Temporary Connector Reversed Version

Dependencies:   UniGraphic mbed vt100

afero_poc15_180403R , J1 のピン配置を反転させたヴァージョンです。

J1-D7 <-> J1-D0
J1-D6 <-> J1-D1

(調査中) また、こちらでテストした範囲では、
FRDM-KL25Z の V3.3 を、Modulo2 の VCC_3V3 ピンに接続してやる必要がありました。

尚、J1-D1, D0 を使用するために UART を無効にしているため

aitendoのTFTモジュールはデフォルトでは8bit bus モードになっています。


POC1.5 では サーミスタは 25℃の時に抵抗値が 50.0kΩになる502AT-11 が

今回の試作では抵抗値が 10.0kΩの 103AT-11 が
SMTC502AT-11 のコンストラクタを 
R0 = 10.0
R1 = 5.1
B = 3435
T0 = 298.15



File content as of revision 1:6c54dc8acf96:

#include "mbed.h"
#include "edge_sensor.h"
#include "VEML6040.h"
#include "edge_color.h"
#include "edge_reset_mgr.h"
#include "edge_chart.h"

/* VEML6040 config bits */
/* sensor config loser 4bit */
/* trigger mode etc. */
#define SD_BIT   0x01
#define AF_BIT   0x02
#define TRIG_BIT 0x04

/* sensor config upper 4bit */
/* integration time */
 int sensor_delay[] = { 
    1280, /* place holder */ 
    1280  /* place holder */
} ;

uint16_t        color0_pwm[3] ;
uint16_t        color1_pwm[3] ;
uint16_t        color0_target[3] = { 3500, 3500, 3500 } ;
uint16_t        color1_target[3] = { 3500, 3500, 3500 } ;

edge_color::edge_color(VEML6040 *sensor, PwmOut *led[], uint16_t *pwm) : edge_sensor() 
    uint16_t dummy[3] ;
    _sensor = sensor ;
    _sensor_config = AF_BIT | TRIG_BIT ;
    _interval = 30 ;
    _calibration_request = 0 ; /* 1 for testing */ 

reset_watch_dog() ;
    _pwm_period = 2000 ; /* 2ms */
    _probe = 0xFA00 ; /* to avoid satulation at 255, using 250 */
//    _probe = 0xFF00 ; 
    for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
        _led[i] = led[i] ;
        _led[i]->write(1.0) ; /* turn LED off */
        _value[i] = 0 ;
        _pwm[i] = pwm[i] ;
        _led[i]->period_us(_pwm_period) ;
    getRGB(dummy) ; // dummy read, the first data is usually garbage
reset_watch_dog() ;

    delete _sensor ;
    delete [] _led ;

void edge_color::setLEDs(uint16_t led_value[]) 
    for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
        _led[i]->write((float)(65535 - led_value[i])/65535.0) ;

void edge_color::setLEDs(uint16_t r, uint16_t g, uint16_t b) 
    _led[0]->write((float)(65535 - r)/65535.0) ;
    _led[1]->write((float)(65535 - g)/65535.0) ;
    _led[2]->write((float)(65535 - b)/65535.0) ;

void edge_color::reset(void) 
    for (int i = 0 ; i < 3 ; i++ ) {
        _value[i] = 0 ;

void edge_color::prepare(void) 
//    setLEDs(_pwm) ; // <- the other color sensor turns off (;_;)

int edge_color::sample(void) 
    int result ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    setLEDs(_pwm) ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    result = getRGB(_value) ;
    _sampled_time = edge_time ;
    setLEDs(0, 0, 0) ; /* turn LEDs off */
reset_watch_dog() ;
    return( result ) ;

int edge_color::deliver(void) 
    int result ;
    char timestr[16] ;
    print_time(_sampled_time) ;
    time2seq(_sampled_time, timestr) ;
    printf(" color%d : R = %4d, G = %4d, B = %4d\n",
        _id, _value[0], _value[1], _value[2]) ;
    if (_id == 1) { /* color1 */
          _value[0], _value[1], _value[2], timestr, _error_count) ; 
    } else { /* color2 */
          _value[0], _value[1], _value[2], timestr, _error_count) ; 
    result = afero->setAttribute(1, _str_buf) ;

    return( result == afSUCCESS ) ;

int color_v2y(float value, edge_chart_type *p)
    int y ;
    if (value < p->min) {
        value = p->min ;
    } else if (value > p->max) {
        value = p->max ;
    y = p->top + p->height - 1
        - (int)((p->height - 2) * value /(p->max - p->min)) ;
    return( y ) ;

void edge_color::show(void)
    int r, g, b ;
    int x ;
    edge_chart_type *p = &edge_chart[_id] ;
    if (display) {
        switch(display_mode) {
            reset_watch_dog() ;
            display->BusEnable(true) ;
            display->set_font((unsigned char*) Arial12x12);
            display->set_font_zoom(2, 2) ;
            display->foreground(White) ;
            display->locate(EDGE_SUMMARY_X, EDGE_SUMMARY_TIME_Y) ;
            displayTime(_sampled_time) ;
            if (_id == 1) {
                display->locate(EDGE_SUMMARY_X, EDGE_SUMMARY_COLOR1_Y) ;
                display->printf("Color :%5d,%5d,%5d",
                    _value[0], _value[1], _value[2]) ;
            } else {
                display->locate(EDGE_SUMMARY_X, EDGE_SUMMARY_COLOR2_Y) ;
                    _value[0], _value[1], _value[2]) ;
            display->BusEnable(false) ;
            reset_watch_dog() ;
            break ;
        case DISPLAY_MODE_CHART:
            reset_watch_dog() ;
            x = p->left + p->index + 1 ;
            r = color_v2y(_value[0], p) ;
            g = color_v2y(_value[1], p) ;
            b = color_v2y(_value[2], p) ;
            display->BusEnable(true) ;
            if (p->index == 0) {
                draw_chart_frame(p) ;
            display->pixel(x, r, Red) ;
            display->pixel(x, g, Green) ;
            display->pixel(x, b, Blue) ;
            display->BusEnable(false) ;
            p->index = (p->index + 1) % (p->width - 2) ;
            break ;       
    reset_watch_dog() ;

int edge_color::getRGB(uint16_t v[])
    int result ;
    result = _sensor->setCOLORConf(_sensor_config) ;
    if (result == 0) {
        wait_ms(sensor_delay[(_sensor_config >> 4)&0x07] * 1.25) ;
        result = _sensor->getRData(&v[0]) ;
        if (result == 0) {
            wait_ms(10) ;
            result = _sensor->getGData(&v[1]) ;
            if (result == 0) {
                wait_ms(10) ;
                result = _sensor->getBData(&v[2]) ;
                if (result == 0) {
                    wait_ms(10) ;
    return( result ) ;

 * Measure num_ave + 2 times
 * and throw away min and max
 * before calculating average
void edge_color::getAveColor(uint16_t led[], uint16_t v[], int num_ave)
    int i, c ;
    uint16_t min[3] = { 0, 0, 0 } ;
    uint16_t max[3] = { 0, 0, 0 } ;
    uint16_t tmp[3] ;
    long sum[3] = { 0, 0, 0 } ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    setLEDs(led) ;
    getRGB(tmp) ; // dummy read
    setLEDs(0, 0, 0) ;
    wait_ms(10) ;
    for (i = 0 ; i < num_ave+2 ; i++ ) {
reset_watch_dog() ;
        setLEDs(led) ;
        getRGB(tmp) ;
        setLEDs(0, 0, 0) ;
        wait_ms(10) ;
        for (c = 0 ; c < 3 ; c++ ) {
            sum[c] += tmp[c] ;
            if ((i == 0) || (tmp[c] < min[c])) {
                min[c] = tmp[c] ;
            if ((i == 0) || (tmp[c] > max[c])) {
                max[c] = tmp[c] ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    for (c = 0 ; c < 3 ; c++ ) {
        sum[c] = sum[c] - (min[c] + max[c]) ;
        v[c] = (uint16_t)(sum[c] / num_ave) ;
//    delete [] tmp ;
// printf("=== average ===\n") ;
// printf("%04x %04x %04x\n", v[0], v[1], v[2]) ;

#if 1
void edge_color::calibrate(uint16_t target[], uint16_t result[], int num_ave) 
//   const uint16_t led_interval = 10 ; /* wait 10ms for LED */
    float      denominator ;
    float      numerator[3] ;
    float      a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i ;
    uint16_t  v[3], tmp[3] ;
    uint16_t  L[3][3] ;
    int       idx ;
    uint8_t   conf ;

    printf("=== Calibrating Color Sensor %d ===\n", _id) ;
    for (idx = 0 ; idx < 3 ; idx++ ) {
reset_watch_dog() ;
        tmp[0] = tmp[1] = tmp[2] = 0 ;
        tmp[idx] = _probe ;

//        setLEDs(tmp) ;
//        wait_ms(led_interval) ;
        getAveColor(tmp, v, num_ave) ;
        printf("R:%5d, G:%5d, B:%5d\n", v[0], v[1], v[2]) ;
        L[idx][0] = v[0] ;
        L[idx][1] = v[1] ;
        L[idx][2] = v[2] ;
//        setLEDs(0, 0, 0) ; /* clear LEDs */
reset_watch_dog() ;
    printf("=== Initial Equation ===\n") ;
    for (idx = 0 ; idx < 3 ; idx++) {
        printf("%5d * R / %d + %5d * G / %d + %5d * B / %d = %d,\n",
        L[0][idx], _probe, L[1][idx], _probe,  L[2][idx], _probe, target[idx]) ;

     a = L[0][0] ; b = L[1][0] ; c = L[2][0] ;
     d = L[0][1] ; e = L[1][1] ; f = L[2][1] ;
     g = L[0][2] ; h = L[1][2] ; i = L[2][2] ;
    denominator = a * (f * h - e * i) + b * (d * i - f * g) + c * (e * g - d * h) ;
//    printf("Denominator = %f\n", denominator) ;

    if (denominator != 0) {
        numerator[0] = (f * h - e * i) * target[0] 
            + b * (i * target[1] - f * target[2]) 
            + c * (e * target[2] - h * target[1]) ;

        numerator[1] = -((f * g - d * i) * target[0]
            + a * (i * target[1] - f * target[2]) 
            + c * (d * target[2] - g * target[1])) ;

        numerator[2] = (e * g - d * h) * target[0]
            + a * (h * target[1] - e * target[2]) 
            + b * (d * target[2] - g * target[1]) ;

        for (idx = 0 ; idx < 3 ; idx++ ) {
// printf("Numerator[%d] = %f\n", idx, numerator[idx]) ;
            _pwm[idx] = (uint16_t) (0.5 + (((double)_probe * numerator[idx]) / denominator)) ;
            result[idx] = _pwm[idx] ;

        printf("PWM R = %d [0x%04x] ", result[0], result[0]) ; 
        wait_ms(1) ;
        printf("G = %d [0x%04x] ", result[1], result[1]) ;
        wait_ms(1) ;
        printf("B = %d [0x%04x] ", result[2], result[2]) ;
        wait_ms(1) ;
        printf("\n") ;
        wait_ms(1) ;
        printf("=== test ===\n") ;
//        setLEDs(_pwm[0], _pwm[1], _pwm[2]) ;
//        wait_ms(led_interval) ;
        getAveColor(_pwm, v, num_ave) ;
        printf("R:%d, G:%d, B:%d\n", v[0], v[1], v[2]) ;
        printf("============\n") ;
        wait_ms(1) ;
    } else {
        printf("calibration failed, pwm values were not updated\n") ;
    printf("Reseting Color Sensor ... ") ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    _sensor->getCOLORConf(&conf) ;
    wait_ms(10) ;
    _sensor->setCOLORConf(conf | 0x01) ; /* shutdown VEML6040 */
    wait_ms(200) ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    _sensor->setCOLORConf(conf) ;
    wait_ms(200) ;
    printf("Done\n") ;
    _calibration_request = 0 ;
    _status = EDGE_SENSOR_INACTIVE ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
#endif /* calibration int version */

#if 0
void edge_color::calibrate(uint16_t target[], uint16_t result[], int num_ave) 
   const uint16_t led_interval = 10 ; /* wait 10ms for LED */
    double      denominator ;
    double      numerator[3] ;
    double      a,b,c,d,e,f,g,h,i ;
    uint16_t    v[3], tmp[3] ;
//    uint16_t    L[3][3] ;
    double    L[3][3] ;
    double      ftarget[3] ;
    int         idx ;
    uint8_t     conf ;
    ftarget[0] = target[0] ;
    ftarget[1] = target[1] ;
    ftarget[2] = target[2] ;
    printf("=== Calibrating Color Sensor %d ===\n", _id) ;
    for (idx = 0 ; idx < 3 ; idx++ ) {
reset_watch_dog() ;
        tmp[0] = tmp[1] = tmp[2] = 0 ;
        tmp[idx] = _probe ;

        setLEDs(tmp) ;
        wait_ms(led_interval) ;
        getAveColor(v, num_ave) ;
        printf("R:%5d, G:%5d, B:%5d\n", v[0], v[1], v[2]) ;
        L[idx][0] = v[0] ;
        L[idx][1] = v[1] ;
        L[idx][2] = v[2] ;
        setLEDs(0, 0, 0) ; /* clear LEDs */
reset_watch_dog() ;
    printf("=== Initial Equation ===\n") ;
    for (idx = 0 ; idx < 3 ; idx++) {
        printf("%5d * R / %d + %5d * G / %d + %5d * B / %d = %d,\n",
        (int)L[0][idx], _probe, (int)L[1][idx], _probe,  (int)L[2][idx], _probe, target[idx]) ;

     a = L[0][0] ; b = L[1][0] ; c = L[2][0] ;
     d = L[0][1] ; e = L[1][1] ; f = L[2][1] ;
     g = L[0][2] ; h = L[1][2] ; i = L[2][2] ;
    denominator = a * (f * h - e * i) + b * (d * i - f * g) + c * (e * g - d * h) ;

    if (denominator != 0) {
        numerator[0] = (f * h - e * i) * ftarget[0] 
            + b * (i * ftarget[1] - f * ftarget[2]) 
            + c * (e * ftarget[2] - h * ftarget[1]) ;

        numerator[1] = -((f * g - d * i) * ftarget[0]
            + a * (i * ftarget[1] - f * ftarget[2]) 
            + c * (d * ftarget[2] - g * ftarget[1])) ;

        numerator[2] = (e * g - d * h) * ftarget[0]
            + a * (h * ftarget[1] - e * ftarget[2]) 
            + b * (d * ftarget[2] - g * ftarget[1]) ;

        for (idx = 0 ; idx < 3 ; idx++ ) {
            _pwm[idx] = (uint16_t) (0.5 + ((double)_probe * numerator[idx]) / denominator) ;
            result[idx] = _pwm[idx] ;

        printf("PWM R = %d [0x%04x] ", result[0], result[0]) ; 
        wait_ms(1) ;
        printf("G = %d [0x%04x] ", result[1], result[1]) ;
        wait_ms(1) ;
        printf("B = %d [0x%04x] ", result[2], result[2]) ;
        wait_ms(1) ;
        printf("\n") ;
        wait_ms(1) ;
        printf("=== test ===\n") ;
        setLEDs(_pwm[0], _pwm[1], _pwm[2]) ;
        wait_ms(led_interval) ;
        getAveColor(v, num_ave) ;
        printf("R:%d, G:%d, B:%d\n", v[0], v[1], v[2]) ;
        printf("============\n") ;
        wait_ms(1) ;
    } else {
        printf("calibration failed, pwm values were not updated\n") ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    _sensor->getCOLORConf(&conf) ;
    wait_ms(10) ;
    _sensor->setCOLORConf(conf | 0x01) ; /* shutdown VEML6040 */
    wait_ms(200) ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
    _sensor->setCOLORConf(conf) ;
    wait_ms(200) ;
    _calibration_request = 0 ;
    _status = EDGE_SENSOR_INACTIVE ;
reset_watch_dog() ;
#endif /* calibration double version */