A program to monitor some parameters for a motor

Dependencies:   mbed-dev BufferSerial

Thanks to David Lowe for https://developer.mbed.org/users/gregeric/code/Nucleo_Hello_Encoder/ which I adapted for the use of TIM2 32bit timer as an encoder reader on the Nucleo L432KC board.

--- a/main.cpp	Sat Jun 03 18:59:04 2017 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Wed Jun 14 01:23:53 2017 +0000
@@ -42,12 +42,14 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
 #include "Encoder.h"
-#include "inttypes.h" // for PRIu32 encoding
 //Defining the timer and its coresponding encoder
 TIM_HandleTypeDef timer2;
 TIM_Encoder_InitTypeDef encoder1;
+//Timer to be used for the speed computation function
+Timer timer1;
 //The input for the encoder's index channel
 InterruptIn event(PA_8);
@@ -59,192 +61,245 @@
 //of the AVAGO encoder with respect to the shaft
 DigitalOut led2(PB_4);
-//Relay to power on and off the DCPS
+//Relay port to power on and off the Digitally Controlled Power Source (DCPS)
 DigitalOut relay1(PB_5);
-//AnalogIn    vref(ADC_VREF);
-//AnalogIn   tempint(ADC_TEMP);
 //Defining the ADCs
+//For reading the Phase Comparator output
 AnalogIn adc1(PA_3); //ADC1_IN8
-AnalogIn adc2(PA_7); //ADC1_IN9
+//For reading the DCPS output
+AnalogIn adc2(PA_4); //ADC1_IN9
+//For reading the current value from the shunt monitor
 AnalogIn adc3(PA_6); //ADC1_IN11
-//Defining the DAC for setting the half of the current amplitude
-//and generate a quasi square signal for the PLL current phase input
-AnalogOut dac1(PA_4); // DAC1_OUT1
-//Defining the DAC for the Power Source
+//Defining the DAC for the input of DCPS
 //(DCPS - Digitally Controlled Power Source)
 //DAC1_OUT2 on pin PA_5 is at least twices as fast as DAC1_OUT1 on pin PA_4
-AnalogOut dac2(PA_5); // DAC1_OUT2
+AnalogOut dac1(PA_5); // DAC1_OUT2
 //Defining the serial object to be used for communicating with Raspi
 Serial raspi(USBTX, USBRX);
-//Serial& raspi = get_stdio_serial();
-//Serial debug(PB_6,PA_10);    // Serial1 tx rx
-int ADC_Count = 0;
-float Voltage;
-float Voltage_total;
-float samples[1024];
+//Counter for the absolute position from start
+int32_t count1 = 0;
+//Counter for the index passes
+int32_t count2 = 0;
+//Records the wheel offset position to the index
+int32_t count3 = 0;
+//Counter recording absolute position at last index pulse
+int32_t count4 = 0;
+//Used to filter the first index pulse, so that the offset position
+//to the index may be recorded
+volatile bool adjustOffset = false;
-uint16_t count1=0;
-int16_t count2=0;
-int32_t count3=0;
-int16_t adjust=0;
-float speedLast=0;
-float dac_val=0;
-float dac2_val=0;
-float adc3_val=0;
+//Last data written to dac1 (using subunitary values)
+float dac_val = 0.0;
 //Array with adc1, adc2 & adc3 correction addition,
-//experimentally determined 
+//experimentally determined (hardware offset voltage dependent)
 const float adc_corr[] = { 0, 0.022f, 0.2995, 0.0267};
-int main()
-    printf("%d\n", lookup("X0"));
-    return 0;
+//Enable ADC reading and printing to the serial interface
+bool adc_en = true;
+//Enables speed computing and printing to the serial interface
+bool speed_en = true;
-volatile bool adc3_en = true;
-int16_t lines = 4;
+//Enable position reading and printing to the serial interface
+bool pos_en = true;
-//TIM1 to be used with the interrupt for the encoder's index pulses
-Timer timer1;
-Timer timer3;
+//Enable alternative position computation and printing to the serial interface,
+//relative to the encoder index pulses counter
+bool posIndex_en = true;
 //Function invoked by the encoder's index interrupt pulses
+//It counts the index pulses, incrementing or decrementing the number,
+//and registers the offset position of the wheel at start in count3;
+//The index counter is used to correct possible reading errors of the
+//encoder's counter
+//led2 is used for visual feedback.
 void atint()
-    timer1.start();
+    count4 =__HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&timer2);
     if (__HAL_TIM_IS_TIM_COUNTING_DOWN(&timer2)) {
-        adjust--;
-        if (adjust == -1) {
-            count2--;
-            count1 +=__HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&timer2);
-            //TIM2->CNT = 0x0000;
-            adjust = 0;
-            led2 =!led2;
+        if (count2 == 0 && adjustOffset == false) { //catch first index pulse 
+            count3 = count4;
+            adjustOffset = true;
+        count2--;
+        led2 =!led2;
     } else {
-        adjust++;
-        if (adjust == 1) {
-            count2++;
-            count1 +=__HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&timer2);
-            //TIM2->CNT = 0x0000;
-            adjust = 0;
-            led2 =!led2;
+        if (count2 == 0 && adjustOffset == false) { //catch first index pulse
+            count3 = count4;
+            adjustOffset = true;
+        count2++;
+        led2 =!led2;
+//Function for adaptive speed computation
 float speedRead()
+    //counter for the waiting time window
     uint16_t i = 0;
+    //sample time for speed computation
     uint32_t deltaT;
+    //Computer speed
     float speed;
-    uint32_t pos1;
-    uint32_t pos2;
+    //First and second registered position
+    int32_t pos1;
+    int32_t pos2;
+    //position difference to be used for speed computation
     int32_t pos;
+    //Direction of rotation, read from the encoder, for the first
+    //and the second registered positions
     int8_t sens1;
     int8_t sens2;
-    printf("Encoder speed reading!\r\n");
-    timer3.start();
+    timer1.start();
     sens1 = __HAL_TIM_IS_TIM_COUNTING_DOWN(&timer2);
-    wait_ms(5);
+    //Minumum waiting time for this project would be 100 microseconds,
+    //for 10 kHz quadrature frequency. We will set it 100 times longer
+    //wait_ms(10);
+    // Avoiding wait(), since it uses interrupts and timing here
+    // is not critical. This takes 10 ms, if not interrupted
+    for (uint32_t j=0; j<199950; j++){}
     sens2 = __HAL_TIM_IS_TIM_COUNTING_DOWN(&timer2);
     //The speed computation method adapts to slow/fast speeds, in order to
     //optimize the rapport between computation precision and time windows size
-    while (pos2 == pos1 && i<99) { // The accepted max delay time is 0.5 seconds
-        wait_ms(5);
+    while (pos2 == pos1 && i<49) { // The accepted max delay time is 0.5 seconds
+        //wait_ms(10);
+        // Avoiding wait(), since it uses interrupts and timing here
+        // is not critical. This takes 10 ms, if not interrupted
+        for (uint32_t j=0; j<199950; j++){}
         sens2 = __HAL_TIM_IS_TIM_COUNTING_DOWN(&timer2);
     sens2 = __HAL_TIM_IS_TIM_COUNTING_DOWN(&timer2);
-    timer3.stop();
-    deltaT = timer3.read_us();
-    timer3.reset();
-    pos = (int32_t) pos2 - (int32_t) pos1;
+    timer1.stop();
+    deltaT = timer1.read_us();
+    timer1.reset();
+    if (sens1 == sens2) {
+        pos = pos2 - pos1;
+    } else {
+        printf("E:Speed computation error, change of direction between readings!\r\n");
+    }
-    printf("Time is %lu microseconds, position modified %ld %lu %lu\r\n", deltaT, pos, pos1, pos2);
+    //For debugging
+    //printf("%lu microseconds, %ld steps: start:%lu stop%lu\r\n", deltaT, pos, pos1, pos2);
     if (deltaT > 0) {
+        //speed computation in rot/s
         speed = ((float) pos)*125.f/((float) deltaT); // (pulses/us)*1000000/8000 -> rot/s
     } else {
-        printf("Error, time interval not greater than zero, speed not calculated!\r\n");
+        printf("E:Error, time interval not greater than zero, speed not calculated!\r\n");
-    printf("The encoder speed is %f rot/s\r\n", speed);
     return speed;
-//Function attached to the serial RX interrupt event
+//Function attached to the serial RX interrupt event, it parses
+//the serial messages and invoques the corresponding commands
 void readData(void)
-    char message[125];
+    char message[50];
     if(raspi.readable()) {
-        int p1=0;
+        // Signalling the beginning of serial read
         led1 = 1;
+        int p1 = 0;
         raspi.scanf("%s", message);
-        printf("%d %s\r\n", strlen(message), message);
-        if (strcmp(message, "startAdc") == 0) {
-            adc3_en = true;
-            lines = 6;
-            printf("true\r\n");
-        } else if (strcmp(message, "stopAdc") == 0) {
-            adc3_en = false;
-            lines = 4;
-            printf("false\r\n");
-        } else if (p1=strstr(message, "DAC=") != NULL) {
+        //Message received printed for debugging
+        //printf("M:%d %s\r\n", strlen(message), message);
+        if (strcmp(message, "adcOn") == 0) {
+            adc_en = true;
+            printf("M:ADC true\r\n");
+        } else if (strcmp(message, "adcOff") == 0) {
+            adc_en = false;
+            printf("M:ADC false\r\n");
+        } else if (p1=strstr(message, "dac=") != NULL) {
+            //Writing the dac1 value read from serial
             //The DCPS has 1V offset, so we have to remove it
-            dac_val = (atof(message+p1+3)-1.0f)/15.61;
-            dac2.write(dac_val);
-            printf("Value to write to DAC: %f\r\n", dac_val*3.3f);
+            dac_val = (atof(message+p1+3)-1.0f)/15.51;
+            dac1.write(dac_val);
+            printf("M:Value to write to DAC: %f\r\n", dac_val*3.3f);
         } else if (strcmp(message, "reset") == 0) {
+            //encoder related counters reset command
             TIM2->CNT = 0x0000;
-            printf("Encoder reset!\r\n");
-        } else if (strcmp(message, "poweron") == 0) {
+            count1 = 0;
+            count2 = 0;
+            count3 = 0;
+            count4 = 0;
+            adjustOffset = false;
+            printf("M:Encoder counters reset!\r\n");
+        } else if (strcmp(message, "powerOn") == 0) {
+            //command to power on the DCPS
-            printf("DCPS on\r\n");
-        } else if (strcmp(message, "poweroff") == 0) {
+            printf("M:DCPS on\r\n");
+        } else if (strcmp(message, "powerOff") == 0) {
+            //command to power off the DCPS
-            printf("DCPS off\r\n");
+            printf("M:DCPS off\r\n");
+        } else if (strcmp(message, "posOn") == 0) {
+            //command to enable the encoder position notification
+            pos_en = true;
+            printf("M:Position notification enabled\r\n");
+        } else if (strcmp(message, "posOff") == 0) {
+            //command to disable the encoder position notification
+            pos_en = false;
+            printf("M:Position notification disabled\r\n");
+        } else if (strcmp(message, "posIndexOn") == 0) {
+            //command to enable the index related encoder position notification
+            posIndex_en = true;
+            printf("M:Index related position notification enabled\r\n");
+        } else if (strcmp(message, "posIndexOff") == 0) {
+            //command to disable the index related encoder position notification
+            posIndex_en = false;
+            printf("M:Index related position notification disabled\r\n");
+        } else if (strcmp(message, "speedOn") == 0) {
+            //command to enable speed computation and notification
+            speed_en = true;
+            printf("M:Speed enabled\r\n");
+        } else if (strcmp(message, "speedOff") == 0) {
+            //command to disable speed computation and notification
+            speed_en = false;
+            printf("M:Speed disabled\r\n");
+    //Signalling the end of searial read
     led1 = 0;
-void ADC_read(AnalogIn adc)
+float ADC_read(AnalogIn adc)
-    ADC_Count++;
-    Voltage_total =0;
-    for (int i=0; i<100; i++) {      // do 25 readings
+    float Voltage;
+    float Voltage_total = 0.0;
+    // Voltage is summed then averaged
+    for (int i=0; i<100; i++) { // do 100 readings
         Voltage = adc.read();
-        Voltage_total = Voltage_total+ Voltage;     //Note Vinput.read can be summed then averaged
+        Voltage_total = Voltage_total+ Voltage;
-    Voltage=Voltage_total/100.f;
-    samples[ADC_Count] = Voltage;     //Save averaged reading within an array
-    if (ADC_Count == 1023){
-        ADC_Count = 0;
-        }
+    Voltage = Voltage_total/100.f;
+    return Voltage;
 //The main function
 int main()
     //Power onn the DCPS
-    relay1.write(1);
+    relay1.write(0);
     //counting on both A&B inputs (A at PA0, B at PA1), 4 ticks per cycle,
     //full 32-bit count
@@ -265,74 +320,50 @@
     //Message to mark the initialisation of the program
-    printf("\n\rSTM HAL encoder with ADC and DAC\n\r");
-    printf("Running at %u MHz\r\n\n", HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq()/1000000);
+    printf("M:\n\rSTM HAL encoder with ADC and DAC\n\r");
+    printf("M:Running at %u MHz\r\n\n", HAL_RCC_GetSysClockFreq()/1000000);
-    //printf("%" PRIu32 "\n", UINT32_MAX);
-    int i = 0;
     //The main loop
     while(1) {
-        //Variable for the one loop encoder counter
-        uint32_t count3=0;
         //Variable for the direction of the counter
         int8_t dir1;
-        //uint16_t voltage1=0;
-        //OK 401 411 446 NOK 030
-        //count1=TIM2->CNT;
-        //dir1=TIM2->CR1&TIM_CR1_DIR;
-        //It reads the ADC1 value converted from 12bit to 16bit resolution
-        //voltage1=adc1.read_u16();
-        //It resets the DAC1
-        //dac1.free();
-        dac2_val = dac2.read();
-        //It writes the DAC1 value as a 16bit number
-        //dac1.write_u16(count3*2);
-        //It writes the DAC1 value as a subunitary float number
-        //to be multiplied with the max DAC_RANGE
-        //It gets the one loop position and the direction of the encoder
-        count3=__HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&timer2);
-        dir1 = __HAL_TIM_IS_TIM_COUNTING_DOWN(&timer2);
+        //Prints the timestamp in miliseconds
+        printf("T:%u\r\n", us_ticker_read()/1000);
-        if (i >= 100) {
-            adc3_val = adc3.read();
-            ADC_read(adc1);
-            ADC_read(adc2);
-            ADC_read(adc3);
-            //dac1.write(adc3_val);
-            printf("%ld%s passes=%d\r\n", count3, dir1==0 ? "+":"-", count2);
-            printf("Voltage ADC1= %3.3f%V, DAC=%f\r\n", (3.3f*samples[ADC_Count-2]+0.022f), dac2_val*3.3f);
-            printf("VOUT: %f\r\n", dac2_val*15.61f+1.0f);
-            printf("Voltage ADC2: %3.3f%V\r\n", (3.3f*samples[ADC_Count-1]+0.062f)/0.207048458f);
+        if (pos_en) {
+            //It gets the position and the direction of the encoder
+            count1=__HAL_TIM_GET_COUNTER(&timer2);
+            dir1 = __HAL_TIM_IS_TIM_COUNTING_DOWN(&timer2);
+            printf("P:%ld S:%s C:%d\r\n", count1, dir1==0 ? "+":"-", count2);
+            if (posIndex_en) {
+                // Does not work if speed computation is enabled and uses wait(),
+                // because speed computation may take too long and wait() 
+                // disables other interrupts, therefore the index pulse
+                // interrupt as well. 
+                if (count2 > 1) {
+                    printf("PI:%ld S:%s C:%d\r\n", (count1-count4) + (count2-1)*8000 + count3, dir1==0 ? "+":"-", count2);
+                } else if (count2 < -1) {
+                    printf("PI:%ld S:%s C:%d\r\n", (count1-count4) + (count2+1)*8000 + count3, dir1==0 ? "+":"-", count2);
+                } else {
+                    printf("PI:%ld S:%s C:%d\r\n", (count1-count4) + count3, dir1==0 ? "+":"-", count2);
+                }
+            }
+        }
-            //printf("Vref(f): %f, Vref : %u, Temperature : %u\r\n",
-            //         vref.read(), vref.read_u16(), tempint.read_u16());
-            if (adc3_en) {
-                printf("Voltage ADC3: %3.3f%V\r\n", adc3_val*3.3f);
-                printf("Average ADC3: %3.3f%V\r\n", (3.3f*samples[ADC_Count]+0.022f)/0.8245614f);
-                printf("DAC1 read: %3.3f%V\r\n", dac1.read()*3.3f);
-                printf("DAC2 read: %3.3f%V\r\n", dac2.read()*3.3f);
-            }
-            speedLast = speedRead();
-            //printf("\033[%dA", lines); // Moves cursor up of #lines
+        if (speed_en) {
+            //Print speed
+            printf("S:%f\r\n", speedRead());
+        }
-            i=0;
+        if (adc_en) {
+            printf("Phase= %3.3f%V\r\n", (3.3f*ADC_read(adc1)+0.022f)*125.62f);
+            printf("Voltage DCPS: %3.3f%V\r\n", (3.3f*ADC_read(adc2)+0.062f)/0.207f);
+            printf("Average Current: %3.3f%mA\r\n", 3.3f*ADC_read(adc3)+0.022f);
-        i++;
-        wait(0.04);
+        wait(0.09);
\ No newline at end of file