10 years, 11 months ago.

Serial Woes/ Program Start Woes

Hello all,

I am using a DS18B20 sensor connected KL25Z board.

Using the library at http://mbed.org/users/feabhas/code/DS18B20/ I am able to boot the board and sense temperature with it, with the on board LED flashing red and blue - blue when the temperature is sampled.

Reflashing the board with my laser driver test code (a PID controller for the fan on a laser heatsink block, using the DS18B20 sensor to sense the temperature of the block, and a PWM out to set the lasers power) results in something like this popping up over the serial console, and no program execution is made:


Now, I did double check my serial speed settings, and confirmed them - 115200 in the code, 115200 in Coolterm, which works fine with the temperature only firmware.

I did, however, just after a flash, get intelligible output from the board, but the execution stopped at "Performing temperature conversion..." and nothing else happened. No LEDs, no serial output.

Please note, I am using the online compiler on a Macbook Air, so debug is not possible at this stage.

Many thanks in advance for your help!

1 Answer

10 years, 11 months ago.

Without code we cannot say what is going wrong. Do take into account PTA1 and PTA2 may not be used if you want to use a serial connection to your computer.

I have modified the DS18B20 .cpp and .h files. I can post the relevant modifications, along with my program code in main.cpp. Will this be ok? Its not a terribly huge program.

posted by Shane Morris 10 Jun 2013

Ask yourself if it is much work for others to try it out, if they have to do alot of cutting and pasting, it is easier to publish your program and post a link here, otherwise code is fine. (I have no KL25, so probably can't help much more).

posted by Erik - 10 Jun 2013