
Dependents of microbit

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

for demo on Thursday
cleaned up and commented after demo day
HTM Demo of BLE with Microbit
ALways output MIDI data through BLE
the start of some experimentation
Class project: coded in C/C++ Using onboard sensor, display current temperature in Celsius when button A is pressed and in Fahrenheit when button B is pressed. #C, #MicroBit, #Temperature
Using C/C++, coding for MicroBit to count from 0 to 9 and then return to 0. Each change in number takes one second. #secondsTimer
MicroBit project problem #4 Display 1 dot randomly in the LED matrix. Button A moves led left, Button B moves led right, and Buttons A+B pressed together move the led … #buttonEvents, #LEDmoves, #MicroBit
microbit project 2 Display 25 dots randomly, one by one, until LED matrix is full. Clear screen and repeat on continuous loop. #LEDmatrix, #randomLED
Letter, points and light. Stars demo, scroll demo, flare demo, bounce demo Graphics, Microbit, test
elementary serial print using the external IO breakout board and PL2303 pl2303, Serial
displaying on SSD1306, 128x64 pixels OLED OLED
first test
using microbit accelerometer with mbed. accelerometer, component, Microbit
using microbit system componet message bus with mbed. bus, message, Microbit, systemcomponent
micorbit sample using the radio component to trasmit from Lancaster University. component, Microbit, Radio
Inventor's kit experiment one: say "hello" to the bbc miicro:bit Experiment, inventors, kit, Microbit
Inventor's kit experiment two: Using an ldr and analog input Experiment, inventors, kit, Microbit
Inventor's kit experiment three: Dimming n led uing a potentiometer. Experiment, inventors, kit, Microbit
Inventor's kit experiment four: Using a transistor to drive a motor. inventors, kit, Microbit, motor, transistor
microbit compass to detect NESW compass, component, Microbit
microbit counter
sequence repeater game for BBC MicroBit
sample microbit programs
Simple thermometer app
microbit challenge 1
Emulate Gravis Stinger gamepad. Pitch and Roll from accelerometers, and buttons to serial data packet. Linux ,use inputattach --baud 115200 --stinger /dev/ttyXXXX to connect joystick, Microbit
uses BBC micro:bit to measure and display indoor air quality using Bosch BME680 and/or Sensirion SGP30 iaq, micro:bit, Microbit