
Dependencies of MTDOT-BOX-EVB-Factory-Firmware-Custom

A dependency is a program or library which this program uses. When you import this program, the dependencies are automatically imported.

Class Module for EA DOGS102 Graphic LCD display SPI Interface MTDOT-EVB
GPS NEMA String parser library. Only supports SkyTraq Venus chip at this time. GPS, mdot, NEMA, parser
Class module for ISL29011 Ambient Light Sensor MTDOT-EVB
Class Module for MMA845x I2C Accelerometer. MTDOT-EVB
Class module for MPL3115A2 I2C Barometric Sensor MTDOT-EVB
Serial library for MTS Socket Modem Arduino Shield devices from Multi-Tech Systems
Class module for NCP5623B I2C LED driver MTDOT-EVB
libmDot allowing custom channel plans AU915, EU868, Lora, US915
Channel plans to enable libmDot-Custom AS923, EU868, libmDot-Custom, US915