8 years, 11 months ago.

BlueNRG Nucleo Board Import to IAR

I am trying to build the BlueNRG heart rate monitor sample in IAR.

I went here:


and Imported the project using the Export to Desktop to the IAR.

When I open the IAR workspace and try to build I get a ton of these errors:

Error[Pe110]: expected either a definition or a tag name C:\MyDev\Neris\Nucleo_BLE_HeartRate\Nucleo_BLE_BlueNRG\hci\inc\hci_internal.h 33

I must be missing something basic. Please advise.

Question relating to:

1 Answer

8 years, 11 months ago.


the code in the example you pointed to uses compiler specific flags, which are not valid for IAR. Therefore those errors.

The team for those repositories did not enable issue tracker (yes should be enabled by default). The pull requests are open, you can fix those issues and send PR.

Can you tell me what the fix would be? I am new to mbed.

posted by Tony Pitman 22 May 2015

This is not related to mbed, but toolchain specific attributes. Look at attribute packed (the errors should point to those), google how it should be defined for IAR

posted by Martin Kojtal 22 May 2015