7 years, 3 months ago.

Thread::wait does not work on my own target

I am writing a target port for pixhawk stm32f427vit6 board and add it inside the mbed-os source. The main routine is as following


DigitalOut myled(LED1);
BufferedSerial pc(PA_0, PA_1);

int main() {

    while(1) {
        myled = !myled;
        pc.printf("Hello World - buf\r\n");

In debug mode, it can go to wait > wait_us > Thread::wait > svcDelay > scvHandler > svcUser > defaultHandler. Can anyone tell me where the problem is and how to fix it?? If you can, can you explain how the svcHandler involves into the delay routine of os???

i changed the configuration so that it uses the no-rtos wait method. It shows that the led toggled and serial terminal receives some bytes (not "hello\r\n"). However, the waiting time is around 8 second when it should be 1 second instead. Is it that I config the clock wrongly???

posted by Khiem Do 15 Jan 2017

Yes that is most likely the issue.

posted by Erik - 19 Jan 2017
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