7 years, 4 months ago.

Developing commercial software


Obviously, im new to mbed. Where is the catch to mbed? Am i allowed to use mbed to build applications for commercial products? Or is there some sort of licence necessary?

2 Answers

7 years, 4 months ago.

That is allowed, no catch there. As far as I am aware there is no catch. And that isn't really that strange: Mbed is a part of ARM. If you develop a commercial product with Mbed, you are going to sell stuff with ARM MCUs in there, so ARM is going to make money from it.

7 years, 4 months ago.

Also be aware that some user contributed libraries do not allow commercial usage. These libraries are not included with the main mbed source so you are ok if not using them. Each of the sources has a copyright and license rule typically at the top of the source. Be sure to read them before shipping final product.

Also at the right bottom of code published at the mbed site there is a logo if the owner set a checkbox that it is published under an open source license. I don't know what is leading officially, but personally I can't be bothered to copy paste copyright stuff in every file, so I just use that checkbox.

posted by Erik - 28 Dec 2016