example application with TFT display and SMS receive send

Dependencies:   C027 C027_Support SeeedStudioTFTv2 TFT_fonts UbloxUSBModem mbed

Fork of C027_DisplayTest by Michael Ammann

This is an application that combines several libraries together and demonstartes the use of cellular, GPS and a Touch enabled TFT on the u-blox C027 board. /media/uploads/mazgch/c027_display.jpg

diff -r 333cdce59837 -r fde6fc911c61 main.cpp
--- a/main.cpp	Fri Oct 18 18:31:33 2013 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Mon Oct 21 19:46:57 2013 +0000
@@ -1,29 +1,38 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "C027_PinNames.h"
+#include "C027.h"
+#include "GPS.h"
-#include "SPI_TFT_ILI9341.h"
+#include "SeeedStudioTFTv2.h"
 #include "Arial12x12.h"
 #include "Arial24x23.h"
 #include "Arial28x28.h"
 #include "font_big.h"
-#include "UbloxUSBGSMModem.h"
-void ubxLogo(SPI_TFT_ILI9341* tft, int x0/*120*/, int y0/*160*/, int r)
+#include "UbloxUSBGSMModem.h"
+#include "UbloxUSBCDMAModem.h"
+#include "UbloxGSMModem.h"
+void ubxLogo(SPI_TFT_ILI9341* tft, int x0/*160*/, int y0/*160*/, int r)
     int i1=r/8, i1_5=r*3/16, i2=r*2/8, i3=r*3/8, 
         i4=r*4/8,  i5=r*5/8, i6=r*6/8, i7=r*7/8;
     // the ball
     tft->fillcircle(x0,    y0,        r, Red);
     // the dot
-    tft->fillcircle(x0-i3, y0+i2,  i1_5, White);
+    tft->fillcircle(x0-i2, y0-i3,  i1_5, White);
     // the u
-    tft->fillcircle(x0+i3, y0-i4,    i3, White);
-    tft->fillcircle(x0+i3, y0-i4,    i1, Red);
-    tft->fillrect(  x0-i1, y0-i3, x0+i3, y0-i1, White);
-    tft->fillrect(  x0-i1, y0-i5, x0+i3, y0-i3, Red);
-    tft->fillrect(  x0-i1, y0-i7, x0+i6, y0-i5, White);
+    tft->fillcircle(x0+i4, y0+i3,    i3, White);
+    tft->fillcircle(x0+i4, y0+i3,    i1, Red);
+    tft->fillrect(  x0+i1, y0-i1, x0+i3, y0+i3, White);
+    tft->fillrect(  x0+i3, y0-i1, x0+i5, y0+i3, Red);
+    tft->fillrect(  x0+i5, y0-i1, x0+i7, y0+i6, White);
+#define info(...) \
+    TFT.locate(0,5), \
+    TFT.fillrect(0,0,320,35,White), \
+    TFT.printf(__VA_ARGS__)
 void initC027(void)
     DigitalOut mdmEn(MDMEN);
@@ -41,46 +50,107 @@
     mdmRst   = 1; // RESET: 1=operating,0=reset
     Thread::wait(3000);//         modem will be ready after 3 seconds
 int main() 
-    DigitalOut cs(D4); // sd card cs
-    DigitalOut bl(D7); // backlight
-    cs = 1;
-    bl = 1;
-    SPI_TFT_ILI9341 TFT(D11, D12, D13, D5, D3/*dummy*/, D6, "TFT"); // mosi, miso, sclk, cs, reset
+    SeeedStudioTFTv2 TFT(A3, A1, A2, A0, 
+                         D11, D12, D13, 
+                         D5/*tft cs*/, D6/*tft dc*/, D7/*backlight*/, 
+                         D4/*sd cs*/);
+    TFT.setBacklight(true);
+    TFT.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial12x12);  // select the font
+    TFT.set_orientation(3);
+    //TFT.calibrate();          // calibrate the touch
     TFT.background(White);    // set background to black
     TFT.foreground(Black);    // set chars to white
     TFT.cls();                // clear the screen
-    ubxLogo(&TFT, 120, 160, 80);
-    TFT.set_font((unsigned char*) Arial12x12);  // select the font
-    TFT.set_orientation(3);
+    ubxLogo(&TFT, 160, 120, 80);
     TFT.printf("u-blox C027-C20/U20/G35");
+    //C027 c027;
+    //c027.mdmPower(true);
+    GPS gps;
     UbloxUSBGSMModem modem;
+    size_t count;
-//#define MY_PHONE_NUMBER "+41765858801"
-    printf("Sending the SMS to\r\n" MY_PHONE_NUMBER "\r\n");
-    modem.sendSM(MY_PHONE_NUMBER, "Hello  from mbed:)");
+    #define MY_IMEI "+41799613242"    
+    info(" Cellular Modem\n IMEI: %s", MY_IMEI);
+    char num[17] = "", msg[160+1] = "";
+    clock_t c = clock();
-        size_t count;
-        if(!modem.getSMCount(&count) && (count > 0))
+        clock_t n = clock();
+        if ((n - c) > CLOCKS_PER_SEC) // every 3 seconds
-            char num[17], msg[64];
-            printf("%d SMS to read\n", count);
-            if(!modem.getSM(num, msg, sizeof(msg)))
+            int rssi;
+            LinkMonitor::REGISTRATION_STATE state;
+            LinkMonitor::BEARER bearer;
+            if (!modem.getLinkState(&rssi, &state, &bearer))
-                printf("%s : %s\r\n", num, msg);
-                TFT.fillrect(0,0,320,35,White);
-                TFT.locate(0,5);
-                TFT.printf("Phone: %s\nSMS:%s", num, msg);
+                 const char* sState[] = 
+                 { "      ", 
+                   "REG.  ", 
+                   "DENIED", 
+                   "NO NET", 
+                   "HOME  ", 
+                   "ROAM  " };
+                 const char* sBearer[] = 
+                 { "         ", 
+                   "GSM 2G   ", 
+                   "EDGE 2.5G", 
+                   "UMTS 3G  ", 
+                   "HSPA 3G+ ", 
+                   "LTE 4G   " };
+                 TFT.locate(0,175);
+                 TFT.printf(" %s\n"
+                            " %s\n"
+                            " %idBm ", sBearer[bearer],sState[state],rssi);
+            }  
+            if((state >= LinkMonitor::REGISTRATION_STATE_HOME_NETWORK) && !modem.getSMCount(&count) && (count > 0))
+            {
+                if(!modem.getSM(num, msg, sizeof(msg)))
+                {
+                    info(" From: %s\n SMS:%s", num, msg);
+                }
+            }
+            c = n;
+        }
+        point p;
+        if (TFT.getPixel(p) && (p.y < 35) && *num)
+        {
+            const char* txt = "Hello from C027 :)";
+            if (OK == modem.sendSM(num, txt))
+            {
+                info(" To: %s\n SMS:%s", num, txt);
+                *num = 0;
-        Thread::wait(3000);
+        int ret;
+        while ((ret = gps.getGPS(msg, sizeof(msg))) > 0)
+        {
+            int len = LENGTH(ret);
+            if (PROTOCOL(ret) == NMEA && !strncmp("$GPGLL", msg, 6))
+            {
+                double la = 0, lo = 0;
+                char cLa = 0, cLo = 0, ch = 0;
+                TFT.fillrect(220,175,320,210,White);
+                if (gps.getNmeaItem(1,msg,len,la) && gps.getNmeaItem(2,msg,len,cLa) && 
+                    gps.getNmeaItem(3,msg,len,lo) && gps.getNmeaItem(4,msg,len,cLo) && 
+                    gps.getNmeaItem(6,msg,len,ch) && ch == 'A')
+                {
+                    if (cLa == 'S') la = -la;
+                    if (cLo == 'N') lo = -lo;
+                    TFT.locate(220,175);
+                    TFT.printf("      GPS");
+                    TFT.locate(220,187);
+                    TFT.printf("%11.4f ", la);
+                    TFT.locate(220,199);
+                    TFT.printf("%11.4f ", lo);
+                }
+            }
+        }