Program that implements position including rotation

Dependencies:   MPU6050IMU Mouse SDFileSystem mbed



File content as of revision 0:5ed57e0c2298:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "MPU6050.h"
#include "SDFileSystem.h"
#include "Mouse.h"

SDFileSystem sd(PTE3, PTE1, PTE2, PTE4, "sd"); // MOSI, MISO, SCK, CS

Serial pc(USBTX, USBRX);

FILE *Data;   // Creates name of file
char buffer[5000000];  // Buffer size (# of characters) for SD card

MPU6050 mpu6050;
MOUSE mouse;
Timer t;

DigitalIn button(PTB9);

signed long mx, my;
float d,dx,dy;
double x,xx,y,yy;
double psi,lpsi=0;   // psi - current orientation, lpsi - last orientation, theta - current angle around circle
double gyroZ,lgyroZ;
double dt, timer;

bool closed = 1;    // Flag for sd card, to open and close with switch

//=============               Sensor Initialization                  =============

void gyro_init(){
    uint8_t whoami = mpu6050.readByte(MPU6050_ADDRESS, WHO_AM_I_MPU6050);  // Read WHO_AM_I register for MPU-6050
    pc.printf("I AM 0x%x\n\r", whoami);
    pc.printf("I SHOULD BE 0x68\n\r");

    if (whoami == 0x68){
        pc.printf("MPU6050 is online...");

        mpu6050.MPU6050SelfTest(SelfTest); // Start by performing self test and reporting values
        if(SelfTest[0] < 1.0f && SelfTest[1] < 1.0f && SelfTest[2] < 1.0f && SelfTest[3] < 1.0f && SelfTest[4] < 1.0f && SelfTest[5] < 1.0f) {
            mpu6050.resetMPU6050(); // Reset registers to default in preparation for device calibration
            mpu6050.calibrateMPU6050(gyroBias, accelBias); // Calibrate gyro and accelerometers, load biases in bias registers
            pc.printf("MPU6050 initialized for active data mode....\n\r"); // Initialize device for active mode read of acclerometer, gyroscope, and temperature

            pc.printf("\nMPU6050 passed self test... Initializing");
            wait(2); //////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
        } else pc.printf("\nDevice did not the pass self-test!\n\r");
    } else {
        pc.printf("Could not connect to MPU6050: \n\r");
        pc.printf("%#x \n",  whoami);
        while(1) ; // Loop forever if communication doesn't happen

//=============                     Get Inputs                       =============

void get_Rates(){
    if(mpu6050.readByte(MPU6050_ADDRESS, INT_STATUS) & 0x01) {  // check if data ready interrupt
        mpu6050.readGyroData(gyroCount);  // Read the x/y/z adc gyro values
        gyroZ = gyroCount[2]*gRes; // - gyroBias[2];

//=============                 Main Program Start                   =============

int main(){
    Data = fopen("/sd/Data.txt", "w");
    closed = 0;
    timer = t.read_us();

    while(1) {
        if(button) {
            if (closed){
                Data = fopen("/sd/Data.txt", "w");
                closed = 0;
            DigitalOut myled(LED1);
            get_Rates();  // Gyro rates & Mouse position

            dt = (t.read_us() - timer) / 1000000.00;
            timer = t.read_us();

//=============                   Char Conversion                    =============

            psi += ((lgyroZ+gyroZ)/2)*dt;  // Current orientation/pose
            if (psi>360) psi -= 360; // resets current orientation to keep between 0 & 360
            if (psi<-360) psi += 360; // resets current orientation to keep between 0 & -360
            lgyroZ = gyroZ;
            mx = mouse.getDx();
            my = mouse.getDy();
            dx = (mx/231.25);  // Converts char into float in inches
            dy = (my/231.25);  // Experimentally obtained 231.25 (1850/8in)
            double a1 = psi;
            a1 *= (PI/180);
            double a2 = lpsi;
            a2 *= (PI/180);
            double a3 = a1-a2;
            double a = dx*tan(a3);
            double b = dx/cos(a3);
            double c = (dy+a)*cos(a2)-(b*sin(a1));
            double d = sqrt((dx*dx)+(dy*dy));
            double e = sqrt((d*d)-(c*c));
            double f = (dy+a)*cos(a3);
            double g = c*cos(a1);
            double h = (f-g)/(sin(a1));
            yy -= c;
            xx += h;
            x = xx + 3;
            y = yy - 9.5;
            lpsi = psi;
            if (Data == NULL) pc.printf("Unable to write the file \n");  // This chunk for writing to file on SD card
            else fprintf(Data, "%f %f %f %f\r\n",psi,x,y,timer);  // can read float or double not int (only checked these three types)
                closed = 1;