8 years, 9 months ago.

How to programm PIO0_30 and PIO0_31using MBED LPC11U24?

How to programm PIO0_30 and PIO0_31 (LQFP48 package has those pins) using MBED LPC11U24 (it can up to IO0_29). On my target board I use lpc11u14, 48 pin package. Thanks.

2 Answers

8 years, 9 months ago.

Hi Wim,

this works for me DigitalOut pin(P1_31); the definitions located in https://developer.mbed.org/users/screamer/code/mbed/file/667d61c9177b/PinNames.h

Thank you,

Hirosh Dabui

Accepted Answer
8 years, 9 months ago.

You can typically access any port pin by using PX_YY, for example P0_20. However, it does not look like the lpc11u24 nor lpc11u14 actually have PIO0_30 or PIO0_31 brought out on any package (including LQFP64). The highest available portpin on P0 is P0_23 and on P1 it is P1_29 and P1_31.