USB & DMX 512

15 Apr 2011


I have a DMX to control some LED ( RGB ) . In MBED they have'nt librairy for DMX. So, I want make one ! But I have some problems. How communicate Byte in USB ?

I have try this : Tx = p9 & Rx = p10

DMX :: DMX(PinName Tx, PinName Rx) : _cmd(Tx,Rx){}

void DMX :: Init(){ _cmd.format(8, Serial::None, 2); for(int i = 0; i < 22 ; i++){ _cmd.printf("%x", 0); }


void DMX :: setInfos( int * infos){ for(int i = 0 ; i < 512 ; i++) _cmd.printf("%x",255);


But no effect when I launch it ..

Do you have idea ?

Sorry my english it's so bad :)

23 Aug 2011

have you a solution, now ?

The dmx is not simply sending bytes... you have also to manage stop/start conditions and don't forget the start code !

Je parle aussi français
