Dependents:   rtest LeonardoMbos OS_test Labo_TRSE_Drone ... more

diff -r 6cb5413f143f -r e740e08cbea9 mbos.h
--- a/mbos.h	Sun Dec 05 13:36:15 2010 +0000
+++ b/mbos.h	Mon Jan 31 03:39:39 2011 +0000
@@ -43,52 +43,59 @@
  * A typical simple example with two tasks, and one timer, might look like this:
  * @code
- * #include "mbed.h"
+ * // mbos Blinky demonstration.
+ * // Task 1 toggles LED1 every second, under control of a timer. It then posts an event to
+ * // task 2 which flashed LED2 briefly.
+ * #include "mbed.h"                    
  * #include "mbos.h"
- * #define TASK1_ID                1        // defines to make the code more readable
- * #define TASK1_PRIO            50
- * #define TASK1_STACK_SZ        32
- * #define TASK2_ID                2
- * #define TASK2_PRIO            60
- * #define TASK2_STACK_SZ        32
- * #define TIMER0_ID            0
- * #define TIMER0_PERIOD        1000
- * #define TIMER0_EVENT            1
- * #define T1_TO_T2_EVENT        2
+ * #define TASK1_ID                1       // Id for task 1 (idle task is 0)
+ * #define TASK1_PRIO              50      // priority for task 1
+ * #define TASK1_STACK_SZ          32      // stack size for task 1 in words 
+ * #define TASK2_ID                2       // Id for task 2 
+ * #define TASK2_PRIO              60      // priority for task 2
+ * #define TASK2_STACK_SZ          32      // stack size for task 2 in words 
+ * #define TIMER0_ID               0       // Id for timer 0
+ * #define TIMER0_PERIOD           1000    // Time period in milliseconds
+ * #define TIMER0_EVENT            1       // Event flag (1 << 0)
+ * #define T1_TO_T2_EVENT          2       // Event flag (1 << 1)
- * void task1(void);                    // task function prototypes
+ * void task1(void);                       // task function prototypes
  * void task2(void);
  * DigitalOut led1(LED1);
  * DigitalOut led2(LED2);
- * mbos os(2, 1);                        // 2 tasks, 1 timer
+ * mbos os(2, 1);                          // Instantiate mbos with 2 tasks & 1 timer    
  * int main(void)
  * {
+ *     // Configure tasks and timers
  *     os.CreateTask(TASK1_ID, TASK1_PRIO, TASK1_STACK_SZ, task1);
  *     os.CreateTask(TASK2_ID, TASK2_PRIO, TASK2_STACK_SZ, task2);
  *     os.CreateTimer(TIMER0_ID, TIMER0_EVENT, TASK1_ID);
+ *     // Start mbos
  *     os.Start();
- *     // never get here!
+ *     // never  return!
  * }
+ *
  * void task1(void)
  * {
  *     while(1){
- *             os.WaitEvent(TIMER0_EVENT);
- *             led1 = !led1;
- *             os.SetEvent(T1_TO_T2_EVENT, TASK2_ID);
- *       }
+ *         os.WaitEvent(TIMER0_EVENT);
+ *         led1 = !led1;
+ *         os.SetEvent(T1_TO_T2_EVENT, TASK2_ID);
+ *     }
  * }
+ *
  * void task2(void)
  * {
- *         while(1){
- *             os.WaitEvent(T1_TO_T2_EVENT);
- *             led2 = 1;
- *             wait_ms(100);
- *             led2 = 0;
- *         }
+ *     while(1){
+ *         os.WaitEvent(T1_TO_T2_EVENT);
+ *         led2 = 1;
+ *         wait_ms(100);
+ *         led2 = 0;
+ *     }
  * }
  * @endcode
@@ -110,7 +117,7 @@
      * @param idlestacksize Size in words (>= 32) of the user-written idle task if present. 
      * @returns Never returns
-    void Start(uint idlestacksize = 0);
+    void Start(uint idlestacksize = 32);
     /** Create an mbos task. Allocates and initialises data structures for the task.
@@ -183,6 +190,16 @@
      * @param reload The optional time to reload into the timer when it times out.
     void SetTimer(uint timerid, uint time, uint reload = 0);
+    /** Redirects an mbos timer. Changes the task and event associated with a timer. If the timer
+     * is running, the fun ction has no effect.
+     *
+     * @param timerid The ID of the timer.
+     * @param taskid The ID of the task to which the timer will post events. May not be 
+     * the idle task.
+     * @param event The event flag(s) that the timer should post on timeout. May not be NULL.
+     */
+     void RedirectTimer(uint timerid, uint taskid, uint event); 
     /** Stops and clears an mbos timer.