8 years, 9 months ago.

Ticker repeat

I'm currently building a device with a modem attached to a nRF51822 based dev platform (Seeed Arch BLE, because my nRF51 DK seems to be out of order), and I want that my nRF51 acts like a classic beacon, and, every 11 minutes, it wakes up sensors, get Values, and transmit it to my modem.

I already do the major part, with everything all right as, when I start the dev board, it gets sensors values, transmit it to the modem, acting like a BLE beacon all the time.

Now I try to implement the "11 minutes" constraint, and, I tried to do this with a periodic callback this way :

Part of my code

void sendCloudCallback (void) {

int main(void)
    led1 = 1;
    Ticker ticker;
    ticker.attach(sendCallback, 660);

//Some advertising and BLE init code
    while (true) {

I believe that this value is far too high for a ticker attached callback, but I have no idea how to do this another way, keeping a low power consumption between BLE events and sensors wake + modem transmission. I want that it indefinitely runs the periodic callback (every 11min), but, when I test, it runs a first time, then a second time (11min later), and then nothing. So my ticker delayed callback runs just at startup and after 1 delay, then, nothing.

2 Answers

8 years, 9 months ago.

ticker.attach( &sendCloudCallback, 660);

8 years, 9 months ago.

Make sure you have a recent version of the mbed lib (right click, update). Older versions have alot of ticker bugs.