10 years, 6 months ago.

Firmware upload to custom board through JTAG

Could I ask how to upload mbed bin file to my custom board through JTAG? Do I need some software? Do I need to covert .bin to some other format? Is there any tutorial to do that?

3 Answers

10 years, 6 months ago.

I have just started this cookbook page ..


The interface is similar to the MBED's drag & drop, but this is NOT JTAG, but uses same pins, This is a CISMS interface .


10 years, 6 months ago.

Uploading or flashing a device through JTAG requires a programmer like the j-link made by Segger. You also need special software for these programmers. There are also alternative devices available. You could for example modify the programmer part of on lpcxpresso board or use the programmer on an lpc812 max board. Note that most of these devices actually use the SWD interface that may use the same connector as the original 20 pin JTAG.

10 years, 6 months ago.

LPC-link does not work with my board when I use code red. I do not know why. IAR I-jet is working. So I want to use I-jet to flash the mbed program to my customer board in some way... I exprot the code to IAR IDE. But it seems I can not compiler it in IAR. There are many errors.