Simply UART communication for STM32F0 Discovery using mbed. Received char is sent back to the computer.

Dependencies:   mbed

--- a/main.cpp	Fri Mar 13 09:43:37 2015 +0000
+++ b/main.cpp	Sun Mar 22 12:17:15 2015 +0000
@@ -1,38 +1,87 @@
+* @file    main.cpp
+* @author  Marta Krepelkova
+* @version V0.1
+* @date    22-March-2015
+* @brief   Simply UART communication for STM32F0 Discovery kit.
+*          Received character is sent back to your computer.
+/*   Table of used pins on STM32F0 Discovery kit with STM32F051R8 MCU (LQFP64)    */
+/*  LQFP64 pin   | Discovery pin  | ST Nucleo F030R8 pin  |      peripheral       */
+/*      42       |     PA_9       |         PA_9          |      SERIAL_TX        */
+/*      43       |     PA_10      |         PA_10         |      SERIAL_RX        */
+/*      39       |     PC_8       |         PA_5          |      LED              */
+/*      40       |     PC_9       |                       |      LED              */
+/* Includes ----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
 #include "mbed.h"
-// Hyperterminal configuration
-// 9600 bauds, 8-bit data, no parity
+/* Defines -----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Function prototypes -----------------------------------------------------------*/
+/* Variables ---------------------------------------------------------------------*/
+char buffer[255];               // for receive more characters from the computer
+int received=0;                 // how many characters was received from computer
+int sent=0;                     // how many characters was sent to computer
+// mbed - initialization of peripherals
+Serial pc(PA_9, PA_10);         // inicialize SERIAL_TX=PA_9, SERIAL_RX=PA_10
+DigitalOut blue(PC_8);          // inicialize blue LED on STM32F0 discovery
+DigitalOut green(PC_9);         // inicialize green LED on STM32F0 discovery
-//SERIAL_TX=PA_2/PA_9 Discovery
-//SERIAL_RX=PA_3/PA_10 Discovery
-Serial pc(PA_2, PA_3);
+// Hyperterminal configuration is default
+// 9600 bauds, 8-bit data, no parity
+/* Functions----------------------------------------------------------------------*/
-DigitalOut myled(PC_8);
-char buffer[255];
-int prijato=0;
+* Function Name  : serialRx.
+* Description    : Saves all received charracters to the buffer.
+* Input          : None
+* Output         : None.
+* Return         : None
 void serialRx()
-    while(pc.readable()) {
-        char c=pc.getc();
-        buffer[prijato++]=c;
+    while(pc.readable()) {              // while there is a character available to read. 
+        char c=pc.getc();               // receive the charracter
+        buffer[received++]=c;           // save the charracter to the next place in buffer, increments number of received charracters
+* Function Name  : main.
+* Description    : Main routine.
+* Input          : None.
+* Output         : None.
+* Return         : None.
 int main()
-    int i = 1;
-    pc.printf("Program started !\n");
-    pc.attach(&serialRx,Serial::RxIrq);
+    int i = 1;                                                                          // inkrements every second
+    pc.printf("Program started !\r\n");                                                 // text displayed on a computer
+    pc.attach(&serialRx,Serial::RxIrq);                                                 // Attach a function serialRx to call whenever a serial interrupt is generated 
     while(1) {
-        while(prijato) {
-            pc.printf("Prisel znak: %c (%d).\n", buffer[prijato-1],(int)buffer[prijato-1]);
-            prijato--;
+        while(sent<received) {                                                          // while the number of received characters is greater than the number of sent characters
+            pc.printf("Received char: %c (%d).\r\n", buffer[sent],(int)buffer[sent]);   // send the character and the character number
+            blue = !blue;                                                               // indicate this by LED - inverse value of blue LED
+            sent++;                                                                     // increment number of sent charracters
+            if(sent>received) {                                                         // if it sent all characters
+                received=0;                                                             // number of received charracters is 0
+                sent=0;                                                                 // number of sent charracters is 0
+            }
-        wait(1);
-        pc.printf("This program runs since %d seconds.\n", i++);
-        myled = !myled;
+        wait(1);                                                                        // wait 1 second
+        pc.printf("This program runs since %d seconds.\r\n", i++);                      // sends how long is the program running
+        green = !green;                                                                 // inverse value of green LED
\ No newline at end of file