7 years ago.

Who uses NRF24L01

Hi friends, I'm using this person's nRF24L01 driver https://github.com/hcemreyilmaz/STM32_HAL_nRF24L01P/tree/master/STM32F4xx_nRF24L01P_Driver but I have a while(nRF->Busy) problem because Busy alway 1 .I Suppose I use in while this function HAL_nRF24L01P_IRQ_Handler(nRF24L01P *nRF) because Busy is setting 0 in it. Maybe a person can look it who know. I have a more driver that I dont use https://github.com/petoknm/NRF24L01 but I'm see that same problem . Please save me

1 Answer

7 years ago.

Have you seen these examples ?



You note that Busy is always 1 so can you confirm your wiring ? Which mbed target board ?

Post your code and do use <<code>> your code <</code>> for best formatting.

İf my question is bad ,I m sorry but I couldnt understand ,Are these codes for what mikrocontroller,Arduino?

posted by Emrah Duatepe 02 May 2017


The above code examples are for any target board that supports MBED. MBED is a general purpose tool chain that will use the (free) cloud compiler to compile your code and then you can drag & drop the compiled bin file to test. Which board do you own ? Is it MBED enabled ? If not, you can consider to source the many options and many are $10 to $ 30 USD range (ie. STM32 series for example). So the above code will function with any board that supports mbed once you wire up the SPI port pins. Write back if you have other questions.

posted by Sanjiv Bhatia 02 May 2017