7 years, 11 months ago.

BOM for this device?

Will it be possible to get Bill of Materials (BOM) for this device please?

Question relating to:

JKSoft Wallbot BLE is an mbed enabled robotics kit which has two wheels and magnets underneath of the boards. You can control this robot by iOS App.

1 Answer

7 years, 11 months ago.

I can't find a BOM, but the schematics are here: http://runele.jp/wallbot/wallbotble_sch.pdf, should be able to derive the materials from those.

Thanks Jon. I was in a impression that the hardware designs on mbed are open source and their complete design will be available to users if they requested. I thought having BOM list will make life easier to make this device on my own compare to derive the materials from schematics.

posted by Ram Koppu 21 May 2016