Firmware Library for X-NUCLEO-IKS01A1 (MEMS Inertial & Environmental Sensors) Expansion Board


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LIS3MDL Class Reference

Class representing a LIS3MDL sensor component. More...

#include <lis3mdl_class.h>

Public Member Functions

 LIS3MDL (DevI2C &i2c)
virtual ~LIS3MDL ()

Protected Member Functions

MAGNETO_StatusTypeDef LIS3MDL_Init (MAGNETO_InitTypeDef *LIS3MDL_Init)
 Set LIS3MDL Initialization.
MAGNETO_StatusTypeDef LIS3MDL_Read_M_ID (uint8_t *m_id)
 Read ID of LIS3MDL Magnetic sensor.
MAGNETO_StatusTypeDef LIS3MDL_M_GetAxes (int32_t *pData)
 Read data from LIS3MDL Magnetic sensor and calculate Magnetic in mgauss.
MAGNETO_StatusTypeDef LIS3MDL_M_GetAxesRaw (int16_t *pData)
 Read raw data from LIS3MDL Magnetic sensor output register.
void LIS3MDL_IO_ITConfig (void)
 Configures LIS3MDL interrupt lines for NUCLEO boards.
MAGNETO_StatusTypeDef LIS3MDL_IO_Init (void)
 Configures LIS3MDL I2C interface.
MAGNETO_StatusTypeDef LIS3MDL_IO_Read (uint8_t *pBuffer, uint8_t RegisterAddr, uint16_t NumByteToRead)
 Utility function to read data from LIS3MDL.
MAGNETO_StatusTypeDef LIS3MDL_IO_Write (uint8_t *pBuffer, uint8_t RegisterAddr, uint16_t NumByteToWrite)
 Utility function to write data to LIS3MDL.

Detailed Description

Class representing a LIS3MDL sensor component.

Definition at line 50 of file lis3mdl_class.h.

Constructor & Destructor Documentation

LIS3MDL ( DevI2C &  i2c )


[in]i2cdevice I2C to be used for communication

Definition at line 55 of file lis3mdl_class.h.

virtual ~LIS3MDL (  ) [virtual]


Definition at line 60 of file lis3mdl_class.h.

Member Function Documentation

MAGNETO_StatusTypeDef LIS3MDL_Init ( MAGNETO_InitTypeDef LIS3MDL_Init ) [protected]

Set LIS3MDL Initialization.

LIS3MDL_Initthe configuration setting for the LIS3MDL
Return values:
MAGNETO_OKin case of success, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 53 of file lis3mdl_class.cpp.

MAGNETO_StatusTypeDef LIS3MDL_IO_Init ( void   ) [protected]

Configures LIS3MDL I2C interface.

MAGNETO_OK in case of success, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 98 of file lis3mdl_class.h.

void LIS3MDL_IO_ITConfig ( void   ) [protected]

Configures LIS3MDL interrupt lines for NUCLEO boards.

Definition at line 89 of file lis3mdl_class.h.

MAGNETO_StatusTypeDef LIS3MDL_IO_Read ( uint8_t *  pBuffer,
uint8_t  RegisterAddr,
uint16_t  NumByteToRead 
) [protected]

Utility function to read data from LIS3MDL.

[out]pBufferpointer to the byte-array to read data in to
[in]RegisterAddrspecifies internal address register to read from.
[in]NumByteToReadnumber of bytes to be read.
Return values:
MAGNETO_ERRORif an I2C error has occured

Definition at line 111 of file lis3mdl_class.h.

MAGNETO_StatusTypeDef LIS3MDL_IO_Write ( uint8_t *  pBuffer,
uint8_t  RegisterAddr,
uint16_t  NumByteToWrite 
) [protected]

Utility function to write data to LIS3MDL.

[in]pBufferpointer to the byte-array data to send
[in]RegisterAddrspecifies internal address register to read from.
[in]NumByteToWritenumber of bytes to write.
Return values:
MAGNETO_ERRORif an I2C error has occured

Definition at line 132 of file lis3mdl_class.h.

MAGNETO_StatusTypeDef LIS3MDL_M_GetAxes ( int32_t *  pData ) [protected]

Read data from LIS3MDL Magnetic sensor and calculate Magnetic in mgauss.

pDatathe pointer where the magnetometer data are stored
Return values:
MAGNETO_OKin case of success, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 178 of file lis3mdl_class.cpp.

MAGNETO_StatusTypeDef LIS3MDL_M_GetAxesRaw ( int16_t *  pData ) [protected]

Read raw data from LIS3MDL Magnetic sensor output register.

pDatathe pointer where the magnetometer raw data are stored
Return values:
MAGNETO_OKin case of success, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 141 of file lis3mdl_class.cpp.

MAGNETO_StatusTypeDef LIS3MDL_Read_M_ID ( uint8_t *  m_id ) [protected]

Read ID of LIS3MDL Magnetic sensor.

m_idthe pointer where the ID of the device is stored
Return values:
MAGNETO_OKin case of success, an error code otherwise

Definition at line 125 of file lis3mdl_class.cpp.