Device interface library for multiple platforms including Mbed.

Dependents:   DeepCover Embedded Security in IoT MaximInterface MAXREFDES155#

Maxim Interface is a library framework focused on providing flexible and expressive hardware interfaces. Both communication interfaces such as I2C and 1-Wire and device interfaces such as DS18B20 are supported. Modern C++ concepts are used extensively while keeping compatibility with C++98/C++03 and requiring no external dependencies. The embedded-friendly design does not depend on exceptions or RTTI.

The full version of the project is hosted on GitLab:

--- a/MaximInterfaceCore/HexString.hpp	Fri Sep 27 16:19:38 2019 -0500
+++ b/MaximInterfaceCore/HexString.hpp	Mon Sep 30 09:39:32 2019 -0500
@@ -46,9 +46,10 @@
 MaximInterfaceCore_EXPORT std::string
 toHexString(span<const uint_least8_t> byteArray);
-/// Convert a hex string to a byte array.
+/// @brief Convert a hex string to a byte array.
+/// @details Discards whitespace and null characters within the input string.
 MaximInterfaceCore_EXPORT Optional<std::vector<uint_least8_t> >
-fromHexString(const std::string & hexString);
+fromHexString(span<const char> hexString);
 } // namespace MaximInterfaceCore