8 years, 5 months ago.



After hours of searching and trying I still don't know, how to work with the DMA of the STM32F446RE.

The DMA should read out data from an Array and then send it to PC over UART. Can someone please give me a small example code or tell me how I should start?

I hope that someone can help me.

Thanks breeaakdancc

You are going to need to write it yourself since the mbed lib does not support it. I once wrote something for it, but never published it since the STM32F4 DMA is not really something which filled me with happy thoughts. But what is the problem you run into?

posted by Erik - 08 Dec 2015

I'm new in Microcontroller programming and I found some code on other forums but it seems like they were for an other IDE. I just don't know where to start. Would it be possible to publish your code, so I can have a look on it and maybe then figure out where and how to start?

posted by Tolga Aras 08 Dec 2015
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