUB_CLIENT_ERROR;
+                LogError("HTTPAPIEX_SetOption failed");
+            }
+        }
+    }
+    return result;
 static STRING_HANDLE IoTHubTransportHttp_GetHostname(TRANSPORT_LL_HANDLE handle)