
Dependents of mbed-rtos

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

ARM TechCon Hands on Lab 11/1 web socket LCD text message display app. modem;LCD, sockets;Sprint, TechCon;web
We are going to win! wohoo Eurobot, ICRS
Eurobot 2013 IR testbench
A lampost demo program - it takes in SMS commands to control a light using the shiftbrite LED. dongle, IOT, M2M, Shiftbrite, SMS, Vodafone
Example which shows HTTP client use with the USB modem.
LED light control using webifyed ECHONET Light protocol
Skelton of EMG input method program using timer interrupt and thread.
Upload to cosm (pachube) from mbed. (No LCD) cosm, Pachube
DC motor control program using TA7291P type driver and rotary encoder with A, B phase.
A remote sensor to measure the height of a river and send the data using UDP over 3G. IOT, RangeFinder, Vodafone
Serial Interrupt Library with mbed RTOS for multi-threading rtos, Serial
EthernetInterface Libraryを使ったSimpleな SMTP Clientプログラムを作成してみました。 I made the SMTP Client program that was Simple using EthernetInterface Library. email, SMTP
yet another 18B20 Temperature sensor. variable number of sensors working in parasite mode, serial 16x2 display with diagnostic output and post to a rest web service
cmsis rtos demo: mutex cmsis, mutex, rtos
simple program for rtos thread test.
Fork using ethernetinterface
copy of TCPEchoServer, with changes for a make-shift garage door opener
Generation 2 of the Harp project HAB
Generation 3 of the Harp project GPS, HAB
Simple NFC test projekt
BaseUsbHost example program C270, msc, USB, UVC
BaseJpegDeocde exampe program JPEG, UVC
convert JPEG stream data to bitmap, BaseJpegDecode example program BMP, JPEG
examples for SimpleSocket/EthernetInterface socket, TCP, UDP
Modifed version from Samuel Mokrani Changed URL to push data to sensor page Added visualisation page URL as a comment application, Board, ethernet, WebSocket
Upload to cosm (pachube) from mbed. cosm
This builds on TCPSocket_HelloWorld and others to read an in-coming buffer and then build and send a buffer. Very much work in progress ethernet, TCP
NUMBA 1 Robotics Project group
a simple code with a not-so-simple mbed freeze freeze, memory, MPU6050
this is the final version of Space Invaders