8 years, 4 months ago.

compile error

Hi, compiling this gives me:

MODSERIAL_NUCLEO_F401RE.cpp:5:17: error: 'struct serial_t' has no member named 'index'
 switch( _serial.index ) {


┗━ mbed-drivers 0.11.6
  ┣━ mbed-hal 1.2.0 yotta_modules/mbed-hal
  ┃ ┗━ mbed-hal-st 1.0.0 yotta_modules/mbed-hal-st
  ┃   ┗━ mbed-hal-st-stm32f4 1.1.1 yotta_modules/mbed-hal-st-stm32f4
  ┃     ┣━ uvisor-lib 1.0.11 yotta_modules/uvisor-lib
  ┃     ┣━ mbed-hal-st-stm32cubef4 1.0.2 yotta_modules/mbed-hal-st-stm32cubef4
  ┃     ┗━ mbed-hal-st-stm32f401re 0.1.1 yotta_modules/mbed-hal-st-stm32f401re

any hints would be appreciated :)

Thanks, Andreas

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1 Answer

8 years, 4 months ago.

Quick test shows that it compiles fine for me with the online compiler. Using most recent mbed and most recent MODSERIAL. That would be something you can check if thats also the case for you (if the mbed lib is a few revisions outdated it shouldn't be an issue, the MODSERIAL one is older than a few revisions).

Plan B is that you can check if your code does work in the online compiler.

Also just to be sure: You are compiling for the Nucleo F401?

serial_t is defined here: https://developer.mbed.org/users/mbed_official/code/mbed-src/file/a11c0372f0ba/targets/hal/TARGET_STM/TARGET_STM32F4XX/objects.h (as serial_s, but on the common mbed level it is called serial_t), and there you see index being part of the struct.

Accepted Answer

Thanks for the fast replay i guess i made a mistake when setting up my environment. I'm new to mbed and i'm using yotta on arm-gcc, for the f401re:

$ yotta target
st-nucleo-f401re-gcc 0.2.0
mbed-gcc 1.1.0

I also have a objects.h in my local env, but the serial_s looks different from the url that you sent?

$ find . -name "objects.h"

$ grep -A 8 serial_s ./yotta_modules/mbed-hal-st-stm32f4/mbed-hal-st-stm32f4/objects.h
struct serial_s {
    PinName pin_tx;
    PinName pin_rx;
    uint8_t module;
    uint32_t event;
    uint8_t char_match;

I'm going to test this again using the online compiler, and again using yotta, probably something messed up there...

Thanks, Andreas

posted by Andreas Schmidt 01 Jan 2016

Try it:

include the mbed library with this snippet

#include "MODSERIAL.h"

void MODSERIAL::setBase(void ) {
switch( _serial.serial.index ) {
        case 0: _base = USART1; _IRQ = USART1_IRQn; break;
        case 1: _base = USART2; _IRQ = USART2_IRQn; break;
        case 5: _base = USART6; _IRQ = USART6_IRQn;	break;
        default: _base = NULL;  _IRQ = (IRQn_Type)NULL;	break;

void MODSERIAL::initDevice(void) {};

bool MODSERIAL::txIsBusy( void ) 
    return ( (((USART_TypeDef*)_base)->SR & ( 1UL << 6 )) == 0 ) ? true : false; 


It works for me

posted by Oleg Mitin 19 Sep 2016