Experimental BLE project showing how IO can be made with an App over BLE. Pointer to matching App will be added when ready, initially this works with: - Android App [nRF-Master Control Panel], supports Write,Read,Notify - Android Project [BluetoothLeGatt]

Dependencies:   BLE_API mbed nRF51822

This is an experimental project for BLE (Bluetooth LE == Bluetooth Low Energy == Bluetooth Smart).

  • It supports general IO over BLE with Read/Notify/Write support.
  • It is compatible with FOTA using Android App "nRF Master Control Panel" (20150126)
  • IO supported by:
    • Custom Android App is in the WIKI under: Android-App, developed from Android Sample "BluetoothLeGatt"
    • Android App: nRF-MCP (Master Control Panel)
    • iOS App LightBlue.
    • General HRM, HTM, Battery and similar apps should be able to access the matching services.
  • It includes combinations of code from other projects, alternative code included can be tried by moving comments (, //)
  • 20150126 bleIO r25: It compiles for both "Nordic nRF51822" and "Nordic nRF51822 FOTA" platforms
  • 20150126 The matching bleIO App (in wiki) doesn't support FOTA yet, use Android App "nRF Master Control Panel"

Feedback and ideas greatly appreciated!!!

Revisions of main.cpp

Revision Date Message Actions
25:1c6c2895f729 2015-01-26 Updates ShowIO, ShowADC File  Diff  Annotate
23:78aad4e53ae2 2015-01-26 Works with _bleIO_v06a.zip File  Diff  Annotate
22:533275e76f55 2015-01-11 Need to add: setReadAuthorizationCallback() File  Diff  Annotate
21:f92bb1c80538 2014-12-29 Fix: vShowIO(w8 for spare 16bit from Central) File  Diff  Annotate
20:fb286f736dc4 2014-12-29 Update: r4 updated on any port read so ready for ble read request, File  Diff  Annotate
19:ebe7b59d9c76 2014-12-28 Add comments about buggy on Notify&Read needing queue. File  Diff  Annotate
18:c676e79d5d3e 2014-12-28 Debugging Notify File  Diff  Annotate
17:93538044f003 2014-12-27 bleIO Notify Enable, Disable, and actual NotifyMsg are working with nRF-MCP File  Diff  Annotate
16:3e83f2babdfb 2014-12-27 Debugging Android Notify File  Diff  Annotate
15:b2c8bdef2d20 2014-12-24 Add: onUpdateDisable(), onConfirmRx() File  Diff  Annotate
14:b968df367145 2014-12-22 Add Compiler Predefines File  Diff  Annotate
13:1c67c03bbf53 2014-12-21 Corrected Advertised Device Name (was too long for use with UUID128) File  Diff  Annotate
12:8bac5f5d3a3e 2014-12-21 BLE: Buttons cause Notify, Writes set LED PWM = OK File  Diff  Annotate
11:7d02fe5ebea5 2014-12-21 Properly reversed order of bytes in Advertised UUID128 File  Diff  Annotate
10:ee3a359f7d3f 2014-12-19 Cleanup, Characteristic Updates to Host Enabled File  Diff  Annotate
9:2d11beda333f 2014-12-18 RxTx with Android Example App BlueToothLeGatt working at minimum level File  Diff  Annotate
8:f187ba55aed2 2014-12-16 Changed Services to Handles, Updated Debug, OK. File  Diff  Annotate
7:1097d012b01a 2014-12-14 Add UUID16=0x1803 LinkLoss File  Diff  Annotate
6:5b6fb35b4450 2014-12-14 UUID128 experiments. Careful Advertising not too long, limit 31bytes (too long flagged by LocalName being blank) File  Diff  Annotate
5:d36bbb315e31 2014-12-14 Added OnLinkLoss. Works in mbed, Need an App with Notify support to see how that works File  Diff  Annotate
4:976394791d7a 2014-12-14 Updated comments File  Diff  Annotate
3:a98203f84063 2014-12-13 HRM HTM Batt Services File  Diff  Annotate
2:c77c2b06d604 2014-12-13 +UUID Tables from strings File  Diff  Annotate
1:4a25d917fb6a 2014-12-11 Updated Libs: nRF51822, BLE_API, mbed File  Diff  Annotate
0:0217a862b047 2014-12-10 Initial, Imported from PR's bleHRMv02 File  Diff  Annotate