The eddystone config service allows you to configure the eddystone frame data over BLE for a set period of time and then starts an eddystone beacon. This example defaults to 30 seconds of config time.

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed nRF51822 X_NUCLEO_IDB0XA1

Fork of BLE_EddystoneBeaconConfigServiceRelease by Austin Blackstone

Auto generated API documentation and code listings for BLE_EddystoneBeaconConfigService


EddystoneService.cpp [code]
EddystoneService.h [code]
EddystoneTypes.h [code]
main.cpp [code]
TLMFrame.cpp [code]
TLMFrame.h [code]
UIDFrame.cpp [code]
UIDFrame.h [code]
URLFrame.cpp [code]
URLFrame.h [code]