Publisher for IBM Quickstart and Watson IoT cloud.

Dependencies:   MQTT NDefLib X_NUCLEO_IKS01A2 X_NUCLEO_NFC01A1

Fork of Cloud_IBM_MbedOS by ST Expansion SW Team

To start the demo the following expansion boards are required


and as MCU board the NUCLEO-L476RG as it include a True Random Number Generator needed for TLS.

After having mounted the board stack on the Nucleo board the below steps should be followed:

  • In case the X-NUCLEO-NFC-01A1 is on the board stack the WiFi SSID and password can be passed through the NFC tag by means of: 1) enabling the NFC support defining the X_NUCLEO_NFC01A1_PRESENT and recompiling, 2) when prompted on hyperterminal, programming the SSID and password to NFC using the Android app "NFCtools"
  • In case the NFC is not present, you local WiFi SSID and password can be programmed to mbed_app.json file and compiling and flashing the binary. Make sure the Wifi network has visible SSID.
  • Reset the Nucleo board and after few seconds the Nucleo green led will be on (it means the Nucleo is connected to the local Wifi and to the IBM cloud server)
  • Read the NFC tag with an Android device and the browser will be automatically opened and directed to the specific IBM quickstart demo page where the environmental values are displayed in form of a x-y graph. The values are updated every few seconds. On the Hyperterminal is possible to see the values sent to the IBM cloud server and the board mac address to be entered on the IBM quickstart web page if a manual connection is needed (eg. to connect from a PC browser).

In case of registered connection ( ) is needed ( no TLS ) comment the #define ORG_QUICKSTART than check in the mbed_app.json the following fields and change them according to your IBM MQTT broker account, MQTT_ORG_ID, MQTT_DEVICE_PASSWORD, MQTT_DEVICE_ID, MQTT_DEVICE_TYPE.

In case of registered connection ( ) with TLS encryption is needed, uncomment the #define TLS_EN and make sure the certificate (SSL_CA_PEM) is still valid.

In the default case the application connect to without any encryption not authentication.

--- a/MQTTNetwork.h	Fri Jan 05 14:53:46 2018 +0100
+++ b/MQTTNetwork.h	Wed Jan 24 10:42:08 2018 +0100
@@ -2,39 +2,348 @@
 #define _MQTTNETWORK_H_
 #include "NetworkInterface.h"
+#include "mbedtls/platform.h"
+#include "mbedtls/ssl.h"
+#include "mbedtls/entropy.h"
+#include "mbedtls/ctr_drbg.h"
+#include "mbedtls/error.h"
+/* Change to a number between 1 and 4 to debug the TLS connection */
+#define DEBUG_LEVEL 0
+#if DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
+#include "mbedtls/debug.h"
+#define TLS_OFF      0
+#define TLS_ON       1
+/* personalization string for the drbg */
+const char *DRBG_PERS = "mbed TLS Publisher for IBM Watson IoT";
+/* List of trusted root CA certificates
+ * currently only GlobalSign, the CA for
+ *
+ * To add more than one root, just concatenate them.
+ */
+    mbedtls_entropy_context  _entropy;
+    mbedtls_ctr_drbg_context _ctr_drbg;
+    mbedtls_x509_crt         _cacert;
+    mbedtls_ssl_context      _ssl;
+    mbedtls_ssl_config       _ssl_conf;   
 class MQTTNetwork {
-    MQTTNetwork(NetworkInterface* aNetwork) : network(aNetwork) {
-        socket = new TCPSocket();
+    MQTTNetwork(NetworkInterface *net_iface) : _network(net_iface) {
+			  _tcpsocket = new TCPSocket();
+        _tcpsocket->set_blocking(false);
+        _is_tcpsocket_connected = 0;       
     ~MQTTNetwork() {
-        delete socket;
+        if (_is_tcpsocket_connected && _tls) {
+            mbedtls_ssl_session_reset( &_ssl );					
+            mbedtls_entropy_free(&_entropy);
+            mbedtls_ctr_drbg_free(&_ctr_drbg);
+            mbedtls_x509_crt_free(&_cacert);
+            mbedtls_ssl_free(&_ssl);
+            mbedtls_ssl_config_free(&_ssl_conf);
+        }
+        _tcpsocket->close();        
+        delete _tcpsocket;
     int read(unsigned char* buffer, int len, int timeout) {
-			  socket->set_timeout(timeout);
-        return socket->recv(buffer, len);
+        size_t _bpos = 0; int offset = 0; int ret = 0;
+			if (_tls) { 
+        /* Read data out of the socket */
+        offset = 0;
+        Countdown timer;
+        timer.countdown_ms(timeout);			
+        do {
+            ret = mbedtls_ssl_read(&_ssl, buffer + offset,
+                                   len - offset );
+            if (ret > 0) offset += ret; 
+						if (offset == len) return offset;
+						if (timer.expired()) return 0;
+        } while (ret == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ ||
+                  ret == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE || ret == 0 );
+                print_mbedtls_error("MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_CLIENT_RECONNECT\n\r", ret);
+					      // int mbedtls_ssl_session_reset( mbedtls_ssl_context *ssl );
+                _tcpsocket->close();
+                _is_tcpsocket_connected = 0;
+                return ret;				
+				}
+				if (ret < 0) {
+                print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_ssl_read", ret);
+                _tcpsocket->close();
+                _is_tcpsocket_connected = 0;
+                return ret;
+        }
+        return ret;
+			} else {
+				_tcpsocket->set_blocking(true);
+				_tcpsocket->set_timeout(timeout);
+				return _tcpsocket->recv(buffer, len);
+			}
+    }
+    int write(unsigned char* buffer, int len, int timeout) {        
+        size_t _bpos = len;
+        int offset = 0; int ret = 0;
+			if (_tls) { 
+        do {
+            ret = mbedtls_ssl_write(&_ssl,
+                                    (const unsigned char *) buffer + offset,
+                                    _bpos - offset);
+            if (ret > 0)
+              offset += ret;
+        } while (offset < _bpos && (ret > 0 || ret == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ ||
+                ret == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE));
+        if (ret < 0) {
+            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_ssl_write", ret);
+            _tcpsocket->close();
+             _is_tcpsocket_connected = 0;
+            return ret;
+        }               	
+        return ret;
+			} else {
+				_tcpsocket->set_blocking(true);
+				_tcpsocket->set_timeout(timeout);
+        return _tcpsocket->send(buffer, len);				
+			}
-    int write(unsigned char* buffer, int len, int timeout) {
-			  socket->set_timeout(timeout);			
-        return socket->send(buffer, len);
-    }
-    int connect(const char* hostname, int port) {
-        socket->open(network);
-        return socket->connect(hostname, port);
+    int connect(const char* hostname, int port, unsigned int tls=TLS_OFF, const char * cert=NULL, unsigned int sizeof_cert=0) {                
+			  _tls = tls;
+			  if (tls == TLS_ON) { printf ("--->TLS is ON\n\r"); assert (cert); };
+        if (tls == TLS_ON) { 
+        mbedtls_entropy_init(&_entropy);
+        mbedtls_ctr_drbg_init(&_ctr_drbg);
+        mbedtls_x509_crt_init(&_cacert);
+        mbedtls_ssl_init(&_ssl);
+        mbedtls_ssl_config_init(&_ssl_conf);
+        /*
+         * Initialize TLS-related stuf.
+         */									
+        int ret = 0;
+        if ((ret = mbedtls_ctr_drbg_seed(&_ctr_drbg, mbedtls_entropy_func, &_entropy,
+                          (const unsigned char *) DRBG_PERS,
+                          sizeof (DRBG_PERS))) != 0) {
+            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_crt_drbg_init", ret);
+            return ret;
+        }
+        if ((ret = mbedtls_x509_crt_parse(&_cacert, (const unsigned char *) cert,
+                           sizeof_cert)) != 0) {
+            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_x509_crt_parse", ret);
+            return ret;
+        }
+        if ((ret = mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults(&_ssl_conf,
+                        MBEDTLS_SSL_IS_CLIENT,
+                        MBEDTLS_SSL_TRANSPORT_STREAM,
+                        MBEDTLS_SSL_PRESET_DEFAULT)) != 0) {
+            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_ssl_config_defaults", ret);
+            return ret;
+        }
+        mbedtls_ssl_conf_ca_chain(&_ssl_conf, &_cacert, NULL);
+        mbedtls_ssl_conf_rng(&_ssl_conf, mbedtls_ctr_drbg_random, &_ctr_drbg);
+        /* It is possible to disable authentication by passing
+         * MBEDTLS_SSL_VERIFY_NONE in the call to mbedtls_ssl_conf_authmode()
+         */
+        mbedtls_ssl_conf_authmode(&_ssl_conf, MBEDTLS_SSL_VERIFY_REQUIRED);
+#if DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
+        mbedtls_ssl_conf_verify(&_ssl_conf, my_verify, NULL);
+        mbedtls_ssl_conf_dbg(&_ssl_conf, my_debug, NULL);
+        mbedtls_debug_set_threshold(DEBUG_LEVEL);
+        if ((ret = mbedtls_ssl_setup(&_ssl, &_ssl_conf)) != 0) {
+            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_ssl_setup", ret);
+            return ret;
+        }
+        mbedtls_ssl_set_hostname(&_ssl, hostname);
+        mbedtls_ssl_set_bio(&_ssl, static_cast<void *>(_tcpsocket), ssl_send, ssl_recv, NULL );
+        /* Connect to the server */
+				_tcpsocket->open(_network);
+        mbedtls_printf("Connecting with %s port: %d\n", hostname, port);
+        ret = _tcpsocket->connect(hostname, port);
+        if (ret != NSAPI_ERROR_OK) {
+            mbedtls_printf("Failed to connect\n");
+            printf("MBED: Socket Error: %d\n", ret);
+            _tcpsocket->close();
+            return ret;
+        }
+        printf ("--->TCP Connected\n\r");				
+        _is_tcpsocket_connected = 1;
+       /* Start the handshake, the rest will be done in onReceive() */
+        mbedtls_printf("Starting the TLS handshake...\n");
+        do {
+            ret = mbedtls_ssl_handshake(&_ssl);
+        } while (ret != 0 && (ret == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ ||
+                ret == MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE));
+        if (ret < 0) {
+            print_mbedtls_error("mbedtls_ssl_handshake", ret);
+            _tcpsocket->close();
+            return ret;
+        }      
+/*        const uint32_t buf_size = 1024;
+        char *buf = new char[buf_size];
+        mbedtls_x509_crt_info(buf, buf_size, "\r    ",
+                        mbedtls_ssl_get_peer_cert(&_ssl));
+        mbedtls_printf("Server certificate:\n%s", buf);
+        uint32_t flags = mbedtls_ssl_get_verify_result(&_ssl);
+        if( flags != 0 )
+        {
+            mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_info(buf, buf_size, "\r  ! ", flags);
+            printf("Certificate verification failed:\n%s\n", buf);
+        }
+        else
+            printf("Certificate verification passed\n\n");        
+				_is_tcpsocket_connected = 1;
+        return ret;
+			} else {  // tls off	
+          printf ("--->TLS is OFF\n\r");		
+          _tcpsocket->open(_network);				
+				  int ret = _tcpsocket->connect(hostname, port);	
+          if (ret != NSAPI_ERROR_OK) {
+              mbedtls_printf("Failed to connect\n");
+              printf("MBED: Socket Error: %d\n", ret);
+              _tcpsocket->close();
+              return ret;
+          }				
+          printf ("--->TCP Connected\n\r");								
+				  _is_tcpsocket_connected = 1;
+          return ret;
+			}
     int disconnect() {
-        return socket->close();
+			  if (_is_tcpsocket_connected && _tls == TLS_ON) {
+            mbedtls_ssl_session_reset( &_ssl );					
+            mbedtls_entropy_free(&_entropy);
+            mbedtls_ctr_drbg_free(&_ctr_drbg);
+            mbedtls_x509_crt_free(&_cacert);
+            mbedtls_ssl_free(&_ssl);
+            mbedtls_ssl_config_free(&_ssl_conf);        
+				}
+        _is_tcpsocket_connected = 0;
+        return _tcpsocket->close();
+		bool isConnected () { return _is_tcpsocket_connected; }
-    NetworkInterface* network;
-    TCPSocket* socket;
+    NetworkInterface* _network;
+    unsigned int _is_tcpsocket_connected;
+    /**
+     * Helper for pretty-printing mbed TLS error codes
+     */
+    static void print_mbedtls_error(const char *name, int err) {
+        char buf[128];
+        mbedtls_strerror(err, buf, sizeof (buf));
+        mbedtls_printf("%s() failed: -0x%04x (%d): %s\n", name, -err, err, buf);
+    }
+#if DEBUG_LEVEL > 0
+    /**
+     * Debug callback for Mbed TLS
+     * Just prints on the USB serial port
+     */
+    static void my_debug(void *ctx, int level, const char *file, int line,
+                         const char *str)
+    {
+        const char *p, *basename;
+        (void) ctx;
+        /* Extract basename from file */
+        for(p = basename = file; *p != '\0'; p++) {
+            if(*p == '/' || *p == '\\') {
+                basename = p + 1;
+            }
+        }
+        mbedtls_printf("%s:%04d: |%d| %s", basename, line, level, str);
+    }
+    /**
+     * Certificate verification callback for Mbed TLS
+     * Here we only use it to display information on each cert in the chain
+     */
+    static int my_verify(void *data, mbedtls_x509_crt *crt, int depth, uint32_t *flags)
+    {
+        const uint32_t buf_size = 1024;
+        char *buf = new char[buf_size];
+        (void) data;
+        mbedtls_printf("\nVerifying certificate at depth %d:\n", depth);
+        mbedtls_x509_crt_info(buf, buf_size - 1, "  ", crt);
+        mbedtls_printf("%s", buf);
+        if (*flags == 0)
+            mbedtls_printf("No verification issue for this certificate\n");
+        else
+        {
+            mbedtls_x509_crt_verify_info(buf, buf_size, "  ! ", *flags);
+            mbedtls_printf("%s\n", buf);
+        }
+        delete[] buf;
+        return 0;
+    }
+    /**
+     * Receive callback for Mbed TLS
+     */
+    static int ssl_recv(void *ctx, unsigned char *buf, size_t len) {
+        int recv = -1;
+        TCPSocket *socket = static_cast<TCPSocket *>(ctx);
+        recv = socket->recv(buf, len);
+        if(NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK == recv){
+            return MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_READ;
+        }else if(recv < 0){
+            mbedtls_printf("Socket recv error %d\n", recv);
+            return -1;
+        }else{
+            return recv;
+        }
+   }
+    /**
+     * Send callback for Mbed TLS
+     */
+    static int ssl_send(void *ctx, const unsigned char *buf, size_t len) {
+       int size = -1;
+        TCPSocket *socket = static_cast<TCPSocket *>(ctx);
+        size = socket->send(buf, len);
+        if(NSAPI_ERROR_WOULD_BLOCK == size){
+            return MBEDTLS_ERR_SSL_WANT_WRITE;
+        }else if(size < 0){
+            mbedtls_printf("Socket send error %d\n", size);
+            return -1;
+        }else{
+            return size;
+        }
+    }
+    TCPSocket* _tcpsocket;
+    volatile bool _disconnected;
+		unsigned int _tls;
 #endif // _MQTTNETWORK_H_