10 years, 11 months ago.

Win VISTA drivers issue

Hi, I don't succeed in seeing the ARM as "COM over USB": Windows Vista recognizes it as USB device, with no binding to COM ports. I tried to load other drivers, but I had no result. In this scenario, I can only have the ARM recognized by Labview as USB RAW device (after using NI driver wizard) , but this way I got a "VISA 0xBFFF003E: could not perform operation because of I/O error" (also in NI Measurement and Automation Explorer). Any suggestion? Thanks in advance!


P.S: the error is originated in the VISA write VI.

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2 Answers

10 years, 11 months ago.

Did you install the mbed serial driver as explained here: https://mbed.org/handbook/Windows-serial-configuration

This needs to be done for every mbed separately. Note there have been some issues reported with marginal quality USB cables. The mbed is recognised as USB thumb drive without installing any drivers, but serial com does need the special driver.

Accepted Answer

Thanks Wim. I've just installed the driver; later I'll try the entire stuff.

posted by Stefano Rossi 28 May 2013
10 years, 11 months ago.

P.S: the error is originated in the VISA write VI.