This is a mbed Client sample where ZXing is incorporated, and works on GR-PEACH and GR-LYCHEE.

Dependencies:   DisplayApp AsciiFont


This sample program shows how to use mbed Client together with ZXing which is an open-source, multi-format 1D/2D barcode image processing library. For more info on ZXing, please refer to

Required hardware

Application setup

  1. Select the connection type. For details, please refer to the following wiki:
  2. Set the client credentials. For details, please refer to the following wiki:
  3. Change Ethernet settings. For details, please refer to the following wiki:
  4. Change Wifi settings. For details, please refer to the following wiki:
  5. Set up an IP address. (This step is optional.) For details, please refer to the following wiki:

Building the example

To build this example:

  1. Import this example onto mbed Compiler.
  2. Configure the example in accordance with Application setup.
  3. Compile the example on mbed Compiler and download the resultant binary file.
  4. Plug the Ethernet cable into GR-PEACH or GR-LYCHEE if you are using Ethernet mode.
  5. Plug the micro-USB cable into the OpenSDA port which lies on the next to the RESET button.
  6. Copy the binary previously downloaded to your PC to GR-PEACH or GR-LYCHEE to flash this example. When the copy is successfully completed, the board is ready to work.
  7. Press the RESET button on the board to run the example.
  8. For verification, please refer to the following wiki:

Application resources

This example exposes four resources listed below:

  1. 3202/0/5700. Decode result of barcode data input from camera (GET).
  2. 3201/0/5850. Blink function, blinks LED when executed (POST).
  3. 3201/0/5853. Blink pattern, used by the blink function to determine how to blink. In the format of 1000:500:1000:500:1000:500 (PUT).
  4. 3201/0/5855. Blink color, used by the blink function. Any of red, green, blue, cyan, yellow and magenta is acceptable if you are using GR-PEACH board (PUT).
  5. 3201/0/5855. Blink color, used by the blink function. Any of green, yellow, orange and red is acceptable if you are using GR-LYCHEE board (PUT).

For more info on how to get notifications when resource 1 changes, or how to use resource 2, 3 and 4, please look at

Import programGR-PEACH_mbed-connector-ZXingSample-node

Node.js based Web Application for mbed Device Connector specific to GR-PEACH_mbed-os-client-ZXingSample

diff -r 6b6540e303f2 -r ea24d9271ff1 zxing_main.cpp
--- a/zxing_main.cpp	Mon Apr 17 05:28:29 2017 +0000
+++ b/zxing_main.cpp	Thu Dec 13 08:28:47 2018 +0000
@@ -1,143 +1,162 @@
 #include "mbed.h"
-#include "rtos.h"
-#include "DisplayBace.h"
+#include "EasyAttach_CameraAndLCD.h"
 #include "ImageReaderSource.h"
-#define VIDEO_CVBS             (0)                 /* Analog  Video Signal */
-#define VIDEO_CMOS_CAMERA      (1)                 /* Digital Video Signal */
+#include "AsciiFont.h"
 /**** User Selection *********/
-/** Camera setting **/
-#define VIDEO_INPUT_METHOD     (VIDEO_CMOS_CAMERA) /* Select  VIDEO_CVBS or VIDEO_CMOS_CAMERA                       */
-#define USE_VIDEO_CH           (0)                 /* Select  0 or 1            If selecting VIDEO_CMOS_CAMERA, should be 0.)               */
-#define VIDEO_PAL              (0)                 /* Select  0(NTSC) or 1(PAL) If selecting VIDEO_CVBS, this parameter is not referenced.) */
-/** LCD setting **/
-#define LCD_ONOFF              (1)                 /* Select  0(without LCD) or 1(with LCD) */
-#define LCD_TYPE               (0)                 /* Select  0(4.3inch) or 1(7.1inch) */
 /** JPEG out setting **/
-#define JPEG_SEND              (0)                 /* Select  0(JPEG images are not output to PC) or 1(JPEG images are output to PC on USB(CDC) for focusing the camera) */
+#define JPEG_SEND              (1)                 /* Select  0(JPEG images are not output to PC) or 1(JPEG images are output to PC on USB(CDC) for focusing the camera) */
+#define JPEG_ENCODE_QUALITY    (75)                /* JPEG encode quality (min:1, max:75 (Considering the size of JpegBuffer, about 75 is the upper limit.)) */
+#define VFIELD_INT_SKIP_CNT    (0)                 /* A guide for GR-LYCHEE.  0:60fps, 1:30fps, 2:20fps, 3:15fps, 4:12fps, 5:10fps */
 /** Decode hints **/
 #define DECODE_HINTS           (DecodeHints::ONED_HINT | DecodeHints::QR_CODE_HINT | DecodeHints::DATA_MATRIX_HINT | DecodeHints::AZTEC_HINT)
-/** LCD shield config **/
-#if (LCD_TYPE == 0)
-  #include "LCD_shield_config_4_3inch.h"
-  #include "LCD_shield_config_7_1inch.h"
-  #include "AsciiFont.h"
-  #include "JPEG_Converter.h"
-  #include "DisplayApp.h"
-/** Video and Grapics (GRAPHICS_LAYER_0) parameter **/
-/* video input */
-#if USE_VIDEO_CH == (0)
-  #define VIDEO_INPUT_CH       (DisplayBase::VIDEO_INPUT_CHANNEL_0)
-  #define VIDEO_INT_TYPE       (DisplayBase::INT_TYPE_S0_VFIELD)
-  #define VIDEO_INPUT_CH       (DisplayBase::VIDEO_INPUT_CHANNEL_1)
-  #define VIDEO_INT_TYPE       (DisplayBase::INT_TYPE_S1_VFIELD)
-/* NTSC or PAL */
-#if VIDEO_PAL == 0
-  #define COL_SYS              (DisplayBase::COL_SYS_NTSC_358)
-  #define COL_SYS              (DisplayBase::COL_SYS_PAL_443)
-/* Video input */
+/* Video input and LCD layer 0 output */
 #define VIDEO_FORMAT           (DisplayBase::VIDEO_FORMAT_YCBCR422)
 #define GRAPHICS_FORMAT        (DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_FORMAT_YCBCR422)
+//#define WR_RD_WRSWA            (DisplayBase::WR_RD_WRSWA_32_16BIT)
 #define WR_RD_WRSWA            (DisplayBase::WR_RD_WRSWA_16BIT)
-  #define WAIT_VFIELD_CNT      (2)
-  #define WAIT_VFIELD_CNT      (1)
-/* The size of the video input */
-#if ((LCD_ONOFF) && (LCD_TYPE == 0))
-  #define VIDEO_PIXEL_HW       (640)  /* VGA */
-  #define VIDEO_PIXEL_VW       (480)  /* VGA */
+#define DATA_SIZE_PER_PIC      (2u)
 /*! Frame buffer stride: Frame buffer stride should be set to a multiple of 32 or 128
     in accordance with the frame buffer burst transfer mode. */
+  #define VIDEO_PIXEL_HW       LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH   /* QVGA */
+  #define VIDEO_PIXEL_VW       LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT  /* QVGA */
+  #define VIDEO_PIXEL_HW       (640u)  /* VGA */
+  #define VIDEO_PIXEL_VW       (480u)  /* VGA */
-static DisplayBase Display;
+DisplayBase Display;
+// Timer
 static Timer decode_timer;
-/* 32 bytes aligned */
-static uint8_t user_frame_buffer0[FRAME_BUFFER_STRIDE * VIDEO_PIXEL_VW]__attribute((section("NC_BSS"),aligned(32)));
+#if defined(__ICCARM__)
+#pragma data_alignment=32
+static uint8_t user_frame_buffer0[FRAME_BUFFER_STRIDE * FRAME_BUFFER_HEIGHT]@ ".mirrorram";
+static uint8_t user_frame_buffer0[FRAME_BUFFER_STRIDE * FRAME_BUFFER_HEIGHT]__attribute((section("NC_BSS"),aligned(32)));
+#include "JPEG_Converter.h"
+#include "DisplayApp.h"
+#include "dcache-control.h"
-static volatile int32_t vfield_count = 0;
-static bool graphics_init_end = false;
+#if defined(__ICCARM__)
+#pragma data_alignment=32
+static uint8_t JpegBuffer[2][1024 * 64];
+static uint8_t JpegBuffer[2][1024 * 64]__attribute((aligned(32)));
+static size_t jcu_encode_size[2];
+static JPEG_Converter Jcu;
+static int jcu_buf_index_write = 0;
+static int jcu_buf_index_write_done = 0;
+static int jcu_buf_index_read = 0;
+static volatile int jcu_encoding = 0;
+static volatile int image_change = 0;
+static DisplayApp  display_app;
+static int Vfield_Int_Cnt = 0;
 static int decode_wait_time = 0;
 static void (*p_callback_func)(char * addr, int size);
-/****** LCD ******/
-static DigitalOut  lcd_pwon(P7_15);
-static DigitalOut  lcd_blon(P8_1);
-static PwmOut      lcd_cntrst(P8_15);
-static void Init_LCD_Display(void) {
-    DisplayBase::graphics_error_t error;
-    DisplayBase::lcd_config_t lcd_config;
-    PinName lvds_pin[8] = {
-        /* data pin */
-        P5_7, P5_6, P5_5, P5_4, P5_3, P5_2, P5_1, P5_0
-    };
+static void JcuEncodeCallBackFunc(JPEG_Converter::jpeg_conv_error_t err_code) {
+    if (err_code == JPEG_Converter::JPEG_CONV_OK) {
+        jcu_buf_index_write_done = jcu_buf_index_write;
+        image_change = 1;
+    }
+    jcu_encoding = 0;
-    lcd_pwon = 0;
-    lcd_blon = 0;
-    Thread::wait(100);
-    lcd_pwon = 1;
-    lcd_blon = 1;
-    Display.Graphics_Lvds_Port_Init(lvds_pin, 8);
-    /* Graphics initialization process */
-    lcd_config = LcdCfgTbl_LCD_shield;
-    error = Display.Graphics_init(&lcd_config);
-    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
-        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
-        mbed_die();
+static void snapshot(void) {
+    while ((jcu_encoding == 1) || (image_change == 0)) {
+        Thread::wait(1);
-    graphics_init_end = true;
+    jcu_buf_index_read = jcu_buf_index_write_done;
+    image_change = 0;
+    display_app.SendJpeg(JpegBuffer[jcu_buf_index_read], (int)jcu_encode_size[jcu_buf_index_read]);
-static void Start_LCD_Display(uint8_t * p_buf) {
+static void IntCallbackFunc_Vfield(DisplayBase::int_type_t int_type) {
+    if (Vfield_Int_Cnt < VFIELD_INT_SKIP_CNT) {
+        Vfield_Int_Cnt++;
+        return;
+    }
+    Vfield_Int_Cnt = 0;
+    //Interrupt callback function
+    if (jcu_encoding == 0) {
+        JPEG_Converter::bitmap_buff_info_t bitmap_buff_info;
+        JPEG_Converter::encode_options_t   encode_options;
+        bitmap_buff_info.width              = VIDEO_PIXEL_HW;
+        bitmap_buff_info.height             = VIDEO_PIXEL_VW;
+        bitmap_buff_info.format             = JPEG_Converter::WR_RD_YCbCr422;
+        bitmap_buff_info.buffer_address     = (void *)user_frame_buffer0;
+        encode_options.encode_buff_size     = sizeof(JpegBuffer[0]);
+        encode_options.p_EncodeCallBackFunc = &JcuEncodeCallBackFunc;
+//        encode_options.input_swapsetting    = JPEG_Converter::WR_RD_WRSWA_32_16_8BIT;
+        encode_options.input_swapsetting    = JPEG_Converter::WR_RD_WRSWA_16_8BIT;
+        jcu_encoding = 1;
+        if (jcu_buf_index_read == jcu_buf_index_write) {
+            jcu_buf_index_write ^= 1;  // toggle
+        }
+        jcu_encode_size[jcu_buf_index_write] = 0;
+        dcache_invalid(JpegBuffer[jcu_buf_index_write], sizeof(JpegBuffer[0]));
+        if (Jcu.encode(&bitmap_buff_info, JpegBuffer[jcu_buf_index_write],
+            &jcu_encode_size[jcu_buf_index_write], &encode_options) != JPEG_Converter::JPEG_CONV_OK) {
+            jcu_encode_size[jcu_buf_index_write] = 0;
+            jcu_encoding = 0;
+        }
+    }
+static void Start_Video_Camera(void) {
+    // Video capture setting (progressive form fixed)
+    Display.Video_Write_Setting(
+        DisplayBase::VIDEO_INPUT_CHANNEL_0,
+        DisplayBase::COL_SYS_NTSC_358,
+        (void *)user_frame_buffer0,
+        VIDEO_FORMAT,
+        WR_RD_WRSWA,
+        VIDEO_PIXEL_VW,
+    );
+    EasyAttach_CameraStart(Display, DisplayBase::VIDEO_INPUT_CHANNEL_0);
+static void Start_LCD_Display(void) {
     DisplayBase::rect_t rect;
     rect.vs = 0;
-    rect.vw = VIDEO_PIXEL_VW;
+    rect.vw = LCD_PIXEL_HEIGHT;
     rect.hs = 0;
-    rect.hw = VIDEO_PIXEL_HW;
+    rect.hw = LCD_PIXEL_WIDTH;
-        (void *)p_buf,
+        (void *)user_frame_buffer0,
+    Thread::wait(50);
+    EasyAttach_LcdBacklight(true);
 #define VIDEO_PIXEL_HW_STR              (VIDEO_PIXEL_HW - 64)
@@ -148,6 +167,7 @@
 static uint8_t user_frame_buffer_string[FRAME_BUFFER_STRIDE_STR * VIDEO_PIXEL_VW_STR]__attribute((section("NC_BSS"),aligned(32)));
 static bool      string_draw;
+static int error_cnt;
 static void decode_string_init(void) {
     DisplayBase::rect_t rect;
@@ -159,15 +179,16 @@
     rect.hs = 32;
     rect.hw = VIDEO_PIXEL_HW_STR;
-        DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_LAYER_1,
+        DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_LAYER_2,
         (void *)user_frame_buffer_string,
-    Display.Graphics_Start(DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_LAYER_1);
+    Display.Graphics_Start(DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_LAYER_2);
     string_draw = false;
+    error_cnt = 0;
 static void decode_string_disp(char ** decode_str) {
@@ -189,235 +210,45 @@
         string_draw = true;
+        error_cnt = 0;
     } else {
         if (string_draw != false) {
-            /* Clear string */
-            ascii_font.Erase(0x00000000);  /* rrrrGBAR (r:Reserve G:Green B:Blue A:Alpha R:Red */
-            string_draw = false;
+            error_cnt++;
+            if (error_cnt > 15) {
+                /* Clear string */
+                ascii_font.Erase(0x00000000);  /* rrrrGBAR (r:Reserve G:Green B:Blue A:Alpha R:Red */
+                string_draw = false;
+            }
-#endif // LCD_ONOFF
-/****** Jpeg Send ******/
-#define JPEG_ENC_MAX_SIZE      (1024 * 63)
-#define JPEG_SIGNAL_CAP_COMP   (1L)
-#define JPEGSEND_STB           (0)
-#define JPEGSEND_ENC           (1)
-static Thread jpegsendTask(osPriorityAboveNormal, 2048);
-static DisplayApp  display_app;
-static uint8_t JpegBuffer[JPEG_ENC_MAX_SIZE]__attribute((section("NC_BSS"),aligned(8)));  //8 bytes aligned!;
-volatile static uint32_t jpegsend_status = JPEGSEND_STB;
-static void jpegsendTask_main( void ) {
-    JPEG_Converter Jcu;
-    size_t jcu_encode_size;
-    while (1) {
-        Thread::signal_wait(JPEG_SIGNAL_CAP_COMP, 80);
-        jpegsend_status = JPEGSEND_ENC;
-        /* JPEG Enc Start */
-        JPEG_Converter::bitmap_buff_info_t bitmap_buff_info;
-        JPEG_Converter::encode_options_t   encode_options;
-        bitmap_buff_info.width              = VIDEO_PIXEL_HW;
-        bitmap_buff_info.height             = VIDEO_PIXEL_VW;
-        bitmap_buff_info.format             = JPEG_Converter::WR_RD_YCbCr422;
-        bitmap_buff_info.buffer_address     = (void *)user_frame_buffer0;
-        encode_options.encode_buff_size     = sizeof(JpegBuffer);
-        encode_options.p_EncodeCallBackFunc = NULL;
-        encode_options.input_swapsetting    = JPEG_Converter::WR_RD_WRSWA_16_8BIT;
-        jcu_encode_size = 0;
-        if (Jcu.encode(&bitmap_buff_info, JpegBuffer, &jcu_encode_size, &encode_options) != JPEG_Converter::JPEG_CONV_OK) {
-            jcu_encode_size = 0;
-        }
-        /* JPEG Data Send */
-        if ((jcu_encode_size > 256) && (jcu_encode_size < JPEG_ENC_MAX_SIZE)) {
-            display_app.SendJpeg(JpegBuffer, jcu_encode_size);
-        }
-        jpegsend_status = JPEGSEND_STB;
-    }
-static void jpegsendTask_init( void ) {
-    jpegsendTask.start(jpegsendTask_main);
-static void jpegsend_cap_comp( void ) {
-    if (jpegsend_status == JPEGSEND_STB) {
-        jpegsendTask.signal_set(JPEG_SIGNAL_CAP_COMP);
-    }
-#endif // JPEG_SEND
-/****** Video ******/
-static void IntCallbackFunc_Vfield(DisplayBase::int_type_t int_type) {
-    /* Interrupt callback function for Vfield interruption */
-    if (vfield_count > 0) {
-        vfield_count--;
-    }
-    jpegsend_cap_comp();
-#endif // JPEG_SEND
-static void Wait_Vfield(const int32_t wait_count) {
-    /* Wait for the specified number of times Vsync occurs */
-    vfield_count = wait_count;
-    while (vfield_count > 0) {
-        Thread::wait(1);
-    }
-static void Init_Video(void) {
-    DisplayBase::graphics_error_t error;
-    /* Graphics initialization process */
-    if (graphics_init_end == false) {
-        /* When not initializing LCD, this processing is needed. */
-        error = Display.Graphics_init(NULL);
-        if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
-            printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
-            mbed_die();
-        }
-        graphics_init_end = true;
-    }
-    error = Display.Graphics_Video_init( DisplayBase::INPUT_SEL_VDEC, NULL);
-    if( error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK ) {
-        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
-        mbed_die();
-    }
-    DisplayBase::video_ext_in_config_t ext_in_config;
-    PinName cmos_camera_pin[11] = {
-        /* data pin */
-        P2_7, P2_6, P2_5, P2_4, P2_3, P2_2, P2_1, P2_0,
-        /* control pin */
-        P10_0,      /* DV0_CLK   */
-        P1_0,       /* DV0_Vsync */
-        P1_1        /* DV0_Hsync */
-    };
-    /* MT9V111 camera input config */
-    ext_in_config.inp_format     = DisplayBase::VIDEO_EXTIN_FORMAT_BT601; /* BT601 8bit YCbCr format */
-    ext_in_config.inp_pxd_edge   = DisplayBase::EDGE_RISING;              /* Clock edge select for capturing data          */
-    ext_in_config.inp_vs_edge    = DisplayBase::EDGE_RISING;              /* Clock edge select for capturing Vsync signals */
-    ext_in_config.inp_hs_edge    = DisplayBase::EDGE_RISING;              /* Clock edge select for capturing Hsync signals */
-    ext_in_config.inp_endian_on  = DisplayBase::OFF;                      /* External input bit endian change on/off       */
-    ext_in_config.inp_swap_on    = DisplayBase::OFF;                      /* External input B/R signal swap on/off         */
-    ext_in_config.inp_vs_inv     = DisplayBase::SIG_POL_NOT_INVERTED;     /* External input DV_VSYNC inversion control     */
-    ext_in_config.inp_hs_inv     = DisplayBase::SIG_POL_INVERTED;         /* External input DV_HSYNC inversion control     */
-    ext_in_config.inp_f525_625   = DisplayBase::EXTIN_LINE_525;           /* Number of lines for BT.656 external input */
-    ext_in_config.inp_h_pos      = DisplayBase::EXTIN_H_POS_CRYCBY;       /* Y/Cb/Y/Cr data string start timing to Hsync reference */
-    ext_in_config.cap_vs_pos     = 6;                                     /* Capture start position from Vsync */
-    ext_in_config.cap_hs_pos     = 150;                                   /* Capture start position form Hsync */
-#if ((LCD_ONOFF) && (LCD_TYPE == 0))
-    /* The same screen ratio as the screen ratio of the LCD. */
-    ext_in_config.cap_width      = 640;                                   /* Capture width */
-    ext_in_config.cap_height     = 363;                                   /* Capture height Max 468[line]
-                                                                             Due to CMOS(MT9V111) output signal timing and VDC5 specification */
-    ext_in_config.cap_width      = 640;                                   /* Capture width */
-    ext_in_config.cap_height     = 468;                                   /* Capture height Max 468[line]
-                                                                             Due to CMOS(MT9V111) output signal timing and VDC5 specification */
-    error = Display.Graphics_Video_init( DisplayBase::INPUT_SEL_EXT, &ext_in_config);
-    if( error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK ) {
-        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
-        mbed_die();
-    }
-    /* Camera input port setting */
-    error = Display.Graphics_Dvinput_Port_Init(cmos_camera_pin, 11);
-    if( error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK ) {
-        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
-        mbed_die();
-    }
-    /* Interrupt callback function setting (Field end signal for recording function in scaler 0) */
-    error = Display.Graphics_Irq_Handler_Set(VIDEO_INT_TYPE, 0, IntCallbackFunc_Vfield);
-    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
-        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
-        mbed_die();
-    }
-static void Start_Video(uint8_t * p_buf) {
-    DisplayBase::graphics_error_t error;
-    /* Video capture setting (progressive form fixed) */
-    error = Display.Video_Write_Setting(
-                VIDEO_INPUT_CH,
-                COL_SYS,
-                p_buf,
-                FRAME_BUFFER_STRIDE,
-                VIDEO_FORMAT,
-                WR_RD_WRSWA,
-                VIDEO_PIXEL_VW,
-                VIDEO_PIXEL_HW
-            );
-    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
-        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
-        mbed_die();
-    }
-    /* Video write process start */
-    error = Display.Video_Start(VIDEO_INPUT_CH);
-    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
-        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
-        mbed_die();
-    }
-    /* Video write process stop */
-    error = Display.Video_Stop(VIDEO_INPUT_CH);
-    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
-        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
-        mbed_die();
-    }
-    /* Video write process start */
-    error = Display.Video_Start(VIDEO_INPUT_CH);
-    if (error != DisplayBase::GRAPHICS_OK) {
-        printf("Line %d, error %d\n", __LINE__, error);
-        mbed_die();
-    }
 /****** zxing_init ******/
 void zxing_init(void (*pfunc)(char * addr, int size)) {
-    jpegsendTask_init();
-#endif // JPEG_SEND
-    /* Initialization of LCD */
-    Init_LCD_Display();    /* When using LCD, please call before than Init_Video(). */
-#endif // LCD_ONOFF
-    /* Initialization of Video */
-    Init_Video();
+    // Initialize the background to black
+    for (int i = 0; i < (int)sizeof(user_frame_buffer0); i += 2) {
+        user_frame_buffer0[i + 0] = 0x10;
+        user_frame_buffer0[i + 1] = 0x80;
+    }
-    /* Initialization memory */
-    memset(user_frame_buffer0, 0, (FRAME_BUFFER_STRIDE * VIDEO_PIXEL_VW));
+    EasyAttach_Init(Display, 640, 360);
+    EasyAttach_Init(Display);
+    Jcu.SetQuality(JPEG_ENCODE_QUALITY);
+    // Interrupt callback function setting (Field end signal for recording function in scaler 0)
+    Display.Graphics_Irq_Handler_Set(DisplayBase::INT_TYPE_S0_VFIELD, 0, IntCallbackFunc_Vfield);
+    Start_Video_Camera();
+    decode_string_init();
+    Start_LCD_Display();
-    /* Start of Video */
-    Start_Video(user_frame_buffer0);
-    /* Wait for first video drawing */
-    Wait_Vfield(WAIT_VFIELD_CNT);
-    decode_string_init();
-    /* Start of LCD */
-    Start_LCD_Display(user_frame_buffer0);
-    /* Backlight on */
-    Thread::wait(200);
-    lcd_cntrst.write(1.0);
-#endif // LCD_ONOFF
     p_callback_func = pfunc;
@@ -429,7 +260,6 @@
     vector<Ref<Result> > results;
     char ** decode_str = NULL;
-    Wait_Vfield(WAIT_VFIELD_CNT);
     /* Decode barcode image */
     if (decode_timer.read_ms() >= decode_wait_time) {
@@ -446,9 +276,9 @@
         } else {
             decode_wait_time = 10;
-#endif // LCD_ONOFF
     return decode_result;