
Dependents of microbit

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

Ultrasonic distance meter mede with micro:bit and Grove Inventor Kit
CalliopeMini is compatible to MicroBit. But this is not true for ACC, GYR and MAG. This is a proof of concept for the MAG. BMX055, CalliopeMini, I2C
Turns the micro:bit into a magic 8-ball magic
An example of testing the micro:bit battery without any external components Battery, micro:bit, Microbit
micro:bitにRCBControllerを接続するサンプルプログラム。 接続が不安定。micro:bitの電源入り切りやリセットSW押下を何度か試せば接続できるかも。
We connected an OLED to I2C of weather:bit.
Example for BBC Micro:bit Blynk, IOT
AS-289R2 test program for micro:bit
This program generates sound by using FM tone generator YMF825 via SPI. YMF825
micro:drop - A simple game for the BBC micro:bit Fruits falling from the sky. Use buttons A & B to control the player and catch them all. Drop speed increases … BBC, micro:bit, Microbit
BBC micro:bit SN76489N VGM chiptunes player BBC micro:bit, SN76489N, VGM
心拍・酸素飽和度モニタモジュール MAXREFDES117から取得した心拍の値をシリアルコンソールに表示するプログラムです。
yahboom test
micro:bit kolme lediä liikennevaloina (punainen=P2, keltainen=P1, vihreä=P0) three leds as traffic lights (red=P2, yellow=P1, green=P0)
microbit servomoottori potentiometrillä ohjattuna servomotor controlled by potentiometer
First version of a led light house
Binary counter from 0 to (2^25)-1 with wraparound. Bits are displayed on the LED matrix, filling from bottom right. Press buttonA for a decimal representation of the current counter value.
Lämpötilavahti micro:bitille Temperature alarm for micro:bit
Värivalojen ohjauspaneli Controlling of RGB-led with push buttons
Potentiometrillä ohjattu DC-moottori DC-motor controlled by potentiometer
Asento tunnistin Tilt switch with led matrix images
Moottorin ohjaaminen H-sillan avulla Motor control using H-bridge
micro:bit test program
example using DS3234 RTC connected to BBC micro:bit using SPI
First game
microbit sender
BLE switch interface with GROVE joystic for micro:bit http://mahoro-ba.net/e2073.html
Test; try to make a personal repository
back up of work during May 2019
BLE switch interface using micro:bit with 3 tact switches or 3 Makey Makey sensors