8 years, 10 months ago.

Trying to compile LCD Menu on nucleo401RE

I am trying to compile lcd-menu (https://developer.mbed.org/users/pyeh9/notebook/lcd-menu/) to my nucleo 401RE by changing pins but I couldn't.

TextLCD lcd(PA_9, PB_6, PB_5, PB_4, PB_10, PA_8); // rs, e, d4-d7
RPG rpg(PA_0,PA_1,PA_4); 

When compiling the following error occurred. I don't know how to debug. Please help me. Thanks.

Error: "mbed::BusInOut::BusInOut(const mbed::BusInOut &)" (declared at <a href="#" onmousedown="mbed_doc_goto('/lcd_menuextras/mbed_bad568076d81/BusInOut.h', '111'); return false;">/extras/mbed_bad568076d81/BusInOut.h:111</a>) is inaccessible in "RPG/RPG.h", Line: 49, Col: 15

I also removed LED functions. My program is as follow: Thank you for your support.

#include "mbed.h"
#include "TextLCD.h"
#include "RPG.h"
#include "Selection.h"
#include "Menu.h"
#include "Navigator.h"
#include <vector>
#include <string>

//DigitalOut led1(LED1), led2(LED2), led3(LED3), led4(LED4);
TextLCD lcd(PA_9, PB_6, PB_5, PB_4, PB_10, PA_8); // rs, e, d4-d7
RPG rpg(PA_0,PA_1,PA_4); 

using namespace std;

// some functions to tie to selections
void toggleLED1() {  }
void toggleLED2() {  }
void toggleLED3() {  }
void toggleLED4() {  }
void resetLED()

int main() {
    // In using this library, the user declares "Menus", which are essentially arrays of "Selections".
    // Selections describe each individual selectable item. 
    // Selections can be tied to functions. Functions must output void and take in no arguments.
    // Selections can also have references to child menus.
    // It makes sense to declare a root menu first, but you don't have to. 
    // Menus should have an identifier (the argument in constructor). 
    Menu rootMenu("root"); 
    // Selections are added to menus through the Menu's "add" method.
    // If a function is to be executed when the RPG is depressed, make a REFERENCE to it. Otherwise null.
    // The second argument is its position - the will be deprecated soon.
    // The last is the text to display. *INCLUDE A SPACE IN THE BEGINNING, this is where the cursor goes. 
    // *This means the text is limited to 14 characters (not counting the space) with this display. 
    // **It is 14 not 15 for reasons pertaining to the implementation of the TextLCD library. 
    Menu ledMenu("LED menu"); 
    ledMenu.add(Selection(&toggleLED1, 0, NULL, " Toggle LED1")); // The function argument of selection can be added directly
    ledMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 1, NULL, " Toggle LED2"));        // It can also be set to NULL temporarily and changed later.
    ledMenu.selections[1].fun = &toggleLED2;                      // Useful for when functions are methods in other classes.
    ledMenu.add(Selection(&toggleLED3, 2, NULL, " Toggle LED3"));
    ledMenu.add(Selection(&toggleLED4, 3, NULL, " Toggle LED4"));
    ledMenu.add(Selection(&resetLED, 4, &rootMenu, " Go back"));  // always add a Selection at the end to point to the parent
    Menu aboutMenu("About Menu"); // about menu crediting us :)
    aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 0, NULL, " Authors:"));
    aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 1, NULL, " Ben Y & Tony T"));
    aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 2, NULL, " ECE4180"));
    aboutMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 3, &rootMenu, " Go back"));
    // Selections to the root menu should be added last
    rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 0, &ledMenu, " LED MENU"));
    rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 1, NULL, " Dummy menu 1"));  // a dummy menu, doesn't do anything
    rootMenu.add(Selection(NULL, 2, &aboutMenu, " About menu"));   
    // Here is the heart of the system: the navigator. 
    // The navigator takes in a reference to the root, an interface, and a reference to an lcd
    Navigator navigator(&rootMenu, rpg, &lcd);
        navigator.poll(); // In a loop, call navigator's poll method to determine if the user is interacting with the rpg. 

1 Answer

8 years, 10 months ago.

Make sure you right click on the mbed library and select 'update' before compiling. Also make sure that the first time you select 'compile all' rather than simply select compile. When you imported the lcd menu lib it was probably with an outdated mbed lib and precompiled for the lpc1768.

I updated the libraries, still I cannot compile. Thank you for your support.

posted by Sao Kham 26 Jul 2015