Cesanta / v7 Featured

Embedded JavaScript virtual machine

Dependents:   DISCO-F469NI_javascript_blinker


Marko Mikulicic

File content as of revision 3:2bce515c5f0b:

#line 1 "v7/src/license.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2013-2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved
 * This software is dual-licensed: you can redistribute it and/or modify
 * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License version 2 as
 * published by the Free Software Foundation. For the terms of this
 * license, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
 * You are free to use this software under the terms of the GNU General
 * Public License, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied
 * See the GNU General Public License for more details.
 * Alternatively, you can license this software under a commercial
 * license, as set out in <https://www.cesanta.com/license>.

#define V7_PRIVATE
#define V7_EXTERN extern
#define V7_PRIVATE static
#define V7_EXTERN static
#endif /* CS_V7_SRC_LICENSE_H_ */
#line 1 "v7/src/features_profiles.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved




#line 1 "v7/src/features_minimal.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved

/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/features_profiles.h" */


/* This space is intentionally left blank. */

#line 1 "v7/src/features_medium.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved

/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/features_profiles.h" */


#define V7_ENABLE__Date 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Date__now 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Date__UTC 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__atan2 1
#define V7_ENABLE__RegExp 1

#line 1 "v7/src/features_full.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved


/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/features_profiles.h" */

 * This file is generated by scripts/gen-features-full.pl.
#ifndef CS_ENABLE_UTF8
#define CS_ENABLE_UTF8 1

#define V7_ENABLE__Array__reduce 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Blob 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Date 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Date__UTC 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Date__getters 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Date__now 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Date__parse 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Date__setters 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Date__toJSON 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Date__toLocaleString 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Date__toString 1
#define V7_ENABLE__File__list 1
#define V7_ENABLE__File__require 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Function__bind 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Function__call 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__abs 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__acos 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__asin 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__atan 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__atan2 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__ceil 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__constants 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__cos 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__exp 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__floor 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__log 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__max 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__min 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__pow 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__random 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__round 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__sin 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__sqrt 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Math__tan 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Memory__stats 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Object__create 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Object__defineProperties 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Object__getOwnPropertyDescriptor 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Object__getOwnPropertyNames 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Object__getPrototypeOf 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Object__hasOwnProperty 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Object__isExtensible 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Object__isFrozen 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Object__isPrototypeOf 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Object__isSealed 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Object__keys 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Object__preventExtensions 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Object__propertyIsEnumerable 1
#define V7_ENABLE__Proxy 1
#define V7_ENABLE__RegExp 1
#define V7_ENABLE__StackTrace 1
#define V7_ENABLE__String__localeCompare 1
#define V7_ENABLE__String__localeLowerCase 1
#define V7_ENABLE__String__localeUpperCase 1


#endif /* CS_V7_SRC_FEATURES_FULL_H_ */
#line 1 "v7/src/v7_features.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved

#ifndef CS_V7_SRC_V7_FEATURES_H_
#define CS_V7_SRC_V7_FEATURES_H_

/* Only one will actually be used based on V7_BUILD_PROFILE. */
/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/features_minimal.h" */
/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/features_medium.h" */
/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/features_full.h" */

#endif /* CS_V7_SRC_V7_FEATURES_H_ */
#line 1 "v7/src/platform.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved


#ifdef __arm
#undef V7_ENABLE__Date
#define V7_ENABLE__Date 0

#endif /* CS_V7_SRC_PLATFORM_H_ */
#line 1 "v7/src/core_public.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved

 * === Core


#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L

/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/license.h" */
/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/v7_features.h" */
/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/platform.h" */

#include <stddef.h> /* For size_t */
#include <stdio.h>  /* For FILE */

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

 * TODO(dfrank) : improve amalgamation, so that we'll be able to include
 * files here, and include common/platform.h
 * For now, copy-pasting `WARN_UNUSED_RESULT` here
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define WARN_UNUSED_RESULT __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
#define NOINSTR __attribute__((no_instrument_function))
#define NOINSTR

#define V7_VERSION "1.0"

#if (defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64__)) || \
    (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1200)
#define V7_WINDOWS

#ifdef V7_WINDOWS
typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
#include <inttypes.h>
/* 64-bit value, used to store JS values */
typedef uint64_t v7_val_t;

/* JavaScript `null` value */
#define V7_NULL ((uint64_t) 0xfffe << 48)

/* JavaScript `undefined` value */
#define V7_UNDEFINED ((uint64_t) 0xfffd << 48)

/* This if-0 is a dirty workaround to force etags to pick `struct v7` */
#if 0
/* Opaque structure. V7 engine context. */
struct v7 {
  /* ... */

struct v7;

 * Code which is returned by some of the v7 functions. If something other than
 * `V7_OK` is returned from some function, the caller function typically should
 * either immediately cleanup and return the code further, or handle the error.
enum v7_err {

/* JavaScript -> C call interface */
typedef enum v7_err(v7_cfunction_t)(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res);

/* Create V7 instance */
struct v7 *v7_create(void);

 * Customizations of initial V7 state; used by `v7_create_opt()`.
struct v7_create_opts {
  size_t object_arena_size;
  size_t function_arena_size;
  size_t property_arena_size;
#ifdef V7_STACK_SIZE
  void *c_stack_base;
#ifdef V7_FREEZE
  /* if not NULL, dump JS heap after init */
  char *freeze_file;

 * Like `v7_create()`, but allows to customize initial v7 state, see `struct
 * v7_create_opts`.
struct v7 *v7_create_opt(struct v7_create_opts opts);

/* Destroy V7 instance */
void v7_destroy(struct v7 *v7);

/* Return root level (`global`) object of the given V7 instance. */
v7_val_t v7_get_global(struct v7 *v);

/* Return current `this` object. */
v7_val_t v7_get_this(struct v7 *v);

/* Return current `arguments` array */
v7_val_t v7_get_arguments(struct v7 *v);

/* Return i-th argument */
v7_val_t v7_arg(struct v7 *v, unsigned long i);

/* Return the length of `arguments` */
unsigned long v7_argc(struct v7 *v7);

 * Tells the GC about a JS value variable/field owned
 * by C code.
 * User C code should own v7_val_t variables
 * if the value's lifetime crosses any invocation
 * to the v7 runtime that creates new objects or new
 * properties and thus can potentially trigger GC.
 * The registration of the variable prevents the GC from mistakenly treat
 * the object as garbage. The GC might be triggered potentially
 * allows the GC to update pointers
 * User code should also explicitly disown the variables with v7_disown once
 * it goes out of scope or the structure containing the v7_val_t field is freed.
 * Example:
 *  ```
 *    struct v7_val cb;
 *    v7_own(v7, &cb);
 *    cb = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
 *    // do something with cb
 *    v7_disown(v7, &cb);
 *  ```
void v7_own(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *v);

 * Returns 1 if value is found, 0 otherwise
int v7_disown(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *v);

 * Enable or disable GC.
 * Must be called before invoking v7_exec or v7_apply
 * from within a cfunction unless you know what you're doing.
 * GC is disabled during execution of cfunctions in order to simplify
 * memory management of simple cfunctions.
 * However executing even small snippets of JS code causes a lot of memory
 * pressure. Enabling GC solves that but forces you to take care of the
 * reachability of your temporary V7 v7_val_t variables, as the GC needs
 * to know where they are since objects and strings can be either reclaimed
 * or relocated during a GC pass.
void v7_set_gc_enabled(struct v7 *v7, int enabled);

 * Set an optional C stack limit.
 * It sets a flag that will cause the interpreter
 * to throw an InterruptedError.
 * It's safe to call it from signal handlers and ISRs
 * on single threaded environments.
void v7_interrupt(struct v7 *v7);

/* Returns last parser error message. TODO: rename it to `v7_get_error()` */
const char *v7_get_parser_error(struct v7 *v7);

 * Available if only `V7_ENABLE_STACK_TRACKING` is defined.
 * Stack metric id. See `v7_stack_stat()`
enum v7_stack_stat_what {
  /* max stack size consumed by `i_exec()` */
  /* max stack size consumed by `parse()` (which is called from `i_exec()`) */


 * Available if only `V7_ENABLE_STACK_TRACKING` is defined.
 * Returns stack metric specified by the metric id `what`. See
 * `v7_stack_stat_clean()`
int v7_stack_stat(struct v7 *v7, enum v7_stack_stat_what what);

 * Available if only `V7_ENABLE_STACK_TRACKING` is defined.
 * Clean all stack statistics gathered so far. See `v7_stack_stat()`
void v7_stack_stat_clean(struct v7 *v7);

#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* CS_V7_SRC_CORE_PUBLIC_H_ */
#line 1 "v7/src/core_public.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved

 * === Core


#define _POSIX_C_SOURCE 200809L

/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/license.h" */
/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/v7_features.h" */
/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/platform.h" */

#include <stddef.h> /* For size_t */
#include <stdio.h>  /* For FILE */

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

 * TODO(dfrank) : improve amalgamation, so that we'll be able to include
 * files here, and include common/platform.h
 * For now, copy-pasting `WARN_UNUSED_RESULT` here
#ifdef __GNUC__
#define WARN_UNUSED_RESULT __attribute__((warn_unused_result))
#define NOINSTR __attribute__((no_instrument_function))
#define NOINSTR

#define V7_VERSION "1.0"

#if (defined(_WIN32) && !defined(__MINGW32__) && !defined(__MINGW64__)) || \
    (defined(_MSC_VER) && _MSC_VER <= 1200)
#define V7_WINDOWS

#ifdef V7_WINDOWS
typedef unsigned __int64 uint64_t;
#include <inttypes.h>
/* 64-bit value, used to store JS values */
typedef uint64_t v7_val_t;

/* JavaScript `null` value */
#define V7_NULL ((uint64_t) 0xfffe << 48)

/* JavaScript `undefined` value */
#define V7_UNDEFINED ((uint64_t) 0xfffd << 48)

/* This if-0 is a dirty workaround to force etags to pick `struct v7` */
#if 0
/* Opaque structure. V7 engine context. */
struct v7 {
  /* ... */

struct v7;

 * Code which is returned by some of the v7 functions. If something other than
 * `V7_OK` is returned from some function, the caller function typically should
 * either immediately cleanup and return the code further, or handle the error.
enum v7_err {

/* JavaScript -> C call interface */
typedef enum v7_err(v7_cfunction_t)(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *res);

/* Create V7 instance */
struct v7 *v7_create(void);

 * Customizations of initial V7 state; used by `v7_create_opt()`.
struct v7_create_opts {
  size_t object_arena_size;
  size_t function_arena_size;
  size_t property_arena_size;
#ifdef V7_STACK_SIZE
  void *c_stack_base;
#ifdef V7_FREEZE
  /* if not NULL, dump JS heap after init */
  char *freeze_file;

 * Like `v7_create()`, but allows to customize initial v7 state, see `struct
 * v7_create_opts`.
struct v7 *v7_create_opt(struct v7_create_opts opts);

/* Destroy V7 instance */
void v7_destroy(struct v7 *v7);

/* Return root level (`global`) object of the given V7 instance. */
v7_val_t v7_get_global(struct v7 *v);

/* Return current `this` object. */
v7_val_t v7_get_this(struct v7 *v);

/* Return current `arguments` array */
v7_val_t v7_get_arguments(struct v7 *v);

/* Return i-th argument */
v7_val_t v7_arg(struct v7 *v, unsigned long i);

/* Return the length of `arguments` */
unsigned long v7_argc(struct v7 *v7);

 * Tells the GC about a JS value variable/field owned
 * by C code.
 * User C code should own v7_val_t variables
 * if the value's lifetime crosses any invocation
 * to the v7 runtime that creates new objects or new
 * properties and thus can potentially trigger GC.
 * The registration of the variable prevents the GC from mistakenly treat
 * the object as garbage. The GC might be triggered potentially
 * allows the GC to update pointers
 * User code should also explicitly disown the variables with v7_disown once
 * it goes out of scope or the structure containing the v7_val_t field is freed.
 * Example:
 *  ```
 *    struct v7_val cb;
 *    v7_own(v7, &cb);
 *    cb = v7_array_get(v7, args, 0);
 *    // do something with cb
 *    v7_disown(v7, &cb);
 *  ```
void v7_own(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *v);

 * Returns 1 if value is found, 0 otherwise
int v7_disown(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *v);

 * Enable or disable GC.
 * Must be called before invoking v7_exec or v7_apply
 * from within a cfunction unless you know what you're doing.
 * GC is disabled during execution of cfunctions in order to simplify
 * memory management of simple cfunctions.
 * However executing even small snippets of JS code causes a lot of memory
 * pressure. Enabling GC solves that but forces you to take care of the
 * reachability of your temporary V7 v7_val_t variables, as the GC needs
 * to know where they are since objects and strings can be either reclaimed
 * or relocated during a GC pass.
void v7_set_gc_enabled(struct v7 *v7, int enabled);

 * Set an optional C stack limit.
 * It sets a flag that will cause the interpreter
 * to throw an InterruptedError.
 * It's safe to call it from signal handlers and ISRs
 * on single threaded environments.
void v7_interrupt(struct v7 *v7);

/* Returns last parser error message. TODO: rename it to `v7_get_error()` */
const char *v7_get_parser_error(struct v7 *v7);

 * Available if only `V7_ENABLE_STACK_TRACKING` is defined.
 * Stack metric id. See `v7_stack_stat()`
enum v7_stack_stat_what {
  /* max stack size consumed by `i_exec()` */
  /* max stack size consumed by `parse()` (which is called from `i_exec()`) */


 * Available if only `V7_ENABLE_STACK_TRACKING` is defined.
 * Returns stack metric specified by the metric id `what`. See
 * `v7_stack_stat_clean()`
int v7_stack_stat(struct v7 *v7, enum v7_stack_stat_what what);

 * Available if only `V7_ENABLE_STACK_TRACKING` is defined.
 * Clean all stack statistics gathered so far. See `v7_stack_stat()`
void v7_stack_stat_clean(struct v7 *v7);

#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* CS_V7_SRC_CORE_PUBLIC_H_ */
#line 1 "v7/src/primitive_public.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved

 * === Primitives
 * All primitive values but strings.
 * "foreign" values are also here, see `v7_mk_foreign()`.


/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/core_public.h" */

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

/* Make numeric primitive value */
NOINSTR v7_val_t v7_mk_number(struct v7 *v7, double num);

 * Returns number value stored in `v7_val_t` as `double`.
 * Returns NaN for non-numbers.
NOINSTR double v7_get_double(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t v);

 * Returns number value stored in `v7_val_t` as `int`. If the number value is
 * not an integer, the fraction part will be discarded.
 * If the given value is a non-number, or NaN, the result is undefined.
NOINSTR int v7_get_int(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t v);

/* Returns true if given value is a primitive number value */
int v7_is_number(v7_val_t v);

/* Make boolean primitive value (either `true` or `false`) */
NOINSTR v7_val_t v7_mk_boolean(struct v7 *v7, int is_true);

 * Returns boolean stored in `v7_val_t`:
 *  0 for `false` or non-boolean, non-0 for `true`
NOINSTR int v7_get_bool(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t v);

/* Returns true if given value is a primitive boolean value */
int v7_is_boolean(v7_val_t v);

 * Make `null` primitive value.
 * NOTE: this function is deprecated and will be removed in future releases.
 * Use `V7_NULL` instead.
NOINSTR v7_val_t v7_mk_null(void);

/* Returns true if given value is a primitive `null` value */
int v7_is_null(v7_val_t v);

 * Make `undefined` primitive value.
 * NOTE: this function is deprecated and will be removed in future releases.
 * Use `V7_UNDEFINED` instead.
NOINSTR v7_val_t v7_mk_undefined(void);

/* Returns true if given value is a primitive `undefined` value */
int v7_is_undefined(v7_val_t v);

 * Make JavaScript value that holds C/C++ `void *` pointer.
 * A foreign value is completely opaque and JS code cannot do anything useful
 * with it except holding it in properties and passing it around.
 * It behaves like a sealed object with no properties.
 * NOTE:
 * Only valid pointers (as defined by each supported architecture) will fully
 * preserved. In particular, all supported 64-bit architectures (x86_64, ARM-64)
 * actually define a 48-bit virtual address space.
 * Foreign values will be sign-extended as required, i.e creating a foreign
 * value of something like `(void *) -1` will work as expected. This is
 * important because in some 64-bit OSs (e.g. Solaris) the user stack grows
 * downwards from the end of the address space.
 * If you need to store exactly sizeof(void*) bytes of raw data where
 * `sizeof(void*)` >= 8, please use byte arrays instead.
NOINSTR v7_val_t v7_mk_foreign(struct v7 *v7, void *ptr);

 * Returns `void *` pointer stored in `v7_val_t`.
 * Returns NULL if the value is not a foreign pointer.
NOINSTR void *v7_get_ptr(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t v);

/* Returns true if given value holds `void *` pointer */
int v7_is_foreign(v7_val_t v);

#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#line 1 "v7/src/string_public.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved

 * === Strings


/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/core_public.h" */

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

 * Creates a string primitive value.
 * `str` must point to the utf8 string of length `len`.
 * If `len` is ~0, `str` is assumed to be NUL-terminated and `strlen(str)` is
 * used.
 * If `copy` is non-zero, the string data is copied and owned by the GC. The
 * caller can free the string data afterwards. Otherwise (`copy` is zero), the
 * caller owns the string data, and is responsible for not freeing it while it
 * is used.
v7_val_t v7_mk_string(struct v7 *v7, const char *str, size_t len, int copy);

/* Returns true if given value is a primitive string value */
int v7_is_string(v7_val_t v);

 * Returns a pointer to the string stored in `v7_val_t`.
 * String length returned in `len`, which is allowed to be NULL. Returns NULL
 * if the value is not a string.
 * JS strings can contain embedded NUL chars and may or may not be NUL
 * terminated.
 * CAUTION: creating new JavaScript object, array, or string may kick in a
 * garbage collector, which in turn may relocate string data and invalidate
 * pointer returned by `v7_get_string()`.
 * Short JS strings are embedded inside the `v7_val_t` value itself. This is why
 * a pointer to a `v7_val_t` is required. It also means that the string data
 * will become invalid once that `v7_val_t` value goes out of scope.
const char *v7_get_string(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *v, size_t *len);

 * Returns a pointer to the string stored in `v7_val_t`.
 * Returns NULL if the value is not a string or if the string is not compatible
 * with a C string.
 * C compatible strings contain exactly one NUL char, in terminal position.
 * All strings owned by the V7 engine (see `v7_mk_string()`) are guaranteed to
 * be NUL terminated. Out of these, those that don't include embedded NUL chars
 * are guaranteed to be C compatible.
const char *v7_get_cstring(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t *v);

#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* CS_V7_SRC_STRING_PUBLIC_H_ */
#line 1 "v7/src/object_public.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved

 * === Objects


/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/core_public.h" */

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

 * Property attributes bitmask
typedef unsigned short v7_prop_attr_t;
#define V7_PROPERTY_NON_WRITABLE (1 << 0)
#define V7_PROPERTY_GETTER (1 << 3)
#define V7_PROPERTY_SETTER (1 << 4)
#define _V7_PROPERTY_HIDDEN (1 << 5)
/* property not managed by V7 HEAP */
#define _V7_PROPERTY_OFF_HEAP (1 << 6)
/* special property holding user data and destructor cb */
 * not a property attribute, but a flag for `v7_def()`. It's here in order to
 * keep all offsets in one place
#define _V7_DESC_PRESERVE_VALUE (1 << 8)


 * Internal helpers for `V7_DESC_...` macros
#define _V7_DESC_SHIFT 16
#define _V7_DESC_MASK ((1 << _V7_DESC_SHIFT) - 1)
#define _V7_MK_DESC(v, n) \
  (((v7_prop_attr_desc_t)(n)) << _V7_DESC_SHIFT | ((v) ? (n) : 0))
#define _V7_MK_DESC_INV(v, n) _V7_MK_DESC(!(v), (n))

 * Property attribute descriptors that may be given to `v7_def()`: for each
 * attribute (`v7_prop_attr_t`), there is a corresponding macro, which takes
 * param: either 1 (set attribute) or 0 (clear attribute). If some particular
 * attribute isn't mentioned at all, it's left unchanged (or default, if the
 * property is being created)
 * There is additional flag: `V7_DESC_PRESERVE_VALUE`. If it is set, the
 * property value isn't changed (or set to `undefined` if the property is being
 * created)
typedef unsigned long v7_prop_attr_desc_t;


/* See `v7_set_destructor_cb` */
typedef void(v7_destructor_cb_t)(struct v7 *v7, void *ud);

/* Make an empty object */
v7_val_t v7_mk_object(struct v7 *v7);

 * Returns true if the given value is an object or function.
 * i.e. it returns true if the value holds properties and can be
 * used as argument to `v7_get`, `v7_set` and `v7_def`.
int v7_is_object(v7_val_t v);

/* Set object's prototype. Return old prototype or undefined on error. */
v7_val_t v7_set_proto(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t obj, v7_val_t proto);

/* Get object's prototype. */
v7_val_t v7_get_proto(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t obj);

 * Lookup property `name` in object `obj`. If `obj` holds no such property,
 * an `undefined` value is returned.
 * If `name_len` is ~0, `name` is assumed to be NUL-terminated and
 * `strlen(name)` is used.
v7_val_t v7_get(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t obj, const char *name, size_t name_len);

 * Like `v7_get()`, but "returns" value through `res` pointer argument.
 * `res` must not be `NULL`.
 * Caller should check the error code returned, and if it's something other
 * than `V7_OK`, perform cleanup and return this code further.
enum v7_err v7_get_throwing(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t obj, const char *name,
                            size_t name_len, v7_val_t *res);

 * Define object property, similar to JavaScript `Object.defineProperty()`.
 * `name`, `name_len` specify property name, `val` is a property value.
 * `attrs_desc` is a set of flags which can affect property's attributes,
 * see comment of `v7_prop_attr_desc_t` for details.
 * If `name_len` is ~0, `name` is assumed to be NUL-terminated and
 * `strlen(name)` is used.
 * Returns non-zero on success, 0 on error (e.g. out of memory).
 * See also `v7_set()`.
int v7_def(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t obj, const char *name, size_t name_len,
           v7_prop_attr_desc_t attrs_desc, v7_val_t v);

 * Set object property. Behaves just like JavaScript assignment.
 * See also `v7_def()`.
int v7_set(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t obj, const char *name, size_t len,
           v7_val_t val);

 * A helper function to define object's method backed by a C function `func`.
 * `name` must be NUL-terminated.
 * Return value is the same as for `v7_set()`.
int v7_set_method(struct v7 *, v7_val_t obj, const char *name,
                  v7_cfunction_t *func);

 * Delete own property `name` of the object `obj`. Does not follow the
 * prototype chain.
 * If `name_len` is ~0, `name` is assumed to be NUL-terminated and
 * `strlen(name)` is used.
 * Returns 0 on success, -1 on error.
int v7_del(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t obj, const char *name, size_t name_len);

#if V7_ENABLE__Proxy
struct prop_iter_proxy_ctx;

 * Context for property iteration, see `v7_next_prop()`.
 * Clients should not interpret contents of this structure, it's here merely to
 * allow clients to allocate it not from the heap.
struct prop_iter_ctx {
#if V7_ENABLE__Proxy
  struct prop_iter_proxy_ctx *proxy_ctx;
  struct v7_property *cur_prop;

  unsigned init : 1;

 * Initialize the property iteration context `ctx`, see `v7_next_prop()` for
 * usage example.
enum v7_err v7_init_prop_iter_ctx(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t obj,
                                  struct prop_iter_ctx *ctx);

 * Destruct the property iteration context `ctx`, see `v7_next_prop()` for
 * usage example
void v7_destruct_prop_iter_ctx(struct v7 *v7, struct prop_iter_ctx *ctx);

 * Iterate over the `obj`'s properties.
 * Usage example (here we assume we have some `v7_val_t obj`):
 *     struct prop_iter_ctx ctx;
 *     v7_val_t name, val;
 *     v7_prop_attr_t attrs;
 *     v7_init_prop_iter_ctx(v7, obj, &ctx);
 *     while (v7_next_prop(v7, &ctx, &name, &val, &attrs)) {
 *       if (V7_PROP_ATTR_IS_ENUMERABLE(attrs)) continue;
 *       ...
 *     }
 *     v7_destruct_prop_iter_ctx(v7, &ctx);
 * As you see, v7_next_prop will iterate through all properties, including
 * non-enumerable ones, and it's your responsibility to test the attributes
 * with the provided `V7_PROP_ATTR_*` macros and proceed as you see fit.
int v7_next_prop(struct v7 *v7, struct prop_iter_ctx *ctx, v7_val_t *name,
                 v7_val_t *value, v7_prop_attr_t *attrs);

/* Returns true if the object is an instance of a given constructor. */
int v7_is_instanceof(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t o, const char *c);

/* Returns true if the object is an instance of a given constructor. */
int v7_is_instanceof_v(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t o, v7_val_t c);

 * Associates an opaque C value (anything that can be casted to a `void * )
 * with an object.
 * You can achieve a similar effect by just setting a special property with
 * a foreign value (see `v7_mk_foreign`), except user data offers the following
 * advantages:
 * 1. You don't have to come up with some arbitrary "special" property name.
 * 2. JS scripts cannot access user data by mistake via property lookup.
 * 3. The user data is available to the destructor. When the desctructor is
 *    invoked you cannot access any of its properties.
 * 4. Allows the implementation to use a more compact encoding
 * Does nothing if `obj` is not a mutable object.
void v7_set_user_data(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t obj, void *ud);

 * Get the opaque user data set with `v7_set_user_data`.
 * Returns NULL if there is no user data set or if `obj` is not an object.
void *v7_get_user_data(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t obj);

 * Register a callback which will be invoked when a given object gets
 * reclaimed by the garbage collector.
 * The callback will be invoked while garbage collection is still in progress
 * and hence the internal state of the JS heap is in an undefined state.
 * The only v7 API which is safe to use in this callback is `v7_disown()`,
 * that's why `v7` pointer is given to it. *Calls to any other v7 functions are
 * illegal here*.
 * The intended use case is to reclaim resources allocated by C code.
void v7_set_destructor_cb(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t obj, v7_destructor_cb_t *d);

#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* CS_V7_SRC_OBJECT_PUBLIC_H_ */
#line 1 "v7/src/array_public.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved

 * === Arrays


/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/core_public.h" */

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

/* Make an empty array object */
v7_val_t v7_mk_array(struct v7 *v7);

/* Returns true if given value is an array object */
int v7_is_array(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t v);

/* Returns length on an array. If `arr` is not an array, 0 is returned. */
unsigned long v7_array_length(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t arr);

/* Insert value `v` in array `arr` at the end of the array. */
int v7_array_push(struct v7 *, v7_val_t arr, v7_val_t v);

 * Like `v7_array_push()`, but "returns" value through the `res` pointer
 * argument. `res` is allowed to be `NULL`.
 * Caller should check the error code returned, and if it's something other
 * than `V7_OK`, perform cleanup and return this code further.
enum v7_err v7_array_push_throwing(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t arr, v7_val_t v,
                                   int *res);

 * Return array member at index `index`. If `index` is out of bounds, undefined
 * is returned.
v7_val_t v7_array_get(struct v7 *, v7_val_t arr, unsigned long index);

/* Insert value `v` into `arr` at index `index`. */
int v7_array_set(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t arr, unsigned long index, v7_val_t v);

 * Like `v7_array_set()`, but "returns" value through the `res` pointer
 * argument. `res` is allowed to be `NULL`.
 * Caller should check the error code returned, and if it's something other
 * than `V7_OK`, perform cleanup and return this code further.
enum v7_err v7_array_set_throwing(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t arr,
                                  unsigned long index, v7_val_t v, int *res);

/* Delete value in array `arr` at index `index`, if it exists. */
void v7_array_del(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t arr, unsigned long index);

#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* CS_V7_SRC_ARRAY_PUBLIC_H_ */
#line 1 "v7/src/function_public.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved

 * === Functions


/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/core_public.h" */

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

 * Make a JS function object backed by a cfunction.
 * `func` is a C callback.
 * A function object is JS object having the Function prototype that holds a
 * cfunction value in a hidden property.
 * The function object will have a `prototype` property holding an object that
 * will be used as the prototype of objects created when calling the function
 * with the `new` operator.
v7_val_t v7_mk_function(struct v7 *, v7_cfunction_t *func);

 * Make f a JS function with specified prototype `proto`, so that the resulting
 * function is better suited for the usage as a constructor.
v7_val_t v7_mk_function_with_proto(struct v7 *v7, v7_cfunction_t *f,
                                   v7_val_t proto);

 * Make a JS value that holds C/C++ callback pointer.
 * CAUTION: This is a low-level function value. It's not a real object and
 * cannot hold user defined properties. You should use `v7_mk_function` unless
 * you know what you're doing.
v7_val_t v7_mk_cfunction(v7_cfunction_t *func);

 * Returns true if given value is callable (i.e. it's either a JS function or
 * cfunction)
int v7_is_callable(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t v);

#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#line 1 "v7/src/regexp_public.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved

 * === RegExp


/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/core_public.h" */

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

 * Make RegExp object.
 * `regex`, `regex_len` specify a pattern, `flags` and `flags_len` specify
 * flags. Both utf8 encoded. For example, `regex` is `(.+)`, `flags` is `gi`.
 * If `regex_len` is ~0, `regex` is assumed to be NUL-terminated and
 * `strlen(regex)` is used.
enum v7_err v7_mk_regexp(struct v7 *v7, const char *regex, size_t regex_len,
                         const char *flags, size_t flags_len, v7_val_t *res);

/* Returns true if given value is a JavaScript RegExp object*/
int v7_is_regexp(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t v);

#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* CS_V7_SRC_REGEXP_PUBLIC_H_ */
#line 1 "v7/src/conversion_public.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved

 * === Conversion


/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/core_public.h" */

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

/* Stringify mode, see `v7_stringify()` and `v7_stringify_throwing()` */
enum v7_stringify_mode {

 * Generate string representation of the JavaScript value `val` into a buffer
 * `buf`, `len`. If `len` is too small to hold a generated string,
 * `v7_stringify()` allocates required memory. In that case, it is caller's
 * responsibility to free the allocated buffer. Generated string is guaranteed
 * to be 0-terminated.
 * Available stringification modes are:
 *   Convert JS value to string, using common JavaScript semantics:
 *   - If value is an object:
 *     - call `toString()`;
 *     - If `toString()` returned non-primitive value, call `valueOf()`;
 *     - If `valueOf()` returned non-primitive value, throw `TypeError`.
 *   - Now we have a primitive, and if it's not a string, then stringify it.
 *   Generate JSON output
 *   Mostly like JSON, but will not omit non-JSON objects like functions.
 * Example code:
 *     char buf[100], *p;
 *     p = v7_stringify(v7, obj, buf, sizeof(buf), V7_STRINGIFY_DEFAULT);
 *     printf("JSON string: [%s]\n", p);
 *     if (p != buf) {
 *       free(p);
 *     }
char *v7_stringify(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t v, char *buf, size_t len,
                   enum v7_stringify_mode mode);

 * Like `v7_stringify()`, but "returns" value through the `res` pointer
 * argument. `res` must not be `NULL`.
 * Caller should check the error code returned, and if it's something other
 * than `V7_OK`, perform cleanup and return this code further.
enum v7_err v7_stringify_throwing(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t v, char *buf,
                                  size_t size, enum v7_stringify_mode mode,
                                  char **res);

 * A shortcut for `v7_stringify()` with `V7_STRINGIFY_JSON`
#define v7_to_json(a, b, c, d) v7_stringify(a, b, c, d, V7_STRINGIFY_JSON)

/* Returns true if given value evaluates to true, as in `if (v)` statement. */
int v7_is_truthy(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t v);

#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#line 1 "v7/src/exec_public.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved

 * === Execution of JavaScript code


/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/core_public.h" */

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

 * Execute JavaScript `js_code`. The result of evaluation is stored in
 * the `result` variable.
 * Return:
 *  - V7_OK on success. `result` contains the result of execution.
 *  - V7_SYNTAX_ERROR if `js_code` in not a valid code. `result` is undefined.
 *  - V7_EXEC_EXCEPTION if `js_code` threw an exception. `result` stores
 *    an exception object.
 *  - V7_AST_TOO_LARGE if `js_code` contains an AST segment longer than 16 bit.
 *    `result` is undefined. To avoid this error, build V7 with V7_LARGE_AST.
enum v7_err v7_exec(struct v7 *v7, const char *js_code, v7_val_t *result);

 * Options for `v7_exec_opt()`. To get default options, like `v7_exec()` uses,
 * just zero out this struct.
struct v7_exec_opts {
  /* Filename, used for stack traces only */
  const char *filename;

   * Object to be used as `this`. Note: when it is zeroed out, i.e. it's a
   * number `0`, the `undefined` value is assumed. It means that it's
   * impossible to actually use the number `0` as `this` object, but it makes
   * little sense anyway.
  v7_val_t this_obj;

  /* Whether the given `js_code` should be interpreted as JSON, not JS code */
  unsigned is_json : 1;

 * Customizable version of `v7_exec()`: allows to specify various options, see
 * `struct v7_exec_opts`.
enum v7_err v7_exec_opt(struct v7 *v7, const char *js_code,
                        const struct v7_exec_opts *opts, v7_val_t *res);

 * Same as `v7_exec()`, but loads source code from `path` file.
enum v7_err v7_exec_file(struct v7 *v7, const char *path, v7_val_t *result);

 * Parse `str` and store corresponding JavaScript object in `res` variable.
 * String `str` should be '\0'-terminated.
 * Return value and semantic is the same as for `v7_exec()`.
enum v7_err v7_parse_json(struct v7 *v7, const char *str, v7_val_t *res);

 * Same as `v7_parse_json()`, but loads JSON string from `path`.
enum v7_err v7_parse_json_file(struct v7 *v7, const char *path, v7_val_t *res);

#if !defined(V7_NO_COMPILER)

 * Compile JavaScript code `js_code` into the byte code and write generated
 * byte code into opened file stream `fp`. If `generate_binary_output` is 0,
 * then generated byte code is in human-readable text format. Otherwise, it is
 * in the binary format, suitable for execution by V7 instance.
 * NOTE: `fp` must be a valid, opened, writable file stream.
enum v7_err v7_compile(const char *js_code, int generate_binary_output,
                       int use_bcode, FILE *fp);

#endif /* V7_NO_COMPILER */

 * Call function `func` with arguments `args`, using `this_obj` as `this`.
 * `args` should be an array containing arguments or `undefined`.
 * `res` can be `NULL` if return value is not required.
enum v7_err v7_apply(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t func, v7_val_t this_obj,
                     v7_val_t args, v7_val_t *res);

#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* CS_V7_SRC_EXEC_PUBLIC_H_ */
#line 1 "v7/src/exceptions_public.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved

 * === Exceptions


/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/core_public.h" */

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

/* Throw an exception with an already existing value. */
enum v7_err v7_throw(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t v);

 * Throw an exception with given formatted message.
 * Pass "Error" as typ for a generic error.
enum v7_err v7_throwf(struct v7 *v7, const char *typ, const char *err_fmt, ...);

 * Rethrow the currently thrown object. In fact, it just returns
enum v7_err v7_rethrow(struct v7 *v7);

 * Returns the value that is being thrown at the moment, or `undefined` if
 * nothing is being thrown. If `is_thrown` is not `NULL`, it will be set
 * to either 0 or 1, depending on whether something is thrown at the moment.
v7_val_t v7_get_thrown_value(struct v7 *v7, unsigned char *is_thrown);

/* Clears currently thrown value, if any. */
void v7_clear_thrown_value(struct v7 *v7);

#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#line 1 "v7/src/gc_public.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved

 * === Garbage Collector

#ifndef CS_V7_SRC_GC_PUBLIC_H_
#define CS_V7_SRC_GC_PUBLIC_H_

/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/core_public.h" */

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#if V7_ENABLE__Memory__stats

/* Heap metric id, see `v7_heap_stat()` */
enum v7_heap_stat_what {

/* Returns a given heap statistics */
int v7_heap_stat(struct v7 *v7, enum v7_heap_stat_what what);

 * Perform garbage collection.
 * Pass true to full in order to reclaim unused heap back to the OS.
void v7_gc(struct v7 *v7, int full);

#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* CS_V7_SRC_GC_PUBLIC_H_ */
#line 1 "v7/src/util_public.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved

 * === Utility functions


/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/core_public.h" */

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

/* Output a string representation of the value to stdout.
 * V7_STRINGIFY_DEBUG mode is used. */
void v7_print(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t v);

/* Output a string representation of the value to stdout followed by a newline.
 * V7_STRINGIFY_DEBUG mode is used. */
void v7_println(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t v);

/* Output a string representation of the value to a file.
 * V7_STRINGIFY_DEBUG mode is used. */
void v7_fprint(FILE *f, struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t v);

/* Output a string representation of the value to a file followed by a newline.
 * V7_STRINGIFY_DEBUG mode is used. */
void v7_fprintln(FILE *f, struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t v);

/* Output stack trace recorded in the exception `e` to file `f` */
void v7_fprint_stack_trace(FILE *f, struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t e);

/* Output error object message and possibly stack trace to f */
void v7_print_error(FILE *f, struct v7 *v7, const char *ctx, v7_val_t e);

#if V7_ENABLE__Proxy

struct v7_property;

 * C callback, analogue of JS callback `getOwnPropertyDescriptor()`.
 * Callbacks of this type are used for C API only, see `m7_mk_proxy()`.
 * `name` is the name of the property, and the function should fill `attrs` and
 * `value` with the property data. Before this callback is called, `attrs` is
 * set to 0, and `value` is `V7_UNDEFINED`.
 * It should return non-zero if the property should be considered existing, or
 * zero otherwise.
 * You can inspect the property attributes with the `V7_PROP_ATTR_IS_*` macros.
typedef int(v7_get_own_prop_desc_cb_t)(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t target,
                                       v7_val_t name, v7_prop_attr_t *attrs,
                                       v7_val_t *value);

/* Handler for `v7_mk_proxy()`; each item is a cfunction */
typedef struct {
  v7_cfunction_t *get;
  v7_cfunction_t *set;
  v7_cfunction_t *own_keys;
  v7_get_own_prop_desc_cb_t *get_own_prop_desc;
} v7_proxy_hnd_t;

 * Create a Proxy object, see:
 * https://developer.mozilla.org/en/docs/Web/JavaScript/Reference/Global_Objects/Proxy
 * Only two traps are implemented so far: `get()` and `set()`. Note that
 * `Object.defineProperty()` bypasses the `set()` trap.
 * If `target` is not an object, the empty object will be used, so it's safe
 * to pass `V7_UNDEFINED` as `target`.
v7_val_t v7_mk_proxy(struct v7 *v7, v7_val_t target,
                     const v7_proxy_hnd_t *handler);

#endif /* V7_ENABLE__Proxy */

#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* CS_V7_SRC_UTIL_PUBLIC_H_ */
#line 1 "v7/src/main_public.h"
 * Copyright (c) 2014 Cesanta Software Limited
 * All rights reserved

 * === v7 main()


/* Amalgamated: #include "v7/src/core_public.h" */

#if defined(__cplusplus)
extern "C" {
#endif /* __cplusplus */

 * V7 executable main function.
 * There are various callbacks available:
 * `pre_freeze_init()` and `pre_init()` are optional intialization functions,
 * aimed to export any extra functionality into vanilla v7 engine. They are
 * called after v7 initialization, before executing given files or inline
 * expressions. `pre_freeze_init()` is called before "freezing" v7 state;
 * whereas `pre_init` called afterwards.
 * `post_init()`, if provided, is called after executing files and expressions,
 * before destroying v7 instance and exiting.
int v7_main(int argc, char *argv[], void (*pre_freeze_init)(struct v7 *),
            void (*pre_init)(struct v7 *), void (*post_init)(struct v7 *));

#if defined(__cplusplus)
#endif /* __cplusplus */

#endif /* CS_V7_SRC_MAIN_PUBLIC_H_ */