EMW3080 WiFi example for mbed OS

EMW3080 Hello World on Nucleo F401RE

This is a quick example of a simple WiFi application using EMW3080 WiFi and network-socket APIs that is provided as a part of mbed OS.

The program brings up the WiFi and the underlying network interface, and uses it to connect to a network, prints interface and connection details and performs simple HTTP operation.

Wiring the EMW3080 Shield to the Nucleo F401RE

By default, the shield will connect the TX/RX of the radio to D1/D0 on the Nucleo board. However, these serial lines are muxed with that for the USB serial connection, so stdio serial and D1/D0 cannot be used at the same time. You will instead connect the TX/RX of the shield to D2/D10. To accomplish this:

  1. Bend the TX/RX pins of the shield outward, so that they do not make contact with the board
  2. Place the shield on the board's arduino headers
  3. Wire the TX pin on the EMW3080 to D10 on the Nucleo
  4. Wire the RX pin on the EMW3080 to D2 on the Nucleo

Compiling and Running the Application

  1. Import the program:

    Import programemw3080-wifi-example

    EMW3080 WiFi example for mbed OS

  2. Configure the WiFi credentials by editing mbed_app.json to include correct SSID and Password.
  3. Compile the program and load it to the Nucleo board
  4. Reset the board
  5. Connect to the board with a serial terminal set to 115200 baud

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