
Dependents of mbed-rtos

A dependent is a program or library which makes use of this library.

ECE 4180 Final Project MP3 player code
Demo program for a serial controlled cartesian robot with pushbutton and uLCD interfaces.
Instrumentation Monitoring and Control Winter Lab 1 T00221592
RTOS example - blinking two LEDs on a NUCLEO-F446RE board
RTOS example - multiplex display on a 4-digit 7-segment LED tube driven by two 74HC595 shift registers. Hardware: NUCLEO_F446RE board with Arduino Multifunction Shield. The ShiftOut Library by Ollie Milton … 7-segment, F!!/RE, multiplex, rtos, ShiftOUT, stm32
RTOS example - inter-task communication by using a message queue. One task provides numbers and sends them to a second task which displays them on a 4-digit 7-segment LED tube … 7-segment, 74HC595, display, F446RE, message, Queue, rtos, ShiftOUT, stm32
RTOS example - using stdio_mutex controlling the access to printf(). Note that this is necessary only for Cortex-M0 MCU-s mutex, printf, rtos, stm32
RTOS example - solving the Dining Philosophers problem by using mutexes F446RE, mutex, philosophers, rtos, stm32
Toto je má konečná verze maturitního projektu
Modified version oft the Dining Philosopher Problem - here any chopstick can be used, so the five chopstick are represented báy a counting semaphore initialized with a value of 5.
In this example semaphores are used to ensure the running order of the program threads. Analogous to the relay race.
In this example the first thread (the main () function) sends signals to the second thread at regular intervals. The second thread waits until an event signal does not arrive. … F446RE, Nucleo, rtos, signal, stm32
Synchronize two tasks by the help of an event signal. Thread1 (the main() thread) changes the state of LED1 when an event flag arrives. Thread2 sends event flags at reguar …
Simple example to use a Mail object in order to send complex messages from thread1 to thread2. Thread1 generates transition between random RGB colors and sends messages to Thread2. Thread2 … F446RE, led, mail, message, Nucleo, rgb, rtos, stm32
Soving knapsack problem
Versione migliorata dell'esempio 9.8, due funzioni vengono create e stampano su stdout mbed-rtos, multithread
RTOS timer example - This program was borrowed from the book 'ARM-Based microcontroller projects using MBED' written by Dogan Ibrahim, Newsnes (an imprint of Elsevier) 2019. ISBN: 978-0-08-102969-5. ARM, mbed, rtos, stm32, timer
Using multiple RTOS Timers for blinking LED with different periods. ARM, F446RE, mbed, rtos, stm32, timer
Using ADC interrupts in RTOS environment. This program also demonstrates the usage of RTOS API function calls from interrupt. ADC, ARM, F446RE, interrupt, mbed, Queue, rtos, stm32
Kill the bit game for Real Time Assignment
DISCO-F303VC Example
Test Program
Tetris Base Game
Final Project for ECE-4180 Fall 2022. Interface with ENS160 AQI sensor and display the readings on uLCD. ENS160, uLCD
Sound update