This code holds the complete demo set for the sx1280: PingPong, PER and Ranging Outdoor demo application. >>>>> This code MUST run on the mbed library release 127 or everything will be painfully slow.

Dependencies:   mbed SX1280Lib DmTftLibrary

* This code MUST run on the mbed library release 127 or everything will be painfully slow.*
--- a/Display/Menu.h	Tue Aug 22 13:26:29 2017 +0000
+++ b/Display/Menu.h	Wed Jul 18 08:51:53 2018 +0000
@@ -120,6 +120,12 @@
  * \retval      text          Pointer on text to display
 char* GetRadioFrequency( void );
+ * \brief Update the radio frequency displayed on the screen.
+ *
+ * \param [in]  freq          freq in Hz
+ */
+void UpdateRadioFrequency( unsigned long freq );
  * \brief Return text with current Radio Frequency [GHz] format #.###.