dynamixel protocol engine

Dependents:   RobotArmDemo

Fork of Dynamixel by robot arm demo team



File content as of revision 3:37aa8024931e:

Copyright (c) 2015 Jonathan Pickett (& Schakra, & Microsoft). Some appropriate open source license.

#include <mbed.h>
#include "DynamixelBus.h"


DynamixelBus::DynamixelBus( PinName txUartPin, PinName rxUartPin, PinName txSelectPin, PinName rxSelectPin, int baud )
    : _uart( txUartPin, rxUartPin), _txSelect(txSelectPin, 0), _rxSelect(rxSelectPin, 0) {
    _responseTimeout = .004;
    _baud = baud;
    _replyDelay = .0012;


StatusCode DynamixelBus::Ping( ServoId id )
    return send_ping( id );


StatusCode  DynamixelBus::Read( ServoId id, unsigned char controlTableStart, unsigned char bytesToRead, CommBuffer& data )
    return send_read( id, controlTableStart, bytesToRead, data );


StatusCode  DynamixelBus::Write( ServoId id, unsigned char controlTableStart, const CommBuffer& dataToWrite  )
    return send_write( id, controlTableStart, dataToWrite );


StatusCode  DynamixelBus::WriteAction( ServoId id, unsigned char start, const CommBuffer& dataToWrite )
    return 0;


void DynamixelBus::TriggerAction( ServoId id )


StatusCode  DynamixelBus::HardReset( ServoId id )
    return 0;    


StatusCode  DynamixelBus::SyncWrite( unsigned char controlTableStart, unsigned char bytesToWrite, vector<SyncIdDataPair>& data )
    return 0;


unsigned char DynamixelBus::CalculateTxPacketChecksum( CommBuffer& packet )
    int sum = 0;
    for( int n = 0; n < packet.size(); n++ )
        if( n == 0  || n == 1 )
        sum += packet[n];   

    return (~sum & 0xFF);   // AX-12 reference manual p. 10, Section 3-2


// pings a servo at a specified ID
// returns the status code of the unit if found, otherwise returns 0
// REVIEW: will Ping work if AX-12's StatusReturnLevel is set to not return status packets?
StatusCode DynamixelBus::send_ping( ServoId id )
    // 0xff, 0xff, ID, Length, Instruction(ping), Checksum
    CommBuffer txBuf;

    txBuf.push_back( 0xff );   
    txBuf.push_back( 0xff );
    txBuf.push_back( id );
    txBuf.push_back( 2 );       // length of remaining packet
    txBuf.push_back( instructionPing );
    txBuf.push_back( CalculateTxPacketChecksum( txBuf ) );

    _txSelect = 1;

    for( CommBuffer::iterator itSend = txBuf.begin(); itSend != txBuf.end(); itSend++)

    // Wait for data to transmit
    double transmitDelay = (double)txBuf.size() * 8.0 * 1.0/(double)_baud;
    wait( transmitDelay );

    // swap inputs for half duplex communication
    _txSelect = 0;
    _rxSelect = 1;

    // 0xff, 0xff, ID, Length, Error, Checksum
    CommBuffer replyBuf;

    // we'll only get a reply if it was not broadcast (TODO: and status reply option is selected in servo)
    bool statusReceived = false;
    Timer t;
    if( id != 0xFE )

        while( t.read() < _responseTimeout )
            if( _uart.readable())
                // BUGBUG: unsigned char b = _uart.getc();
                // Bug with _uart.getc() on FRDM-K64F. Instead read directly from uart
                char b = UART3->D;
                replyBuf.push_back( b );
                if( replyBuf.size() == 6)
                    statusReceived = true;

    _rxSelect = 0;

    if( statusReceived )
        return (unsigned char)(replyBuf[4] | statusValid);
        return 0;


StatusCode  DynamixelBus::send_read( ServoId id, unsigned char controlTableStart, unsigned char bytesToRead, CommBuffer& data )
    // 0xff, 0xff, ID, Packet Length, Instruction(read), Control Table Start, Length to Read, Checksum
    CommBuffer txBuf;

    txBuf.push_back( 0xff );   
    txBuf.push_back( 0xff );
    txBuf.push_back( id );
    txBuf.push_back( 4 );       // length of remaining packet
    txBuf.push_back( instructionRead );
    txBuf.push_back( controlTableStart );
    txBuf.push_back( bytesToRead );
    txBuf.push_back( CalculateTxPacketChecksum( txBuf ) );

    _txSelect = 1;

    for( CommBuffer::iterator itSend = txBuf.begin(); itSend != txBuf.end(); itSend++)

    // Wait for data to transmit
    double transmitDelay = (double)txBuf.size() * 8.0 * 1.0/(double)_baud;
    wait( transmitDelay );

    _txSelect = 0;
    _rxSelect = 1;

    // 0xff, 0xff, ID, Length, Error, Data, Checksum
    int replySize = 6 + bytesToRead;
    CommBuffer replyBuf;

    // we'll only get a reply if it was not broadcast (and status reply option is selected in servo)
    bool statusReceived = false;
    Timer t;
    if( id != 0xFE )
        while( t.read() < _responseTimeout )                
            if (_uart.readable())
                // BUGBUG: unsigned char b = _uart.getc();
                // Bug with _uart.getc() on FRDM-K64F. Instead read directly from uart
                char b = UART3->D;
                replyBuf.push_back( b );

                if( replyBuf.size() == replySize )
                    statusReceived = true;
    _rxSelect = 0;

    if( statusReceived )
        for( int n = 0; n < bytesToRead; n ++ )
            data.push_back( replyBuf[5 + n] );
        return replyBuf[4] | statusValid;
        return 0;


StatusCode  DynamixelBus::send_write( ServoId id, unsigned char controlTableStart, const CommBuffer& dataToWrite )
    // 0xff, 0xff, ID, Packet Length, Instruction(write), Control Table Start, data to write, Checksum
    CommBuffer txBuf;

    // build packet
    txBuf.push_back( 0xff );   
    txBuf.push_back( 0xff );
    txBuf.push_back( id );
    txBuf.push_back( 3+dataToWrite.size() );       // length of remaining packet
    txBuf.push_back( instructionWrite );
    txBuf.push_back( controlTableStart );
    for( CommBuffer::const_iterator itD = dataToWrite.begin(); itD != dataToWrite.end(); itD++)
    txBuf.push_back( CalculateTxPacketChecksum( txBuf ) );

    // enable transmission
    _txSelect = 1;

    for( CommBuffer::iterator itSend = txBuf.begin(); itSend != txBuf.end(); itSend++)

    // Wait for data to transmit
    double transmitDelay = (double)txBuf.size() * 8.0 * 1.0/(double)_baud;
    wait( transmitDelay );
    // switch inputs for half duplex operation
    _txSelect = 0;
    _rxSelect = 1;

    // 0xff, 0xff, ID, Length, Error, Data, Checksum
    CommBuffer replyBuf;

    // we'll only get a reply if it was not broadcast (TODO: and status reply option is selected in servo)
    bool statusReceived = false;
    Timer t;
    if( id != 0xFE )

        while( t.read() < _responseTimeout )
            if( _uart.readable())
                // BUGBUG: unsigned char b = _uart.getc();
                // Bug with _uart.getc() on FRDM-K64F. Instead read directly from uart
                char b = UART3->D;
                replyBuf.push_back( b );
                if( replyBuf.size() == 6)
                    statusReceived = true;

    _rxSelect = 0;

    if( statusReceived )
        return replyBuf[4] | statusValid;
        return 0;