MBED Serial Rx IRQ

25 May 2016


I cant get serial rx irq to work.

Im using rtos and emwin on lpc4088 display board. Uart works other vice well, it receives data generates interrupt, but never enters the actual interrupt function that is created and then attached. LPCXpresso as compiler and no optimizations in use.

Im using rawserial.

RawSerial pp(USBTX, USBRX);

pp.baud(56000); pp.attach(&rxfunctio,RawSerial::RxIrq);

Interupt function is:

void rxfunctio (void){ int Temp_Char=0; Temp_Char = pp.getc();


Uart irq is generated, It goes in uart_irq funtion, irq_type is RxIrq. Then it goes to irq_handler funtion and then does nothing.

it seems that attach function is some how failed...

Any idea what is wrong????