
proyecto araña sistemas embebidos
It's cool that LPC1114FN28 based on ARM Cortex M0 uses DIP package. We enjoy playing LPC1114 with a breadboard, wires, LEDs and etc. And programming LPC1114 is quite easy with … ARCH, LPC1114FN28
IR receiver and transceiver for TG-LPC11U35-501
Use your phone's IMU to control your car with intuitive hand gestures via bluetooth. Gesture Based Controller, IMU, Phone Controller, RC car, Robotics
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The keypad is a 12-input keypad and on this page it shows how it works, how it hooks up, a quick demo, a library, data sheet link, where to order, …
2020年7月5日に開催された「mbed祭り 2020@初夏のオンライン」のレポートです。 mbed_fest