This example establishes a transparent link between the mbed seial port and the gps on the C027. You can use it to use the standard u-blox tools such as u-center. These tools can then connect to the serial port and talk directly to the GPS receiver. Baudrate should be set to 9600 baud and is fixed. u-center can be downloaded from u-blox website following this link:

Dependencies:   mbed

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00001 #include "mbed.h"
00002 #ifdef TARGET_UBLOX_C027
00003  #include "C027_api.h"
00004 #else
00005  #error "This example is targeted for the C027 platform"
00006 #endif
00008 /* This example is establishing a transparent link between 
00009    the mbed serial port and the serial communication interface 
00010    of the GPS. 
00012    For a more advanced driver for the GPS or Modem(MDM) please 
00013    look at the follwing library and example:
00014    C027_Support Library 
00016    C027_Support Example
00018 */
00019 int main() 
00020 {
00021     c027_gps_powerOn();
00022     int baud = GPSBAUD;
00024     // open the gps serial port
00025     Serial gps(GPSTXD, GPSRXD);
00026     gps.baud(baud);
00028     // open the PC serial port and (use the same baudrate)
00029     Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);
00030     pc.baud(baud);
00032     while (1)
00033     {
00034         // transfer data from pc to gps
00035         if (pc.readable() && gps.writeable())
00036             gps.putc(pc.getc());
00037         // transfer data from gps to pc
00038         if (gps.readable() && pc.writeable())
00039             pc.putc(gps.getc());
00040     }
00041 }