NFC API for mbed using the MicroNFCBoard as a peripheral

Dependents:   MicroNFCBoardAPI_P2P_Client MicroNFCBoardAPI_Blink MicroNFCBoardAPI_Tag_Emulator MicroNFCBoardAPI_Tag_Reader ... more



File content as of revision 2:9b0733b8fa95:

MicroNFCBoard mbed API

Copyright (c) 2014-2015 AppNearMe Ltd

Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at

Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.

#include "transport.h"

//MSB first
#define WRITE_UINT32( addr, val ) do{ *(((uint8_t*)(addr)) + 0) = ((val) >> 24 ) & 0xFF; \
                                           *(((uint8_t*)(addr)) + 1) = ((val) >> 16 ) & 0xFF; \
                                           *(((uint8_t*)(addr)) + 2) = ((val) >> 8 ) & 0xFF; \
                                           *(((uint8_t*)(addr)) + 3) = ((val) >> 0 ) & 0xFF; } while(0)
#define WRITE_UINT16( addr, val ) do{ *(((uint8_t*)(addr)) + 0) = ((val) >> 8 ) & 0xFF; \
                                           *(((uint8_t*)(addr)) + 1) = ((val) >> 0 ) & 0xFF; } while(0)

//MSB first
#define READ_UINT32( addr, val ) do{ val = (*(uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)(addr)) + 0) << 24 ) \
                                              | (*(uint32_t*)(((uint8_t*)(addr)) + 1) << 16 ) \
                                              | (*(((uint8_t*)(addr)) + 2) << 8 ) \
                                              | (*(((uint8_t*)(addr)) + 3) << 0 ); } while(0)
#define READ_UINT16( addr, val ) do{ val = (*(((uint8_t*)(addr)) + 0) << 8 ) \
                                              | (*(((uint8_t*)(addr)) + 1) << 0 ); } while(0)

Transport::Transport(PinName mosi, PinName miso, PinName sck, PinName cs, PinName irq) : \
_cs(cs), _spi(mosi, miso, sck), _int(irq)

void Transport::init()
  _spi.format(8, 1);
  _cs = 1;

  for(int i = 0; i < 64; i++)
    _cs = 0;
    _cs = 1;

void Transport::reset()
  uint8_t out[] = {0};
  command(Transport::RESET, out, sizeof(out), NULL, 0);

bool Transport::statusChanged()
  return ( != 0);

uint32_t Transport::status()
  uint8_t in[4];
  command(Transport::GET_STATUS, NULL, 0, in, sizeof(in));

  uint32_t status;
  READ_UINT32(&in[0], status);
  return status;

void Transport::nfcPoll(bool readerWriter, bool emulator, bool p2p)
  uint8_t out[] = {(readerWriter?1:0) | (emulator?2:0) | (p2p?4:0)};
  command(Transport::NFC_POLL, out, sizeof(out), NULL, 0);

void Transport::nfcOperation(bool readOp, bool writeOp)
  uint8_t out[1];
    out[0] = 1;
  else if(writeOp)
    out[0] = 2;
    out[0] = 0;
  command(Transport::NFC_OPERATION, out, sizeof(out), NULL, 0);

void Transport::nfcGetInfoIsoA(uint8_t* atqa, uint8_t* sak, uint8_t* uid, size_t* pUidLength)
  uint8_t in[2 + 1 + 1 + 10];
  command(Transport::NFC_GET_INFO, NULL, 0, in, sizeof(in));
  memcpy(atqa, &in[0], 2);
  *sak = in[2];
  *pUidLength = in[3];
  memcpy(uid, &in[4], *pUidLength);

void Transport::nfcGetMessageInfo(size_t* pRecordCount)
  uint8_t in[2];
  command(Transport::NFC_GET_MESSAGE_INFO, NULL, 0, in, sizeof(in));
  READ_UINT16(&in[0], *pRecordCount);

void Transport::nfcSetMessageInfo(size_t recordCount)
  uint8_t out[2];
  WRITE_UINT16(&out[0], recordCount);
  command(Transport::NFC_SET_MESSAGE_INFO, out, sizeof(out), NULL, 0);

void Transport::nfcGetRecordInfo(size_t recordNumber, uint16_t* pType, uint16_t* info, size_t infoCount)
  uint8_t out[2];
  uint8_t in[2+2*infoCount];
  WRITE_UINT16(&out[0], recordNumber);
  command(Transport::NFC_GET_RECORD_INFO, out, sizeof(out), in, sizeof(in));
  READ_UINT16(&in[0], *pType);
  for(int i = 0; i < infoCount; i++)
    READ_UINT16(&in[2+2*i], info[i]);

void Transport::nfcSetRecordInfo(size_t recordNumber, uint16_t type, const uint16_t* info, size_t infoCount)
  uint8_t out[2+2+2*infoCount];
  WRITE_UINT16(&out[0], recordNumber);
  WRITE_UINT16(&out[2], type);
  for(int i = 0; i < infoCount; i++)
    WRITE_UINT16(&out[2+2+2*i], info[i]);
  command(Transport::NFC_SET_RECORD_INFO, out, sizeof(out), NULL, 0);

void Transport::nfcGetRecordData(size_t recordNumber, size_t item, size_t offset, uint8_t* data, size_t length)
  uint8_t out[7];
  WRITE_UINT16(&out[0], recordNumber);
  out[2] = item;
  WRITE_UINT16(&out[3], offset);
  WRITE_UINT16(&out[5], length);
  command(Transport::NFC_GET_RECORD_DATA, out, sizeof(out), data, length);

void Transport::nfcSetRecordData(size_t recordNumber, size_t item, size_t offset, const uint8_t* data, size_t length)
  uint8_t out[7+length];
  WRITE_UINT16(&out[0], recordNumber);
  out[2] = item;
  WRITE_UINT16(&out[3], offset);
  WRITE_UINT16(&out[5], length);
  memcpy(&out[7], data, length);
  command(Transport::NFC_SET_RECORD_DATA, out, sizeof(out), NULL, 0);

void Transport::nfcPrepareMessage(bool lock, bool generate)
  uint8_t out[1];
    out[0] = 1;
  else if(generate)
    out[0] = 2;
    out[0] = 0;
  command(Transport::NFC_PREPARE_MESSAGE, out, sizeof(out), NULL, 0);

void Transport::nfcDecodePrefix(uint8_t prefix, char* data, size_t* pDataLength)
  uint8_t out[] = { prefix };
  uint8_t in[2 + 36]; //max prefix length is 36
  command(Transport::NFC_DECODE_PREFIX, out, sizeof(out), in, sizeof(in));
  size_t length;
  READ_UINT16(&in[0], length);
  if(length < *pDataLength)
    *pDataLength = length;
  memcpy(data, &in[2], *pDataLength);

void Transport::nfcEncodePrefix(uint8_t* pPrefix, const char* data, size_t* pDataLength)
  uint8_t out[2 + *pDataLength];
  uint8_t in[3];
  WRITE_UINT16(&out[0], *pDataLength);
  memcpy(&out[2], data, *pDataLength);
  command(Transport::NFC_ENCODE_PREFIX, out, sizeof(out), in, sizeof(in));
  *pPrefix = in[0];
  READ_UINT16(&in[1], *pDataLength);

void Transport::leds(bool led1, bool led2)
  uint8_t out[] = {led1?1:0, led2?1:0};
  command(Transport::LEDS, out, sizeof(out), NULL, 0);

Transport::CommandError Transport::command(Transport::CommandCode command, uint8_t* outBuf, size_t outLength, uint8_t* inBuf, size_t inLength)
  _cs = 0;
  _spi.write((uint8_t)((outLength + 1) & 0xFF));
  _cs = 1;
  _cs = 0;
  _spi.write((uint8_t)(command & 0xFF));
  _cs = 1;
  for(int i = 0; i < outLength; i++)
    _cs = 0;
    _cs = 1;

  size_t length = 0;
  while(length == 0)
    _cs = 0;
    length = _spi.write(0);
    _cs = 1;

  _cs = 0;
  Transport::CommandCode retCmd = (Transport::CommandCode)_spi.write(0);
  _cs = 1;

  _cs = 0;
  Transport::CommandError ret = (Transport::CommandError)_spi.write(0);
  _cs = 1;

  for(int i = 0; i < length; i++)
    _cs = 0;
    if(i < inLength)
      inBuf[i] = _spi.write(0);
    _cs = 1;

  return ret;