9 years, 9 months ago.

index.html in mbed

Hi all, I want to ask that is there any method to show the basic html page on mbed. I know it is possible as avnet wi-go offers a webpage which offers a basic web page to control leds and sensor values.

I need to implement similar kind of thing on k64z.

Thanks in advance,


thank you Erik !! I am waiting for your work !!

posted by zain aftab 02 Sep 2014

1 Answer

9 years, 9 months ago.

This one might be fairly easy to adapt to return a basic HTML page: http://mbed.org/users/hsgw/code/HTTPServer_echoback/

I am planning to make a lightweight lib which can serve a few pages and handle return arguments (so you can set for example color of RGB led via webpage), but that is going to take probably a week or so :)

Accepted Answer

I have used this code, and it is working fine. actually I want a basic html page as well. with some buttons and text boxes

posted by zain aftab 01 Sep 2014

Can u tell me how to implement them ??

posted by zain aftab 01 Sep 2014

You can look around the internet for some sample HTML code, but that won't help you that much currently: Yes it will give you an html page with some buttons, but I assume you also want to be able to read that back. And that needs to be handled on the mbed, and that requires significantly more code.

That library I will make will support this. I will send you a PM when I got something you can test (I will primarily test it on a CC3000, so someone testing it on ethernet can't hurt), but before that it doesn't really help you to have buttons which you cannot use.

posted by Erik - 01 Sep 2014

Btw I am going to have a look first at: http://mbed.org/users/WiredHome/code/SW_HTTPServer/, maybe that is also what I am looking for (roughly, it is more than I want, but if it works).

posted by Erik - 02 Sep 2014

Thank you erik I am waiting for your implementation !!

posted by zain aftab 02 Sep 2014